Xers ~~~ Tuesday ~~~


Happy Tuesday gang.... Gotta run & read yesterdays posts...

Today will be Upper, Middle, Lower (Master Series) and the Stott Pilates I gotta get done... my abs were just too sore yesterday after Kick.

BBL- GREAT DAY to all!
One Quick Personal~~~~~

Jeanette X: I really wouldnt say this if I TOTALLY wasnt sincere... In your pics (I opened up your pre X in separate window from post x so I could compare) Heres what I see...

Your mid section is by far much leaner and with ab muscles poppiong! That actually JUMPED out at me....

Your lower half is more even in weight distribution which indicates leaning and toning.

Your upper section is definitely leaner and the cut is much more obvious

My .02cents....

I see noticeable improvement!!! I compleyely understand why you'd be bummed last night because we all create a picture of our bodies based on how we feel in clothes etc.... I didnt think that I had great visible results until after 3 weeks post X. Thats when I really started to lean out more. YES after 90 days your body is ready for a change and I think you will still be able to credit the X for next few weeks .... What you do now will just be taking all that wonderful foundation and adding to it.... Thats one of the reasons I want to get back to the rotation.... after a two month hiatus I believe my body will respond even better this next round. I bet it will take me 3-5 rounds to get to exactly where I want to be and maintain.... Very few body types will get there in just 1 round IMO!

ANYWAY.... I think your pics are awesome! I think YOU are awesome! and I am as excited as ever to start again in April after seeing pics ... I'll definitely be doing pics this next round.
Mornin' everybody! I did Kenpo X last night, and for some reason, I was wiped out! By the last section, it was hard for me to keep my balance. That one never seemed that hard before. Oh, well, somedays are like that. I just hope I'm not coming down with something, AGAIN!

TraciX - We missed you, too, Traci, and we’re glad you’re back with us. LOL about telling your DH all about us. I do the same thing with my DH. He thinks I’m nuts! As far as sugar making you crazy - I, on the other hand, crave sugar, and can barely go one day without it! You might remember my candy bar episodes from earlier in this process. I have gotten off of the candy-bar-a-day kick, so that’s good. I just discovered this amazing snack, though, from our health teacher and now I’m addicted to that. It’s just vanilla low-fat yogurt, mixed with strawberries, and this Trail Mix cereal stuff. It’s sooooo delicious. I have never liked yogurt before, but I’m eating this everyday.

Tracy - We sure have a lot in common! Both teachers, both love Thomas Jefferson. You probably don’t want to get me started on Jefferson. I’m taking this class called, “Contemporary Issues in Language Arts” and we’ve been reading about multi-genre research reports as opposed to traditional research reports. Our instructor wants us to do one, so we pick a topic to research and then have to present our research in a variety of genres. (diary entry, poem, resume, interview, phone conversation, etc.) I was reading on some website where Jefferson was actually at King George III’s court after the American Revolution, along with John Adams. Wouldn’t you have liked to have been a fly on the wall at that meeting!? I haven’t seen Monticello yet, but would LOVE to! His home looks amazing on the website.

Debra - WOW WOW WOW on the BF % loss! That makes it all worth it, doesn’t it? You’re making me miss Cathe! OK, I need to focus, only two more weeks, and I can join the P90X graduate ranks! I really like LIC and only did it a couple of times before I started the X. I want to get LowMax, too. It seems everyone loves that one and the high impact is really hard on my knees. Sounds like you get a good leg workout with this one!

Sandra - I haven’t yet done GS Chest and Triceps, but I like your idea of changing up the push-up forms. For some weird reason, I like those that Tony does where you go out to the side, then come back to the middle, and then out to the other side. I want to put those in to the GS Chest and Triceps workout. It sounds like you’re really going to be feeling it in the chest and triceps today! Don’t you just love it? On ARX, I never thought about the cardio aspect of it. Maybe that’s why it seems so much harder. I mean, Adam is sweating like crazy on that one!

Lea - Now THAT is my idea of a workout - must be having severe DOMS in the biceps with all that picking up and putting down of fork! Those things weigh a ton! Especially with food on the end! How’s the knee today? You still hobbling?

