<--- you're not from New York City, you're from Rotherham ...

<--- runs in, waves, and proceeds to run out
<--- has had one he!! of a day
<--- realized that she forgot to pay her property taxes which were due yesterday :eek: ;( :eek: ;( :eek: ;( :eek: ;( :eek: ;(
<--- hopes y'all will visit her in debtors prison
<--- paid taxes online with a credit card and hopes they won't come back and tack on a late fee, especially since they usually keep her checks for WEEKS before depositing them
<--- had hot men working in her yard today:p
<--- 's yard looks real purty now
<--- 's elbow is feeling MUCH better today but it hurts like the dickens when she flexes or extends her hand
<--- actually thinks it's not her elbow that's injured, but the soft tissues in her forearm
<--- just realized she has been utterly self absorbed and apologizes for it
<--- thinks Carola's puppy is so precious, almost makes me want another dog...ALMOST;)
<--- is glad things are smoothed over between Lorie and Lisa, both women whom I like and admire
<--- tells Kel to demand an explanation!
<--- hopes Shelley is feeling better
<--- is sorry, but she can't remember anything else ^^^ there
<--- is having dinner with damily who are visiting from Pittsburgh
<--- needs to shower and get ready for damily fun...oh joy
RE: <--- you're not from New York City, you're from Rot...

<--tells Shelley, "I KNOW!!! I am forever looking at his cute feet!"
<--also tells Shells that when he gets a bath, his legs look like little sticks and his head is tiny. Will have to take a pic of that!
RE: <--- you're not from New York City, you're from Rot...

<--- admits that the pictures of Linus put a big, goofy smile on <---'s face
<--- thinks he has a very expressive face & mouth but likes his little feet too
<--- thanks Teri for the kind words of support
<--- agrees that it's probably political because the company is growing exponentially
<--- also agrees that it's best to wait but it's also probably important to have some form of confrontation
<--- is usually quite meek & laid-back (maybe too much?)
<--- hopes Michele's property tax payment goes through smoothly
<--- also hopes her elbow keeps improving & is soon all better
<--- wonders is Shelley is finished fluffing Johnny Depp?
<--thinks fluffing johnny depp wouldn't be such a bad job
<--is sorry kel is having such a rough time at work and agrees with other OAL's about approaching boss when calm
<--is just loving all the puppy pictures!!!!
<--had a major fantastico lunch at the botanical garden
<--may not eat again today as <--is super stuffed
<--waits to hear how shelley made out with jd in the hh
<--- has eyes on stalks at the thought of shelley fluffing jd!!!:p
<--- will go and do some online grocery shopping to calm down
<--- is glad cody had a nice lunch
<--- oh and also is feeling unbunged!
<--- comes in way too late for many personals!!
<--- is glad apologies were sent
<--- really has to go...DS has soccor game
<--- hopes to stop back in, but <--- thinks most of you will be fast asleep
<--- will chat later

<--tells Kel they anticipated you to be meek and laid back
<--says your darn straight this would not have happened if you had a you no what between your legs!!
<--hates to see good women dumped on cause they are women x(
<--loves the pics of Linus
<--could just hug and squeeze him
<--doesn't remember much else from above
<--hope all had a good day!!



<--is very indignant on Kel's behalf! :eek:
<--is, frankly, appalled at how Kel is being treated
<--offers to deal with the folks at Kel's office }( }(
<--is really glad teri gets it about underwires!
<--could not live without underwires, period
<--is impressed with those of you who did personals today
<--only has time to be here while eating a tuna wrap
<--can hardly believe how good the tuna wrap is with lettuce, tomatoes, corn, olives, carrots, sprouts and all manner of yummy stuff :9
<--will be voting for Linus in the primaries
<--thinks that doggie can solve all the world's problems
<--hopes Linus is a democrat :+

ETA:<--meant to thank teri for the fabo compliment! :7
<--assures Nancy that Linus is most definitely a Democrat
<--says he is pro gay rights, pro animal rights, pro people rights
<--thinks Linus really could solve the world's problems
<--says he solves the kids' problems at the school he works at
<--thinks Linus is truly very, very special
<--tells Lorie <-- knew that ;)
<--will definitely be voting for His Highness Linus
<--tells you all that <--'s DIL is in a story on MSNBC today for her work with Alzheimer's patients
<--says DT is very proud and has been sending the link to everyone he knows :D
<--is actually sitting here eating a half gallon of "Edy's Slow-Churned Soulful Sundae Cone American Idol Ice Cream"
<--kids you not
<--says DT is cherishing the moment :p

ETA:<--took the interactive Alzheimer's quiz (designed by DIL) on MSNBC and passed :p :+
<--says WHEW!!

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