Xers ~~~ Sunday ~~~


Happy Sunday! Hope everyone survived & thrived on StPattys day! I drank red wine vs green beer..do ya think I jinxed myself for the year??

Toasty Toasty Toasty today.... I actually changed my workouts yesterday - did LowMax w/u + blasts and Amy Bentos Upper premix. Its so weird but since I've been doing blasts only I get a much better leg workout. I think its just because I'm not fatigued from all the step portions and I am giving the blasts more power and depth. I certainly caught myself doing LowMax blasts with a greater amount of strength/quality. That will be something I note for my next life after X rotation. So happy today is Pilates/Yoga as my body needs a good stretching out! MTV Pilates Mix arrived yesterday so I'll be test driving that today

Keeping my fingers crossed that those who ordered StrikeZone love it as much as I did! On All Pump Extreme... ya either like Amy Bento or not I suppose. Maybe do an OD question about APX and see what the cathe-ites have to say. I think its terrific but I know that equipment change can drive some nuts. I like that she does it with you tho so theres no pausing of tape etc. When she does her version of pull-ups I went to my Tonys version - boy are my lats sore today!

Coming right back with personals- ;-)
*********** PERSONALS **************

Thanks for finding that DVD for Sandra! It was funny seeing so many that I never heard of- I thought maybe I was just out of the loop! XFlowsion??? Whats that? The name sure has my attention! LOL- I went on a buying binge the last time I was getting ready to start X…hmmm what does that tell me? I cannot imagine you doing 30 reps yesterday! You probably felt like you were lifting a can of soup! I am VERY happy you aren’t pushing it tho and giving yourself a chance to heal…

You took me right back to school days with your PINCHing yesterday! LOL are your boys at the age where they love to catch people not wearing green??? Thanks for the chuckle! I can hear the giggles now from the little ones. ^^^5 on the workout!!! You are getting yourself in fighting form aren’t ya??? You must be mentally stoked about now! What things are you fixing in the house now? My heavens first the toilets and now- maybe the roof???? - **Step Away from the power tools**

Sandras got a dealer??? Well no wonder you like living in the great NorthWest! (That is where you live isn’t it?- I didn’t do so well in geography, map quest wasn’t available then!)
I think I’ve read only positive stuff about Amys stretch & core tape. Collage reviews were pretty much 10’s if I recall… Its on my list to get too! May be I’ll just suck it up and order it too! Lolol This is RIDICULOUS! You cracked me up with the Tell Me What To Buy!!!! I LOVE being a personal shopper….. I wont even charge you a fee!!! I get as high when you spend cash as when I do! Lolol … Can we get back to actually DOING the workouts for a moment please!... Congrats on your BC and Yoga Back day! I really love BC but just forget to do it all the time… I don’t even mind the floor/standing switches although some people really slam it for that. My only concern is that about half way thru it I have to really make myself get back up from the floor!

LOL on ordering!!! If you want CANCEL the Jari Ripped 1000 & I’ll send ya mine for nothing. I’ve had it since I preordered it and never have done the darn thing. Let me know if you want it. You made me smile about riding and not losing/gaining ! I remember everyone telling me that after the marathon I’d be 8-10 pounds lighter… well this little carbo piggy was 2 pounds HIGHER!!! Lol What a workout yesterday!!!! Todays ride should just be a sweet piece of icing on that workout cake weekend! I so envy your ride today… beautiful scenery, good friends, and COFFEE!!! WooHoo!

Must be having FUN!!! We miss you and all your stories!

Hope your Saturday was a blast!!! We sure miss you when you actually go out and live your life without us!!!!


I cracked up when I read your Barrys Question’s Post to us! I said to myself…. “Self, theres a thought, actually find out if you can even do the dang workout because of equipment BEFORE you spend 60 bucks on it!” Hmmmmmmmmmm new concepts out there every day for me to learn! I so LOVE the chanting!!! I swear I was doing the same thing! I had to start in phase 3 tho!!!! You are so tough- GREAT GREAT accomplishment don’t ya think? BUMMER on the weights! I actually thought about investing in those in the future to save space but I never thought about a possible malfunction- kinda like having an all in one TV-DVD-VHS player…. If ya gotta take it to the shop you’re left with nada!

Well I think I have caught up on all the purchases….excuse me I mean workouts!
I can smell & hear the cha-ching!
Later gators!
Hi all,

Not sure what I'm doing today.....

On the dvds, I look at my cabinet full of dvds and it's like, well, I've done that too many times, I don't like that, too easy, too hard, too much impact, boring, not the right fit for today, etc. etc. I just hate spending money on stuff I don't use. I looked at Barry's Bootcamp, maybe after Xflowsion.