Jeanette - Wow, you really were a machine yesterday on the workout(s)! So you and Sandra both did GS Chest and Triceps. Are you feeling it today? What an accomplishment to be able to do all of the pus-ups on your toes! I don’t think I’ll be able to do that, but maybe I can get close! I could barely do 8 push-ups before. Guess I don’t really know how many I can do now. Have you done Core Conditioning before? Did you do a review on it? I might have missed it. What’s it like? Can it be used for a sub for ARX?

Laurie - Wow, you’ve had a crazy weekend! But a lot of fun, by the sounds of it. Congratulations on becoming a P90X graduate! Hope you have a nice relaxing week ahead of you! Are your legs toasty from the KM leg drill yesterday?

Have a great day lady Xers! Can't wait to see what you're all up to today!

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Personals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Debra X: What a great workout LIC was for you! I could feel your smiles! Glad you are heading to doc on Friday … Hope you get a breather this week- sounds like a busy one for sure! Also- I caught your little note about being out of town again in a few weeks… back to visit friends at “home”? Oh I hope it’s a fun fun trip!

LEA X: ROFL with that upper body workout! You crack me up with your eating stories! Hope you don’t topple over picking up your weights today! BE CAREFUL!!! I bet you look just too cute in that knee brace.. make sure you let DH know that it hurts so you get some extra benefits! Heal quickly- we have just 27 days to Round 2!

Sandra X: Yes we do spend a lot of time at bay in warm weather. I think last year I was only home (Houston) 4 days a week… I go down by myself on Thursdays and DH brings the “kids” on Friday afternoons. I find it very cathartic to be alone with the water. Funny about the chest & weights… I found that my hands & wrists hurt as well because they had not been conditioned to lift as heavy as I was able. It’s always give & take isn’t it? Congrats on sailing thru your first workout without Tony! You sound like you will be just fine on your own now.

STEPH : Once you finish on March 20th we will REALLY be the Xers! That will be sooooo much fun… We’ll help ya get there! Maybe it will help to do The X Countdown like Sandra & I did…. 2 more PlyoX, 2 more Legs & Back etc…. That really helped me push play and just get it done each day…. I also thought about those final weeks as … “Once I do PlyoX today I won’t have to do it for another 6 days!” Stuff like that really seemed to push me thru mentally. Very happy to hear you are off your candy bar a day habit! The yogurt sounds YUMMY! I just love lowfat flavored… Even with Tosca clean eating I use that instead of Plain… Some things will just never be “clean” in my life! On your Kenpo workout… I find there are just days I’m in “balance” & some not… It does have a lot to do with your food intake and “germs” trying to sneak in. Hopefully you can stay healthy for the next few weeks left of winter.

Tracy X: Great job on the LowMax & Weights! You are the golden freestyle child!
On your tight hammies… Have you been able to identify if it’s because something is “missing” on your own or is it just because you are adding back in different moves? In any case.. I hope you can find out how to loosen them, for me tight hammies turn into lower back pain. That’s great about your additional takeaways. I have to keep mindful of my mission each day as well or I find I just go through the motions. On the Powerstrikes… Collage only carries 1 so I am going to go sniff out Amazon today. I’m not a fan of eBay so it will either be collage or Amazon but I do intend to order one this week. I just gotta find more “magic” in my Kick workouts like Kenpo.
Morning Xers,

Well I think I went a little Cathe crazy last night. :) I did the KPC Premix Punching/Kicking (tighten those abs), LIC Total Body Sculpt (no warm up or stretch), KM Leg Drills (stretch). I was having so much fun. :D I have never done the LIC Total Body Sculpt, but wanted to do a high rep/low weight workout (wanted something totally different). I have done LIC as is, and was never able to do the tricep push-ups. I did both sets! And also did the uneven push-ups all on toes. Thank you P90X.

Today will be Bryan Kest Power Yoga Energize. I want to start using some of the new DVD's I have gathered. I have a meeting tonight, and this one is only an hour long. Making sure I get in at least one day of Yoga in the week.

Sandra, Thanks for the tip on GS Chest, doing the variation of had positions makes a lot of sense.

Traci, Any day know I will break down and get those Master Series.

