Xers ~~~ Wednesday 3/7 ~~~


Happy Wednesday to all!

Upper feeling very nice & toasty after UML yesterday. Tony uses no weights in this one- all uppers are varied pushups. Unlike all of you I have not been adding those into every workout so I was amazed at how many I could crank out still on my toes. Very affirming about muscle memory.

Today is lower day (*Pilates still needs to be fit in!) I am going to do 1 round of PlyoX + 1 round of Amy Bento Lower from All Pump Extreme.

Today is the 6 year anniversary of 1st date with DH so we are going to Sushi (that’s where we ate 6 years ago). He is a very sentimental guy dressed in a big burly bear body & always remembers all the anniversaries like that. He even wishes me Happy Anniversary every 11th of the month as we were married on the 11th of October.

I decided to take my facial cash and use it for hilights today so I look decent for the big date! I don’t have my hair done all winter to save $$$ so it is definitely in need…. More gray this year than ever and that is not making me feel as young as I believe I still look! LOL- Illusion is everything!

Back to last nights board….

:7 TRACY X: OMG how glorious you made your plyo day! I am so impressed (I know I say that every day- I REALLY am!). You are so creative and focused- have you always been this way in your life or is it a new habit that I can aspire to? Funny about the little dog /sitting. I have enormous amounts of tolerance for the animal kingdom but put an infant in my house and my nerves kick in big time!

:7 Jeanette X : LOL at the hair dye visual… I love the “wait time” as theres very little you can actually do during it so its always a great 30 minute piece of downtime! LOL on the body builder body! OMG- I would have fallen for that hook line & sinker.. Will be interesting how your body responds to slim series (we are same body type) – I cant recall what they all entail either except there is 1 that she does those nasty floor leg lifts like B&G… I do not like thiose at all! LOL So happy you are enjoying your new job… As good as I’m sure you were with the old duties – I just don’t see you as being glued to the phones all day… I imagine you as extremely outgoing and personable so it sounds like you have found a great new fit. LOL On the shorts! Gotta say that Sandra is dead on with one! All my spinning pants (padded) are the long & high ones and I truly look 10-15 poinds heavier… In my “little ones” I look quite petite in mid & lower region on my lean days of the month. It really messes me up mentally when I wear the long ones… I tend to freak out if I look in the mirror and always wear a long tank to cover my lower half.

:7 DEBRA X: Nice workout! CF is one major cardio isn’t it? Are you planning on upping your cardio now that you’ve graduated? Will you be able to check in at all while you’re on vacation next week? I would so miss a full week without our newest X! On Flickity Fit- I went online to get started then saw that the cheapest plan was 11.99 a month… I think that’s too high! I’m cheap and since I have NetFlix at 2.99 a month I figured I’d just use that service. They sure don’t have the selection on workout tapes but enough to keep me busy.. Shoot I’ve had this Pilates thing for nearly 2 weeks and haven’t popped it in! lol. ...I can get most DVDs on Amazon for below $10.00 so its still cheaper for me if I buy 1 a month. If I were good about getting the rental – using it- getting another it makes sense but I have a hard time trying to fit a rental into my planned workout days… I get anal about changing the plan.

:7 Sandra X: I am so jealous that your Walmart carries those “perfect” shorts! Mine only carries the long/high ones so I have to spend $$ at Champion to get what I need. Maybe I should keep looking as all mine are now old and too big. (*for more shorts details see comments to Jeanette*) What is TBS#1? Its next to Imax3…. I know you love your headers! LOL on how you “see me”… pretty accurate! Less boisterous than my earlier years but definitely full of vigor! No texas twangs here… I’m a transplant from CA – Every once in awhile I hear myself say Ya’ll but that’s it. At times I have a Chicago accent (during public speaking usually) – that’s from my 20’s when I was dating a mid west man with a thick accent. DH is the Texas boy right down to passing someone on the street and saying Howdy as hello! LOL He looks like an offshore fisherman and so NOT a cowboy except for that twang!

:7 LEA, Laurie, Steph, : Hope all is well & you are having terrific mornings… I caught you all on yesterday board.

:7 Monica: MIA? Miss you!

Ta Ta For Now!
Good morning. Traci you have been lonely here for so long,I thought I would pop in for a minute. BTW, happy 1st date anniversary. Isn't that sweet?!!! What a great DH for remembering that stuff.

