X'ers - ~~Sunday~~


:7 :7 :7 Morning X'ers :7 :7 :7
Up nice and early my 8 hrs sleep last night!

Triceps & Chest feeling nice a toasty & tired just like I like'em! Triceps have DOMS but not too severe and as Tracy & Sandra were saying, fatigue is just as accurate a sign we worked hard as DOMS so I am pleased. No cardio for me today I need a break from that so I am just doing Slim Series Firm It Up (Lower). Its one of the most intense lowers without weights and is a great slimmer. I have acually scheduled that 1 time a week for next 7 weeks.

I saw that my pals had a little chat fest last night so off to absorb all the new scoop.... BB in a bit with fresh cup of coffee & personals! :) :) :)
For all you late night chat ladies!

:eek: DEBRA: What a well deserved nap yesterday! Funny but when I take them they never seem to interrupt my sleep patterns! I am just such a hybernating bear in cool weather! ***Anyway, I hope you and DD are staying healthy & looking forward to a wonderful week together! And classroom days for you this week? ***On your L&B today... you can always do both GS & X back!}(

:eek: LEA-X : I am still in awe of your rebound from the junk you had! Did you take an entire bottle of vitamin C or soemthing? ***Congrats on not just doing YogaX but really showing great form too! I commend you for going back and doing so many of the recovery week workouts... You are a determined & focused lady! INSPIRING to me.
***YES I am loving the arm fatigue! ya know its weird because before X I usually had loads of DOMS (not many visual results tho) With X and now that I'm using X principles w/ Cathe, I have the utter fatigue and "warmth" with few DOMS but loads of results! Go figure... *** Another painter in our midst? Oh my you ladies are certainly the creative types. I have to hire those things out although DH attempts to do it- he's more an outdoorsy guy so we try and keep him off the HH Projects!:+ ***Funny on the appliances thing. For christmas all I asked for was spoonulas, knives, cokware & workout equipment! LOLOL My DH thinks its a set up every year... He cant believe thats all I want! Oh how life changes!

:eek: Jeanette: Cant wait till we are filthy rich and can have massages, pedicures, highlights, facials... all at the same time! So happy you got the desired feelings after massage! *** Kudos on the painting! You are so good about just getting things done- You may call yourself a procrastinator but I have yet to see signs of that!***Chinese food sounds DIVINE about now! Hope yours was yummy!

Ok gang- Thats it for catch up with late night chatty Cathe's! Hope the day is terrific for all & I shall return at some point! Happy rest, workouts, stretches & of course HAPPY FLEXING!:7
Happy Sunday to all. It's raining here this am. I am seriously sore from my workouts. YAY!! Tomorrow I am going to do Gym Style Back, Shoulders and Biceps with ARX or Coremax. Not sure. I forgot to mention that I finally booked my snowboarding lesson. March 3rd and I am so excited. I am probably going to be so soar the next day. Funny thing that they are going to supply us with butt pads. J-Lo, here I come.

Traci - Ahhh, you are so sweet. But you are the one who is inspiring. I am just glad that we all have each other to support and learn from. It's great to hear that you are able to apply the X principles with your Cathe workouts. That is awesome. I bet you are looking so good!!

Jeanette - I am jealous too. Wish I could get massages or highlights, but can't. Maybe when I start to work again? I also had Chinese food last night. Beef and broccoli with brown rice. I only ate half of it and my DH ate the other half, but it was yummy. I hope you have fun on you painting today:+ .

That's about it. Everyone have an awesome day.

Hi all,

Happy Sunday. I’m rethinking the leg part of my rotation, so I’m not sure what I am doing today.

I still haven’t found any ab work that rivals arx. Any suggestions? I’m finding that I have to do more and I’m not so happy with that.

I was also thinking about the leg part of p90x and the recent comments. Do you all think Tony and crews’ legs look like that because that is all they did? We’ve all commented on more defined legs. I’m wondering if it was created that way as sort of a quick fix to show some visible results on legs without too much effort. The leg part surely is not nearly as thorough as the upper body part JMO.

Traci – I must have missed part of the new diet. No sugar/ yeast/ or dairy, what are you eating? Can you still follow the Tosca diet with those restrictions? I’m interesting in that book now, although there is no way I can eat all those egg whites. Are there substitutions? Can you eat dairy with the Tosca plan? How radical is it? I used to love Circuit max and wish I had it on dvd. I just can’t buy anything else right now.

Debra – Glad you are liking Brian Kest. Jeanette and I both do Eion Finn and Shiva Rae. Eion’s dvd has several routines. It has a great 50 minute routine that focuses on the hips and Shiva’s is good because you can do the preprogrammed routines or create your own from the matrix. She is gumbi to the max and some of the stuff she does will always be out of my reach, I still like her though.

