Xers__________Saturday! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


Hi all,

I'm just getting us started on this wonderful Saturday morning. I hope that all is well with everyone. I'll bbl, after I check the rest of last night's posts.

I'm a little worried, where's Traci??????

Hi all,

I walked and intermittently jogged 3 miles yesterday. The calf didn't feel as weak and every step wasn't an effort like a couple of days ago. It was probably a little farther than I should have gone, but I just love the outdoors so much. Everything is starting to turn green here and on one stretch of the trail these lily of the valley type blue/purple flowers were out, stretched over thier green leaves. It was like something from a postcard.

Today is upper body only, probably push up/pull chin up marathon and maybe some yoga. I'll definitely stretch, but I think that my lower body needs a break.

Traci - I hope that you are getting some much needed rest and starting to feel better.

Jeanette - When I met my husband, he kept all of his clothes in a pile on a table, never folded or did anything except just pulled stuff out from the pile. At least I have made some progress. After years of complaining, he actually, most of the time, will sort the clothes by color before he washes. That was a major accomplishment for me. I can't stand the way he folds though, and try to get my stuff before he folds it. I haven't fixed that yet, and probably never will.

Hi to all who follow,

Good Morning!

DH wanted to go out and have breakfast after I get off work this morning, but I am not really in the mood because I have to drive home to pick him up then head out again to our usual breakfast joint. I think that I appeased him, though and we're going to go out tomorrow for breakfast. That way I can use the steamed hashbrown potatoes as my single P90X carb for the day!

Tracy- I know that Traci was sick yesterday. I am hoping that it was only the 24 hr bug that her DH had and that she's up and about today!!!

I can't remember what today's workout is, I think that it's Shoulders/Arms, but I'm not sure. Anyway, I may or may not do it and take a rest day to coincide with my trying to get back on a day schedule. We'll see!

Okay, now that's strange. I posted a pretty long post last night, and it's disappeared into thin air!!! Basically, I sort of remember that I mentioned that I didn't feel like I had "brought" it last week during PlyoX because it was a new workout. Anyway, last night, I really worked it and it was KILLER! I don't think that I could ever do it without shoes because I need the lateral support on my ankles. I know that my gluteus medius and gluteus minimus are feeling it this morning!!!:eek:
I just wanted you guys to know that I am going to order the shirts today. So hopefully you will have them very soon.

Good morning,

How's the greatest X group on the internet? I'm sitting here at 5:49am, and I swear I can smell pancakes frying or some other goody. No one else is up, so what's with that? Oooooh, I'll bet DH made popcorn last night after I went to bed. He does it the old fashioned way with oil in a pot over the stove. Soooo yummy :9 That's why he has to wait until after I go to bed. Otherwise, I'll eat it all on him }( .

Yesterday I did my planned workout: All Step; GS Legs, standing, circuited with the 8 rounds of pull/chin ups in Legs&Back; QuickFix 10 Minute Pilates for Abs. I really liked the QF abs. They were like a less-intense version of ARX. I can see now how Pilates influenced the creation of ARX, but of course Tony had to X-ify them, didn't he? It's going to take some practice to get used to breathing the zip&hollow way while doing the ab work, though.

I've been diligently concentrating on keeping partially "zipped" all day, and doing pelvic floor exercises frequently, as specificed in my new bladder book. I think I'll return the Mummy Tummy book because she's waaaay too conservative about ab work. She feels that if you don't already have seperated abdominals (diastasis recti) from childbirth, most ab work will give it to you eventually, so you shouldn't do anything resembling a crunch, or that involves lifting your shoulders off the ground. Her list of "no-no" ab work includes every ab exercise I've ever heard of, and every exercise I did during the pilates routine. I have a hard time believing that pilates is so dangerous to your core, if you're doing the moves properly! Yes, this stuff is inadvisable to do immediately post-partum, but I'm 18 months post-partum, my abs are quite strong, and I don't have a diastasis recti, despite having had two very large babies. So there :p . So, my main goal is to focus on strengthening the transverse abs, which corresponds very well with focusing on the pelvic floor muscles.

