Xers ~~~ Wednesday ~~~


Happy April 4th!

Doubles / Ph 1 / Day 3 / Week 1 / Rd 2

I am alive & kicking this morning!! Body very sore and happy today is Shoulders & Arms + ARX.
Thank you all for your concerns & suggestions about my hitting the wall yesterday. I am revisiting Tonys Rules on Doubles (thumps head)
and revising my doubles plan of attack. Its wonderful having you all because you speak up when its necessary. I do value that from each of you. First thing I'm changing is that I shall be increasing water intake as of today- doubles, humidity, etc... I KNEW to do this starting last week but just didnt do it. With afternoon humidity levels so high already I also cannot ever try and run in the afternoon again... Our air levels go into danger zone everyday except 2 winter months. (another thump).... I have to really think about the best way to proceed as climate conditions have drasticlly changed since forst round... (thumps head & says OUCH! No more thumping!)

I shall return with personals a bit later but did want to give a very big bear hug to TRACY {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Tracy}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}! I am so happy you didnt avoid doc.... You have some healing to do so I hope you take all the great medical advise. I am sending healing thoughts & prayers - you are just too special to have a long term problem Please allow yourself to heal.

I shall return in awhile.
Just had Lea's Oatmeal Egg White pancakes! YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY! Much more filling than just egg white omelets or protein drinks.. My tummy is doing a happy dance! :D

Jeanette: Congrats on a good tax appointment! thats always a relief. Enjoying GR 1000 as I type I suppose... Hope you find your burn! As far as lazy and such... to me Jeanette you "workout" smart. Exactly like you're suppose to and then you are very active naturally. I do believe you are one of the few who have the success formula down to a science! ;) I love your kajoonies name! My jammies are just the best part of the day for me... The oh so wonderful feeling that its time to chill out!

Debra: {{{{thanks}}}} ;-)

Tracy, Sandra, Lea, Laurie, Steph, Wendy, Katie, TeddyGirl and Debfer - whew````` We are a big group! Hope all of you have wonderful days & workouts!!!

Back when I can today- its a "blow & go" one for me so I wont be around much.
Poor Traci is all alone. Did Shoulders and Arms/ARX this morning and can barely type. I am so excited that I think by the end of X I will be lifting up to 30#'s. I did really well today. So I am patting myself on the back. YAY!!

Traci X - You take care of yourself. Can you run in the am when the weather is not so bad yet? Either that, or you are just going to have to do your cardio inside. Poor thing. But yes, water water water. Very important. Did you have your two glasses this am?

That is all the typing I can do right now. OUCH!! Have to go and get a protein shake and then coffee and wake up DH. Talk to you all later.

Doubles/Phase3/Week1/Day3: Shoulders & Arms, ARX

Yaaaaaawn. Good morning. Whatcha dooooin'? I hope you had a good sleep and are prepared for another day.

TraciX - Well, don't you sound chipper and optimistic this morning. Lovely! I'm glad you are picking yourself up and dusting yourself off. It seems like there are few climates where year-round outdoor running is without its problems. Humidity is miserable. I'm glad you figured out the problem from yesterday and can make a new plan. I'm also very glad that today is "only" SA and ARX!

DebraX - Oooooh, I hope you're enjoying Circuit Max as I type! I have to admit...I didn't like it a whole lot when I first did it. Once I got familiar with all the moves, it made it much easier to follow and then I was able to appreciate how fun it is. Did you leave out the monkey noises? Was DD as much at fault yesterday as the other kids? I think I mentioned before that I chaperoned DD's kindergarten class last year on the FieldTrip from he**. The class didn't even GET to the event they were supposed to go to! The whole thing ended up being an improvised mess. It was just awful. At the end of it all, DD looked at me and said, "I'm so happy you came on my field trip. This was the best field trip ever!". Cracked me up.

JeanetteX - I'm so tired of snow that when I looked out my window on Monday morning I almost cried. A few years ago we got almost a foot of snow on Easter morning. It's not right!!! A good tax appointment?? Yay!!! Send those blonde brownies this way! Love them! Oh, wait, you'd better not. That's asking for trouble. If you're not eating within a couple of hours of your workouts, then I'd bet the nausea thing is hunger. I appreciate the logic of your friend's suggestion, but also think it's a harmful way to attempt to reduce bodyfat. Kind of like exercise-anorexia. JMO.

