Yoga and wrist pain


Active Member
How do I prevent wrist pain while doing yoga? I know I need to do more yoga, but my wrists hurt from being on them when I do yoga consistently.

Any advice would be appreciated. :)
A lot of people like to use wags or elevated foamy wedges to help reduce movement and offer greater support. Have you ever tried those? My honest opinion though is that Vinyasa & Ashtanga practices (usually) go way overboard with downward and upward dogs which is unnatural for our wrists and shoulders. I've seen some yoga teachers destroy ther wrists. Yes, proper alignment will certainly help (keeping your thumb on the mat with the nail part aiming downward), but I just don't think it needs to be done with so much repetition.
Ekhart yoga has some proven techniques that she shares & she also doesn't do dogs & planks to death! She's great. :)
(She used to have a lot more free videos ...sorry that last one is paid)
I also find squeezing those wool dryer balls great for strengthening the wrists.
I agree with Elsie that many yoga routines rely too heavily on the down-and-up-dog sequence. But keep in mind that a very traditional and time-honored routines are the Primary Series and Sun Salutations, which are extended versions of that. Wrist problems are, I suppose, an occupational hazard for yogis - all of the cool arm balances, etc.

That said, I just don't do them. I have several yoga DVDs that I used to do. Now I use them for ideas if I need a refresher, but I always put together my own routines, based on the standing balancing poses (like tree pose and the warriors), and lots of stretching/flexibility. My wrists are arthritic and can't handle the popular routines at all. But yoga is so incredibly flexible (pardon the pun), that anybody can reap its benefits, as long as you're willing to listen to your body and think about the poses that work best for you.
Thanks for you help delfin, SRP, and ~Elsie. It's nice to know that I am not alone with this. I will look into all these great links. :)

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