Traci - XFlowsion has a website and says that it's
Unique Workouts that Combine Yoga, Martial Arts and Dance
“The most fun you’ll ever have working out.” I think that I read somewhere that they are doing it at B Kest's studio. I'm going to try it. I want some more yoga type stuff so what's 49.95?

Jeanette - I like Christi, but only have the one dvd with the 4 workouts on it. I've done them so many time, I think that the effectiveness is minimal, but they are fun! The great in 8 is from a magazine. I think Laurie posted a link to it a few days ago. It just varies the weight work from circuits to heavy to supersets etc. by week. I'm thinking that I might need a break from heavy weights or at least to rethink how I am training. Have fun on your ride. I hope that in a couple of weeks I can get out more regularly. It's 20 here this am. You ordered too? It is seriously catching.

Sandra - What did you end up buying? How's the evening eating?

Laurie - Missed you yesterday. Anything exciting happen?

Lea - You must be getting better. I think that I'm going to try DM today with some modifications. I'll take a small shirt. I may regret it, but I can't stand big boxy shirts. I didn't do the IMAX3 blasts, only the step; I wish. Detox tea, what is that?

Steph - Sorry about your weights. Taking stuff back is such a pain. I would love to have a nice weight set, but I can make do with what I have. My husband likes to make dumbells, so we have all of these weird weights like 17, 22, etc. The problem is that he uses plates on the ends, so for a small person, they are not compact. It will be Steph X soon.

I'll BBL. I may try to get the dogs out before it thaws and becomes a muddy mess.

Good morning all!! Happy Sunday. No green beers for me last night. Just regular and ultralight I might add, so like drinking water.

Traci X - Pinch. Pinch, pinch, pinch, pinch, pinch. That's for the red wine. Silly girl!! LOL. I am glad to hear that you are seeing benefits from your workouts. I would have never dreamed in a million years before X that I could mix and match my dvd's and with different instructors. I am dreaming that I have Miss Traci's dvd library. Yes, I am trying to get into fighting form. Arm is feeling slightly better today. Yay!!! BTW, I just finished with the toilet yesterday. You never thought that it would take days to fix did ya? Next, I am going to paint the living room. I think that I will start that tomorrow.

Tracy X - Your DH makes weights? Maybe he should start a business doing that. Haven't seen 1#or 22# around. You guys could be rich. Have fun doing drillmax. I love that workout. Maybe because she switches equipment throughout the workout. Detox tea is from Yogi Tea(love that brand). They have a liver and kidney detox tea(and actually all sorts of different teas for upset stomach, calmness, sleep, etc). The detox tea contains herbs like dandelion to help clean out the liver and kidneys. I do feel better after I drink it. Have fun with the dogs.

Hi to everyone else. Talk to you all later.

Hi all,

I just cleaned one bathroom and felt pretty proud of myself. One more and a little vacuuming and I'm done.

Lea X - You are like the domestic makeover energizer Xer bunny! It makes me feel so lazy, but domestic anything has never been my cup of tea. Do they have a "get interested in your house tea?" Maybe it would help me. You should make a motivational house makeover dvd........

Tracy X - LOL. I am hoping to put out a series of DIY shows and make some major $$ when both kids are in school;-) . The one thing that I don't do is clean, ok, only when I have to. So congrats on the cleaning. That is a workout in itself. BTW, when I think of you, for some reason lazy does not come to mind at all!!!!

Good Sunday morning,

Don't have time to post right now, I'm off to the group bike ride. Very sunny outside. When I get back will have to shower and get ready for my sister's birthday BBQ. May have time to post, if not, hope everyone has a great day today!

Good Afternoon, Xer chicks! Last night we all went out to eat at a little bar and grill in our area. Very nice! When we got home, I did my final KenpoX. Today is supposed to be X Stretch, but I might do ARX, because last week, I sort of blew it off and I feel like I need to get through it one last time. Sorry, guys, I didn’t do measurements or take any pictures, because I didn’t want to go through this whole thing and then be disappointed if I didn’t make any improvements. I can tell in the mirror, though, the definition in my arms and core, especially. Legs look pretty much the same. Again, today just hanging around in my jammies, doing housework and playing with the kids. DS is doing a complicated Star Wars Lego project and freaks out when he can't find a certain piece.

TraciX - OK, repeat after me. . ."Hi, my name's Traci, and I'm a workout DVD shopoholic." (LOL) Just kidding! I'm the same way. I get so bored doing the same ones, that I'm constantly on the lookout for new, challenging, and fun instructors. I still have a few more Cathe's to get, and I'm debating on this Barry's Bootcamp. Let me know what you think when you get it.