Did you know that if you have the urge to urinate more frequently than every 2.5 - 4 hours, and your urinary output takes less than 10 seconds to empty, then you have an "urgency" problem? Going frequently, and without having a full bladder to begin with, is actually harmful to your bladder, believe it or not. I go too frequently, but there's always a large quantity, so I'm not sure if that means I have a bladder problem, or a drinking problem! I certainly have the key-in-the-door syndrome whereby I can do just fine until I pull in the driveway, then it's a mad dash to the bathroom. I guess this is enough about my nether-regions, huh? If anyone else is interested in learning more about their own urinary urges and how to correct them, the book is called "I Laughed So Hard I Peed my Pants."

Now on to the rest of you. How're you all doing? You were indeed talkative (or typative?) yesterday!

Teddygirl - I've never seen you so chatty! I wish I'd been able to sit down at the computer for more playtime yesterday. Enjoy the start of your P90X program! I really like the cardio in HSTA. Good intensity without air jacks and tuck jumps. Yay. I like that whole workout, actually. I was with you on GS Legs yesterday, although not the floorwork. I agree with you on how great that workout is. GS Legs and BG are worth every penny. So far we have two Teddies, two Traci/ys, two Deb(ra)s, two Amys, and two Wendys. Oh yes, then there's Sargeant Sandra and Private Sandra. Forget about getting a life or a man - just get a vcr! Record those shows and watch them later!

TraciX - Still no post?? Oh dear, I worry that you've become so dehydrated they've hospitalized you. Dear TraciX's DH: If Traci is seriously out of commission, as she must be if she hasn't posted in 24 hours, then you need to tell us! We need to know where to send the flowers.

JeanetteX - Is Tracey's Core Conditioning worth the money? My "dealer" is asking whether we want them to supply Tracey's new workouts or not, and I haven't answered yet. What do you think? Does she offer something that I can't get with the workouts I already have? About Finn's PY4H, I will do that one soon. Maybe tomorrow. Pigeon is one of my top favourites, too. Very effective. Have you done any other of the sessions on that dvd? Ooooh, you're probably on your way to pick up your woodstove as I type. Finally!! I hope you get it inside and installed without incident. I think I'm done with Tony for a bit. I'm feeling the urge to put down the heavy weights and do some endurance work. In the past I've always alternated between heavy weeks and light weeks. I don't know if it's an effective strategy, but it keeps me consistent, and I think that's important. I have similar childhood biking memories. It's a shame that today's kids don't have that freedom anymore.

LaurieX - YogaZone videos tend to be on the easier side of yoga, but are generally quite good quality. If you're looking for advanced yoga, don't waste the money. Otherwise, $10 is a great price and you should go for it. Yeah, my gut originates with the pantry and fridge, too. But I can also tell I need help with the muscles girding all the excess. The sad thing is, I'm sure my morning coffees and afternoon tea are irritating my bladder even further, yet I'm not willing to give them up. Yet.

Amy - When you go out for breakfast, what do you eat? I adore going out for brunch, but I always go for the pancakes, syrup, sausage, hash browns & coffee option. A recipe for disaster, for sure! I have to stay away from those places. I find there's rarely a "healthy" option on the breakfast menu, so I just go for taste. That's my excuse, anyway :) I'm with you on shoes for PlyoX, for sure! I've read about people who do Cathe's step workouts in their bare feet and just cringe.

Swifty - Sun = happy. I can so relate! I'm solar-powered, too. I look forward to hearing what you think about your upcoming workouts.

Katie - Yay! PlyoX done for the second time! Aren't those 180 jump squats just nasty? I think those are the very reason I avoid that workout LOL! Tony does grow on you, doesn't he? I saw Jeff Probst on Live with Regis & Kelly the other day, and I'm obviously obsessed wtih P90X because all I could think about was how much he looked like Tony. I kept expecting him to run over to a pull up bar.