Today I did chest. First I did the first round of pushups on Chest and Back, then popped in GS Chest and Tri's and mixed and matched all of the chest round, and then did the second round of pushups on Chest and Back. So needless to say, it is very hard to lift my arms at this moment. Tomorrow onto back.

I will pop back later for personals as you all seem to have interesting things to say yesterday. But first, must have protein shake and then coffee. What a lovely combination.


Morning Xers,

Today will be LIC Upper Body Sculpt, Barry's Bootcamp Legs & Butt plus the treadmill cardio.

OK, yoga yesterday went really well, I just have to remember not to look at the TV screen so much. Bryan Kest is good to look at, and they do seem to put him in the picutre quite a bit. :+ The amount of time in downward dog seemed to be a bit much, and I am feeling it in my shoulders this morning. In a good way of course! :D

Jeanette: Thanks for recommending Bryan's Intensive Sculpting. Of course I will need that one!. Just wanted to add I think you look great, like all the other Xers have said.

Traci: LIC Total Body Sculpt didn't keep my heart rate up, but I was sweating. That is the main reason why I'm changing it up a bit today and adding in some running. I'm thinking of starting my new Cathe/P90X rotation around May 1, but may be convinced to start earlier. Just wanted to try all my new DVD's.

Tracy: LIC Total Body Sculpt is only the weight routines. So no step in this premix, just in the warm up. I enjoyed doing this one, but felt there wasn't enough for the legs. Your workout yesterday sounds like a great time.

Have a great day!

Good morning,

Today was supposed to be Pyramids Upper body work, but decided to make a switch. I did Slim Series Tone It Up today and will do Ab Ripper X tonite. Have my last Garage Boys Spin Session tonite after work. With the time change this weekend, I'd rather be out riding my bike on the road than working on the trainer so will be bringing my trainer and trainer bike home tonite. Will then help DH on his workout and then do Ab Ripper X. When I did Slim Series over a year ago, I was pleased with the results, so maybe it'll work again. I'm still going to do a yoga session a week and keep my cardio workouts to a minimum. That's the plan for today folks.

Traci, glad you liked UML yesterday and of course you can still do pushups. My chest is still sore today from my GS Chest workout on Monday, along with more pushups from UML. Can't remember having DOMS for more than a day before, must have worked something good. Your DH sounds like a very sweet man and considerate. You are so lucky! The highlights in the hair for the big date sounds wonderful. I'm sure there will be more facials later on. AAAAHHHH facial, sigh. Yep, I've got more and more gray coming in, but still not too bad. It's the wrinkles that I'm noticing more now, but then at 48 a girl's got to be showing something. Re: shorts, can you post a link to some shorts that would flatter me more? The kind that you and Sandra are talking about? I always hate the looser skin on my thighs so tend to cover that part up. I feel so turnipish.

Lea, how was the protein shake and coffee? My folks used to smoke when we were little and one of my memories is of my Mom smoking a cigarette at the kitchen table, drinking coffee and writing a letter or something. That was so common for people to smoke back then, around kids or not, didn't seem to matter. Thank goodness both of my parents quite like back in the 60's & 70's. I'm sure my Dad wouldn't have made it this long as his lungs are so bad. Way to go for using the 1st round Chest & Back and then varying it from there. How's the knee today? What did they say is the matter with it? Is it like a sprain or stretched ligaments or something?

Laurie, thank you for the nice words on my pics. Was it Bryan Kest Energize that you did yesterday? Maybe I'll do that one tomorrow as I have Yoga on tap. I can sure understand you wanting to try out your new Cathe's. They are good, I like Cardio Fusion because it moves along without repeating the learning stuff so much. Sounds like a nice workout plan for today. How is Barry's Bootcamp and is it a series of DVD's?

Hi to everyone, will check back later.

:7 Jeanette: These are the ones I switched to but I'm going to checkout Walmart & target too.
Had to LOL at your Today was going to be BUT.... Sounds like all my post X posts for 3 weeks! LOL. Its hard going back to all the choices we have all of the sudden! GREAT thoughts tho on swithching it up. I have SS in 2 times this week myself. A little dull but effective. Ya know I just call the wrinkles my battle scars! I was (ok AM) a sun goddess since the day I was born... by the time all the damage was exposed by science I was already ruined for life! This was actually the first winter in my life that I didnt tan and I am ready to get back to it. I know.... No bike helmet + a tanner... GOOD LORD I'm lucky to be alive!