TracyX - I know what you mean about all the DVD’s you don’t really use. I just put a bunch of them on E-bay earlier this year, because I just never used them. Actually, so many of them had gotten pretty easy since I started Cathe. Now my whole library is pretty much Cathe and Tony, with a couple of Mindy Mylrea thrown in. Some people don’t like her, but I really get a kick out of her goofiness. I just really didn’t like her Kick Butt Bootcamp all that well, but I’ll probably keep it because of the kickboxing in it. So are you for sure getting the Xflowsion thing? Let us know how it is - sounds very interesting!

LeaX - No green beers last night? I thought of you last night when I got a green beer with my steak! So what color are you painting the living room? How do you do it with little ones around? I desperately need to paint my bedroom! About three years ago I went out on a limb and painted it this weird red color, which I now hate, and haven’t gotten around to change it yet. I looks incredibly bad with my green and blue print comforter! Never got around to buying new bedding either! Like Tracy, I could use some “get interested in your house” tea, as well. Maybe in addition to your DIY videos, you could sell some of this miraculous tea, too.

JeanetteX - Sounds like you’re in for a fun day! Beautiful weather for biking and a BBQ later! Will you have a lot of family there for your sister’s BBQ? Enjoy your day!

I’ll check back in later to see what everyone’s up to. Have a great Sunday!

Hi again gang-
Completed 2 new workouts today…
Killer Kicks : Very Drill-ish but fun and different. A good 45 minute Kenpo sub. Not quite the cardio boost as StrikeZone but its all about form & technique and the pace reflects that. 9 out of 10 for Kenpo Sub.
MTV Pilates Mix: Very versatile! The entire workout is around 40 minutes I think but I opted to do 1 chapter of arms focus (Yoga moves) – 1 chapter of legs (pilates floor) – 1 chapter of abs. There are 2 chapters of each and a workout blender. The pace flows nicely as do the moves. A high likeability factor and my 3part segment ran 18 minutes. 8 out of 10 for Pilates/Yoga mix.

DH went to hit tennis balls! He’s starting to play this week with his business partner…I’m very excited that he’ll be getting in exercise!!!!

Steph: Last nights fun sounds like a blast! Amazing that you did Kenpo AFTER going out! You are a true x’er! LOL – yes I am chanting CHARGE IT! Way too much these days… It’s a phase I go in & out of… I truly need to STOP the nonsense & soon!

Jeanette: Our little social butterfly! Hope your Sunday festivities are super duper fun!

Lea: DIY Videos??? Can I pre-order PLEASE!!!! You are too fun girl- Will you be filming in your X tank??? I am officially leaving you all my workout DVDs in my will. None of my family or friends would even know what to do with them! They’d probably think they were porn!

TRACY: I agree whole heartedly with Lea- LAZY is not a word that I would EVER think of for you!!! Good lord I wish you hadn’t reminded me of bathrooms.. I cannot recall the last time mine had good scrubbings! OH MY GOSH! I’d pay premium prices for odd poundage weights! You could make a fortune girl! I checked out XFlowsion www. Doesn’t look like my cup of tea BUT if you like those one of the new kickbox I got Jab Kick Burn (The Method) looks similar in funk. I previewed it and have ZERO desire to kickbox to a live drumbeat… would you like it as an Easter Gift? Just shoot me your address & its yours!

I wonder how much $$$ we all have in inventory??? We’d be millionaires!

Check back later- finishing laundry today- bah humbug

How are you all today? Surprisingly talkative, I see!

This morning, I gave a new yoga workout a try. I found Rodney Yee's "Yoga for Athletes" in the bargain bin a long time ago, and thought maybe it would be similar-ish to YogaX. Not! There's not a vinyasa in the whole workout, and the poses were very basic. Just a bunch of "stand like this....now stand like this." So, I won't be doing that one again. I could have benefited more from the extra sleep, than I did from getting up early and doing the yoga. After I ate a light breakfast I decided to go make it worth my while, and headed back down to the basement. I threw in CoreMax#3 (nice) and then did my own push-pull workout by alternating variations of pull/chin ups and push ups, for 4 rounds. Now that felt good! I'm so pleased that P90X made me so comfortable with push ups and pull/chin ups. They're such an efficient and effective exercise.

Thank you Tracy and Traci for your comments on the videos. I decided to get Amy's Core & Stretch dvd, her All-Pump Extreme, and Janis's StrikeZone. Two of the three were on sale, so what better time to buy?? Now if I can only find Kest's yoga videos, I think I'll be set!

TraciX - Okay, HOW HOW HOW are you able to eat a meal like the one on Friday night, and not feel completely guilty and depressed the next day? Or even an hour after you ate it? I swear, I wish I could do that! BC was a ton of fun yesterday, and that's all I was going for. I remember I used to find the 2nd core move exhaustingly difficult, and now it feels like I could go on twice as long. Even the terminator climbers were no big deal. I'm just loving my new strength in the upper body and core! It's enough to make another round of P90X look very tempting. But not yet. How was your bbq yesterday? LMAO about the porn comment!!! That's hilarious!