Eating went well again yesterday. I ate a full 1807 calories because I felt my workout had been intense enough that if I didn't get enough fuel, I was going to set myself up for cravings and a binge. So

2 Afternoon snacks:
Kashi Go-lean cereal, soymilk;
cheese string; V-Go

baked chicken breast with left-over Ragu sauce
steamed broccoli
baked sweet potatoes
mixed greens salad with tomato and balsamic/oil dressing
peppermint tea

Bedtime snack:
Very Berry dessert tofu
1/2 tbsp natural peanut butter

I've got a fresh pot of steel cut oatmeal waiting for me on the stove for breakfast this morning. I'm quite hungry. I'll probably have some turkey breast deli meat too, for some protein. And either a banana or blueberries in my oatmeal.

Have a great day,
Morning Xers,

Doubles: Ph1/Wk1/Day3/Rnd2

Today is Shoulders & Arms and B&G Stablility Abs plus a 2 Mile run. Picked DD up from track last night and she was limping to the car. Both quad muscles where popped. x( Had her ice them and this morning she was moving much better. They probably will not have track today, too cold only 32 deg this morning. And she has a week off for spring break. Since she is so young she will heal fast. :) Had a good time chatting with my girl friends. I got there late, and one of my friends wasn't very chatty. Usually she isn't that way. As we where leaving someone said something about a biopsy. So I need to find out what is going on. And I only had one beer, so I was a really good girl. :)

I had a turkey burger, brown rice and green beans last night.

Todays menu is pretty much like yesterdays, no variety here today. Just to lazy this morning and last night.

Lea, Thanks for the recipies, I have printed them out. Very nice to have them all in one place too.

Traci, So sorry to hear that your run/walk/crawl didn't go that well. Glad you are adjusting your workouts. Yup humidity can really do a number on the body. And quit hitting yourself in the head. :D

Tracy, Glad you went to the Doc, and now you are on some meds.:D I smile, because I remember muscle relaxers. Boy did those make one feel relaxed. Take care of yourself.

BBL, Boss wants some financial information, and of course I only have an hour to get the info together. x(

Good morning,

Today was GR 1000, enjoyed the short cardio segments inbetween each one. Hope my others come soon. I ordered from Deep Discount and it's free shipping but they must come from around Cape Horn. I'm going to visit my niece and her new baby after work today.

Traci, I got to thinking, when the weather turns warm here, it's always tough getting acclimated with the bike riding, takes a couple of weeks to adjust to the heat and my heart rate is higher. I'd say just go easier to begin with and monitor, walking when needed. I'm sure you'll adjust in no time at all. I'm trying to work out smart and listen to my body more. Hopefully it is smarter.

Lea, you can barely type? 30#ers? You rock girl! I only got up to barely doing a couple exercises with my 20's for biceps. You're going to be soooo buff when you get done. You'll be lifting 5 toilets with all that strength. When I would brag a bit to my DH, he would say, "good, now you can pack even more wood". Always something practical.

Sandra, I'm looking forward to making the blondie brownies but I know they will be so bad for me. We got snow last year on Memorial Day, had to ditch the camp trailer and get on home. Didn't last long but it sure ruined that camping weekend.

Laurie, sorry about your DD's injury. Yes, she's young and it will heal quickly. Sorry about your friend. Hope everything goes okay. I'm a no variety meal type myself, but it works for me. I do indulge with family for get togethers and that's what's happening this weekend. Oh well, life is short and everything in moderation, huh?

Got to go now, hi to everyone that follows,

Good Morning-

Classic/Phase 1/Week 1/Day 4-

Last night at 8 I did the plyx workout-I got through it-I knew I had to do it-I did not want to get off schedule so soon after starting-I really have to work on fitting my routines in the am cuz it's so hard to do it at night-

Today I do YogaX (did I say that right-I'm still working on my coffee)-I have mixed feelings-some people like it and some don't-and I'e never done any yoga-I'll let you know how it goes-

I've got to start tracking my nutrition to make sure I'm eating enough or not too much-for the last month in prep for P90X I didn't work out at all and just concentrated on eating right and lost 5 pounds but when I add in exercise I go crazy nuts, craving everything not nailed down-

