Your first Cathe?

Renee McFar

What was your very first Cathe workout? What did you think of it?

My very first was Maximum Intensity Cardio in 1999. I bought it from Collage.Before then my cardio work had been limited to Crunch videos, Kathy Smith,Karen Voight and a little Christi.

MIC scared the poop out of me. I stayed away from Cathe for 5 years after that. Then one day I was lurking and ordered Step,Jump and Pump on vhs. I have been a goner ever since....spend...spend...spend!

How about the rest of you?

If this topic has "been through" before, please forgive me and humor me by answering anyway...:D
My first was Basic Step/Body Fusion, ordered in January of 2005. I recommend this highly to first time Cathe step users. I enjoyed it very much. Since then, I've ordered many more of her DVD's and find the step fairly easy to learn. Think it's helping me to be a better listener too.

Power Max. I thought the choreography was a bit tricky but loads of fun. Got it down pat by the third try.

It made me very interested in Cathe's strength workouts, so I got PS. Immediately, I made it my goal to match her weights. I did it in 8 months. After that I just kept progressing.

And yeah, I've also been goner ever since. I'm actually already trying to find a way to finance Cathe's next series, whatever it will be...:)

Step Works in 1998 or 1999 from Collage along with two other workouts. Can't even remember the names of the other two but loved Cathe. Went on to buy Imax 1 and Body Max and then .......

Mine was Power Max, too. I bought the Cardio Hits DVD shortly after is came out, next thing you know, I was hooked. It took me months before I could do the whole thing without skipping either Combo 2 or 3! I still love that one! :) Now I have all of the DVDs except The Classics.
PowerMax from the Collage catalog back in 97 or so. I learned it and then bought MIC and MIS, loved them. Went to the website and pretty much just preordered everything since then. Except HSTA. It took me about 6 months to ditch all my FIRMS and do all Cathe with a bit of running, swimming and spinning mixed in.
My first was "Mega Step Blast"....probably from Collage, not sure of the time somewhere in the early to mid 90's. I liked Cathe right off the bat...:)...Carole
Power max, I bought it way, way back, in 1992 or 1993 I believe. LOved it then, found it real tough, and I love it now as one of my fave cathe cardios. It is her best plyometric step workout sine the music fits the moves perfectly.

My second Cathe purchase was Imax, which I just did this week for the first time in 2 years, just to see if I still could, and yup, I can! Proof that you don't have to be doing interval workouts all the time to be able to do interval workouts.......

IM#2....loved it from the beginning and it is still my favorite workout - although IM#3 is quickly becoming a favorite too!

I was on a previous fitness board and everyone kept raving about Cathe, so I plunged right in. My first purchase was the VHS versions of IM, IM#2, MIC, MIS and BodyMax. I have never looked back...

Interval Max The Original. Got it back in the fall of 2000 from Collage Video, did it twice a week until I mastered it and could extend the intervals, then moved on to MIC, Circuit Max and Cardio Kicks, MIS and Pure Strength (stole her best moves and gave these vids away), then onto CTX and Ab Hits, and from then on bought her entire series on the first day of presale.

Still hold every Cathe cardio workout to the I-Max standard. And all circuit workouts to Circuit Max standard, and all hi/lo workouts to MIC standard. Still crazy about 'em after all these years.

Clare, thanks for the encouraging words about I-Max. I've not Imaxed }( in almost 3 weeks, and I have to give my foot another week of pain-freeness before I do it again. Comforting to know that you could do it after a 2 year hiatus!

I also got mic from collage-than mis-bodymax-ctx,s&h,ps series,powerhour-imax (took advange of the vhs bundling from snm)-circuitmax/cardio kicks -intensity's -body blast-high step advanced-hardcore(when they came out)it was all a big blur}( buying one workout after another.
My first was the Pure Strength Legs and Abs. Some lady sent me the Pure Strength series (for free) and I tried it once or twice, thought I was dying and left it on my shelf for a couple years. Now I'm getting back to them. I LOVE CATHE!

Power Max, when it first came out. I was very skeptical because I had been doing aerobics/step at a very cutting-edge club in San Francisco for years. The members of our club, including myself, were "Step Snobs" and not easily impressed. Power Max was amazing. Cathe is a gifted instructor.
MIS about four years ago from the Ya Ya Swap. After years of doing the Firm I thought, "now this is what an exercise video should be!" I've preordered everything ever since and got a bundle of the ones I was missing for my birthday last year.
Body Max back in 1999 or so. Then nothing for a while, then Step Blast and KPC and now suddenly a frenzy of Imax 3, Kick Max, Low Max, Core Max and Muscle Max. Next series, I'm pre-ordering for sure.
last summer i started taking off 35# i had been carrying around for several years. in the process i discovered FIT TV and Cathe. i loved the way she looked and LOVED the intensity of her workouts. i taped STEP BLAST and IMAX2 along with a couple of weightlifting shows. i just ordered IMAX3 last night, can't wait. these are the kind of workouts i have always been looking for.:7

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