:7 Morning Lea! My gosh woman are you getting ready to compete in body building match? You are a wild woman this week with that upper body! Give me some of your determination! I'm heading to the Protein Drink bar as soon as I finish up the personals! YES I was indeed lonely this morning so just went and did the workout!

:7 Hey There Laurie! Oh yes yes start your P90/Cathe with Lea & I on April 1st! That will be so fun.. Then we can be XX'ers together! Cant wait til I'm officially a XXX! Have a great workout!

:7 Well my workout turned out to be more than I planned.... I started with Amy Bento to fatigue legs.. (IT WORKED!) Then found that I had brought Plyo Legs (MS) in with me rather than PlyoX so I said heck I'll just go with Plyo Legs... Well I totally forgot that PlyoLegs isnt multiple rounds so I ended up doing the entire thing... My legs are screaming right now! Got the hammies real good today .... about 1 hour 5 minutes of leg work... OUCH!

Gotta go fuel up..... Great day to all who follow!
Hi ladies...Just wanted to pop on and say good morning. No time for personals now...Feeling kind of puny today..some sort of stomach upset, so I am going to lie down for a bit. I didn't get much sleep last night due to my tummy hurting. I have to take my dog to the vet this afternoon, so I probably won't get my workout done until later. I am planning on doing Shoulders, Bis, and Tris....but haven't quite decided which DVDs to use yet. Will ponder this a little more and get back to you guys this afternoon. Hope you are all having fantabulous days...and I will see you later!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
GS Back, Shoulders & Biceps; CoreMax2

Hi! You're all looking well today!

JeanetteX - here's a link to a picture of the kind of shorts I'm referring to:
I know nothing about the particular website, so I'm not endorsing that you buy from them. They're just the only website on which I could find a picture. I'm so relieved you weren't offended by my comments! I think the shorts TraciX gave a link to are also very nice; the main thing, I think, is to get a shorter leg length. I love my Pam-the-Blam shorts, but even my Walmart doesn't seem to be stocking them right now. They're by Athletic Works, and made in Canada, so I don't know if you can find them in the US. I'm hoping my Walmart brings in more stock in the spring, or I'm going to be hooped when I need to buy new shorts. You're abandoning the Biker Boys?? They're going to miss you!!! DH finally got around to putting his bike on the trainer last night. He did Spinervals Sweating Buckets (45min, intermediate), and says he did quite well. His butt's sore today, though. His biking club is starting to get organized for the season, and he's starting to feel the pressure to get in shape, I think. BTW, the last few times I did KenpoX, I lost my balance every time during the stretch at the start when Tony says "I got a crack! Crack!" I cannot hear that line without thinking of your shorts idea, and laughing. Ya know, maybe those are just the shorts we're looking for....

TracyX - how you motivate yourself to do such tough workouts day after day is beyond me. That was an awesome plyo-run yesterday. Are you feeling it today? Yes, I did take before-30day-and-after photos, but they will not be posted in public. Frankly, I struggle to remain positive about my experience when I see those photos. So, I'll keep them in a cool, dark place where they can grow moldy and die. Or I can delete them, but I'm too much of a packrat. One day I might gain a whole lot of weight, then I'll be thrilled to look back on these LOL! I'm so pleased you got rid of that tummy pooch. Is there a two-piece bathing suit in your plans for the summer? :)

TraciX - so cool that you did so well with the push ups!!!! Yay! And you're DH sounds like a keeper! Very sweet. I personally don't even remember what day DH and I had our first date on. That was, oh geez, almost 18 years ago now (!!!!!!!!!). My heavens, time flies. Funny that we just bought our first house a year ago, have a 1 1/2 year old baby, and I still don't have a job. Okay, now I'm depressed. Please hold while I throw a pity party <sob sob, boo hoo, hiccup, hoooooooonk!> Okay, I'm back now. It's all good again. TBS#1 is the first stretch workout on Cathe's Total Body Stretching dvd that she put out, ah, last year (?). She put it out with her other beginner/intermediate dvd: Total Body Sculpt & Low Impact Step. Each stretch segment is about 12 minutes.

LeaX - aren't you a funny girl these days. Thanks for the chuckles. You're upper body workouts are pretty smoking. You and TracyX are freakish in your intensity! I would like the grey, L-sized tank, please, and will tell myself that it stands for Loveable.

LaurieX - Bryan Kest nice to look at? Okay, I'm off to get my credit card!

DebraX - Get well soon! Thank heavens my shorts-discussion had you smiling, because I was so worried about offending Jeanette or anyone else. Clothes are important! Just ask TraciX, who goes out to "check the mail" whenever she puts on her pretty exercise clothes. CF yesterday? NICE!