Lea, So sorry to hear about the knee.

This week I'm looking at total body, then next week is SH, following that with GS. This should shake things up before I start my next cathe/p90x rotation.

Have a great day!

Good morning ladies,

Today I did P90 Master Plyo Legs for the first time. It is different enough from PlyoX for me that it's a definite keeper! Some of the segments are a minute in length, instead of 30 seconds, but then other exercises are less. It's kind of a mixture of PlyoX and Legs&Back. I think I'll like it even better the next time I do it, as I usually hold back the first time thru for most DVD's. I then added on some unweighted squats and lunges and firewalkers from Cathe's Butts & Guts. I was looking for a certain move on the DVD, but didn't find it until later. It's the plie jumps with a weight. It's actually at the beginning of the workout with the walking lunge series. Now I know so next time I can do it.

Traci, you are sooo sweet and your words this morning REALLY lifted my spirits. Why do you think you leaned out 3 weeks AFTER P90X? Because of changing FROM P90X to something different? Hope you do pictures for your next round. Thanks again for boosting me up. No more pity party for me.

Steph, I am sore this morning from GS Chest & more pushups. Also, it's been a long time since I've done weighted fly work so that could be it too. It's hard for me to get sore in the Chest so guess it was a good one. I did do the Core Conditioning and liked it, more isometric on some of the moves. What I did notice is that she says 4 more and then okay 8 more, and then one last set of 8 more. Once I figure out the workout, I'm sure it won't bug me so much. I haven't finished all of the workout, but it worked me differently. We will still all be here when you graduate, don't worry about that. Way to go for making it thru KenpoX.

Laurie, good workout for you and glad you had fun! Nice to see you are stronger after P90X. Let us know how Bryan Kest's Energize is for you. I have that one too. All of them are good if you like his style. I think the Intensive Sculpting one is tough on the legs. Mine are always shaking while trying to do airplane on one leg after being cooked thoroughly beforehand. When are you starting another P90X rotation?

Good morning everyone! Happy Tuesday. And thank goodness we survived yet another Monday :)!!! I worked shoulders and abs today. I took one rotation each of shoulders from Shoulders and Arms, Slow and Heavy, Chest, Shoulder and tri's and band work from Gym Style. I am sure that I will feel nice and toasty tomorrow.

DS #1 is home sick from school today, so it's lots of TLC from momma. On a side note, has anyone noticed how strange the threads are getting? It seems like people are at each others throats these days. I just wish that everyone could get along. That is why I am happy to have you guys! You're the best.

On the shirt front. I would like to order by the end of this week. So if everyone can tell me their size, that would be great!! (I know most of you have, so don't fret there).
*******************************PERSONAL TIME*************************

Miss Traci X - I am glad that you liked my upper body workout;) , I have more if you need any instruction. So you are doing UML today huh? Lucky. I like that workout. Oh, the decisions. Fortunately my knee is healing rather quickly. I expect to be doing CC and Plyo by next week. But I was very careful with it today. Can't have it hurting on April 1st now can we? How is the Tosca Clean Eating doing? I fell off for a few days, but now I am getting back on. I think I might post pics of very fit gals around (especially on the fridge) for inspiration. Ah, gotta love ttom. So we are going to miss you this summe eh;( ?

Steph - you know, towards the end, Kenpo X wiped me out too. Maybe because our form is so great by then, that we are working it. I guess I haven't been paying attention, but what do you teach? The class you are taking sounds awesome. Good for you. Knee is doing better today, thank you. Hobbling not so much, thank goodness.

Jeanette X - Miss Jeanette!!! I think you are crazy. WTH do you mean you can't see a difference? Ok, that's it. For graduation, I am getting you a pair of glasses ;). Your abs...all I can say is WOW!!! How impressive. And those arms. Girl, they are solid rocks. Your legs are so much more defined. I think that you should go back and take another look, because the X definately worked for you!!! Hoiw is it working out to Cathe again? Thank you for the explanation on the sausage. I lead a very sheltered life. What can I say?

Laurie X - Yay on your workout last night!! That sounds awesome. Let us know how the yoga is.

