Your reactions when people say...


... the most idiotic things. Have you mellowed with age... or have you become less tolerant?? I think as I've gotten older, I have less tolerance for ridiculous statements that come out of people's mouths. I remember a few years ago, my visiting MIL refused to sleep in the same room as our dog (pull out couch in family room) because she "didn't think it would be healthy to breath the same air as the dog." At the time, I didn't say anything, just kinda looked at her with a quizzical expression on my face. Today, though, I think I'd be more apt to tell her how ridiculous a statement that was. I guess I must be aging more like cheese (getting sharper) than a fine wine.
Oh goodness. I'm certainly not getting more tolerant. I think I must be cheese too!

As for your MIL not wanting to breathe the same air as the dog, that one might have left me momentarily speechless:p
I am less patient too but I think I have always been that way. I think I might roll my eyes behind MIL's back but I still don't think I would've said anything. Not worth a family feud IMHO. Of course you do not KNOW my MIL. LOL
I for one have mellowed. I roll with the punches now, in my younger days, things would be traumatic. Certain things in life are just not worth getting worked up about.

So now you less tolerant folks can flame me.}(
Hmmmmm, good question. I don't believe I am any more or less tolerant of idiotic statements. I never exactly felt "tolerant" of it. I can say that as I get older, I am more comfortable speaking up and opposing those idiotic statements. For example, mother-in-law says "I think you should put some medicine on his (my DS) gums. They are sore." I say, "and what do you base this on? He's comfortable and not complaining. I am not in the habit of medicating my son for no reason." That's just one of many examples. I used to just grin and nod. Now, I speak my mind.
Well, I think I'm less tolerant and yet more cognizant about avoiding hurting people's feelings unnecessarily. I think this makes me a compassionate crank, yes? :7

I'm more likely to pick my battles. I would let the share-air-with-dog comment pass, coming from my MIL. However, were she to give unsolicited advice regarding my children, I would thank her and go about my business. If she were to persist, I would again thank her for her interest and concern and tell her that I raise my children according to the best information I have, just as she raised hers.

I certainly notice idiotic statements. Life is too short, however, to call people to account for everything that comes out of their mouth. I would hope people would grant me the same courtesy -- I'm sure that I have popped out with statements that weren't well thought out ahead of time!

A smile and a thank you are, I have found, effective tools to keep my life pleasant. Up to a point, and then watch out! This diva will put them in their place.
I'm not saying I always call people on what I perceive to be stupid comments...but I will mock them behind their backs. Childish? Yes. Petty? Yes. But, mocking is a hobby that I enjoy, and, when done the right way, no one gets hurt.
I am finding that the older I become and the more life experience I have, the more apt I am to have a voice. I try to voice my opinions with kindness and find that I feel much better than keeping them inside. I guess I'm big on accountability. It's been an adjustment for some, but hey, it works for me.

I have been like that since I was a teenager. I have no tolerance for stupidity. It doesn't have anything to do with age. However, as I'm approaching 30 I'm beginning to give up on stupid people. I just let them be.
I second the compassionate crank comment. I am more apt to open my mouth, but experience has taught me to think twice before I do ;).
I am also a compassionate crank. (Thank you for that label, Marie. I like it.);-)


Never argue with stupid people. They will bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.

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