You can have your Sex in the City...

Yea - see I dont think the people that havent watched the show even realize how deep the topics were - the way they dealt with the breast cancer - miranda's mom's death - many heartbreak's - failed marriages and relationships and how your friends rally.

If you have female best friends - then you can 100% relate to SATC - single, married etc.... It is about being there no matter what.... LOVE IT!!! :)

I have read that the reviews are mixed - and am anxious to see how they take the series into a movie - it is a lot of hype and expectation to live up too for sure.

Anyways - little excited over here - not meaning to hyjack here... :)
If I can find the time, and if I can get a ticket, I'll see SATC. DH has already offered to go with me, although I'm pretty sure he'll hate it and I'll have to go see something with exploding things as payback.

I absolutely agree that SATC took on many sensitive subjects and dealt with them well. In particular, I remember the episode where Miranda's mother-in-law became senile and Miranda started out irritated and then slowly discovered her ability to be patient and nurturing. That really resonated with me.

Ooops, still hijacking here!
LOL Nancy! :7 I had to go see Indiana Jones with DH last weekend-it was pretty good though, but made him promise he would take me to SATC this weekend. Those funny boys, I secretly think he actually might end up liking it.;)

That was a very touching epsiode, done very well, in fact I just saw that one last night...I cried of course, I am getting caught up before I go see the movie on Sunday.:)

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