Sandra X - Good job on the GS chest and tri variation. I have to try that. Sounds great. I noticed too that my hands were screaming on the chest and tri weight work. I actually had to stop a few times from the cramping. Gotta work back up to it again eh? I love mixing up ARX and Coremax. Coremax #1 I have found after not doing it so much these days does give a nice toasty sensation for a day or two after. Guess I will try that next. Thanks Sandra!!

Tracy X - Geeze, everyone is doing LoMax. Guess I have to get that one too. You definately have turned out to be one workout machine. I think that is great. I am very proud of you. You keep us inspired.

Debra X - YAY!!! You are getting your wrist checked out. I hope that the news is good. At least it will give you piece of mind. OK, now I also have to get Low Impact Circuit. You guys are going to kill me;) .

That's about it for right now. Since I am stuck to the house (not literally, jeeze people!!) I will be back for more. YUMMY!!!

Tah tah
Hi all,

Today is plyo and yoga. It will have to wait until this afternoon. Oh, abs too. I’m thinking that maybe my back / hammies stay tight because I do abs early then don’t stretch them properly. Who knows????

Jeanette – Even if the numbers don’t show any substantial changes, you look different than your first picks. Those abs look GOOD. Maybe you exchanged fat for muscle. It sure looks like it. Fat never looks that tight; way to go! I may pull out plyo x today and use it as a guide and maybe sub two new plyo moves for each round. That way it will be a little different, but following the dvd will keep me more on track time wise. That dvd is just so effective. As much as I like the B&G leg blast, after the second time, I really didn’t have any repercussions the next day, even went I went pretty heavy. It is so endurance based and the lactic acid comes into play. It feels difficult when you are in the middle of it though.

Steph – I have out of balance days too, and I’m not sure why. I did some yoga last week and you would have thought that I’d never done it before. Sometimes I think that fatigued muscles contribute to poor balance, but I have no science to base that on. Yes, Monticello is fascinating. Many of the old trees are still there on the property and it is just a reminder of how you have sort of stepped back in time. They keep the gardens up just like they did originally. I would definitely visit there before ever suggesting going to a museum in DC. It is out in the county quite a ways, but worth the drive.

Traci – I do think that my tight hammies are a result of my back issues from a couple of months ago. I was taking Advil every night and that made my stomach hurt, but I did start again last night. I’m with you on the food. There are some things that I’m just not giving up and that is it. I cannot eat artificial sweetners, so no matter how bad sugar is, I do eat a little of it. I find that if I restrict myself too much, it just backfires in my face. I couldn’t resist the mini pack of Oreas last night either. I just love those things. The Powerstrikes are like the old B.Kest tapes. They are hard to find cheap. I don’t have the new powerstrike, but one is hard, two has more variety and three has more of a leg focus, JMO. They basically do all of one side first then go to the next side, which is not my favorite, but for the warm up upper body combo, I just did the one side, then rewound the tape and did the left side and continued on.

Laurie – Your workout sounds like fun. I may have to try that, less the leg drills. They are too much like floorwork to me. I like the other two routines on the Kest dvd better. I think they are a little harder, but that one is a good one to start with. I just love his style.

Lea – I hope the leg brace is working OK. I would be so upset. Is it bruised? I'll get the shirt size to you today or tomorrow. YOur workout today sounded good. It's like how many ways can we change up what we already have. Honestly I hadn't thought of what you did. I wish I had SH on dvd. The tapes are limiting.

Sandra – I hope all is going well. You wrote such an essay for your X thoughts. Do you have any time to work on the thesis?

Debra – We are getting some cold weather today. I bet you are too. We had 45 mph wind gusts last night. It was crazy. It kept me from getting a good night’s sleep. That and DH snoring as loud as he ever has.


Quick confession then I gotta go workout...;)

Just ordered thru Amazon:

Kickbox Bootcamp: Keli Roberts
Jab, Kick, Burn: Tracey Mallett
Killer Kicks: Violet Zaki
Kickbox Strikezone: Janis Saffell

LOL:+ Theres gotta be at least 1 or 2 Kenpo- X-ie type! I went by the reviews... anything that got slammed for low cardio intensity I got! Hows that for a new strategy! Only 30 bucks for all 4 (with shipping) so I'm cool with that. I think Powerstrikes are out of my price range unless I know I can return if I dont like.