Lea – It is interesting what we end up getting excited about once we have a family. I got two really nice spatulas for Christmas and I love them. I would have never bought them myself because I’m sure they were expensive, but they sure are nice to use. I stayed home with my kids and it was worth giving up everything that I had to do without in order to be home with the kids. I can remember never buying paper towels, which I still don’t, plastic wrap, or tin foil, not to mention anything for myself. Those were luxuries. We really were living with the bare minimal, but it didn’t seem to hurt us.

Jeanette – Sourdough pancakes sound wonderful. I tried to keep sourdough starter for bread around, but never could get it to taste just right. I do make some bread etc., just because I have not been able to convert my family of males to totally clean eating. If I don’t make stuff they will eat, they just go out, which is worse. I do cook as clean for them as possible, but they eat many more carbs than I do now and I’m sure love every bite.


LEAN/Phase 3/Week 9/Day 5

Oh, this is not good. I only slept for, like, 2 hours last night, and I’m so exhausted. I have a terrible head cold and for some reason just laid in bed all night without falling asleep! I was so tired, I can’t figure out why I never fell asleep! I arranged myself so I could breathe OK, so that wasn’t it. I’m hoping I can get a nap in today or I’ll never survive the Core Syn. workout this evening.

Traci - #1) I must have missed something - why aren’t you going to the Bay this weekend? #2) I agree with you - Tony IS adorable and I’ll have to get a few Master’s Series DVD’s to get my fix, too. My “date“ with your Tony went great last night. I never thought I’d love yoga so much! #3) Your workout yesterday looked brutal! Did you do all of your cardio workout, too? That is super impressive! Way to go! Has Tony really brought up the level of your workouts?

Tracy - Sounds like a great workout yesterday! I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to mix and match workouts to fit my needs like that. How long was the whole workout? LOL about how you now have a core to engage! I feel exactly the same way! It feels so much different doing Cathe’s abs, now that I have a stronger core. Push ups are more effective, too.

Sandra - Did you do that same Kenpo/KickMax workout last week? That sounds like a killer! Those blasts really get me and I’m huffing and puffing and begging for relief. BTW, I had to LOL about your comment a couple of days ago. “Funny how Tony donates this workout to his mom & dad at the end. Was he born of a human mother? I thought he was assembled at BeachBody” That’s hilarious about the scrolling on the bottom of the P90 series. I agree with you, they do have quite a sense of humor at Beachbody. Every once in a while, Tony will say something or I’ll read something in the manual that will catch me off guard and make me laugh! Also, I agree with you about using your body weight being very effective. I really like those lying down on your side tricep exercise where you straighten your arm and raise your body up. I’ve never gotten such good results from any other tricep exercise. I don’t do too well on the dips for some reason.

Lea - Did you say because of Tosca’s book, your pants are falling off you now? I’m getting that book as soon as possible! LOL! Are the recipes basically pretty easy with normal ingredients? I was thinking about getting it earlier, but haven’t yet. Congratulations on your snowboarding lessons! Let us know how that goes. It would kind of concern me that they supply you will butt pads - they’re assuming you’re going to fall on your butt a lot? I just ordered the Gym Style Series and can’t wait to use it post P90X. Are you doing a rotation of some sort with them, or just sort of a freestyle thing?

Monica - I’m glad you’re using Cathe’s workouts and lifting to your own speed. I’m not familiar with the Mix and Match options, since I haven’t used it. What does that do? It will be hard for me to slow my pace down and go at my own slow and heavy speed, since I always tend to do what the instructor does. Maybe after Tony, it will be ingrained in my head, and I’ll have changed my thinking.

Jeanette - Sourdough pancakes Thursday morning? Sorry, that’s right where my eyes went in your post! That sounds delicious! Congratulations on the painting. I always wait until summer before tackling projects like that. I don’t mind the painting, either, but the preparation of taping, scraping, priming, etc.
Also, congratulations on the massage! I haven’t had one in a while. Hey, that would be a good Valentine’s present for someone to get me! LOL!

Debra - Glad you’re enjoying Bryan Kest. I still haven’t really gotten into his workouts. I only did Tone once, so I think I’ll have to give it a couple more chances. I still like Tony’s YogaX the best for some reason. What do you plan on doing today for your workout?

Hope everyone has an X-cellent day! I’m off for a cup of coffee and then to begin some serious house cleaning. It looks like a tornado went through the house!

Steph - Sorry about not being able to sleep. There is nothing worse. Have you ever taken benadryl to help you sleep? I know it's not designed for that, but it sure knocks me out. I thought the same thing when I read Lea's post about the pants falling off. That's what I need, so I did ask a few questions. My house is a mess too, but I doubt that I'll make much of a dent in it. I'm going to clean the obvious and forget the rest. My workout yesterday was about 1:40, remember though, my kids are grown and I have plenty of free time. I could never have spared that much time when the kids were younger.

Hello Ladies!!

Traci...Glad you got a good night's sleep last night! Glad you're feeling toasty today...Hope legs go well for you today! I really like the non weighted workouts...I feel like I can concentrate on my form...and I still get plenty of a workout! Don't think I'll be doing both GS and X...you crazy woman!