Lea- thanks for the recipes-I printed them off-I was grateful because I've been in a rut with the food and at lunch time I'm screaming inside "not another wheat tortilla with hummus, tomatoes and romaine-I want something differnet"-LOL

HI to Sandra, Lea, Traci,Laurie, Debra, Jeanette (we miss you the Haterville) and anyone else I've missed--deb
Good afternoon Ladies,

It was thundering loud this morning. It sounded like our house was hit by lightening. I heard a Loud BOOM followed by some crumbling/falling sounds in the attic. I never go into our full sized attic after a bird got in through an open window and came at me! We have a 167 year old stucco farmhouse without the farm. I'm wondering if it was the stucco I heard falling off. I'll have dh check it out when he gets home tonight.

Today is a much needed rest day. My calves, hamstrings and inner thighs were so sore last night. Thankfully dh got over his arms/chest/back/shoulder DOMS and gave me a deep pressure massage. I feel much better today! I'm going to try and see if I can make an appointment for a full body massage at the spa on one of my rest days.

I might try to sneak in a brisk walk on the treadmill and some Fluidity. I really miss doing those. I just don't have it in me to do it right now. Whenever I think of doing any bar workouts, my DOMS stop me! I'll try to be good and wait until week 5 before adding in extra cardio in the AM.

Last night dh and I did KenpoX. I was still sore from L&B. Has anyone ever subbed Kenpo for KPC? I like KPC so much better. Dh felt good that he was able to keep up. He was getting a bit discouraged after L&B. I ordered him Butts & Guts since he wants to add in more leg work to his upper body days. Okay, I really purchased it for me too. ;-)

I've gotta get some things done right now, like buy some Dunkin Doughnuts coffee with extra cream :9 (140 calories in a large). I'll be back for personals in a bit.

Real quick... Tracy, take it easy. I'm so happy for you that it's something that can heal up! Lea, thanks for the recipes. I'll have to try some of them!

I'm in PA, about an hour outside Philly. Where does everyone live? I hear so many different weather reports from y'all.

Good Morning Xers

First let me say, last night, I decided to do PlyoX (that was fun) and not add on DM b/c I wanted to be out doors for the last day of warm weather :) So, after I finished Plyo, out I went, I walked 45 minutes down and 45 minutes back up, and it felted so good, I really enjoyed it.

Returning home, I decided to check my mailbox, but, before checking my mail, I wanted to check my face, just making sure I look okay, didn't want to run into anyone, so in my apartment I went check my face ran bath water. Then down the stairs I go and down the stairs I went I fell down the stairs all eight of them I could not believe it, landed on my knees and hurt my right shoulder :-( I was in tearsx(

At first, I thought I had broken my right knee x( After work, going to see doctor maybe x-rays just making sure nothing is broken, which I doubt, If it was, I wouldn't be able to walk.

When, I got out of bed this morning I could barely apply pressure on it. I took 2 pain pills, and laid back down I called my boss told him what had happen, and I'd be a little late.

My right knee feels a little better not much I’m still limping, my right shoulder is sore. I’ll let you guys know what my doctor say. This suck :-( :-(

Doubles/phase 1/Week 1/Day 3/XX

Traci X - I am so happy that you liked the recipe. Yay!! Oxygen always puts out good recipes. I am going to try garlic chicken that was in the fat loss issue for dinner tonight. Yummo!!! Have fun today!!!

Sandra X - So sorry about the snow. I know that it gets tiring after a while. I am so proud of you and your eating. Your dinner sounded delicious. So delicious that I am going out to get sweet potatoes today and probably going to steam some brocolli for din din. What is Very Berry dessert tofu? Sounds very interesting.

Laurie X - Ouch!!! Sorry to hear about your DD. How painful that must have been for her. Sorry to hear about your friend too. I hope that everything turns out all right. Good job on your eating AND drinking last night. You should be very proud of yourself. Have fun with shoulders and arms today.

Jeanette X - I hope that your dvd's arrive soon too. It is awful waiting isn't it? LOL on the 5 toilet thing. Two of my goals when I was younger was to have really long hair(which I am working on now) and muscles. Back then I just did not have the knowledge to obtain them. So if I can get it for this summer, I will be happy that I have finally finished one of my goals. LOL on your DH though.

