Xers ***THURSDAY***


Happy Thursday to All!

Doubles / Ph 1 / Day 4 / Wk 1/ Rd 2:7

Bay trip cancelled because of wet conditions on coast so I am able to stick with X rotation as written.:7 Today will be Yoga X + Magically Hips(aka: Tragically Hips)… shooting for 45 minutes of each. I will be out of pocket all day so may not get back until late tonight….


An article from BFFM about exercise - Thought some of you might enjoy reading the take on it from yet another Body Builder!

:7 Tracy: Hope you are feeling much much better today! Go easy girl….BTW: Please stop those comments about “ONLY able to lift 15#s right now”..Thats my MAX !!! You’re on the injured list & you’re STILL lifting that? Lordy!

:7 Lea: Got my mags on order- I ordered 3 (1 fat loss recipes, Nutrition, clean eating) DO NOT ORDER DD Delivery!!!! I saw the add for that coffee 2 nights ago and DH says – Well that looks harmless enough – I had to explain that the only way that stuff tastes so good is with SUGAR! His addict eyes sparkled and I think that’s his new drive thru… Speaking of which, he saw an ad for Sonic new Gravy Sausage Sandwich! OMG KEEP ME AWAY FROM SONIC! Are you doing Yoga X in full today??

:7 Sandra: I was going to let you out from under the desk but then ya HAD to go and ask about ARX! GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!!! I’ll do it TODAY Sarg, … Man I cant catch a break this week! I feel like when I was a teen and ALWAYS testing the intelligence of my parents! Guess who’s coming for Easter Weekend!!!!!! Got my guest room ready??? We will Kenpo together then stuff our muscular bodies until we can’t fit into our spandex on Monday! “DufusX”…. You are FUNNY at night! Were you cocktailing it with Debra????

:7 Jeanette: Wow – You have a lot of serious riding coming up! I think its terrific you are feeling so dang strong these days! Logan sounds just wonderful! I just adore new nieces & nephews… I think its because my aunts were always some of my favorite people growing up… never care for the grandparents but ADORED my aunties! My 28 year old niece (my daughter in another life) to this day calls me “Auntie”… I just shed a little tear every time I hear that… She’s a cool cool kid and to think she’ll always say that word to me just is the best gift in life!

:7 Debra: Did you REALLY lose the long post or were you having yet ANOTHER cocktail??????? Let’s explore this one today eh?

:7 Laurie: Hope your day is TERRIFIC! You are always doing exciting things!!!! How are you feeling about round two so far?

:7 Steph: Do we scare you with all the posts????? Just jump in- don’t try and catch up!!! MISS YOU VERY MUCH!

:7 Wendy: You are the cutest! Within 1.2seconds your mantra went from I will not sub for 83 days to 28!!!! Now I KNOW you are a true Xer! I do believe you broke the record tho! I have to take these things 1 workout at a time. There is NO WAY I can look down a 30 or 90 day road without feeling boxed in… That’s why Sandra knew to really push me yesterday with my workout..Shes got my sick personality all figured out! TOO FUNNY about the Texas talk! It is exactly like that isn’t it? I’m a California transplant 16 years ago so it all still sounds very “southern” to my CA ears. My DH says HOWDY instead of Hi… makes me cringe! Lololol LOVED the restaurant story…. Excuse me- WHY were we ordering cake at all? I’ll have to peruse my manual again- don’t recall cake being in phase 1…. I KNOW FOR A FACT it’s listed as a phase 2 staple tho! Just look at my food journals!

:7 Katie: Well????? Are you official yet??????????????

:7 TeddyGirl: Worried girl…. Talk to me!

:7 Debfer: Have a great day! You are ahead of us on the X schedule I think….ENJOY your X workout/stretch

:7 Monica: Great job again on yesterday! Whets cookin today for our little sub queen???? Working my way to a full Yoga X! It’s really too advanced to do me a lot of good… I’m doing 30-45 minutes of it each week + this Magically Hips I just received to see if I can gain strength & flexibility… plan on Phase 3 being able to actually do a full Yoga X!

See ya all when I can later today! Everyone stay safe!!!!!
Yesterdays Food Report (for interested parties)

1327 cal / 41% carb / 37% Protein / 22% Fat / 22 grams Fiber
Water: 94 ounces

Oatmeal & Egg White Omelet w/ SF Syrup
1 Bread, Turkey Patty, Soy cheese, Banana

Mid Day Meals:
LF Yogurt, Turkey Breast Salad with spinach, cabbage, peppers & evoo dressing, String Cheese, hummus, half of a pita pocket, 1 serving No Pudge

Evening Meals (after 4pm)
Snapper Fillet, Pumpkin Soup, peppers, 1 serv No Pudge with Cool Whip Free
Well, I got up sooo early that the entire Yoga X is finished. YAY. Now, I NEED some coffee.

