You know you've worked out with Cathe when...

Your brother sees you exercising and says, "wait, your workout video has you doing clean & presses?...I used to do that in football...what's this ladies name again?" (I groan: "...cathe...") day, he's lifting in the basement with the weights and asking me if I want to go for a run with him this week. Guess he's afraid I'm gonna get stronger than him, hahaha, I love that Cathe just motivated a college guy to workout more :) Great thread
...when you catch your 4 year old son saying, "mambo, cha-cha, pivot, cha-cha, repeater". When asked if he knows what all that means, he says, "I don't know, but Cathe says it."

....AND...when you're drenched in sweat.

When you travel to meet 110 strangers and come back having made life long friends...

also when your arms are so weak your SO has to feed you because you can't lift the freaking fork.
Oh, MAN!!!!

SOOOOO many good ones! You guys are great!! Here's a few more I just thought of...

...when walking from the bed to the bathroom in the morning reminds you that you may have done a few too many standing deadlifts the day before...(ouch!)

...when you actually listen to the voice on the TV say, "you're going to make it..." and you believe it! (She's the best motivator on the planet as far as I'm concerned!)

...when you know the difference between 'good pain' and 'bad pain' and find yourself craving the former!

...when you get that chilly "rush" in the middle of your workout and you feel you could go on forever...

I just ran into one this morning...

You know you've worked out to Cathe when after a killer work out you have walked and fed the dogs and did other assorted household chores, even took a nice hot shower and you are STILL sweating!!!

Wow! What a workout this morning!!!
I'm with you!! LOL I've got to get a new stability ball and I can't find the right color to go with my living room!
- When you need a new DVD rack just for your Cathe DVDs.

- When your dog wants to be petted and you end up lifting him like
you are doing vertical bar rows:
(He didn't like it. :p)

- When you have pictures of Cathe and the crew on your computer's desktop doing the workout you plan to do next!

edited to add: Bootcamp tomorrow!!!!!


"The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more."

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