Xers.....Windy Wednesday.....

Hi all:
Had a good session with 2 other of the Garage Boys. It was a short DVD - 48 minutes long. Something Hill Climb, could have been Hillacious Hill Climb. It was a good one. Put an extra thick phone book under my front wheel to simulate going uphill. My new trainer arrived today so I put that together and got to use it. So very quiet now. I can hear myself huffing and puffing. Oh yeah, I got my Amy Bento Step Challenge DVD and my Gay Gasper Step Cardio Express. Looking forward to doing them on a weekend. Ooooh, we have a holiday on Tuesday. Maybe then.

Sandra, congrats on B&B for the last time in this round!!! What a great feeling to cross each one of these off. Yes, I am soooo bad with the Leg Conditioning Drills, especially the moves where you have your leg straight out in front of you. No way can I come near to even straightening my legs. I just do my best. Real burner today with those. It is strange to see Brenda in Coach Troy's Spinervals, but guess what? In the Spinerval we did today I saw the woman that is in CST of P90X. Can't remember her name.

Laurie, what a way to wake up! For a long time, our dogs were in the habit of getting up around 3 a.m. Hated that! Hope those girls got lots of housework done today while you were slaving away. Reminds me I need to pull a load of clothes out of the washer and put in the dryer. Gosh, when does spring hit up in Wisconsin? It's supposed to get to 48 degrees on Saturday. I may do a bike ride then with the Garage Boys. A real ride on real asphalt. Glad you made it home safe. Did you kick that headache to the curb? Hope they cancelled the Ash Wednesday festivities. I hate going out again when I'm all settled in.

Traci, so glad you checked in. You know we love you and miss your smiling face each morning. I did kick butt tonite, but was glad for the short DVD. I'm anxious to ride this weekend. Will be so nice when I can ride in shorts and not tights. Sorry that you weren't feeling well enough to work out today. TTOM must still be raging.

Nicole, hope the lunch with your friend lifted your spirits today. I was married for 18 years before things finally hit the fan. It was a good thing though. The last 10 years have been pretty darned nice. It just finally had to come to a head and do or die time.

Tracy, I have S&H legs tomorrow and will try to go heavier, especially on the lunges. We did a lot of big gear work tonite on the bike so it will be layering it on tomorrow. I love my NB shoes. I have one pair that isn't the wide size so I use them for just walking around and stuff, no workouts. Glad your DS is getting good results from P90X. How is your other son and GF doing? Still cooling it for a while? When is her surgery, not sure you ever told us. What are your DS's plans for biking this year?

Debra, sounds like you are feeling more confident today about your relationship with CBL. Hope you can get things worked out. I always had a tendency to rush relationships along when I was single. It was usually all or nothing with me. Hope I'd do things different if I had to do it again. Probably doesn't help with TTOM here. You recapped all of our lives and happenings perfectly for Wendy. Thanks so much! Hope you have a great time at the game on Sunday. Not sure what we are doing, but I think bicycling is on the list for me. Hope we get a big snow melt. You reminded me I need to take the clothes out of the dryer. I'm bad about putting them away too. They seem to stay in folded piles in the hallway.

Must get to that laundry, do some more reading and hit the hay soon.

Good evening ladies. Most of you are probably asleep all ready. I was able to go to the chiropractor today and boy am I sore. My boys had to go with me and it was quite an experience for them. My chiro is also and accupuncturist, so there were needles coming out of my body with stuff burning on top of it(which felt really good). My oldest did not enjoy this too much. Guess I know who is not going to be the doctor of the family. LOL. Anyway, I am hoping to do some yoga tomorrow, if I am not too sore. And if I am, I will definately start my yoganess on Friday. I am now learning not to skip several days.

It sounds like everyone had some great workouts today. Keep on pushing play, you are all doing a great job!

And Wendy, Welcome back. We missed you:p .

Until tomorrow......


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