Traci X - What the heck you got going on these days you busy gal? I am so sorry that you can't go to the bay this weekend}( . No, really I am. Glad you got those magazines oredered. I think you will really really like them. Did I say really? I think that we only have one or two Sonics. They are not very big out here and when I tasted it ages ago, well, it didn't taste very good. Hmmm..BTW, thanks for the article. Must check it out. Oh and ^^^^^555555's on the eating and drinking your water yesterday. Girl, you rock.

Jeanette X - Hi five's on JL coming in FINALLY for you. Is this what you will be doing today? Oh no, the pressure is on now. Now I have to eat really clean and get really ripped. LOL. And no, no more little tikes for me. I wish I could, but alas, DH and I decided on no more. Sometimes I miss having a girl, but now I can concentrate on my little guys and have them be as happy as possible. I am glad that you got to visit with your neice and Logan. They are so cute that young. Did you ever order Casino Royale on Netflix? Funny, because my girlfriend mentioned that movie last week just for the fact that Daniel Craig has a rippin body in it. Have a great day in jail!!!

Ok, gotta go and grab a Krispy Kreme;-) . BBL with those personals.

Hi all,

Today is some light cardio, some core work, maybe some floor work, and some stretching. I'm going to get the MRI today, but probably won't get the results until next week.

Also, HIGH 5's to all of you who can journal your food intake. I would go nuts! For me, the more I focus on food, the worse it is. I guess we are all different. I think that's why I eat the same thing over and over. That way there is no thought process involved.

Traci - Glad yesterday's workout went well. You just never know and sometimes I feel like the brain is tricking us.

Monica - What did you do to your hip? How long have you been on the injured list?

Sandra - Great job on finishing the draft of the thesis. Are you saying that you didn't do your references as you went along? OH my, I hope that is not the case. That will be quite time consuming to do. All those commas and periods and abreviations were quite miserable to manage. I assume you are following APA format?

Lea - Up so soone and yoga x done already. You are on a roll. Be careful increasing the weights for bicep work. I think that was the beginning of my back problems.

Debra - Sorry you lost the post. I try to put it in a word document first. You've had a rough couple of days!

Jeanette - We seem to be in a perpetual cycle of fixing vehicles at our house too. My husband and son do all of the repairs. My son is actually building an off road rock crawler. He loves mechanical stuff. I have one thing to look forward to. Cycling is good for people with back injuries because it doesn't cause any stress. Good luck on your rides.

Wendy - I'm glad we persuaded you not to sub, at least for 28 days. I think that you will be happy with the results.

Laurie - How is your DD? Aren't pulled quads quite painful? I think that I'd have to go and complain.

I'll bbl later to catch up with everyone else. Happy workouts.

Good morning,

Today was my yoga day so I did a Karen Voight yoga. Also previewed Jari Love's Ripped To The Core. May do that one tomorrow. Have a hill climb bike workout tonite. Another gal may show up to ride with me. We'll see.

Traci, hope you enjoy your yoga today. I like Magically Hips a lot. I'm glad you are going to be around this weekend, though you have internet service at the bay too as I'm remembering. Your meals sound delish!!! I see you are enjoying your No Pudge.

Lea, yoga out of the way already. Good for you. We went to a Sonic in Oklahoma back in 1997. I wasn't impressed, but doesn't matter anyways as I rarely, rarely, rarely eat fast food. Not saying I don't like it, just don't ever do it.

Tracy, hoping today is a better day painwise for you. Glad you're getting the MRI. I hate waiting for results. One of my sons has a Bronco that he uses to rock crawl (tall tires, lockers, etc.) My other son rock crawls with his 4-wheeler (Suzuki Vinson). He put different tires, lockers, all that stuff he thinks you've got to have. I'd prefer he do that than the motocross racing he used to do. He got hurt a few times (didn't tell his mother) and now has wised up. Anyway, the rock crawling is slow motion so they bail if the machine is tipping over. I'm so happy that my DH, and both sons are very, very mechanical. So many boys nowadays aren't given the chance to learn or don't have the gumption or whatever.

Good workouts to everyone,

Tracy X - Good luck on your MRI today. Here is hoping that everything is all right with you. Thank you for the input on the weight increase. I am trying to be very smart this round since I do still have a little elbow and knee soreness. Good form is key!!!

