<---you said it's WHAT time?

<---says "howdy" to all the biatches in CatheLand
<---hopes Kali enjoys her snow day tomorrow w/her boys
<---is catching up on all of todays threads
<---can't seem to get warm
<---knows that will change when <---climbs into bed and the night sweats begin!
<---hopes everyone had a good day
<---thinks we are in for a VERY long winter
<---needs a cup of coffee

<---hopes Tammy, Pinky and anyone else wanting coffee have gotten thier mugs out and are happily sipping away!:)
<---doesn't know what to do with <---self.
<---'s DS is sleeping, DH is not home, dinner is eaten, clothes are in the wash, dishes are done....Heck, <--- guesses <----will just HAVE to goof off then!}(
<---says good evening all
<---had a 2 hour nap w/ Boybs and feels MUCH better
<---is drinking coffee w/ Wendy right now ;)
<---thinks everyone is so darn shocked at us. ahem.
<---thinking good thoughts of DH downtown taking first law midterm
<---staying warm and cozy in Homer slippers & Gap flannel PJs
<---is contemplating what to have for din din
<---power lunges out of thread for now

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

<---is just skating around bored too
<---drinking coffee as usual
<---decided on just salad for dinner
<---tosses Tammy an electric fleece throw blanket from BB&B
hopes it warms her up
<---has no idea why a WONDER bra is called WONDER ful; thinks it's far from Wonderful when one has to resort to wearing one
<---is looking forward to ME tomorrow
<---also thinks it's gonna be a LOONNGG winter and a LONG 2 days off
<---is going to see King Kong tomorrow night with SO
<---asks Wendy if she wants to play a game of Rock Paper Scissors w/<---
<---wonders if anyone will think <---is looking forward to <---tomorrow
<---really needs something to do quick

http://www.3fatchicks.com/weight-tracker/img/bar-retro/cartoonblob01/lb/175/130/143/.png[/img] [/url]

<----thanks Kali for the warm blanket
<----joins Wendy, Kali and Debbie w/a nice, hot cup of coffee
<----may just raid the biscotti}(
<----tells Kali <--- loves ME

<---tells Kali rock paper scissors it is!:p
<---is quite sleepy and has no idea what <---is still doing up!
<---will go check on DS and do body-plant in bed.:+
<---will talk to all you lovely ladies bright and early in the morning!
<---waves nighty nights to y'all!:)

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