Xers------ Whimsy on Wednesday.....................

RE: Xers------ Whimsy on Wednesday.......................

Good Afternoon Xers! I’m sure everyone’s busy busy busy about now…. I have finished cooking out dinner for tomorrow (easier to carry to bay this way) and have done the 3 month final measurements with my regular client…. *drum roll* She lost 12” total in the muscle building phase! WOOHOO!!!!!!! She is starting a 3-month Leaning Phase on Monday – wil be good as that’s what I am focused on as well- We will be tracking her diet regularly and she goes from 2x a week with me to 3 + she’ll do 2 cardio coaches per week. I just LOVE her! She wants pics taken Monday too and she says she is going to be the Poster in my front window of my workout facility one day… She’ll just do it too!

Received Pure & Simple Yoga (eoin) today… will take it to bay…. It says that there is a function that allows you to view workouts by level of participant… interesting! It has full instruction option and/or ZEN option! Ha! A 50-minute un-depth yoga pose that is suppose to de-mystify the poses! PLUS a breathing segment! WOW – That’s A LOT for 11 bucks!!! Its also a beach setting which is my favorite! Cant wait to look at it soon! LOL

To All:
Thanks to each of you for being true, blue, support systems every day & in every way! There are days that I think I’d be a blubbering idiot if it weren’t for check in- You all ground me. I am most grateful this Thanksgiving time…. xxoo

… Personals…

Carol- Virgin X’er in training!
Your plan just great! You are all set for the challenge I can tell! It will be an honor going thru 13 weeks of challenges 7 triumphs with you!!! Safe travels to you!!! What’s with all of our holiday hide-a-ways being dialup??? LOLOLOL My NEXT great investment- putting wireless in at bay! Tell those germs Hasta-la-bye-bye!

Swifty XX- Coach!
Tell that bro you were on X time! LOL – Glad the DD enjoyed the festival- glad I don’t like pie at all- now Chocolate Molten Cake???????

Jeanette- XX’er in training!
Well thank goodness ONE of us has done more with THE PARTS than look at the cover!!! Now I am inspired!!! Maybe tonight Glute Camp- but only if my legs stop aching from standing the last 7 hours! Oh I cant wait til next years Birthday!!! What a way to celebrate the real 50!!! You are such the millennium woman aren’t you? YOU are what 50 is SUPPOSE to look like! WOW – Does DH know how blessed he is to have you??? ~~ Shoulder is slllloooowwwlllyyy improving… Yoga is like Physical Therapy- makes it ache like the dickens but next day it feels better…. Sleeping is still painful but as long as I can function I’m OK. Elbows & shoulders do take the brunt of pushups ( you aren’t doing anything wrong!)so I have been slowly doing a few every workout just to prepare… I’ll do my best & forget the rest! The other thing that I think is really important (& Tony does do this- not so much Cathe) … If you are doing pushups regularly its critical that you change your had position as to not put pressure on just one area all the time. AFPA drilled that into our heads… So…. Wide Arm, narrow Arm, girl pushups to go as low as Cathe if necessary- toe pushups to gain upper strength- Elbows out – elbows in- palms directly below shoulder – palms slightly in front …. It all matters. ~~~ Yo’re making me WANT TO DO ARX!!!!! OH NO!!!!!

Amy- X-Phobic!
Glad those calves are better! Happy cooking darlin’!! Hugs to Dave as well!!!

back with the rest in about an hour... gotta go check the bird and do more dishes!
RE: Xers------ Whimsy on Wednesday.......................

Hi all,

My we are chatty today. I just skimmed the posts, but I have to go and workout. I came home and made a cake, did the pie crust, put on the green beans, and the cranberry sauce. I did some other stuff yesterday, so I'm on track.

Wendy - I can't figure out exactly when you are leaving, but HAVE FUN! I'm sure Debra can commiserate with you on having to narrow the shoe selection down to 6 pairs. That's never a problem for me.

Traci - Have a great holiday at the bay. Sounds fun, minus the travel.


Workout time is here.

RE: Xers------ Whimsy on Wednesday.......................