Debfer - Plyo X is hard to do any time of day. I was thinking next week that I will wake up at 1am when I am super tired just to get it over with. But good job getting it done. Youch!! I agree that the eating clean meals can get boring. If you get into another rut, I have dinner and lunch and snack ideas too.

Teddygirl - ((((((HUGS)))))). How awful:-(. I hope you feel better quickly!!!

Ok, have to wrap up and get the kids to school. I will talk with everyone else later. Hi to Wendy, Tracy(hope you are doing all right today), Katie, Debra(are you recovered yet?), Steph.

Morning ladies. DD was up 4 times last night, so I didn't get much sleep. I'll have to do my workout when I get home tonight. I had IMAX 3 on the schedule. Keeping fingers crossed that the X comes today.

Sandra - You had mentioned that the longest workout was over 90 minutes. How long are most of the workouts? I was under the impression they were about an hour long, so if they are all longer than that I am definitely going to have to do some adjustments to my morning.

Hope everyone has a great day.

TeddyGirl: OMG You poor poor thing! i hope its not the Xer Curse already...I think we failed to mention the various injuries that seem to plague all of us at various stages of X. I do hope you will take it VERY easy until you get word from doc today.

BBL with personals
Hi again,

Still haven't done the day's workout, so what the heck am I doing playing on the computer again? Just trying to keep up with the chatter. It's nicer writing a few short emails than one long one.

LaurieX - Mmmmm turkey burgers! I am going to buy those for next week. I love those done on the bbq. What do you mean when you say DD "popped" her quads?? That sounds dreadfully painful!!!! I'd like some financial information, too. Like, why do a "few dollars" spent casually here and there add up to thousands on my credit card???

JeanetteX - I have no idea what GR1000 is, but I'm glad you're liking it! Does it feel GRRRReat? DD's school bus came around Cape Horn today. New bus driver got mixed up and never showed. Another parent finally had to drive a few of the kids to school. Weird, huh? Too bad your Memorial Day weekend got splut by snow! Is that in May? I think it's the same as our Victoria Day weekend - around the end of May? I could be completely wrong here. Snow in May just ain't right, unless you live at the poles.

New Deb - If you've never done any yoga before, then let me wish you patience and practice with YogaX!! I would not call it beginner level. Keep in mind as you go through it, that at the 45 min mark, it all changes. The first 45 mins is very active movement, the last 45 mins is all deep holding and stretching. Get through the first half, and you'll really enjoy the second half. PlyoX is tough, isn't it? I'm glad you got through it. Did you crash in the river?

Teddygirl - :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( I feel just awful for you!! I'm sending quick healing vibes your way!

LeaX - you know, I bumped my head pretty hard this morning, and now I can't even remember what I ate for dinner last night. I'll have to go back to my earlier post and read it. Oooooh yeah. The chicken and spaghetti sauce. I love sweet potatoes. I have a recipe for scalloped sweet potatoes that uses an entire container of whipping cream. It would be perfect for our Easter dinner on Monday....do I dare? Or will I just wind up on the forum on Tuesday morning complaining about my lack of control?? What did that bump on the head do to me?? You're joking about doing PlyoX at 1am, RIGHT?! The dessert tofu is put out by a company called "Pete's Tofu". It's single serving containers of a custard-like tofu, lightly sweetened and flavoured. They have lime, berry, and caramel. They're all delicious, organic, and 100 cals/serving. The lime is very refreshing. I'm impressed with your weight loads today! Are you talking about doing some of the BICEP work with 30lbs? That's positively hulk-i-fying! Good thing our tank tops won't have any sleeves!

Wendy - so you're feeling a bit beat up, hey? Welcome to P90X :) :) You and DH are doing amazing. I'm very impressed. Enjoy your rest day. The program recommends XStretch on the rest day, and if you find time to fit it in, I suggest you do so. It's really, really enjoyable. Kind of like a massage from the inside-out. I'm in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Hi Katie,

Oooooh, I hate those bad nights. I hope DD's okay?? IMAX3 on a bad sleep can be very hard.

All of the other workouts range from 50-60mins, and then you need to add another 15 mins 3x a week for AbRipperX. Altogether you need 60-75 mins/day, except on day 4, when you need 93. Make sense? I think that's why so many people sub YogaX for a different 60 min yoga.

