Yoga - Bryan Kest?


I'm looking for a yoga video that I can do on my rest days because if I don't do something on rest days, it throws my routine off somewhat. Have been browsing and I think I want to try Bryan Kest's Energizing video. I want something challenging for stretching and flexibility. I was hoping that someone here would know the best place to order this video. I've ordered videos from Collage and Cathe's site before but I'm not good at finding places that are easier for Canadians to order from. Any comments or suggestions would be much appreciated.
I got mine from just two weeks ago and love it! It was $9.95 (American). I really don't know how they are for shipping to Canada, but for American orders you get free shipping if you buy 2 items. --Karen
If you're in Canada, and you don't live in a large centre where you can find them in stores, you can try Chapters/Indigo on-line, which is where I got mine.

I've heard mixed reviews about their service since the merger took place, but all my experiences with ordering have been good.

Alternatively, if you are interested in yoga videos in particular, you can also try Banyen Books in Vancouver. Excellent customer service:

On the yoga front, are you new to yoga, in particular power yoga? If so, proceed slowly...potentially they can make you sore enough to interfere with lifting the next day. You'll have to experiment and see.

Have fun!

Thankyou everyone for your great suggestions. I've been having a great time checking them all out.

Kristie, I've checked out and they have the video I want but I think it's in american funds so still considering.

Lorrie, Thanks for Bryan's website.

Karen, You're right that barnesandnoble only offer that free shipping deal in the U.S.

Hey Kisuzu, That's where we're moving! But not for another 3 months. I don't think that I can wait that long!

Sophie, Thanks for the links and the great advice! Chapters is out of stock right now and I haven't checked Banyen yet. I appreciate your concern about being new to power yoga and it is well placed because it will be new to me. My reason for wanting this very advanced video is that I am a Cathe fanatic and have been able to achieve a very good fitness level. I know that doesn't mean that Bryan's yoga tape will be a breeze but I get bored VERY easily and don't have a lot of money so I try to be very carefull about what I invest in.

Question for anyone? When you do Bryan's Energizing video, how does it work as something to do on your 'rest' day? Do you find that it affects your workout for the next day? I like to do Cathe's Bodymax or Imax on the first day after rest because that rest seems to just bottle up my energy.

Thanks all,
Hi Jodi! Bryan Kest is a good choice for strenuous yoga asanas, but I don't think that I would choose his Power Yoga tapes as "rest day" workouts. Even the "Energize" tape will require a certain degree of muscle strength and endurance. You will have to maintain down dog for an extended length of time...quite the challenge. This video will give you beautiful definition to your back (as well as other body parts), but I would classify it as a strength workout as well as a flexibility and endurance workout. "Energize" would be the easiest of Bryan's three Power Yoga videos, yet it's still quite demanding.

If you love the challenge of Cathe then you will probably love the challenge of Bryan's Power Yoga series, but I would substitute his yoga videos for strength workouts (and they are somewhat cardiovascular in nature too) instead of using them as "rest day" activities.

Please let us know how you like Energize!
Hi Jodi,

My rest days have to be complete rest days--gotta pamper these aging joints. I don't find that the Energize video messes with my lifting though because when I do it I'm mainly stressing my work on flexibility and balance. I think Bryan is very good at giving modifications and really encouraging you to work at your own level. I've been doing the video twice a week after cardio but not on a lifting day. --Karen
Hi Jodi,

I think it depends on your level of fitness. I have used it on a rest day before but not too often. It can be very strenuous but you can also take it very easy and just not do the second pushup(you'll see what I mean). I think you'll love this tape. I really like it alot!

Good luck!
Karen and Kristie brought up a really good point; "Energize" can be modified to make it more or less intense.

If you have a dvd player, you might like the "Crunch Total Yoga" dvd too. It's not the same intensity as Bryan's (slower pace), but good for an all over stretch.

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