Hi there ladies...Look at me up with the roosters! Actually just with the dogs that live behind us. I have a couple of minutes before DD goes to school, so here I am! I am planning on doing power circuit from CTX plus legs from push pull plus abs from somewhere...But first I have to get DD to school and go to the grocery store. Always fun!

Tracy...Good luck with the MRI today. I hate that you can't get results quickly! I am sure it is good for your body to continue on with whatever exercise you feel you can handle. When are you going to get your mom...is that this weekend?

Traci...Glad you felt good about your workout yesterday...and your gains, WooHoo! Have fun with those hips today, my friend! And sorry to hear your trip this weekend is cancelled...but we will be glad to have you around. And let me say, too, your eating has been great. I wish I had your kind of discipline.

Lea...Enjoy that KK..not! Congrats on finishing YogaX..that is an accomplishment all by itself! Hope you have a great day with your darling boys.

Okay...Gotta get DD to school...will bbl to get to all who I missed...or actually just lost...from yesterday. Happy Good Friday Eve to everyone...did I just hear Peter Cottontail hopping down the bunny trail?


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams

Good morning,

A quick one so far: How are you all this morning? What's the update on the Injury Report?

DebraX - I screamed at the email trolls for you. That is so aggravating. I'll bet it was the best email you've ever written!

JeanetteX - I'm so glad you're checking in with us! This forum is nothing without people who are willing to take the time to chat. Aren't newborns just the itsy-bitsiet, cutest things ever? I love the little smacking sounds they make with their lips when they want their milk. For some reason, it's not as cute when DH does it ;) Yup, we're talking about the same long weekend. It's also a camping weekend around here; usually rains. At least, that's the long-running joke.

Wendy and TraciX - I'd love to have you guys come for dinner!! We live rather close to the airport....

Wendy - I finished Round 1 at the end of February, so it's been a full month. OMG that pie sounds deeelicious. I do NOT want the recipe!!!!! Have fun with Chest & Back again today! YOU WILL NOT SUB!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and please stop using the acronym DD to refer to coffee - I have visions of you mailing baby girls to LeaX. :) :) (Actually, I offered to mail her my DD a couple weeks ago and she politely refused).

LeaX - I passed on the dessert tofu last night, and had a few nuts and dates instead. YogaX done already?? You go!!!! How did it feel?

TraciX - Yay! I mean Oooooh, so sorry you're not going to the bay this weekend ;) Admit it...you are too, ha ha. I hope you do okay wiht YogaX today.

I have to get the kids going, but will BBL. I'm also curious about what is taking TraciX away from us for the day. And I need your input on my planned (not planned yet!) workout.

Morning Xers,

Doubles: Ph1/Wk1/Day4/Rnd2

Today is YogaX. I am looking forward to doing this one today. Haven’t tried it since my last rotation.

Thanks everyone for the great thought for DD, I didn’t have to pick her up from school yesterday. She was feeling much better this morning. One leg is worse than the other. She is not walking like an old lady today. I keep asking her if she is going to be able to go with her best friend to the water park this weekend. She just gives me this evil look, and says Of Course I am MOM. Stubborn little girl, can’t imagine where she gets that from.}(

My parents made the 6 hour journey. There wasn’t any bad weather, just the occasional snow flurry. They will be here for this weekend and all of next week. Everyone that lives down here will be getting a 2 day visit. First they are visiting with my baby sister, and then I don’t know whom they are visiting next. I know that my days are toward the end of the week. :D

Jeanette, I can’t remember what brand of bike DH purchased. To tell you the truth, all I can remember is that it was blue.:) But he was talking with a friend of his, and they will be doing some biking on the trails by his house. His friend doesn’t work and DH has his mornings free, because he works second shift. Oldest DD said he should start walking on the treadmill to help with his endurance. I felt really proud of the fact that she was giving him exercise advice. :)

Sandra, My parents live in northern Wisconsin, up by Lake Superior. The upper peninsula of Michigan is only about 20 miles due east of them. So I don’t know if that is your area or not. They are only about 1-1/2 hours from Duluth also. I agree with you on the coach. She has a workout schedule that she was suppose to do this next week while on spring break. I’m going to take a look at it and see what it is like. I know she wants to do some yoga, so we may try some Sara Ivanhoe when her leg starts feeling better. I know my Mom has a great Apple Crisp recipe. I have some of her recipies at home.

Wendy, I hope it warms up around here also, but it is not looking good for the next week. Our biking will have to wait a while. My youngest DD wanted to go outside yesterday. She attempted it, all bundled up, but the wind was way to intense. She was in the house 5 min. later. I figured as long as she was all wrapped up she could come to the grocery store with me.