Steph...Sorry you didn't sleep last night....I do the same thing sometimes when I have a cold...Did you take any cough meds? Sometimes those keep me up too! Good luck with that nap today...You'll need it to do Core Syn tonight!

Tracy...Have fun cleaning the house today....I got most of my housework done yesterday....Just paying bills today and finishing up a little laundry. Thanks for the yoga suggestions...Where did you get those DVDs? I use Core Max in place of ARX...I like the crunches as opposed to the full sit ups that Tony does...I feel it more in my abs.

Lea...Have a great time with snowboarding....LOL about the butt pads...You'll probably be very grateful for those!

I am planning on doing the legs portion of L&B and then doing GS Back...hopefully my legs won't completely give out without the back breaks in between! Legs are definitely my weak point...I just don't enjoy those workouts...I don't know why...oh, well...I promise to hit play today though...I will probably do Core Max too.

Happy day to all!!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
Well Firm It Up Lower is completed without to much fanfare... I'm telling myself its just like having a rest day because of no cardio:7

Lea X*****No surprise you're sore! You have been a little workout monster the pastr few days! Enjoy your GS Split! Are you doing it as produced or turning it into a faux Tony? Cool on snowboarding! I can only imagine its going to be a great supplement to ab work too!

Tracy X****I know you'll come up with the perfect leg rotation.. You have so many different things you like to do above & beyond a DVd so I can only imagine how interesting & effective it will be. Re: Tonys legs, I found the Plyo work quite challenging to my legs.. I really had to want it tho to go low/deep enough but I am finding my legs are much stronger going back to Cathe & others now. On the "diet".. Its a 30 day ultra cleanse that hormone doc put me on. It actually is Tosca eating X10! It doesnt get much cleaner than this but boy is it BORING... No bottled dressings, or anything! If I'm not cleansed of all impurities after this then I never will be! I am actually giving it 2 weeks to see if my fatigue & hunger is just part of detox (both are symptoms) but ifI'm still feeling like this in another 10 days I have to add some grains back in - at least in AM.

Steph**** 2 hours of sleep is awful! You poor poor thing! I say take a rest day and nurse that cold ... you could hurt yourself w/ core syn being so tired! I bowed out of bay because we had unexpected cold front come in Friday afternoon.. DH went and said he was freezing last night... Just space heaters that we cant leave on at night. Yes- Tony has actually made me more fit all around. I have more stamina, am executing moves better and am much more clear on what my objectives are for each workout. Hope you will find all the same benefits...SOON!

Debra****Hope your workouts today are awesome! Before X I despised lower work but once I saw how I could get results I have a new found love affair with it. It really is about finding out what works for your body isnt it? Enjoy working that Core as well... I am finding like others, that its taking more & more work to feel the toasties like ARX gave me.... I could work an hour on my abs, I do believe!

Great afternoon to all I miss! :7
Hi there to all...Hope you are having great weekends! I finally got my workout in this afternoon...after laying around for a while..and trying to work up the energy to actually workout. So, I did a Butts and Guts premix with standing leg work and abs on the stability ball...Really enjoyed this!! It was the first time I did that ab workout..and I really enjoyed it...It reminded me of ARX only using the ball. Then I did GS back....and a couple of exercies from GS legs...Woohoo!! I just couldn't do Tony today...Tomorrow is supposed to be Kenpo...but I am thinking I will do Kick Max and add on the leg conditioning drills too. Then I will feel like my legs got a very rounded workout this week.

Okay..I guess I'll go for now...Hope you are all doing well!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
Debra, Now I'm going to have to get the Butts and Guts workout! Look what you went and did! LOL! I did get LIC and Drill Max when they came out, but everyone raves about how good Butts and Guts is! The abs section sounds great!

TraciX - I was thinking the exact same thing when I read your post. I'm feeling WAAAAY to icky to do Core Syn. today. I didn't get a nap in, so I'll get a good night's sleep tonight and tackle it tomorrow. I'm just eager to get this phase over with and join the ranks of P90X grads!

Hope everyone has a good evening!

Hi all,

I made a pound cake today with granola and white chocolate chips. It was really yummy and of course I did eat a piece. I just couldn't help it. I'll be forgetting that.

I did LIC leg circuit and added some heavy weight stuff and some step ups. I didn't want a difficult circuit and I didn't get one either! That workout doesn't compare to Low Max. Then I walked the dogs for an hour and a half and then did some Shiva Rae yoga. I had forgotten how fast her vinyasas move and I almost broke a sweat. It felt good though. She is another one who gives really good form pointers.

Debra - Glad you enjoyed Buts and Gutts. It probably is my favorite out of all of the dvds that just came out. It has some fresh new moves and you can make it as hard as you want by adding extra weight. Debra, have you tried the leg blast premix? It is great!

Good evening to all,


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