Yates woman got off


I was reading the paper about the woman who drowned her kids..
This is probably going to be mean , but... We are all women . We get nuts.Every month...She will spend a couple years in a facility and get out.

How can you kill your children?
How did no one in her family realize she was psycotic?
How did no one realize something was wrong?
This could not have come on over night.
If she had skitsofrenia(spelling)someone had to notice something.
Oh, I am going to kill my DH to save him from satan.
Yeah , right... Can i get off too???

Those poor children. I am trying to imagine what they felt .
To have your mother drown you.

I get goofy at times , but I think i would kill myself before my kid.
Sometimes , this world scares me.
It made me ill to read this.
I just need to vent.

I agree with you Anne. I didn't see the news report. I guess she got off on reason of insanity? Unfortunately it happens often. Maybe she DOES have mental issues and maybe she DOES belong in a mental institution of some sort but that doesn't mean (IMO) that she doesn't deserve to do hard time as well! Why is it OKAY for you to commit murder if you are crazy? ESPECIALLY when it comes to killing your own children! That is unthinkable! UGH...I think I am going to be sick...x(
I couldn't watch the news report last night because it infuriates me that a woman for whatever reason would do something like that to her kids. I don't care what her beliefs are, I don't care about anything that is not a mother's instinct she should not have gotten off with insanity at all. She did the deed, enough said!
Why was her husband not held somewhat accountable here? It takes two to make babies, and he even knew she was having problems that were serious, yet he thought it was just fine for her to deal with all those children by herself, while he was off being the wonderful "provider".

He wonders why the defense in this case never called on him to testify. Do you think maybe because it would have shown there were serious issues being ignored???

I hope she gets the help she obviously needs, but I really hope he gets what is really coming to him in the end.
Good point, Conni, he's been interviewed, etc. but he knew she was having troubles and should've done something to help - you are right!

This is a horrible story and such a travesty of justice. Those poor children. I agree that the really infuriating part of all of it is the husband was not in any way held accountable. Apparently she'd suffered serious post-partum for years and yet they continued to have one baby after another. She did not have any help or support and he also wanted her to home-school (even while continuing to have more and more kids). Nothing against home-schooling, of course, but I think when you are dealing with a mother who has had mental issues in the past and is already overwhelmed, this doesn't make any sense. I think they also lived in an RV or a bus for years because this guy wanted to save money or something.

I think I also read he is either engaged or remarried AND I think he has had more children.

Very, very sad. I hope she is locked away forever AND I wish he would be, too. He bears some responsbility in this situation but no one seems to want to hold him accountable.

My sister had terrible post-partum. She never tried to hurt my nephew but she was depressed and thinking she made a mistake. Another friend told me later she had thoughts of throwing her baby out the window. What made the difference for both of them was supportive partners who were able to step in till they bounced back.

Seems to me her husband should be somewhat accountable.


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
I don't think her ex-husband realized how serious her mental issues were. I also don't think he thought she would hurt the children, obviously he was wrong. I suffered with ppd with my 2nd child and I talked with my husband and we worked thru it together. It took me 3 months to get thru it and then I started a part-time job which helped me alot.
The woman should have told her husband what was going on with her and what she was thinking and feeling. It should have been worked thru together but it was not. The ex was not the one who killed the children, she was.

That is the sad fact. It will never bring the children back or take away the horror they experienced when they were being killed by the one person they trusted the most.

That woman should spend the rest of her life locked up, whether in a mental hospital or prison and she definately does not need to have any more children.


The verdict was insane!

"You can't win them all - but you can try." - Babe Zaharias http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/musik/music-smiley-004.gif[/img]
I guess what I don't understand is why didn't anyone (including her husband) do anything after she apparently made at least two suicide attempts prior to the event of killing her children??? Why didn't CPS get involved at that point? Why didn't her husband see that as a big red flag? I just don't get it. It's a heartbreaking story and I can't even think about those poor children.

>I don't think her ex-husband realized how serious her mental
>issues were.

Kim, actually, I think he did. I believe there were a couple of suicide attempts as well as known instability. I also think she stopped taking meds on his insistence so that she could get pregnant again. I'm not sure of that last fact, though.

And I agree that none of this will bring the kids back, but I DO think he should have some accountability for the situation.

My JMO, too. :)

It's all so sad and horrible.

I feel what everyone should understand she was not found "not guilty by reason of insanity". She was found to be insane which she is. I live in Houston and this story has been for 5 years reported by our local news. This woman is insane and was insane at the time she killed her children. She will more than likely never be free. She will spend the rest of her life in state custody. In order for her to be released from the mental hospital she will need to have approval from several Doctors and the judge. The judge in this case will more than likely not grant her a release due to her mental illness.