Traci, So sorry to hear about the weather, but then we get to have your humor this weekend. I will be busy again, but I am going to try extra hard to be on the computer some this weekend. My youngest DD doesn’t have dance class and my oldest DD will not be around, so I might be free to have time for myself. I’m really enjoying this second round so far. Great job on the your workout. I was wondering yesterday if I would ever be able to get higher than 10 lbs on the triceps. I just can’t make the transition from 10 to 12. I went for higher reps. yesterday. Maybe it is just the trying, and one day I will be doing those 12 pound weights.

Lea, Congrats on the new addition to the family. I'v lost count of how many I neices and nephews I have. 15 total and only 3 of those are boys.

Have to take the girls to get their hair trimmed. So I'm going to get as much of YogaX in and then finish the rest up when I get back.

Last night my dinner consisted of Amy’s Organic Spicy Chili, ff milk, and strawberries (just couldn't resist).
Today’s meals
#1 Oatmeal, banana, egg whites
#2 Mini Shredded Wheat, ff milk, raspberries
#3 Beef Chop Suey & Rice (leftovers) tomatoes
#4 Protein Bar (before workout)
#5 Turkey Burger, ww bun, aspragras :9 (my fav veggie, I have to make extra for youngest DD.)

Have a great day,

Classic/Pahse 1/week 1/day5-Yogax (I took last Sunday as my rest day)

Hello!!-so yesterday I thought I was supposed to do yogax but when I went downstairs to workout at 8 last night I was relieved to see it was shoulders & arms & ab ripperx-I liked it- so I have to do the yoga today-yeah me! (I hope)-LOL

Jeanette-you mention Jari Love Ripped to the Core- I'm thinking of buying that dvd or amy bento all pump extreme-does anyone have any thoughts on either of those?

Lea- you mention that you live in southern cal-my husband and I and our 3 girls are flying out there to LA in late june and we are going to spend 3 days in Santa Monica and then drive up to san fran for the rest of the time to visit family-any tips on fun places to go with the girls in Santa monica?(just don't mention Disneyland-shh-don't want my girls to know what there missing) or where we should stay-I guess the waters cold, right? (and I want to see a celebrity or 2-shameless-I know)--

Tracy-you mentioned you lost some bellyfat with the X--I still have 5 more to go, so theres hope for me that I'll lose it with this program-huh??-I hope so--

hi to everyone else--deb
Hi all,

Back again with a question about my workout. You all seem to be doing YogaX today. On the doubles rotation, I'm supposed to do CardioX (42min cardio) in the morning, then YogaX (93mins!) at night. That's just not going to happen. So, I'm trying to figure out what to do instead. I was thinking of doing HardCore Extreme #2 or #3, then tack on some kind of 20-30 minute stretching.

A closer option would be to do HCE #3, without that KM Leg Conditioning Drills & stretch. That would be about 45 minutes of cardio. Then I could do 45 mins of some kind of yoga/stretching. But I also *want* to do the KM LCD because they're very effective at increasing hip flexibility and strength, which is what YogaX also does.

HOWEVER, I plan on doing Saffel's StrikeZone on Saturday, which has similar leg conditioning drills in it. So, do I really *need* to do KM's LCD today?

ANNNNNNNNNNND now that we're going to have a full weekend of Easter dinners, maybe I should do Saffels' StrikeZone today, and a HCE workout on Saturday, for the calorie burn? BUT since I'm doing Butts 'n Guts Leg Blast premix tomorrow, I'm thinking my legs won't be up to a high impact workout on Saturday, so the Saffel kickboxing would be better.

And Jeanette thought SHE was going in circles with all her downloading of her uploads. I feel like a spiral doodler!!!

Somebody save me from myself and TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!!!!!!

Much obliged,
Well its a good thing I came home and popped on the computer! Sandra...YOU ARE A MESS!:D I am so confused!! I think you should just do ALL the damn w/o's and call it a day! You are CRAZY!!!!!!!
This is the one I think you should do...""A closer option would be to do HCE #3, without that KM Leg Conditioning Drills & stretch. That would be about 45 minutes of cardio. Then I could do 45 mins of some kind of yoga/stretching. But I also *want* to do the KM LCD because they're very effective at increasing hip flexibility and strength, which is what YogaX also does."" The Drills with Janis will just be an "extra leg perk" since you seem to truly love drills! }(

Just had to chime in before Sandra started going in circles... Off to another appt... I shall return!