I did GS BSB today, and inserted 4 sets of pull/chin ups interspersed through the back section: standard p/u, chin ups, wide-grip p/u, and close-grip p/u. I also went heavier than Cathe on a number of the back weights. I have to say, this is the first time that I actually felt toasty in the back from doing that workout. I think I was always being too conservative in my weight-loads in the past. I did great with the entire workout, and feel good about it all. CoreMax#2 was certainly easier than it used to be. Next time I'll hold a weight or med ball for some of it. On the roll-ins and pikes I really concentrated on the core contraction, and on the last pike I contracted so strongly that I almost went right over into a somersault! Cracked me up.

Okay, time to go do some other stuff now. Have a great day!
Hey, Xer babes! Just a quick check in to let you know I'm doing well, and rarin' to take on my LAST Ch-Sh-Tris today! Aren't you all jealous? I'm taking your advice and just counting down the workouts! I think ARX and Core Syn are the ones that are going to be hard to pop in and "push play." Don't have time for personals right now, but:

Sandra - LOL about the pikes on the ball! OOps, glad you didn't go over and bonk your head. I thought segment #2 was pretty easy, too, except for those pass the ball from your hands to your feet thingys. I thought those would never end!

Lea - I teach 5th graders! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them! (Except for today - it's been quite a challenge for some reason)

Tracy - I live in Kansas. How about you?

Sounds like you're all working like crazy to keep those "gorgeous" bods! I think Tony should put us in his next videos!

Okay...back for a couple of personals before I have to run again....

Sandra...I, too, have cute workout clothes. I tend to put on my workout clothes in the morning before taking DD to school so I don't want to look like a total bum since sometimes I run errands too! Sounds like you had a great workout with GS and CM today. Try not to hurt yourself with those ab contractions!

Traci...I know flickety fit is a little pricey...but I think it will save me money in the end...I have so many DVDs that I have done once or twice and just couldn't get into. Congrats on your leg workout today...You sound like Tracy! Hope you have a great time with DH tonight. I think it's great you guys celebrate your date anniversary! I have also always been a sun godess. I can think of nothing more enjoyable than laying out by the ocean and reading a good book as I bask in the heat. I am kind of like a lizard in that way.

Laurie...I am with you on Bryan Kest! At first I thought the hair was too much...but then I decided I really liked it!!! I'm sure Traci will have you convinced to start with her on April 1!

okya...gotta run...will bbl for rest of personals...Hi to Lea, Tracy, Jeanette, and Steph. Hope you guys are having great days!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
Okay...back again....decided to take today as a rest day since it's been over a week since I took a day off...maybe that's why I've been feeling yucky today. Anyway...I'm sure I'll be better in the morning after a good night's sleep.

Traci...I forgot to answer you about the cardio before. I am planning on doing 2 cardio days a week plus a circuit day. The circuit I am actually using as a sub for Core Syn since I am doing a faux P90X lean rotation....taking rest days when I need them.

Lea...Hope your knee is feeling better today. Think of how strong your upper body is going to be since you need to take it easy on the knee!

Jeanette...Your plan sounds good! I am sure the G-Boys will miss you! I can certainly understand wanting to get outside though. Our weather is supposed to break a bit this weekend and it should warm up a bit. I am looking forward to getting out with the dog a bit more.

Steph...You sound perky today! Maybe you can stand beside Dreya in Tony's next videos...That way you will up close and personal when the moaning starts! You are on your way to being done...WooHoo!

Tracy...I am guessing you are doing your yoga today. How much longer do you have to dog sit?

Okay...off to watch the Food Network...Hope you are all well!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
Hi all,

I've read all of your posts, but don't have much time to respond. It's DH's birthday.

I totally agree on the clothes. I can't figure out who invented women's pants that sit at the waist, with pleats no less, to highlight the abdominal bulge. I'm glad they went out of style. I will never wear pants that sit above the hips, I don't care what the style is. Tops are the same way, if they fall below the bulge, they just accent it. Thankfully I don't have to worry about the bulge for a while.

I did my own back and bicep workout today, then Sweat. It was good. I wasn't sure if my Monday ch/sh/tr workout was enough, but yoga today confirmed that because my arms still felt fatigued. I haven't lost any of my strength, but I can see that it is going to be mentally difficult to keep up the intensity of the x even if I do take a recovery week. I don't want to loose any strength, and at my age, I think that it is hard to maintain, but I'm trying. I was still able to do multiple sets of various curls with 22 lbs and some with 18 so that was good.