Gotta go get UML & Pilates done (Debras waiting for my review of that!) GLORIOUS day today.... will be nice to get outside later!


OMG, I could scream. I just lost my long post. I hit "post message", it all seemed to get sent off, but when I look at the thread, it's not there. I have a half-finished version pasted to my clipboard, but there was so much more. Grrrrrrrr. Note to self: always paste before you post!! So, here's what I had previously written, and I'll try to add some of the missing stuff back in.

Good day!

I feel good. IMAX3 felt like a fun ride this morning. I didn't feel like I could pull a LeaX and do it twice through, but it didn't approach torture-like levels. I think during my next PMS power-mode week I might even attempt the blast-only premix. PMS power-mode week ends today, as AF arrived this morning. Thank heavens, because by time I went to bed last night I felt 10 pounds heavier, and was seriously thinking of starting a fatloss rotation. By Thursday I'll be exhausted and depressed. When I start to whine and complain about life, remind me what day it is.

Before I read today's posts, I'm going to wander back to yesterday's thread and try to catch up with all that.

Stephanie - Of course we'll still be here to cheer you on!! March 20th it is! It will be here before you know it! The "Genetics" thing was from JeanetteX herself. She wrote it that way on her graduation day. I can't take the credit, but I agree that it's clever. I like those in-and-out push ups, too. I did them at the 8-count (4 each side). I'm feeling mild DOMS from CT yesterday, which means I'll probably get hit hard tomorrow, D'oh!

TracyX - Very nice to see you so talkative yesterday. All work and no play....I agree that working out with a purpose is crucial to helping a person to keep pushing out of their comfort zone. I also think giving yourself a time parameter for meeting your goal is very helpful, as you can push yourself harder if you know it's only for the next little while, and not forever. Recovery weeks are critical for the mental break, as well as the physical. I laughed at your post yesterday because as far as I'm concerned, a HIIT day, plyo day, and interval day are all the same thing! I did IMAX3 today, and consider all of those bases covered. Please tell me what the difference is? I've apparently overlooked something! Aren't the hamstrings just extensions of the lower back? The best thing I've found to stretch the lower back are back bends. Are you very flexible with those? Nope, no time for thesis on Sunday, when I wrote the essay. But I did work for 2 hours yesterday, and plan to work again today when I finish this email (for the second time!!). Thank you for asking!

DebraX - I've only done LIC one time as-produced, and can't remember much about the weights. I remember I liked the barbell/band bicep curls, and found the lopsided-push ups (one hand on the step) surprisingly hard. That's a very smart idea to tack on that back-with-band work to another back routine. I'll tuck that one away for the future. I'm glad to hear you're getting that wrist checked out! Remind me - how did you hurt it? Was it from one of your falls?

JeanetteX - Here are a thousand hugs to try and make you feel better from yesterday. If it helps at all, DH took 90 day pics of me on Sunday, and I have no intention of posting them! Like you, there is nary a difference between my before and afters, and they also don't reflect how I feel about myself. I swear I look leaner and more muscular in real like. My very pale skin might have a lot to do with why the muscles don't pop out as much. I say in all truth, JeanetteX, you look absolutely awesome in both your before and after photos! You SHOULD be pleased with your upper body and torso; they look very well defined and muscular! Now, the problem with your photos is that you wear shorts that are too long for your legs. Bear with me, because I have this problem, too. I have short legs and a full booty. When I wear exercise shorts that are completely form fitting, they have to start just below the belly-button, and end about a half-inch below my butt. If they extend down the thighs, as yours do, and up past or around the belly button, they shorten my legs, and consequently make my butt and thighs look huge. The most flattering shorts for our body types are like the ones that Pam the Blam wears in PlyoX. They have a wide elastic waist, extend only a little bit below the butt, and are loose around the thighs. These tend to show off the trim waist, while making the thighs look smaller (it's all about relative proportion). I found shorts like these at Walmart, and refuse to wear my expensive Nike exercise shorts anymore. I also noticed that a number of years ago, Cathe's shorts became much shorter down the leg, and lower around the belly button. It definitely flatters the short-legged person. So, now I've given you a great reason to go shopping. I'll bet your lower body looks at great as the top; we just can't see it!