DebraX - so, did you get the gloves? Are you kicking and punching with Janis today? Her hook kicks made my hamstrings sore for days. I'm really pumped about doing Finn's Magical Hips, and will get to it very soon. Is DD's unusual tantrum behaviour linked to the pending move? Is she getting stressed out about leaving her familiar place?

Wendy - Jeepers I dream deliriously about a life where I get to imbibe in a 1500 calorie drink for the good of my health! Your kids' artwork is pretty amazing. Is this an inherited gift? How come one of the girls looks less than thrilled about her new hair cut? Did she prefer it long? They look beautiful, both with and without the long hair. I did BodyMax one time at 10:30pm. It worked, but I wasn't keen to do it again. Kudos to you and Phil for doing P90-Midnight-X. You didn't recognize Dreya in CS? Not even during the *Dreya Rolls*?! How'd you do with those, btw? I think the only person around here who could do them without assisting with her hands was JeanetteX. They're hard! Yes, I really like Pam, too. I think Tony's attempt at humour about her chasing you down if you don't do your workout is probably his lamest joke. Oh, but then there's his attempt at Swedish accent in Legs & Back, which cracks me up every time, because I swear his voice doesn't change at all! I'm always asking "Huh?". Of course I didn't comment on the lack of apostrophes in your post the other day....Tracix lies :) Sheesh, you make one little remark about the appropriate spelling of something that's going to be emblazoned on a shirt that you plan to wear 24/7, and suddenly you're the Grammer Gonzo! Ahhh, I see your story about the RT reservations. Sneaky!! How come you didn't ask me to be your bring-along-buddy? Hmmmmm? You could have sold that spot for good money, you know. My Friday workout was harder than the X because, well, GS Legs is hard! Those slow lunges....yikes. The ab work was easier, though.

LeaX - whenever the topic of shirts comes up I always think of you. And of Jeanette's comment that we should have put "I have a crack! Crack!" on the back of our shorts :) I'm still laughing about that, and cannot do that move in KenpoX without tipping over from chuckling. How are you doing? I hope you're not busy sewing all of those shirts by hand?

WendyX - I've always thought of this list as the Hotel California, but Black Hole works too! I'm glad you decided to move in with us. As if you don't already have enough to do LOL! What are your post-P90X goals? The rebounder is out to pasture, is it? I remember how much fun you had with that. You probably got your money's worth out of if in the first month, alone. You don't think your body and my face would make a magazine cover? I'm a bit insulted by that ;)

TracyX - Your workouts are increasing in intensity, I see. That's really nice that the calf is already improving. See? You scared it. That's an effective mind-body connection! The postcard-perfect morning sounds enviable. What a nice experience. I don't let DH do the laundry anymore because he takes days to do it. I like to start and finish on the same day, but he can drag it out all week, and leave wet clothes in the washer for a day or two. So, I don't let him near the machines.

Nicole - Hey there! Yup, ARX is something to work up to. It'll happen eventually, I'm sure.

Well, I'm not sure what workout I'll do in a few minutes. A cardio. It's supposed to be kickboxing, but I'm really not in the mood for that. Maybe Step Blast. I don't know. I haven't done Step Works in ages. Agh. I'll decide when I get there. Wendy, either way I find all of Cathe's step workouts to be harder than KenpoX; more impact, faster tempo, fewer breaks. But they're fun, for the most part.

Have a great day!
Hi all,

I want to order the Tracey S core workout. Is any of her other stuff worth getting?

Lea - I'll send the check today, it completely slipped my mind. Are your workouts going OK?

Wendy X - I see you ordered the Xflowsion. I was, then I'm like maybe this is a gimick, but what's 39.95? I've wasted more on other stuff that I don't use. Off to spend some $$.


Today was supposed to be High Step Challenge, but I messed up the rotation and had to do Muscle Max yesterday. Didn't want to do any real upper body stuff 2 days in a row so I tried out Squeeze and did the full body workout - 60 minutes. I'm kind of shaky right now. I tell you what, I used 2# weights for the upper body and it was tough! I am sore already in my chest. I kept taking breaks as I couldn't keep my arms up for all the work. It's a good one for sure. Can't wait to try the 30 minute power workout.