Debra - I have until Sunday with the dog. I know if I had him for a while I could get him house trained, but he has some bad habits. My other dogs are so zealous because I've really had to be the alpha to keep them from doing anything stupid to the 4 lb wonder.

Traci = You ordered a bunch of workouts. I hope some are good. I can't wait to here. I so want some new stuff, but I have to wait.

Jeanette - Does the core dvd move slow? I have a hard time with some of those that move slow. I feel like I have to be doing something. Are you enjoying the freedom?

Sandra - Well, I look at the x and lots of other things in my life as not necessarily the results, but what I learned in the process. I will probably never view working out the same and that's a good thing. Same with earning the dr. I'm barely making any more money and I can't find a research position that pays enough, but I try to focus on the things that I learned about myself, which were huge. I am a much better person, at least in my mind.

Steph - We are a long ways from each other. I live in VA, that's why I've been to Monticello. You are welcome to come visit if you ever get out this way. I used to work with elementary, but as my kids got older I've moved to all secondary. I'll be in a MS all next year. I like HS, but the teachers are very rigid and my job is to help people to incorporate new ideas, so it's not easy, if not impossible at the HS level.

Lea - I can't remember which upper body you did today, but I hope it went good. Is DS better? How about the knee? I sprained my ankle once and had to do only upper body for a while. It was OK. Change is good.

Well maybe I had more time than I thought, DH is on the phone. I have to go and finish dinner.

That's it, I look forward to reading tomorrow's posts.

Oopps, I forgot!

Traci x - I love dogs too. We've always had them and always will. I do have a 3 dog limit though. We try to space them out age wise so that it's not to emotionally difficult when one dies. The older sheppard is 15. We've had lots of different pets and still have a 55 gallon fish tank which I have to maintain.


Gosh, it's getting late so will be brief. Had my last spin session tonite. Think the fellas are taking their bikes home too as the time changes next week and we can ride outside. In fact, I will be doing a hill climbing training ride next Thursday after work with them. It'll be my one hard ride for the week. Last season, I rode 3 times a week during the cycling season: 1 hard ride, 1 ride with my girlfriends (not quite so intense) and one longer social ride on the weekends.

My ab workout tonite was Ab Ripper X, like an old friend it was. I did enjoy it and it felt really good to work that way. My chest is still sore from Monday, my legs are sore from Plyo Legs yesterday and Tone It Up today. Tomorrow will be Yoga. DH didn't work out tonite because he was on the phone with his brother. After that, we watched The Illusionist (the remainder). We enjoyed it.

Traci, thank you for the link to the shorts. I just have never worn shorter shorts because I always feel my legs are too flabby. I might just have to get brave though, come out of this little shell. Yep, I switched midweek in my rotation. Will be doing a Slim Series type, with a little cardio and some yoga too. I'd like to keep throwing in some lat pulldowns here and there too. What a leg workout you got!!! Is Amy Bento good? Was it weighted leg work?

Debra, hope you are feeling better now. No fun feeling that icky feeling in your stomach, and especially all night. I hate that. I tell myself either get better or puke. I hate wasting time in that inbetween spot. Are you done pondering your workout? I see now that you decided to take a rest day. Wise girl.

Sandra, thanks so much for the link to the shorts. Maybe them being looser around the legs will be a good thing. I just need to branch out and try it. I'm not really abandoning the boys on bikes. We're all going to be heading for the hills next week and I'll be riding with them. We'll be doing hill workouts, which I do okay at, not the fastest, but not always the slowest either. You can ride your own pace and then we regroup at the tops and then ride on to another hill. Glad your DH is getting enthused about the cycling season. I have a few goals for this year. It takes lots of smart work, but also mental toughness. Hey, I'm pretty mental to finish P90X, right? In no way at all did you offend me about the shorts, and I welcome your advice. You have a very good way of putting your thoughts on paper and not for a second did I even think oddly of your comment, or get hurt. Not for a moment! Thanks for the reminder to do Coremax. I'll put that in my rotation next week. Picking Ab DVD's is the easy part.

Steph, you are soooo close. Yep, just count them down and then Push Play. You can do it. We all did.