Back to finish up----

Debra - X Coach with Pompoms
Which meditation DVDs did you end up getting? If you don’t care for the first style maybe I can direct you if you tell me what you didn’t like…. ~ OMG! Are you black & blue yet????? You poor poor thing! – I do hope you got both your important phone calls made today so all that is put to rest… Its time to PARTY! ~~ Od was no biggie- just reading the incessant bitching about nothing of value drives me crazy… I shouldn’t go over there when I’m in a mood- Same people who are icky goo sweet EXCEPT when they are being rude & obnoxious – somehow its all OK with the “click” when one of them is being ridiculous – It aint their forum, I say! LOLOLOL MAN you & I BOTH got hit with hormone hell this time around! ~~ Enjoy your tree trimming time – I bet they will perk you right up.

Wendy- XX’er in training!
LOL on being homesick already! Breathe deeply- get on plane- take a sleeping pill and wake up when you are EXCITED!!!! I haven’t said “I’ll miss you” because I think we shall see you LOTS & LOTS!! WE will be your sanity! Come by often!!! ~ I will eat bird tomorrow if I feel like it! HA- I am RAW VEGAN – only & I do mean ONLY when I am in the mood! Unfortunately I have animal protein bloat right now from a PMS 14 days that left me in the I just don’t care frame of mind… I can feel that leaving tho and now I am having to face my puffy body in the mirror…. I do believe tonight I’ll be working out HARD! ~ Thanks for clearing up Phil’s plans! Tell him to stop in & say hi if he gets lonely!

Laurie- XXX’er in training! Hope dinner is DELIC! Tonight…. No worries on the w/o- it’ll be there tomorrow! ROFL about the mail spanking! FAMILIES!!!! What is it about holidays??? My gosh I get all worked up! ~ LOL on my bay “story”--- Wendell & 2 boys are already on their way… its just Sandy- I want to stay as long as possible so we are going at 5am PLUS I am a lunatic in traffic (ESPECIALLY this week!) so I thought it just best to hang out here and enjoy a bit of peace & quiet to center before all the holiday ruckus down at bay… Lots of friends & get togethers this weekend every year for us…

Sandra- XX’er in training! A week ahead of the rest!
IITA!!!!!! Why is it that showers need cleaning???? ROF WooHoo!!!!! Day 3 under your belt!!!! Will you be using Stars? Hilites? Little Way To Go stickers????? I’m thinking STARS on this one…. PLUS- GOLD STAR for eating clean! ` I did find the chart in the book but I like o keep originals. Anal I know! ~~ I shall not abandon you my dear!!! Wendell HAS to leave the house at some point to go fish! All the guys come down Thursday night as soon as they can escape their families! LOLOLOL

Nicole- XX’er in training!
Glad you checked in so I know you’re still kicking out there! HECTIC is the new daily word- since Deb didn’t give us a quote today….. Good VIBES on everything !!!

Tracy - X Coach
Glad you’re home and sweating already!!! Have a great day tomorrow!!!

Lea X -Coach
Repeat: MISS YOU but know you have your hands full this week………… Happy Thanksgiving my dear!!!

TeddyGirl- Virgin X’er in training!

Will either be back later tonight or at some point tomorrow…. Love, Hugs to all!!
Ooh, I'm not supposed to be here; supposed to be ordering Christmas pressies online for the kiddos, like a good mother. If I order before Dec 10 they're guaranteed to be here by Christmas. I've only had the flyer since September...

But I just had to tell Traci - I did Eoin's Pure & Simple Yoga yesterday afternoon, and really enjoyed it. No tiring vinyasas between every pose, and he holds them long enough that you feel the stretch, but not so long that you feel the burn. It was really nice. My only disappointment was in the lack of lying twists. I need a good twist.

I thought it was really cool the way you could choose to watch either an intermediate version, beginner version, or have them both on the screen. The segment that lets you go in to each pose and have him carefully explain each and every pose is wonderful. I cracked up though, at how his hands never left her body, and he got in a few extra booty rubs. I believe (hope?) the woman in the demonstration is his SO, as Debra has mentioned.

I haven't looked at the Pranyana section yet. I think that could be nice. I really like how you can listen to it with a loud breathing sound blending in, so you can hear when you're supposed to inhale and exhale. It wasn't spooky breathing; nice and rhythmic.

Okay, I have to extricate myself from this forum. BBL!

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