BTW: Lea- You are sick sick sick doing Yoga X so early! :p
Good afternoon Ladies,

I can't keep up with y'all. I just got home from taking my son to meet his aunt (my ex SIL). She was mad cause we were 5 minutes late. I think she has some baggage issues; namely her children. }( Oops, did I say that out loud! Really, I'm sure her children are wonderful when they aren't hitting others for fun and screaming commands at others. I'm almost positive of it. :)

I am heading out the door in a few minutes for dd's art lessons. It's one of my week's highlights. I love teasing dd's art teacher about his abstract, figurative, and nude artwork. Good thing he doesn't take me seriously. We're like Archie Bunker and his son-in-law when we go at it. Rest assured, I dictate what dd learns and sees. She's painting a barn with an impressionistic style.

Tonight calls for C&B. I'm really dreading it. But, it'll be good to get back in the game after the rest day. Dh is going to add L&B tonight. Should be fun watching him since nothing good is on tv tonight. }(

Sandra, You've got my head spinning too. Just pick something, preferably something other's here recommend, and do it!

Gotta Run! BBL for personals.
:* :*
Doubles / Ph 1 / Day 4 / Wk 1/ Rd 2

OK – A little down time before I have to meet up with DH…..
FIRST- I just tried a new product out in our area… Thomas’ Bagel Bread! OMG- toasted its HEAVEN! They are square- A full one is 150c / 1fat/ 30carbs / 4 sugar / 7 pro… Just what I needed….Yet ANOTHER bread fix! So much for getting rid of pooch!

Tracy: Good luck on MRI- Keeping WONDEFUL thoughts coming your way. I do have a high respect level for your commitment to exercise thru all this.

Lea: LOL on me being so busy and SECRETAIVE! I actually DO have a big ole secret that I am keeping…. An announcement will come soon- don’t want to jinx myself! If ya guess it I'll tell ya! Nothing to do with immaculate conception! As far as today goes I had to get follow up labs for thyroid & cortisol levels (way exciting huh?) then I had to go to pharmacy and had a belated birthday coffee with my girlfriend Linda (the one I told ya about)… DH has to take his truck into shop later today, its “date nite” urrrrr and we have cable/phone company coming in to transfer services this afternoon PLUS I GOTTA DO FRIGGIN 92 minutes of YOGA! What a day!!! LOL on The KK! You forget- I’ve seen your booty in the air- you’ve NEVER eaten a KK!

Sandra: ^^^^^ 5 on getting thru your thesis thus far! Major Milestone for you WAY TO GO! I am constantly amazed by your brain power! Visions/ DD Lolololol. What would I do without all the Sandra visuals? BTW: I think you should also add an extra round of ARX just for being my little conscious!

Jeanette: LOL on the No Pudge! Once PMS hits I will have DH lock them in his truck or all 11 boxes will be gone! Sorry your weather isn’t cooperating for terrific rides. I somehow see you in your parka out riding the hills! Bundle up!!! Really hoping I fall in love with Magic Hips as I have to do it so I want to like it! Are you off tomorrow?

Debra: Rooster/Dogs! HAHAHAHAH – My eating LOOKED good yesterday… Day 4 of X but day 1 of healthy eating! I gotta catch up with myself somehow! Not tonight tho- its MEXICAN FOOD !!! Happy Dance! Look out Peter Cottontale! Ya got a poop eater on your tail!

Laurie: WOW your DD is a fast healer! I cracked up about her weekend plans… Don’t we all feel much better when fun stuff is out there just waiting for us! GREAT about your parents…ENJOY every minute with them. 10’s were what I used yesterday for triceps too! It was a MAJOR accomplishment for me.. Maybe I’ll get Jeanettes awesome tris by the end of this! GREAT menu! I’m an asparagus girl too! Its VERY expensive here tho.

Wendy: OMG Wendy- For some reason your “She was mad cause we were 5 minutes late. I think she has some baggage issues;” made me laugh out loud! Lol on DDs paintings! What do you wanna bet she has naked cows in that barn! OK- Here’s your pep talk for Ch & Back (I dread it too!) You only have to do it 2 more times until phase 3! That’s less than 2 hours of it in two weeks….Suck it up! (sends a kiss with that smack too!)

Debfer: I’m with ya on lovin’ Sh&Arms – still my all time favorite workout! Enjoy Yoga X!!!

See ya all when I can later today! Everyone stay safe!!!!!
?Hi all. I will try to respond to everyone now. Lucky you, huh;-) ?

