(yet another) 4DS Q.... :)

Hi All!
Quick question on the premixes.... does the "chest/shoulder/tricep" and "back/bicep" premixes include the complete workouts (if you were to do them as is, instead of premix style) for each body part, or are they shortened by taking out some of the moves? I'd like to know because that will determine whether I do them "as is" (ex- HIS + chest/back) or premix style.

Boilergal, my friend, are you out there?? Do you know? :)


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Ha, busted! I should be coding bills at work right now (and will do so in a second!) but as soon as I saw your thread I had to post. :)

No, you don't lose anything off the reps, it's just a different combos (for example, in Boot Camp it is "Triceps & Biceps," but in the premixes they are packaged with the "Chest/Shoulders/Triceps."

I have done them both ways but to be honest, I like to do them the way Cathe packaged them in the set. So yesterday, I did Triceps & Biceps via the "mix and match" feature.

Now off to read why you are famished today...oh, yeah, then I'll work!! LOL

PS--Will e-mail you tonight! :)
In the Back and Biceps premix - you do two less sets of the barbell rows. In the original version you do 4 sets of 7 reps. in the premix you only do 2 sets of 7 reps.

otherwise I havent noticed anything else missing...

If I remember this correctly, in CS&T the set of chess presses is omitted. There might be one less set of dumbbell flys but I am not certain.
Wendy - Ha, you busted ME posting from work too! I sure hope my IT Dept is not on to me ;) I knew you would have some input, as 4DS is your fav!! :) How are the triceps/biceps feeling tonight?? I did HIS + chest/back this morning and I'm already sore! I look forward to getting your email!

AProudFit & Marie - thank you for your posts! On one hand I like premixes, but on the other, I don't like missing out on any sets!

AProudFit & Marie - thank you for your posts! On one hand I like premixes, but on the other, I don't like missing out on any sets!

I felt the same way but these premixes seem to be well mixed and you can hit the muscles to failure if the weights are heavy enough. Or you can experiment with the mix-and-match and create your own splits. :)

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