Miss Sandra X, just reminded me of something that I have been LAGGING on. For those of you who are new to the Xer group, we have been talking about and talking about and talking about getting shirts. Well, years ago we finally came up with a design and are about ready to order them. (FINALLY I said. ) Here is the link to our fabulouse Xer shirts. If you would like to order it, please let me know your size. I plan on ordering by Friday girls. Yes Friday!!! I need to do this before I have to change the shirts to XXers. LOL
Anywho, here is the link:


BBL with those darn personals.

Lea, 30#! Girl, I'm scared of you! Remind me to never get on your bad side. LOL Am I missing something, the X t-shirt link didn't work. I might be interested in getting a couple for dh and me. Dh told me that if he gets a shirt, he's going to give it to an out of shape person who doesn't know what P90X means. }( LOL I told him that everytime he sees this person wear the shirt, it'll remind him of what P90X saved him from becoming. He's so bad! I highly doubt dh would go through it though. Knowing him, after the 90 days, he'll wear it proud!

Sandra, You make XStretch sound so tempting! I might do it tonight when my body feels tighter. No wonder you have all those cold weather reports. Hope it warms up soon for you! GR1000 is a Jari Love dvd: Get Ripped 1000. I almost bought it, but got Jari's Slim & Lean instead. Did you get around to your workout yet? Yesterday's menu sounds so good. I had under 1450 calories and woke up late with a major craving. I found the other half to a Take 5 candy bar and devoured it! YUM

Katie: I hope your P90X comes in today too. We started on a Thursday and our rest day is on Wednesdays. YogaX falls on Sunday. I don't know if we'll be able to spend 90 minutes on Yoga this Easter. We'll play it by ear.

Teddygirl: It was probably a good thing you opted for a walk instead of DM after Plyo. I am so sorry you fell down the steps. OUCH! This does suck! Let us know what the doctor says. Hopefully, it won't keep you down long. Once, I slammed the minivan door right into my knee. I fell to the ground and literally screamed and cried. I didn't break anything, just bruised myself up pretty bad. The doctor yelled at me for taking a hot bath right after. But, it felt soooo good!

Deb, I'm with you about moving my workouts to a different time. You'd think a hour wouldn't take up most of my evenings. It does. Dh wakes up at 5AM for work. Maybe, I'll try waking up with him and doing it then. I have mixed feelings with YogaX. If dh wasn't doing it with me, I would most likely buy something else as a sub. Best wishes with your eating. It's a daily, no, hourly struggle for me too.

Jeanette: Are you waiting for more Jari Love tapes? I love S&L. It kinda reminds me of Cathe's PowerHour. Enjoy yourself with your neice's new baby. Love that baby powder scent of a newborn!

Laurie: Eww, I hope your dd continues to feel better. Isn't it amazing how children can bounce back from injuries that would take us weeks. Sorry about your girlfriend. FIL had a brain biopsy done last month. The worst part was waiting for the results to come back. Hopefully, your gf will have better results. Have fun with S&A and B&G stability ball. I might switch things up a bit and sub B&G abs for ARX.

People! I just finished week 1 and I'm already wanting to switch things up. This is not a good sign. sigh

Hi Xers,

Today I did regular, dips, diamond, and decline pushups, 4X20-25 for 4 cycles with very low impact marches in between and then a facsimile of stretching. The muscle relaxer has really helped alleviate the pain. I think that every time the muscles in my glute spasmed, it just made my entire leg tight.

Thanks to all for the well wishes and support. This too will pass.

Traci – Humidity does play havoc with aerobic activity. I bet you were sweating buckets. It’s very humid here in the summer too; we have the whole heat index thing too. It's probably hotter there than here though. How many days a week are you doubling up? Glad the tax visit went OK. I hate getting all of the stuff together and try to do it all year long. That way it is not so painful.

Lea – Glad you enjoyed shoulders and arms. That was one of my favorites. It just goes by so fast. Thanks for posting the recipes. I’ll have to try some. I'm so lazy though. I did want a small t-shirt, but no hurry.

Sandra – Sounds like your eating is on track. I’m trying to keep up with my upper body workouts, but going more endurance and doing it 3x per week and I’m doing very light cardio and stretching. Everything says that the more active you are, within the limits, the faster you will get better.

Laurie – Sorry about your daughter’s quads. Sometimes I don’t think that MS/HS coaches are all that educated on proper training and that really is inexcusable. I’m a boring eater too. I cook something nutritious and clean and then eat it almost everyday until it’s gone or I can’t stomach another bite.