LeaX - how's your knee today? How are you watching the kids with a bum knee? Or are they running around the house with scissors while you work your biceps and glare disapprovingly? I love your bicep workout yesterday! If you are ready to increase your workload, just take a bigger bite! Yes, you must get LowMax, and LIC. Start ordering, you have nothing better to do, do you?

TraciX - I can't help you with the kickboxing workouts. I've only got Cathe's and Tony's. It's not something I'm overly fond of. I do it as a cross-training activity, and that's about it. I doubt that I will be buying her "real" boxing series that she intends to put out. But who knows. Maybe by then I'll be ready for it. Me...worldly??? LOL!! I feel about as sophisticated as a church mouse. Just because I can remember to put 'u's in my words, doesn't mean I have a better vocabulary. It's so funny how we come to envision our online friends. I have a view of you as a very cheerful, boisterous, warm-hearted woman, and I don't hear any Texas twang in your writing. A verbal chat with you would probably take some adjustment on my part. And no, you can't hear the 'u's when we pronounce the words (favourite, labour....). March 30, hm? I'll make note of that. Mine is August 17, and I'm a proud Leo. Roar. Or should that be, "Ruuuuuuuuuoar", since I'm a Canadian Leo? When do these frequent visits to the Bay start, so I know when to have the ISP guy there to hook you up? :)

LaurieX - NICE workout you did yesterday! When do you start your next P90X round?

Okay, I'm not sure if I got it all again, but it's enough for today. If my post shows up twice, I apologize. And the first one was better :)

Hi ladies...I'm here late again today...I had a busy morning...I had to take the dog to the groomer, then I had a pedicure and a hair cut and color..WooHoo!! Just now getting home...so I have a couple of minutes to post...but I really want to get to my workout today...Although I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do yet...Something cardio...I've got a couple of new ones I haven't done yet...so I'll see what strikes me!

Okay...here are some quick personals...

SandraX...Sorry about losing your original post...I had the same problem the other day! You were crackingme up telling Jeanette exactly what shorts to wear! I, too, am a shortie...with thick short legs..more muscular now...but short none the less! And yes, I hurt my wrist when I fell on my driveway in the ice!

JeanetteX...You look great!! You should feel wonderful about your pics!!!!!! I would kill to have your stomach! Seriously..You look great and I can tell a definite differece between day 1 and day 90. Glad you had a good workout this morning. I know what you mean about the chest work..I had to sub some Cathe chest at the end of the X. Doing the weights I think gets your muscles a little differently.

TracyX..Let me know if you find a cure for tight hammies...My right side is good...but my left has gotten tighter and tighter! Have fun with yoga and plyo tonight. My DH is still in Russia...I am sure I won't sleep the entire time he's home next due to his snoring...I feel your pain!

LeaX...Hope DS is feeling better. I'm surprised you could even workout today after your strenuous workout yesterday! Haven't been on Open Discussion today...but if you think it's bad, I'll just stay away for a couple of days so that you guys wan't have to hear another late night rant from me.

LaurieX...Glad you had a good time with Cathe last night! I really missed her too!

Steph...You are going to make it!!! Just 2 more weeks...And then you, too, can have the joy of picking what you want to do for the day! Hope you are feeling okay and not catching anything. And yes, you must get LoMax....very good on the knees and still a great cardio workout.

TraciX....You madwoman! You have to try flickety fit before you buy more DVDs! I do hope you find what you are looking for in the kickboxing realm. I'm going to NC to visit my mom for her 65th birthday and to celebrate DD's bday too...also my bestest friend is coming up from Charleston SC to visit for the weekend. So it sould be fun and I am looking forward to the warmer weather. Hope you enjoyed the pilates and I'm sure your weather is great. My heat is on right now 'cause it's about 25 degrees here!

Okay....have to run so that I can get my workout in before I go pick up DD from her playdate!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
Happy to report Upper Middle Lower (Master Series) completed. As much as I dread afternoon workouts it seems to be a good shock for my body so I’ll stick with a few afternoon/evening ones a week.

