You CardioCoach pushers got me too!!!!

Glad you are enjoying the CC workouts. They are a great way to push yourself on boring cardio machines, which I used to aviod like the plague. I am really thankful for these workouts because they are intense, low impact (I do them on elliptical or bike) workouts.

Well after a week of thinking about what time I can goto the gym everyday and looking forward to a CC workout - I ordered the rest of them. Today I got #5 and both #6's with Shawn and Candace. I am SO in love with these workouts.

I have an elliptical at home - but I am really enjoying doing these workouts on the bike at the gym. Such a sweatfest and feels so good when you are done.

I have a cold and sore throat today - but going to try to make it through at least a 40min CC.

Thanks again!!!
So what did you say when he answered the phone,
>"uhhhh....durrrrr...Hi Sean...*giggle*"
>That's what I'd say.

Donna: you crack me up with that one, that's exactly what happened, I just wasn't expecting him to answer

I need your help. I’m going to order but don’t know which ones to get. I have heard #2 revised is goodie.

I have been running for years, so I’m not a beginner. Any suggestions?

Teddygirl -

I am still new to CC - but from my week of CC :) - I would say the Press Play is really great for an hour long workout. I just got back from doing #2 which is 40min. The PP is the only workout not included in the buy 2 get one free - so for starters might be good to get three of the other ones. I dont really think you can go wrong with any of them - but would suggest #2, #4 and either of the #6's

WEll, I've only got numbers 4 and 5. For running, I'm sure any of them are fine - but I hate running and even Sean wouldn't get me to enjoy it. 5 is a little longer than 4, but I think 4 is a little tougher.

I guess my opinion can't lose with any of them!

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