Jeanette – I hope your DVDs come soon. I’ve had good luck with DDDVD.

Deb – Enjoy yoga X. It always was a little long for me; effective, but long.

Teddygirl – I’m sorry about your fall. I hope that nothing is serious. Maybe we should start an injured check in. It su%$s doesn’t it?

Wendy – I’m in No. VA. Are you north or south of Philly? How is the fluidity? I may have to find some lower impact stuff for a while. I’ve seen some posts, but never paid too much attention.

Katie – I’m keeping my fingers crossed that you get your package today. Sorry about getting up so much last night. I never dealt with that very well. My DH is up and down all night long so he usually did the night duty; otherwise my kids would probably have hated me because I’m not nice in the middle of the night.

Debra – I don’t think that people realize how hard managing a group of kids, no matter what the age. I guess you found out that teachers really don’t get enough credit for what they do, nor enough money.

Hi to all who follow, I'll bbl.

Hi, I'm back again.

Deb, I had never done Yoga before I started the X, and now I am a yoga lover. I have to get it in at least once a week.

Teddygirl, Big Hug, dang that is a bummer. Hope you feel and get better quick.

Wendy, Wow that must have been some storm. Hope nothing happened to the house. I live in Waukesha, WI

Katie, Bad day and night for lots of us. Hope your package shows up today!

Sandra, Popped Quad is what the coach used to describe the injury. Pulled muscle is probably what it is. In fact the nurse just called from school and she is icing her quads right now. I will know in 20 min if I have to go pick her up. Guess the Ibuprofen wore off. x( I wish I had all the money I spend here at work. Makes me not want to look at any bills when I get home. :D

Jeanette, My DH did get his bike. He purchased one that was good on bike trails. So far hasn't been warm enough to venture out.

My parents are suppose to be heading down today. Talked to my Dad last night and they had 6" of snow, and it was still coming down. Hope they can get out of town.

Have a great day!

Ok, time to catch up with the rest of you:

Wendy - Wow, the thunder sounds harsh. We had thunder like that only a few times out here in my lifetime. I live in sunny Southern California. Where everyone is just gawgeous dawling!!! I hope that your attic is all right. Ok, I have to ask you, would you PLEAZZZZEEE stop mentioning DD??? I have been going into DD withdrawls for a few years now. I love love love that place, usually just for the coffee though. Strange huh? LOL;-) . BTW, I am not lifting 30# yet!!! I am hoping by the end of my 90 days I will be. But I am pretty much starting off with the weight I left off of, so it is encouraging. I'm a pussycat though. I would never ever get into a fight. I would RUN!!!: Please, switch away on your workouts. Whatever keeps your interest. We don't want to lose you now!!!

Katie - Ouch on the DD waking you up throughout the night. Plenty of coffee today huh? I hope that you can get in Imax 3 and get your X in too!!

Sandra X - I know, you definately have to check up on this thread a lot now don't you? How the heck did you bump your head and are you all right? I can throw some ice your way or better yet, just reach outside and put some snow on your head:+. I checked out the desserts that you mentioned and they look very interesting. May have to go to Whole Foods and check it out. Is it a tofu block with flavoring on it? You are having Easter dinner on Monday? I would say go for it on the sweet potato recipe. Heck you only live once right? Hey yeah, I was talking about weight work with bicep and some shoulder with 30#. Gosh, for me the 15# feel kind of light now. It's amazing what the X can do. Maybe I am just having out of body experiences and not noticing the pain?? LOL.

Tracy X - Good job on the workout today. You impress me. I would be in pain and just be lying down. But then we all are a bit on the sick and demented side of working out aren't we? Funny what you said to Laurie about the eating. I just bought 3 days of chicken that I am planning on preparing tonight and eating for the next few days. DH is going to be so sick of chicken and salad. BTW, I am not a nice person in the middle of the night either. Unfortunately, my DS's had to deal with my wrath in the middle of the night since DH is a pretty heavy sleeper. Feel better Tracy.

Ok, I think that is it. Oh, I became an auntie yesterday. My step sister gave birth to a healthy baby boy yesterday. Very exciting. Now my mom and her hubby have to deal with 3 boys(lots and lots of testosterone!!!:p)


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