Tracy, hope you are really whooping it up for your DH's birthday! The Core workout moves a little slow, but in comparison to AbX, everything does. I am anxious to do it again though and think I will like it more. I am enjoying the freedom very much. Just want to have an effective workout. I tell you, Tone It Up today was a real leg burner for the floor work and I didn't even have leg weights on. Firm It Up on Friday is going to be killer because I remember that is the tough lower body one. Even the upper body work today made me sweat. 3# and 5# DB's is all I used too. There's just something about Tony that makes me want to push heavy and work hard. High rep, low weight just doesn't lend itself to you pushing your hardest when you know you have like 60 reps to do. We love our pets too. We have 2 dogs and 3 cats (1 indoor and 2 barn cats).

Got to go, see you wonderful ladies in the morning.

Ok, now for personals. Had a busy day today. Started caulking in the dining room so I can paint. Took the boys out to play with Tikki (water sprinkler toy) and then my older DS and I tried to teach my 3 year old how to play Go Fish. Whew, what a fun day. And tiring. I can all ready feel the DOMS coming on tonight. Ouchy. Can someone say MOMMY????

Traci X - How's the highlights? How was Sushi? How was your night
? No wonder DH remembers every anniversary. LOL. And talk about motivational workouts. Jeeze. Were you feeling bad for me that I can't do legs now and did a double dose for me today? (cause you know, it's all about me!!!( me, me, me, me. HA!!). But seriously, what a workout girl. You go!!! Oh and about the sun goddess thing, isn't that why we live in warm weathered states??? My DH told me this year that I need to start thinking about ***GASP*** sunscreen on my face every time I go out now, since I am prone to freckles and am starting to get those spots on my face. WAH!!!! .

Debra X - I hope that you are feeling better. Everyone here has had this darn cold thing over here. Two more days for the doc. How is your wrist feeling? How's the darn snow?

Laurie X - Wow!!! Looks like I am DEFINATELY purchasing Bryan Kest now. Or, I just might cruise on over to Santa Monica and take his classes. Hmmm...choices choices choices. Your workout today sounds awesome and hard. I hope that it went well.

Jeanette X - You know, I have noticed that you are thinking about me an awful lot these days. Hmmm... . LOL. Let's me know that someone cares. Very sad on your last session tonight. But now the warmer weather is coming and yay!!! Outdoors. That's what I'm talking about. Time to get the pool blue again. LOL on the coffee and cigs. That was me years ago. Fortunately I quit (cigs, but never the coffee). And fortunately your folks quit too. Bad bad habit. It grosses me out now. Can't stand to be around people who have just smoked. Bleh . My knee is a little better. A little easier to bend. I think that I stretched the ligament on the outer knee, because that is the one that hurts the most. My quad was having a hard time there for a few, but feeling better now. Thanks for asking. You snuck in. I LOVED the Illusionist. I don't know what it was. Ed Norton to me was really sexy in this one. I keep begging DH to get it on DVD, but he wants to wait for the HD version. SIGH....

Sandra X - While you are snoozing away, I am still up. HA!! (I don't know why, just had to say that). Damn, should I order the shorts too? We could have matching shorts and shirts. Of course the big X would have to go on the front of the shorts(jeeze, maybe I do need to go to sleep, ugh). Your post X workouts are sounding awesome. Keep it up. And 18 years with your DH? WOW!!! Great job. Ok, my non social cat keeps jumping on my lap and licking my arm right now, should I be scared??? Really, she never does this....Now she is sniffing the keyboards. Oh no, busted, she knows.....I am talking to the XERS!!! .

Steph - I just have tosay that you are awesome. Teaching 5th graders is a hard job. Thank you.^^^^5's on the very last Ch,Sh and Tri's(that is until you start with us on April 1st). All I have to say is...KEEP PUSHING PLAY.

Tracy X - Well happy birthday to your DH!!! Funny thing about the pants. I was cleaning out my closet last month and found a pair of pants that I absolutely loved in the 80's and tried them on. I felt like grandpa they were so high. I agree. I will never ever go back. I love hip huggers. You are such the workout queen. You are probably really ripped and ready to do amateaur bodybuilding aren't you? The DS is doing much better. Thank you. Sucks that school gives them so many colds. Sorry to hear that you sprained you ankle. That must have hurt. I hope you had a grand night. Hmmmm...both of the Traci/y's celebrating. Coincidence? I think not. BTW, when did you start buying fish? My DS#1 really wants fish, reptiles, dolphins, you name it, but he is 6 and I still feel too young to deal with that kind of stuff. Just inquiring.

Ok, seriously time for me to get some shut eye. Until later...


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