Thankyou everyone for your great suggestions. I've been having a great time checking them all out.
Kristie, I've checked out and they have the video I want but I think it's in american funds so still considering.
Lorrie, Thanks for Bryan's website.
Karen, You're right that barnesandnoble only offer that free shipping deal in the U.S.
Hey Kisuzu, That's where we're moving! But not for another 3 months. I don't think that I can wait that long!
Sophie, Thanks for the links and the great advice! Chapters is out of stock right now and I haven't checked Banyen yet. I appreciate your concern about being new to power yoga and it is well placed because it will be new to me. My reason for wanting this very advanced video is that I am a Cathe fanatic and have been able to achieve a very good fitness level. I know that doesn't mean that Bryan's yoga tape will be a breeze but I get bored VERY easily and don't have a lot of money so I try to be very carefull about what I invest in.
Question for anyone? When you do Bryan's Energizing video, how does it work as something to do on your 'rest' day? Do you find that it affects your workout for the next day? I like to do Cathe's Bodymax or Imax on the first day after rest because that rest seems to just bottle up my energy.
Thanks all,