Debra X - Oh my gosh. Peter Cottaintail. I forgot I have that darn movie. I have to play it this week. Is it a terrible thing when you are a mom and don't realize certain holidays coming up? I still need to do Easter shopping or the boys might think that the Easter Bunny doesn't like them and that would be sad.

Sandra X - Round and round she goes, where she stops nobody knows!! Girl, you have all of our heads spinning round. I would just say do Cardio X. You have your yoga, your cadio, your plyo and that's that. You are done. I KNOW that helped right;-) ? I had to laugh at the DH smacking his lips. Um, Sandra, wouldn't that be under different circumstances than a baby smacking their lips}( ? You gotta stop with the mailing baby stuff. People are going to start thinking that I am in the black market. That's ALL I need. LOL. But if one is mailed to me, I promise to return he/she as soon as they start crying, talking back, hitting, spitting, pulling hair, etc.:+ . Yoga X was weird today. Not as flexible as when finished and had to be careful of the knee and elbow, but it was good. I am nice and sore. YUMMY.

Laurie X - So glad to hear about the DD. Remember when we were young and how those little injuries didn't hurt us one bit when it came to doing stuff with our friends? Oh, to be that age again. I am glad that your parents made it. That is a relief. Wow, how many people in your family do they need to visit? And is this the reason that they live 6 hours away now?? Just kidding. It's great when DH can hook up with a buddy to do physical stuff isn't it? Mine hooks up with his on Sundays for golf. Wow, you have a lot of nieces and nephews. I married into having a great niece and now am joyous to have a nephew. Oh, you had Amy's last night!!! Yum yum. Love her Indian food. Must purchase some Amy's.

Debfer - How was Shoulder and Arms and did you attempt yoga yet?

Traci X - I know that is why you love me. Cause I am a sick, sick woman. It was really nice to do it early. My youngest DS woke up toward the yoga belly 7 so I really didn't mind paying attention to him then. Guess I have to wake up at 3am every yoga morning to get it done without interruptions. I don't know how you wake up so darn early and live throughout the day. I want to crash now!!!! zzzz......

Wendy - You funny girl!!! I think that it is great you still let your son see your ex SIL. Most people wouldn't. Wow, your dd sounds really artistic. My 6 year old is starting an art class today. Nothing as fancy, drawing dinosaurs and dragons, but drawing to say the least. He is my fancy smancy artist. He has great potential. I love it. Ok, wait a minute....NOTHING good on tv tonight? You mean you don't watch The Office?????? Ok, that's it. Our Xer relationship is over!!! Hmph!!!;) Seriously, have fun with chest and back. Yes!! You will learn to love it. I do now!! Hope your DH has fun with the add on too.

That's all folks.

Traci X - You snuck in there. I just heard from my friend Linda. Girl, you are starting to creep me out....LOL. Your funny. My folks use the term "date night" too. I wonder what they mean by that? And are you implying the same thing?:p And you are wrong!! I have tried KK's and just don't like them. They have to be eaten warm, they are messy, TOO much sugar. Not like DD...mmmmmm...DD:9 . See what Wendy started? Can you please, please please post your secret on OD??????Ha! Let's see....your moving back to California and are going to be my next door neighbor!!! Am I right? Are you getting surgery? Are you going on the road trip? Oh, I could go on and guess....but I will use patience. Good luck with yoga tonight. And darn it, eat some Mexican food for me too. Maybe I will make a healthy burrito for lunch. That sounds yummy. Are you going to have a margarita? Have one for me too? Oh, never mind, I will drink one for you!!!! LOL

Okay! I'm back! I am resisting the urge to chant out a cheer. I hate it when people throw eggs at me.

I eventually stopped running in circles and chose a dang workout. TraciX, you and I are on the same page, my friend. I ended up doing HCE#3, but skipped the KM LCDrills and stretch, so it was 47 mins of high intensity (FUN!!!) cardio. Then I popped in the Baron Baptiste Level 3 Power Yoga that I've had for months, but never opened. It was also 47 minutes. AND GOOD!!!!! I'm really, really happy with this workout! Fifteen minutes into it I thought I was going to have to tell Baron to phone Tony and tell him he wanted his yoga back. He started off very similarly with sun salutations that gradually became more active. The difference was that we didn't do a gazillion of them before moving onto the standing poses, then finally onto the floor for some sitting postures. The workout moves quickly, but he holds the postures long enough to get some stretch. And I like how he transitions between the postures. This workout was like a condensed version of YogaX. Also, it was produced by Greg Twombly, who produces Cathe's workouts. The sets, production style, etc. are all very similar to Cathe's workouts around the PowerMax time period. Baron could really use some help with his shorts. It was very much like a Cathe-meets-Tony kind of yoga. I found another keeper!!! Is this enough about me? I think so!