TracyX - CK Sales is located here in Edmonton, so when I order from them I get it within 2 days, which is nice. It's a family business, and they're a really nice couple. I like dealing with them. One year I ordered so much stuff from them they sent me a Christmas present!! Why are you feeling the need to rethink your approach? Because of your back? High rep, low # weight work is not a waste of time. I find it strengthens and increases flexibility in the joints, which helps significantly when doing the heavier weight lifting. My favourite approach is to hit each part heavy during the week, then hit them all a second time in an endurance-based total body workout like Power Hour or Muscle Max. Slow & Heavy and PUB seem to work very well together, with that approach. OMG I'm so happy to meet another woman who is totally disinterested in her house!!!! I feel like such an outcast sometimes! I swear I've never read a home and garden magazine in all my 36 years. I used to say I wasn't interested because I didn't actually own the homes I lived in. Well, now we have our own brand-spanking new house, and I'm still not interested! May 6 will be our 1 year anniversary here, and I still have boxes unpacked because I could care less about finding places to put the things in them, or buying the proper shelves and racks to fit our closets. Being a SAHM/domestic godess is not my thing, not one bit. When I get a decent paying job, I fully intend to hire a housecleaner.

LeaX - Buy everything LMAO!! The problem is less one of money, and more one of: "When do I have time to do it all??" We're busy this weekend with social events. We have no family here, and only a handful of friends, but it seems that those friends always have the same weekend "free" to invite us for dinner. We'll go weeks with nothing, then suddenly be rushing around like crazy. No thesis work for me this weekend. I forgot to mention how impressed I am that you fixed your own toilet! Of course, the difference between how men and women fix toilets is that the women first have to clean it before they fix it, then they have to clean it again when they're done. I'm glad you're able to get some modified exercise. 4 people to do your job for a week? Yes, it's the sad truth, isn't it?

JeanetteX - have a great ride, and a lovely birthday-bbq! Hunt for Red October!! Fabulous movie!! And at a time when Alex Baldwin was looking rather delicious....Did you do the Christi abs that go to the "Tequila" tune? I don't find those abs very challenging, but I love the music! They're fun to do just for that!

Steph - Hi! Nice to see you around! KenpoX for the last time! Yay!!! March 20 is the final day for you, isn't it? Go Step Go! I don't recommend the YogaZone 20 minute workouts I have. I bought them yeeeeeeeeears ago, and they're very beginner level. I haven't done them in a couple of years, at least, and was completely unchallenged by the back one I did yesterday. I had to advance-ify ever pose, and still didn't feel very "worked." I still have a couple of Baron Baptiste Power Yogas that I haven't removed from the shrink rap yet. I'll let you know how I like them, when I get around to doing them.

Monica - it was great to see you post on Friday night! You look like you've been up to some good. Please keep catching up with us when you can!

Well, it's time to go clean the hamster cage, then we're off to another friends' house for dinner: ham, hash brown casserole, and who knows what else. I can already feel myself bloating up....

Have a great day,
Hello you lovely ladies!! I have VERY limited computer access here...and I haven't been able to get signal most days!!! Anyway I'm still around and hoping you guys have been having great weeks...I will have to read and catch up once we get home on Tuesday afternoon!

I ran a couple of days...but that has been it for the exercise...I feel like I've gained about 10 pounds!

Okay...off for now...Miss you all!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
Hi all,

I did about 40 minutes of easy step, and hour walk and some abs.

Debra - I hope you are enjoying the trip. Luckily it only feels like you gained 10 lbs.

Sandra - Too bad you and I don't live closer. We have so many things in common:) I have Rodney's yoga for athletes, threw it in yesterday and after a few minutes said no way. I also have a couple of Baron Baptiste too. Not my cup of tea either, but the ones I have are shorter. They're in the probably should give away pile. We moved into this house almost 20 years ago and about 10 years in, I took a couple of the boxes that I hadn't unpacked and just threw them away. I figured I hadn't needed the stuff up to that point so why would I ever need it? I really could live very minimalist because all of the stuff in the house is irrelevant to me. I'm exactly opposite of my mother who has stuff everywhere and spends quite a bit of time decorating. Yeah, rethinking the workout because of the back. It's partly just frustration. In a week I'll make a final decision.

Traci - I was on the video fitness site looking at all of the up coming releases that people are buying. There is so much. It's hard to decide. I got burned on the CIAs last year, so I'm trying to be more picky. I looked at the Barry's. They are a good price, but I'm still on the fence. I meant to ask, did you feel sick after eating all of that food since you usually don't? We had ribs one night and I felt physically terrible in 30 minutes. Too much fat!

Off to finish cooking dinner. Navy beans, rice, and a small amount of kielbasa for the family, salad probably for me.

Happy Sunday to all who follow.


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