Yet another reason not to go to the gym

I have a problem with the cologne smell also. It really makes me nauseous.

I always sweat a lot at the gym and am very self-conscious about it. It's the worst when I run on the treadmill. Once, a guy commented on how much I was sweating and acted like it was a good thing - he said that I should be proud of my tough workout. I didn't know what to say, so I blurted out, "but I stink!". He said that sweat is a gym's Chanel No. 5. I don't think so, but he seemed so sincere.

Don't worry, Erica. I've never met a woman at the gym who stinks as much as some of the guys stink. It's just a small minority, but they ruin it for the rest of us. I assure you that my little bit of musk that I put on is not enough to be detected by anyone but me. I have a super-sensitive nose.
Most likely, he was flirting with you, Erica. I sweat a lot too, and lemme tell ya! It's not all that pretty.

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