Miss TraciX - my friend, I don't mind waiting to hear your secret, but I must INSIST that you tell us when you're going to tell us! I need to mark in on my calendar and get up early that morning to read the forums. Me "cocktailing"! That's a joke. I can't stand to be out of control, and I hate wasting a day nursing a hangover, so I rarely imbibe. Well? Have you done ARX yet, hmmmm? I know, me bossy. Kudos to you, btw, for doing your workout yesterday in the middle of the night (I know you usually are in bed by 7pm). I'm fluffing the pillows in the guest room as we speak. Special chocolate from France is being flown in on the Concorde and will be placed on your freshly plumped pillow in time for your arrival. Can't wait!!! Wouldn't it be fun to do KenpoX together? We'd probably end up hurting each other....I'm laughing about how many times "No Pudge" seems to be popping up in your posts :) I'm NOT doing ARX for you!! No way, lady! You now must do it twice through, just for making the suggestion!!!

TracyX - I'm thinking about you and that MRI today. I hope it all goes well, and you learn something next week. I have a bibliography from a very, very early version of the thesis, and it needs serious revision. I'll start with that. As I've revised the thesis I've kept track of my new articles, but just not in the bibliography. It's going to be more of an organizational task than a brainiac one. Hm. I might actually be able to do it! My supervisor emailed me today and said it would be "a while" before he gets back to me with comments x( This is another reason it's taken me so long to get anywhere. Oh well. I'll enjoy the reprieve. Have a nice trip back to Florida for mother-retrieval!

DebraX - Very nice workout you have planned for today. PowerCircuit is a good one. Kind of like a short version of Circuit Max......

JeanetteX - the sounds of your sons climbing with machines just makes me so nervous. I don't know how you can watch them do that. I still remember the day my brother, at age 17, parachuted for the first time. My mother was a mess. He's always putting her through stuff like that. Bad boy. Enjoy your hill climb tonight, and I hope your friend shows up!

LaurieX - I'm glad DD is doing better today. Your parents will be very busy for the week! How often do they do this whirlwind tour? I used to live around the Great Lakes, but now I'm in the west, between the prairies and the mountains. The GL area is very temperamental, isn't it? Always going from one extreme to the other. If you're offering to send me your Mom's apple crisp recipe, I won't say no. I'm in the 12-20lb range for tricep work, but have to admit that working the triceps is the one area where I'm always questioning my form. It just always feels awkward, and I'm not convinced I'm not using other muscles to help out. But when I lower the weight to focus on form, I don't get a burn. Oh well. I have a nice v-shape on the back of my arm, and I guess that's what matters, right? :)

New Deb - How was YogaX today? I hope you enjoyed it. Or at least, go through it :) I just bought Amy's APX, and think it's one to get if you're interested in a workout similar to Cathe's Power Hour or Muscle Endurance. Her moves are creative, to say the least. And the whole workout is 2 hours long. There are quite a few premixes that let you do split days, etc. She also uses every piece of exercise equipment stocked in your local fitness store. TraciX also uses this dvd, and might have more comments about it.

Wendy - why is DH doing LB tonight? Didn't he just do it a few days ago? That's a lot of pull/chin ups he'll be doing in one day! You sound like such an active, involved mother. Please tell me how you do that. Half the time I'm not even sure which room the baby is in :p You'll do great with CB tonight! And after you start doing Chest, Shoulders & Triceps in Phase 2, you'll be relieved to "only" have to do CB LOL!

LeaX - I love all your ideas about what Traci's secret is. Might I suggest also that she's perhaps considering a sex change, so she can truly start to look like Tony? Hey, if she wants to leave it up to our imaginations, then let's see where our imaginations take us.......}( }( }( Maybe you weren't as flexible just because of the time of day?

OMG!!!!! Speaking of being a neglectful mother, I just turned around and caught DD dancing to Elmo on the tv, while simultaneously lathering herself and the couch with diaper cream!!!! If I didn't have to go get DD#2 from the bus stop in 5 minutes, this would be funny. Who knew she knew how to open a jar?? Not me, apparently!

Obviously I have to go. Cheers,
Good afternoon everyone! I am so ready for a three day weekend! It looks like I will just have to take a rest day today. I've already worked my upper body and abs as much as I can at this point and can't do anything with my achy hip -- so I'll clean house instead!