Laurie: WHAT A WORKOUT! OMG- I’m exhausted just reading it! What did you think of LIC body sculpt? Did it keep your HR up so it could count as a circuit at all? Good for you keeping Yoga in your mix! Did I see mention of “next rotation”? Maybe April 1st???? lol

Jeanette: GREAT job in adding on to Plyo Legs! You guys all seem to remember all the little add on pieces of workouts so well! On the leaning out after 3 weeks… For me I sort of saw a plateau in Phase 3 of X – not in strength but certainly in lean/cut look. I think the changing at 12 weeks was definitely needed. I didn’t go over board on the cardio just threw in more circuits (slim series) … My body has always responded well to that type of workout so it liked going back to it. I am planning on doing “doubles” with the next round using 30 minute various kickboxing as the double portion 2 days a week. I’m happy you’re feeling better overall today… I do believe that was the first time in 3 months that I felt you down… We all go thru it at some point. You sound like me tho… I allow myself a limited amount of time to have my pity party and then its back to work! Speaking of work… Still loving the new job?

Lea: Dear dear Lea…You are a glutton for punishment! Your upper body is gonna be so buff if you keep this up! What a FABULOUS – out of the comfort zone workout today! ^^5 Hope DS 1 is feeling better this evening… maybe he just wanted to stay home to take care of mom today. Agreement on the boards.. actually I have always found (in my 1.5 years here) that almost all threads unrelated to fitness end up in wars… I so try to stay out of them but must admit that in the past I’ve posted – I just never go back to read the flames that might come to me! Ha I sure hope you aren’t gonna push your knee! Plyo next week? Oh lets wait & see on that one. I am back on Tosca plan as of today… Just finished my Dr 30 day yeast free thingy….. I had to get the book back out tho & grocery shop – feels like ages since I ate “normal”!

Tracy: Hope Plyo & Yoga were awesome! As someone stated earlier today (I think) you really are a great role model. I so agree on the “treats” so as not to binge… No doubt at all that is why I had my mini powdered sugar donut fest last weekend… The scale is back down today but my love handles are back- direct result of sugar binge.

Sandra & Debra: DH just pulled in so gotta run but Hugs to both & I’ll catch you in the AM!

Happy evening to all who follow!
Hi all,

I haven't had much of a chance to read the OD, but from your comments I can tell I'm not missing anything. There seem to be some rigidly opinionated people that post sometimes, and then they get fairly caddy. It's kind of sad, but also a little funny to read.

I ended up doing a plyo run. I went to the river (trail running) and ran the first part then did plyo jumps moving forward for another about 1.5 miles then ran/walked to cool down the last mile or so. Luckily, I rarely see anyone down there so when I was hopping around and doing rather silly looking things, only the dogs knew. I tried to do 50 to 100 footfalls for each move and alternated forward with lateral moves. My legs were quite toasty and I broke a really good sweat even though it was only about 30. I stretched pretty extensively, but didn't get in the yoga because my DH looked like he was going to have a fit if I added in another 45 minutes of working out. I'll do it tomorrow instead.

I'm dog sitting and the little Chihauhau, cute as he is, isn't very well house trained. That's becoming a challenge.....Good thing he is small.

Lea- Plyo next week? You better take it easy. I hope the DS is feeling better. Take it from someone who is a little older than you, as you get older, injuries don't heal as fast and they tend to reoccur at the drop of a hat.

Traci - Isn't it amazing how a little of something extra can go right to the wrong place? And then it takes forever to get off? I know I keep saying it, but that damn chocolate when we were in New Zealand did me in.

Sandra - Did you take before and after pictures? I didn't but wish I had. I'm not sure there is any visable difference to others, but I did loose the tummy pouch that I was having a serious battle with.

Laurie - Did you like LIC sculting routine? The only thing that bugs me about that dvd is the excessive knee repeaters that she uses as fillers. I wasn't happy with that. I still haven't done anything but the cardio.

Jeanette - I'm still picturing your pictures, they really do look different. You should be proud.

Steph - Where do you live?

Off to watch American Idol.

Good evening,

Am sitting here with hair dye in my hair waiting for the allotted time to rinse out. One of the things on my to do list when I got home tonite.