I'm going to pick up the new woodstove this morning and bring it home. DH will just have to unload it with the tractor when he gets home from work. This afternoon, the carpet cleaning guy is coming. Our DS is here visiting too so that's nice. Should be a nice day. My hopes for a long bike ride may be dashed as the weather is looking to be bad for tomorrow. Next week looks better.

Traci, oh, Traci, sure hope you are feeling somewhat better, but you haven't posted yet this morning so fear you still need your bedtime. Still sending out good vibes for your recovery.

Tracy, your jog/walk sounds absolutely wonderful. Love this time of year with the wildflowers. LOL re: your DH's wardrobe area on the table. Sounds like you've made a lot of progress. Where would they be without us, nagging and kicking every step of the way? Actually, my DH does pick up all of his clothes and puts his own away in the drawers if I fold them. Can't complain about that part. Did you ever write down that Shiva Rea matrix workout that was so good?

Amy, I love going out for breakfast with my DH. He's been working so much OT lately that it hasn't worked out, poor guy. We may get to go tomorrow if it's raining as then my bike ride will be nixed. I usually have, you guessed it, oatmeal. However, I splurge when going out and have the raisins and brown sugar on it. Yum! Glad you could bring it more with PlyoX. I'm that way about my workouts too, the first time I'm kind of holding back, not knowing how hard it will really get. The next time I do better.

Hi to everyone else.

Hi Sandra,

I'll have to do Core Conditioning again as I've never done the whole thing (it's long), but I really liked the segment I did yesterday. Off hand, I'd say, yes, it's a keeper as it's different from other workouts and her tempos are different too. I'll be doing it again soon, probably subbing something of Cathe's during my rotation. Ooooh, looking ahead, next week looks fun (SJP, Super Sets, CTX Upper body for example).

I've got to get a move on now as I'll be leaving to pick up the woodstove right after my shower.

Hi Lea, thanks for ordering the shirts!

Hi all,

Jeanette - So Squeeze is a keeper? Can you describe how it works a little? Is it anything like Jari? I just can't do that one.

Sandra - After I did the zip and hollow I realized that I have never been engaging my transverse ab... when I do any type of crunch type exercise. That's why the planks, etc. worked for me, but what a revelation. I've been trying to zip as often as possible, because certain times of the month, my bladder is not as cooperative as it should be. What we don't have to endure for the ability to bear children.....I probably was better off not knowing the statistic about the urination frequency; something else to think about.

Off to do some body weight upper body exercises. I can't wait!

Okay, all, just call me a Sucker! I just ordered Eoin Finn's hips thing off of Amazon! I LOL everytime I read something about the nectar and I feel like I'm missing out! (just kidding!) So, this time next week I can safely say that I'll be Magically Hipping, too!!!;-)

Sandra- When DH and I go out for breakfast, he really enjoys going to a Southern favorite joint...The Waffle House. It's a small, one-room diner style place where you can watch them make your order after the waitresses call out what you ordered in their "lingo". Typically, I get a grilled chicken breast and steam hashbrown potatoes. They are super nice where we usually go and scrape the griddle down super well before putting the potatoes, a cup of ice and a lid on it. While I was leary about the steamed part at first, they taste like a baked potato! Oh, and their coffee is WONDERFUL!!!
Hi Ladies,

Afternoon check in for me again. Phil and I had another late nighter w/o. I think that's how it's gonna be until our kitchen is finished. If I worked out earlier, he wouldn't be motivated to w/o before bed. He wasn't going to do CS. When I pushed play, he decided to go ahead and join me. This was at 11:30.

CS is tougher than I thought. During the Dreya Roll, Phil kept asking me how I was able to get up so easily. I think quickness is your friend here. But, man oh man, I hate most of those exercises! I was pouring sweat! What kind of recovery week is this!!!

Phil, the three boys, and our friend are tearing out the floor in the kitchen and fixing the partially rotted beam. It's gonna be a long day with my dog constantly whinning. It's killing her to be kept away from the action.