She needed help and she will always need help for her illness. She continued to have children after being diagnosed with post partum psychosis and it continued to get worse after each child. With that said, a part of the story people may not be aware of is she was sent to a hospital where she was kicked out because of her insurance would not pay for her treatment. She went to several Doctors who would not give her the correct prescription and demand she be placed in the hospital for treatment. She tried to get help and due to the red tape and lousy insurance system in this country she could not get the help she needed.

That is insane and she was and still is insane. This is why a jury found her not guilty by reason of insanity.

IMO I agree with the verdict. I was beyond disturbed with what this woman did and I cannot even begin to express how sick it was for her to commit this crime. What is even more disturbing is she sought help and could not get it. Why are the Doctors not being tried for this crime as well and the insurance company who would not pay for her care? If she had received the care she needed, it is possible this tragedy would not have ever happened. I also feel her husband should have been tried as an accessory to the murders for continuing to have children with her knowing she was ill.

She did not get away with murder, and she will more than likely never be free. She will live out the rest of her life on medication and in her own private hell

Post partum psychosis and post partum depression are major issues that can effect any woman after giving birth. All too often it is ignored by Doctors and many women never get help.
Thank you for that, marleysmom. I am disturbed by the reaction to this verdict (not just here, my husband and I actually got into a huge argument about it yesterday). She did "get off" - she was sick, very, very sick, and now she'll hopefully continue to get the treatment she needs. What makes ME sick about all of this is 1) the husband who definitely played a part in this by pushing her to have more children and not providing help around the house, when he knew that she was SERIOUSLY ill, and 2) everything that was quoted above. She KNEW that she was ill, she TRIED to get help, repeatedly, and was denied. THAT is sick.

It's very bothersome to me that people brush off mental illness with such disregard. You hear that someone has cancer, and there are 15 church fund-raisers and marches for a cure, etc. You hear that someone has PPD or is manic depressive? You tell them to get a grip. Why on earth is illness of the brain such a brush off for people? I don't get it. I'm not speaking to folks here based on the responses in this thread. I don't want anyone to take this personally - this is just my random musing as it's been on my mind for the last 2 days.

If I remember right from the original trial, wasn't she living in a trailer with the six kids and her husband was "away" on business? I thought then, and still do now, that her husband was more to blame than she was.

Postpartum depression is a very real thing and it's a shame that it takes a horrible story like this to bring it into the spotlight! I truly hope she gets the help she needs and as she realizes what she's done, her own hell will be punishment enough!
Hi Marie,

I knew she had suicide attempts but she had not hurt the children. Suicide attempts for intents is to bring to light a bigger problem going on. Was her husband guilty for not catching the signs (and there were signa) that something more sinister was going on with her, ABSOLUTELY! He should have read everything he could on what she was diagnosed with and what could help her. He tried to have someone with her for the times he was at work. She chose the small window of opportunity when she was alone with the kids to kill them.
Yes the woman is insane and yes the healthcare system needs to be overhauled to get people who suffer with mental illnesses the help they so desperately need.

And as you said it is sad and horrible (and that don't begin to cover it)

> She tried to get help and due to the red tape and
>lousy insurance system in this country she could not get the
>help she needed.

Marleysmom, great post. However, let's not forget that as Mr. and Mrs. Yates continued to have children despite all of the illness and issues she'd experienced, they also should be assigned their rightful portion of responsibility. She should have been given the right help, yes, but she ALSO should not have continued getting pregnant.

Nothing can bring these children back.

Honestly, it's just too, too horrible.

>It's very bothersome to me that people brush off mental
>illness with such disregard.

FYI: You may be pleased to hear that in New Jersey, new legislation will be requiring PPD screening and education for all pregnant women.

In Illinois, state medicaid is encouraging similiar screening.

There is still, as you point out, a long way to go toward accepting mental illnesses as true medical conditions, but this "movement" in the medical industry is a start; hopefully, other states will follow suit.

When you hear of such horrific tragedies as this one, you immediately want to blame someone. I think that is human nature. In this case, it seems, lots of people made mistakes.

While nothing can bring back the beautiful Yates children, hopefully we can all become a little more aware of how serius and devastating PPD can be.
Prime time aired something about the Yates case last night. Very interesting to say the least. Just a few short weeks prior to her crime her doctor took her off a strong anti psyche med he had her on, I can't recall if Prime Time offered a reason as to why the doc did this. Her doctor also warned her husband after she had her 4th child that having one more child would have potentail devasting effects on Paula, yet the husband Rusty just couldn't keep it in his pants or use protection. Hence, on the morning that she drowned the kids, she had only one short hour to do it in. The husband would leave for work in the morning and within an hour her mother or MIL would come to help her out so she said she planned it to occur within that short time.

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