You're all my inspiration!!!


Active Member
I never have much time to spend on this message forum because I'm only on at work ( my 9 month old keeps me busy at home until I'm ready to drop)but I try to check it through out the the day and I just have to say that reading everybodys posts keep me inspired to go home and workout!!! You guys are do disiplined!!

I see that a lot of you get up in the morning to workout. I think that's GREAT. I used to get up to workout but then I stopped and it's hard to get into that routine but I'm going to do it!! And I'm going to keep reading your posts to help push me.

I just want to say thank you to everyone for your inspiration and motivation.

Now if I could just pass the pencil testx(

Hi Treelyn,

Nice post :) . We have to find our motivation where we can get it. This is a good place to get inspired & fired up to workout. I give credit to everyone for their hard work. Especially those with full time jobs and families. With all there is to do in life, making health and fitness the priority it should be is GREAT (I agree). Take your workouts a day at a time & before you know it you will establish a routine.

Have fun,
Hi Treelyn,

You're our inspiration too, because we all inspire each other...not only with what we do, but with what we sincerely WANT to do. You'll find your way, then you won't be able to live without it! LOL

Working & raising a baby makes for a very busy life...I'm impressed you have enough energy left over to make a workout plan!

With that kind of determination, you'll do great!
Good luck, & keep us posted,
I'd like to second Treelyn's post. I've been lurking for a few weeks and finally registered. This has to be the best forum I've ever seen. I discovered Cathe DVDs about a month ago. I get up at 5 am to work out -I have a 2 and 4 year old and work full time. It was very difficult to be motivated enough to get out of bed to get on the treadmill or just do free weights. Now that I have Cathe, I have no problem at all.

My husband is ready to kill me for the obscene amount I've spent on DVDs in the last month.

Thanks to everyone--sometimes your posts make me feel like I'm in a room full of old girlfriends!
Welcome Treelyn and Foodie Sue:)! I think you are both incredibly inspiring....working and raising a family is a lot of hard work and the fact that you are dedicated to trying to get your workouts in as well is a lot to be proud of! You both should really pat yourselves on the back because not only are you doing something good for yourselves, you are also setting an excellent example of living healthy for your children and that is ALWAYS a good thing:7 :7 !! Looking forward to getting to know you!!
if i didn't get up early.. i would have probably given up exercising a long time ago.. i just don't feel like it in the evening after working all day (even though i don't have a demanding job.. i sit at a desk all day)

i started out small.. 10-15 minutes.. than slowly got up earlier and did longer workouts! now it's habit! i get up EVERY workday morning and workout! (with one exception when i had a sore back and felt guilty all day long!)

i even get up early on weekends to either workout out or cycle (depending on the weather!)

it's become a habit and a habit i love!
Hi Treelyn! This is a great place isn't it? The forum keeps me inspired too and all I have to do is look at the pictures or hear about someones new routine they tried and I get inspired! We're all in this together! :) :)

Welcome to both of you! Glad to have you join us. You are right, this is the geatest place and it is the most motivating place around. Treelyn, I did the pencil test some time ago and was laughing so hard at myself when it kept falling to the floor. Now, if I could just get my thighs and stomach to pass the test, I'll be set! :7 Again, WELCOME!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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