Lea, please put me down for a medium shirt, okay? And in grey. Thanks again so much for doing this. Wouldn't it be nice if we had a reunion? A girl can dream, huh? I'd so love to meet everyone. You made me laugh about the glasses. If I was smart, I would have Photo Shopped some fantastic bodied bodybuilder and put my head on it. That would have really got you guys going. Thank you for the nice words. I was at the grocery store tonite and saw all of the sausages and brats. I thought of you. Is the knee feeling better today? I enjoyed hearing Cathe's voice yesterday in my workout and then again today for that short segment of Butts & Guts. Low Max is a good workout. I find the first part of it a little long but then it gets rolling.

Tracy, thank you too for the nice compliments. Tight hamstrings I have also. I couldn't make my leg straight to the ceiling while on my back if you hung me from it. And standing leg extensions are a joke, like in the Kick Max Leg Conditioning Drills. I wish I could say I've gotten better, but then, I really haven't focused on it. Did you type "Oreos"? I love them, but haven't had them in ages. DH has unopened bags of chips in the house. I told them to hide them but he hasn't yet. He's waiting to trap me as every time I open the cupboard, he glances into the kitchen at me. Tracy, I was picturing your run down by the river. Must have been wonderful! You have so much energy!

Traci, what a maniac you are with your ordering, but $30 isn't too much. Wish I could help with the kickboxing. I get bored of anything that goes on and on. Think that's why I liked KenpoX, just when you are starting to get tired of kicking, he starts the blocks and then you know you're getting close to the end. I'm going to start some Slim Seris and shake up my rotation. Instead of Pyramids tomorrow, it will be Debbie Sievers and un Upper Body workout. I can't remember the difference in them, they are pretty similar. Thanks for asking about the job. Yep, it's a good one and I have a lot of freedom to make it even better. Lots of interaction with others. My previous job was in Plant Operations, so pretty much all calls were complaints about roof leaks, light bulbs need changing, need to do this, that, complain, complain...

Sandra, so sorry about AF today. Mine hit last week, but thank goodness, only 3 total days long (as usual). Thanks for the compliments too and I appreciate the help with the shorts issue. Gosh, and all this time I kept tugging them down while DH was taking the pictures. I kept reminding him not to have my underwear showing above my shorts, and are my shorts even on my legs. He was a pretty good sport. Now I've got to go look at Blam's shorts and see what you are talking about. Believe me, the lower body does NOT match the upper body at all, hidden or not. Now you've got me all excited about buying some new shorts. Doesn't take much to enable me at all, does it? I'm glad Imax3 was fun for you. It's not one I own.

Debra, oh, a busy day for you. The pedicure and hair color sounds nice. I'm having mine done at the salon next time and highlights put in. Hope it turns out nice, I'm kind of excited. Thank you too for the nice words. My chest is pretty sore today from yesterday's workout. Good to shake things up. Sounds like you have a nice weekend of visiting coming up and with nice weather too. Ours should be in the low 70's this weekend. Snowstorm last week, sunscreen and shorts this weekend.

Off to watch "The Illusionist" with DH, or at least part of it before heading to bed. Love Netflix.

See you all in the A.M.

Hi ladies..Just back to check in with you guys...I ended up doing Cardio Fusion today...I will do an upper body split tomorrow...Wow..it's been a long time since I've done weights and I am definitely looking forward to it.

Jeanette...Hope your hair color turns out good...I feel very fresh with my new do! I liked "The Illusionist"....but I had it figured out early in the movie..so the gotcha at the end wasn't as good. I also love Netflix...I have 3 movies here just waiting for me to watch them!

Tracy...Sounds like you had a great workout with the plyo run...So nice to be able to get outside to workout. I am looking forward to going to North Carolina next week so that I will be able to run outside. My mom has some nice trails near her house. How much longer are you dog sitting? Good luck with that!

Traci...Glad you are done with the doctor's diet...It must be nice to get back to a normal diet!

Okay...that's it for tonight...Nothing big on my calendar tomorrow except ordering the cake for DD's bday party and got to take my pooch to the vet since she has another ear infection!

later gators!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams

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