TRACY - I honestly have no idea what I did to my hip. It started hurting during the evening of a rest day. I have been doing "Yoga for Happiness" lately and think that perhaps I had been pushing my flexibility too far? Either that or the sprints during Cardio Coach may have been too much. It's been hurting for about one week, so not too long at this point. What about you? How did you injure your back? How long have you been dealing with this? I see that you were having an MRI today - I hope they are able to figure out how to make things better for you.

LEA - How in the heck have you been? It sounds like you are super-woman these days! I read your post that you have been increasing your weights! You are very inspiring!

SANDRA - Hi there! I was laughing out loud when I read about your daughter and her fun time with the diaper creme! She's just keeping you on your toes!

I better bet back to work -- I really should not be doing this at work, which is part of the reason I haven't been checking in like I used to. I'm trying to be a better employee!

Monica X - How nice to hear from you. Me, I have been running around with my head cut off usually. Now thanks to Miss Sandra, she has all of us running in circles. So you can imagine. Super woman I am not, but hey thanks. I will take a compliment where I can get one. Instead of cleaning your house, would you like to clean mine?? It so needs it. I can't find the time to do it. Maybe I should just stop posting on this website so much. I seriously hope your achey hip feels better.

Sandra X - Who put happy pills in your coffee? My goodness woman, you had me rolling on the floor. Sounds like an awesome workout, you and Traci are good for each other. I like the sex change idea. Maybe, just maybe. Or, maybe she is inviting us all to her house(plane fare included) and she is going to have Tony there, and it is going to be like the P90X camp at Traci's!!!! That is why she ordered all of those boxes of No Pudge!!!! Or maybe she is just getting her whole darn family together(the avatar pic) and coming to your house for the chocolates and Kenpo. Oooooo...Sandra, I would watch out if I were you. :p Now I am going to have to check out Baron's shorts. What is wrong with them? And who is this Baron fellow? Sounds very interesting, but I don't know if I could get serious about yoga if his shorts are all funky. But then, there is Tony YELLING at us during yoga. That V-Shape is going to look good with the Xer shirts when we finally get them. Jeeze. Who is putting together this thing? Who ever it is, they suck. All right, I think you should put a bell on your DD so you know where she is going at all times. LOL, that darn diaper creme. And who teaches these kids to learn and open caps?????

Traci X - How was your lunch with Miss Linda? I bet it was peaceful??

All right gang. See ya!!

Hi everyone...I will try not to be a dummy and lose my post today...I am sitting here in my Easter bonnet...just waiting for the Easter Parade. Got my workout in already...thank goodness. I did Power Circuit from CTX with the plank and ab section plus legs from Push/Pull that I left out last week...and I may do some stretching this evening since I didn't have time to do a thorough stretch after my workout.

Let me try to catch up with everyone...

Sandra...I got you hint about CM....mostly because it was so subtle!;-) See, I skipped the high impact floor aerobics (about 4 minutes) in Power Circuit....It's just not my fave. Thanks for the chuckle and the mental picture of your DD dancing to Elmo with cream slathered all over her...What kind of careers do you have planned for her?:+ Glad you solved your workout dilemma. I have a great recipe for a berry crumble which I am sure you can adapt for apples...let me know if you want it.

Monica...I am sure you are a perfect employee and they are lucky to have you! Sounds like you need a rest day...but cleaning the house doesn't sound like much fun.

Traci...Now I am curious as to your secret...Hope you have a fun date night with your DH}( }( ! Maybe you and DH could do yoga together...like a new form a naked twister?

Wendy...LOL about the ex SIL...I have a SIL like that...but since I'm still married to DH, I can't get rid of her anytime soon. Good luck with C&B tonight...that one had the biggest dread factor for me, too....but you just have to push play...and think of how good you are going to feel about yourself once you do! :D

Deb...Good luck with yoga tonight. Glad you enjoyed S&A last night...It's one of my faves too.

Laurie...Glad you DD is feeling better...The young heal so quickly...I would be out for a week if I did that! Have fun with the family this weekend. It's nice to have them close enough you can see them for the holiday. You go girl with your yoga!

Jeanette...I haven't done Karen's yoga before, do you like it? Have fun on your ride tonight. How is the weather out there? I guess you'll be watching Sherlock again tonight since DH fell asleep last night:eek:

Katie...Hope your X came today!

Teddygirl...Hope you are able to walk today!!!! We could be kindred spirits...I fall all the time...in fact, I am due to fall again in the near future since it's been a while. I hope you are feeling better today. I know how frustrating it is to get waylaid like that!x( Please take care of yourself...I am sending healing vibes your way.

Tracy...Looking to hear how your test was today...Hope everything went okay.

DD is hanging around waiting for the computer...See you all later!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams


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