Yay ! New Career Path


I haven't posted in eons but am just so happy I wanted to share. After 16 yrs of working as a paralegal and hating it I finally quit and started my own business on, believe it or not, ebay. I'm a member of Florida Dachshund Rescue and I sold a few things to raise money for the many abused, abandoned and neglected dachshunds we get in almost daily. Then I designed some original wiener artwork for t-shirts, linens etc. and next thing I know business has taken off. I'm still pinching myself. It's like all those Oprah shows where she tells everyone to do what they love. Well there's nothing I love more than dachshunds and now I can help them full time. :7 It's a lot of hard work but I just love it. If anyone wants to see pictures of my spoiled rotten rescue doxies, take a peek: www.whatsupdoxdachshundshoppe.com

Thanks for letting me share!
Those shirts are sooo cute and funny! I have a couple of Corgis myself. Congrats on the biz and I hope you continue to have success.
From a fellow Floridian~
Those shirts are sooo cute and funny! I have a couple of Corgis myself. Congrats on the biz and I hope you continue to have success.
From a fellow Floridian~
Lorrie -
Congratulations! How exciting to make your passion into your career! I admire and envy you - I've been struggling with my own career issues and hope I can come up with something as satisfying as this!
Lorrie! Thanks for sharing your inspiring story. Your happiness shines through in your post, good for you for having the courage to follow your bliss! I love hearing stories like yours! By stepping out of the 'comfort zone' and channelling your drive, caring and compassion, you are making the world a better place!!:)

Take Care

Congratulations on your new venture! I was a mom of long haired dachsies (see my picture trail) and they are special. God bless you for your rescue work. After my doggies passed away I made a big donation to a dachshund rescue in my area.

I loved your pictures, Siegfreid looks as if he had a lot of personality. I'm so sorry for your loss, it's just the greatest injustice that dogs' lives are so much shorter than ours. But what a wonderful gesture for you to donate to rescue. My favorite quote is "If you've never owned a dachshund no explanation is possible and if you're owned by a dachshund no explanation is necessary."

Take care!
Thanks everyone! I'm hoping to create a wiener empire :D Either that or I'll be standing on the corner with a "Will Work for Food" sign :7

Hi Lorrie! Congratualations on your new endeavor - it is great to be able to earn while doing something you love.

I was wondering if you would be able to e-mail personally and give some advice on how you set up you ebay store. My brother-in-law is very interested in doing something similiar (only with bass fishing, not Dachshunds, so he would not be a competitor!!). If you could offer any guidance, it would be appreciated. My personal e-mail is [email protected].

Thanks Lorrie, I hope to hear from you soon!!


Congratulations! Your designs are so cute!!! I work with a couple of weiner LOVERS so I'll send them your website. I'm sure they won't be able to resist buying some stuff. :)


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

I thought I posted here, but I see that my post must have been in my head. I am sooooo happy for you! Those bowls are so cute, I may get one for my canine nephew for the times he comes to visit me.
Suz, your dogs are SO CUTE!!!! I about fell off my chair laughing at the picture of them sticking out their tongues :7 How do people live without dogs?!? Thanks for the PR to your co-workers, I appreciate it!

OMG Lorrie I would just spend ALL DAY taking those photos!!!!!! How fun!!! this is so exciting. Yay!!!!!

My boss has dachsunds all the time. He has one longhair mini, and he got a second longhair mini, but that one ends up too big to qualify as a mini- he's about 5 months old and already 11 pounds!!!! But they are both too cute for words.

Good for you, Lorrie. Thanks for sharing your story!

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