Yogurt madness


I have an addiction to ice cream and yogurt, and I haven't bought yogurt for years for that reason. I'm assuming it's an addiction to the sugar. I saw that Dannon Light 'n Fit yogurt only has 12 grams of sugar compared to 25 in the other yogurts, so I thought I would try it. Now I'm eating several of those little cups at a time. x(

Last night was the first time I was able to eat just one, but I had to quickly follow it up with some diet soda in order to stop myself from eating another one. I just crave those little cups of yogurt now even more than ice cream.

Is there any yogurt out there, or any tips for making my own flavored yogurt, with less sugar that will stop all this madness?

Thanks guys,
Nancy the Sweet Tooth
Hi Nancy

You can try organic non-flavored yogurt. I know MadCow has pretty tasty non-flavored (original) yogurt. But be careful, some other brands make some disgusting ones too--they taste like plastic!! x( A friend of mine mix those type yogurt with real fruits and a little bit of honey. Even though I've never tried it like that, it sounds pretty tasty:D

Hope it helps
Nancy, I get organic yogurt and add sliced bananas, strawberries, kiwi, or whatever other fruit is in season so that I get the healthy yogurt and delicious sweetness! :9 You can also add your own vanilla to it if you want. I usually get Trader Joe's, everything there is awesome, but I don't know if they have one near you.

Thanks for the suggestions. I was wondering if anyone else struggles with this kind of addiction. Other people tell me they get addicted to cookies, cakes and such, but I can take a taste, and leave the rest. Yet sweetened dairy products like yogurt and ice cream turn me into an insatiable eating machine. Is anyone else here like that?

I am all about cookies and cake myself. I wish it was dairy that I was addicted to! It has calcium and builds strong bones. Yes, a very nice addiction indeed! Well, I guess cream and ice cream doesn't really qualify as healthy, but since I am pastry guzzler, I understand how you feel when you say insatiable.

i am one to never stop after one cup of ben and jerry's myself. its only with that particular brand, so opt for low carb or light versions. at least its better then the full fat,calorie filled, and carb sugar crazied versions


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disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
I'm addicted to ice cream and have a big bowl just about every night. Yogurt I can take or leave. Unless I start developing a weight problem, I'm fine with the amount of ice cream I eat and don't believe it's doing me too much (if any) harm.
I think I've weaned my tastebuds over the years so that very rich foods just don't taste good to me anymore. So cookies and cakes taste too intense with all their butter and cream, etc. But the low-fat ice cream and the non-fat yogurt are smooth and creamy without being rich, and I just can't get enough of them.

I somehow managed to stop at one yogurt again last night, so maybe I'm gaining a little more self-control. It sure wasn't easy, though.

Oh, I'm the same way. Especially with ice cream.
I buy Fage Total yogurt. It's unsweetened and has fewer carbs than any other yougurt I've seen. It's made with sheep's milk instead of cow milk, and doesn't have that yogurt-y aftertaste or fake flavor that so many brands have.
I think it's Greek. They have it in most NY-area supermarkets. They have no-fat and 2% and they both taste great. More like sour cream than yogurt.
Another vote for Fage, the greek yogurt. It tastes like yogurt cheese (drained yogurt); creamy without the acidity of most plain yogurt. I usually have it with some fruit.

Trader Joe's carries it, for those that have TJ's in their area.

>Hi Nancy
>You can try organic non-flavored yogurt. I know MadCow has
>pretty tasty non-flavored (original) yogurt. >

Gosh! I cannot beleive that I put "MadCow" when I meant "Brown Cow." It's hilarious... I didn't realize it until I went to the supermarket to get yogurt last night... I was laughing so hard and my DH was just standing next to me thinking why did I start laughing at a box of yogurt.

I love those little dannon yogurts. I manage to not overdue it on them because they come in that wonderful small size. I drink one and know I have to stop. I don't care if things do cost more in the single serving size! I have this problem with healthy choice's chocolate chunk ice cream. When I get PMS I am just dying for chocolate, so I'll allow myself 1 cup with a tspn of peanut butter drizzeled over the top. And, then the next day I do it again! And, then I find myself in a horrible pattern I cannot retreat from! Ugh! How can I make it stop???
Hey Nancy! I know what you're going through, I have the biggest sweet tooth ever! What I think might work well is to buy non-fat plain yogurt...add however much splenda you see fit with some vanilla extract. Or better yet, mash up some frozen fruit, add splenda and then add to the non-fat plain yogurt. :9 :9 It might have a little bit of sugar (naturally) from the fruit but at least it's not pure can sugar.:D Hope this helps! Hang in there!:D
Oh, Heather. Healthy Choice chocolate chocolate chunk is my biggest weakness in the world. I can't believe you mentioned it. It is TO DIE FOR. Thank goodness someone else is a Healthy Choice monster too. I feel much better now!

Hi Nancy,

I had the same problem as you. I find that now I am enjoying 1/2 cup of plain yogurt with 1/2 cup of applesauce (unsweetened) and a little bit cinnamon.

Also, Sarah (Imafitnessfreak) once recommended these 2 recipes that are tasty as well:

"The "yogurt" recipe is quite simple and very delicious. It's just mix plain yogurt with natural peanut butter and a splash of Splenda (all "to taste").Add as much or as little as you prefer.

Another one, 1 cup plain yogurt, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract and 1 scoop protein powder (Chocolate or Vanilla). Mix real well, add almonds for a crunch if desired!"

Take care,

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