I think tonight is Kenpo? Hopefully, Phil will keep his fists to himself or we'll be having fighting words!

BBL for personals. I'm hoping Traci-X is feeling better and is saving all her energy for tonight!!!

Have a great day!
Afternoon Xers,

Doubles: Ph1/Wk3/Day6/Rnd2

What a beautiful day it is today. We had picture day at dance, so I had to get my youngest DD's hair in a bun. This is hard because she has chin length hair. x( I did it though, and she looked lovely. :D We have just gotten back from that, and I will get myself something to eat, do a little house work and then get to my workout. I was thinking of Tracey's Cardio Sweatfest minus the Hi/Lo x( or naked KenpoX. }( Will have to see how I feel when I get to the workout space. I'm thinking of shooting some hoops today also, just to nice outside to stay indoors for too long. :)

DH is working today, but says that when he gets home we will probably take the convertible out. Should be a good time, but he doesn't get home until around 7pm. Very long day for him since he started at 8 this morning. x( Well oldest DD is almost done mowing the lawn, it sure is nice that she is willing to do that. Yup first mowing of the season. DD's also want to take the bikes out. Why am I doing a cardio workout today! :7

BBL to talk some more, at least I know today the girls will not be on the computer. }( Evil Mom will not let them stay indoors. }( (insert evil laugh Ha! Ha! Ha!)

Hi ladies...No time for personals now...Gotta get outside to play with my new bike!!!! I am so excited...I feel like a 6 year old! Jeanette, I will bbl to give you the details of what I got ...also got DD one, too.

Just had to let you all know that DD and I went out to breakfast today and she got something called Cinnamon Roll pancakes...O My Goodness...these were the most sinful things I have ever tasted. I had a veggie omelette....but her pancakes were amazing!

Okay..off to take advantage of the great weather...will see you all later this afternoon...

Traci.....hugs to you...Hope you are feeling better!!!!!! Sending healing vibes down to you so that you can go to the concert tonight.

later gators!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams

Hi all,

As usual, everyone is busy on a Saturday. I hope you were able to squeeze in a workout. I did the push up/pull up marathon. After hundreds of pushups and over a hundred pull ups, I was still able to do 8 unassisted chinups at the very end. I was pleased with that.

Traci - Let's see if I can do it with the keyboard, wishing you a speedy recovery, sending good vibes~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}. I hope that you feel better, SOON!

Debra - Isn't it fun to be a kid? Glad you are enjoying your new bike. What is in Cinnamon Roll pancakes? They sound sinfully wonderful. I always get pancakes when we go out to breakfast and just forget about it right afterwards.

Hey all,

Did Kenpo for the first time today and man did I sweat! It didn't seem that hard cardio wise but it must have been a bit from the sweat dripping off me:)

Sandra- Thanks for the encouragement on ARX, I hope I'll finish all the reps soon.

Traci- Hope your feeling better. I had food poisoning last Monday and I was not a happy camper so I know the icky feeling:(

As soon as I have progress pics I'll take the password off my Picture Trail and let you all se the 30 day pics.

Have a great weekend!!!


Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness.
-Earl of Derby-

Hi gang- Quickly popping in to say thanks for get well wishes… Obviously I’m not at my Jimmy Buffett concert tonight… :( No coffee in 2 days, no concert….:( I must be in he((

Computers, TV, reading all give me horrid dizziness so I am keeping it short…Hope I’m on the tail end of this bug –

I’ve been reading as best I can and see a few Magically Hips converts! I also see some new faces and so appreciate all the sweet comments.

I’ll post more as I feel better- back to bed and to change the dripping wet clothes… Its like HotFlashes x 1000 around here.
I am losing my mind...I just had a 30 minute post and lost it!!!!GRRRRRR!! I am too mad to redo it...I even saved it (I thought) and lost it!!!! Okay....I am heading to bed now...Will be back tomorrow afternoon...Just know that I read all of your posts...and I had a great time on my new bike.....And DD and I are going to an outdoor antique show tomorrow....so I won't be able to post until late tomorrow.

Good night!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams


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