Part Two
Hi again,
TracyX - I am very impressed with what you are doing these days. Most uninjured people wouldn't be able to keep up with you! What is "Sweat"? The P90 cardio workouts are called that, but I don't think you own those? Yes, when you are back to the higher intensity stuff, I highly recommend the DrillMax premixes. Yesterday's workout was tough, tough, but still the most fun I've had in a long time. Happy 20th birthday to DS!!!! How does it feel to have a 20-something year old? That must be a turning point for a parent?
TraciX - so that Eionn dvd is good for more than just the hip opener section? And you squeezed PlyoX into your day, too? You gotta be tired! That was a lot of workouts yesterday! How was PlyoX? Enjoyable? It obviously scared those germs, and they headed for someone much less crazy. I've never done a Billy Blanks workout, so can't relate to what you're talking about, but I have heard enough about his form and cuing to know that I probably don't want to try. I'm really happy with my Cathes and my Tonys

Wouldn't you love to see them in a gym together, challenging each other to see who could Bring It the most? Who would win? LOL!! My semi-fast yesterday was just that - semi!!! I'll explain at the end of the post.
Okay, now there are lots of posts about shaving dogs....I've stumbled onto the wrong list....Oh! Here we go!
LeaX!!! Wonderful to see you!! Are you going to tell us about shaving something? When you have just a salad and a protein shake for dinner, what do you say to your children about why you aren't eating the meal you've prepared (or did you seve them salad and shake too? LOL!). I'm so concerned about setting a healthy example for my DDs that I try not to do anything "weird" with my eating, despite what I would like to do. Heck, I'd live on protein shakes, cereal and bananas if I could! Ontario is 4 provinces to the east. It's about a 4 day drive, or a 5 hour airplane event. We haven't been "home" in about 3 years, so yes, I'm looking forward to going. We're planning some 40th b-day celebrations for my DH, with friends we haven't seen in ages. Have a good time with SA and ARX tonight! I was working out at night for a while, and it works, but I prefer mid-morning during DD's nap. One day she'll stop napping, then I'll have to figure out a new strategy. It snowed ALL DAY yesterday. Yes, I'm ready to move! But not to California. We hear about those terrible fires that Jeanette mentioned yesterday, and I would like to stay away from that.
Teddygirl - Yay!!! You're almost back, baby! I'm thrilled the damage wasn't most serious. Saturday is almost here!!!
Wendy - Let us know how Kenpo without shoes feels. I suppose you also do it on a bed of crushed glass or hot coals?
JeanetteX - Woohoo! New furniture!! I hope they can fit it through the door (yes, that's the voice of bad experience talking). I've looked at those CCs a few times, and mentioned them to DH, but I'm not sure how interested he is. What's a good one to start off with? What DH loves to do is just head out the door and go for a few hours. He's not really into structured plans, rotations, or goals. Just wants to ride like the wind, I think. So much unlike me! I want to know every detail of my workouts ahead of time so I can pace myself properly, blah blah blah. Yeah, I'm no fun
LaurieX - Nice workout today. I think I'm going to do those abs on Friday; they're really good, aren't they? I found that Tosca's book was useful for bringing together a bunch of good ideas. When I read it, though, it became apparent that she was really just relating what worked for her; this isn't so much a how-to manual for everyone, but a "this is how I did it, and it might work for you, too" book. Much of what she says isn't backed up by anything more than anecdote. Still, her story is inspiring, and the book is motivational, with some useful tips and ideas scattered throughout. Those who have made the recipes seem to really enjoy them.
My meeting went very well yesterday, thank you to everyone who asked about it. We focused on how I go about finding a job outside of academia; which organizations might be interested in a social science phd graduate with a strong research background. She had a large number of resources for me, and some good ideas. One suggestion she had was to write a letter to any and every organization that I might be interested in working in, regardless of whether they have a job posting or not. She suggested that I just let them know that I'm in the market for a job, and if anything comes up, or they know of anything, please keep me in mind. In my mind, that's a very bold thing to do (which makes me uncomfortable), but a smart marketing technique. And really, that's what I'm going to have to do: market myself. I never thought of it that way before. I don't like the idea, but hopefully I can find work quickly enough that I don't have to do it for long!
On the eating front, yesterday did not end up well. Trying to eat "lightly" on a day where you do a 90 min intense workout just doesn't work. I didn't eat enough recovery carbs, and by dinner time, as I was laying out the leftovers for the rest of the family, I found myself nibbling, nibbling, nibbling. By that point my brain felt very tired, and I had a mild headache. I was craving the mood-boosting foods. So, I finally caved and had leftover turkey, ham, etc. Then I had a large helping of leftover ice-cream. Lesson learned: don't fast on a high-activity day!!!! This morning I made a fresh batch of steel cut oatmeal for breakfast. That seems to help cut the cravings in the afternoon.
Okay, on to today's workout: Back & Biceps, ARX. Time to head down to the basement and get set up. Have a great day!