Lea.... I gather the book is out of stock? I always order thru Amazon.com or I think you can order via her site as well. Anywho... Heres the lowdown on my eating this week - also the disclosures
This is whats working for me my first week on Clean Eating Diet.
*Wake-Up 16 oz water (first thing to touch lips!) I usually eat after 2 cups of coffee then wait 1 hour and workout in AM. Eating every 2-3 hours
* my egg whites are from Egg Whites International and can be used raw in protein shakes
* my Protein Shakes are made w/ water as base
* I alternate fruits & veggies so my day is nutritionally balanced
* I make up all my turkey & chicken cutlets at once (grilled and chopped) so all I do is measure out 5 oz. Need 5 oz lean protein per meal - protein shakes, canned tuna, shrimp, cottage cheese- dont have to be prepared in advance
* I adjust veggie amounts based on my hunger level but never skimp on the protein.
* I always add in a 1-2 scoop protein drink if I feel hungry / low blood sugar irregardless of the time
* If I miss a meal I dont try to catch up... just proceed in 2-3 hour increments
* My mornings are a tad higher in calories only because I'm hungriest then...
* Sparkspeople.com shows me at approx 1350-1550 thus far this week (daily)
:9 Meals # 1 (breakfast): 16 oz Water
1 c Whole Grain Oatmeal + 1 scoop Whey Protein Powder + 1/2 c berries
1c egg white omelet w/ various veggies (1 cup) and sweet potatoes (1/4 c)
2 scoop protein drink (made w/ water) & Flax seeds
Apple or Berries + 5oz ground 80/20 Turkey Patties + 1/2 c egg whites
:9 Meals # 2 (snack) Usually after my w/o & 16oz water
5oz Chicken Breast + 1 slice Whole Grain Bread (Ezekial for me) + 1 teaspoon Soy Mayo or Nut Butter/Almond Butter
Pear or Apple or Banana + 1/4cup Almonds
1 scoop protein drink + 1 cup liquid egg whites
:9 Meals # 3(lunch) 8-16 oz Water
1/4 cup sweet potatoes + 5 oz Turkey Breast Cutlet + 1-2 cups mixed greens + 1-2 tbls Balsamic Vinegar or Lemon juice + tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers (1 cup total)
Lf/LCarb Tortilla + 5 oz Snapper, Salmon + 1 tablesp hummus (Athenos) + mixed greens, tomatos + small pear /apple
lf/lcarb Tortilla w/ 1 can tuna + 2 tbls hummus + 1/2 cup cabbage (or greens) + asparagus & tomatoes
:9 Meals # 4(snack) 8-16 oz Water
1-2 tblsp nut butter/almond butter + 1 Ezekial bread or Apple
5 oz Turkey Cutlet + cucumbers, tomatoes, mixed greens + Ezekial bread or Apple
2 Ezekial Bread + 1 tbl hummus + 5 oz tofy turkey slices + tomatoes, cucumbers
:9 Meals # 5(dinner) 8-16 oz Water
5oz turkey or chicken + veggies 1 cup
5oz Shrimp + 2 tbls hummus + tomatoes, mixed greens, cucumbers, asparagus
1/2 large grapefruit + 1 scoop Protein Shake w/ 4 oz yogurt + 3 oz fish, turkey, chicken
:9 Meals # 6(snack) 8-16 oz Water
Apple + 1/4 Almonds + 1 scoop protein drink (made w/ water)
1 cup FF/ LF cottage cheese + 4oz yogurt + almonds (5-8)
1 scoop protein shake w/ 1/3 cup liquid egg whites
Hope that helps!