Xers.....Slow to start Sunday:)


Hi all,

Just getting us started on this slow Sunday.

Workouts yesterday went great; C&B, 30 minutes on the eliptical, an hour power walk with DS, then 30 minutes of Shiva. I need to start building up my cardio and endurance again.

Today is free choice cardio, core, and some yoga. I'm done with 3 days of cardio. I really prefer four.

I'll check back later.

Hi all!!! Sorry I never got back yesterday. I was a lazy slug all day!!! I did do PUB, but that is really all I did all day except shuttle DD around a bit. Watched a movie last night...'Becoming Jane' about Jane Austen...which I gotta tell you was a bit depressing! I must study today since I have a test tomorrow and I have to prepare to make an oral presentation on the report I turned in on Friday. DD has another birthday party this afternoon late...and I am planning on doing PLB today, too. I need to get out in the yard as the weather is gorgeous here today, but I am guessing that probably won't happen.

Okay...onto some personals....

Glad you workouts went well yesterday...How much longer do you have on the X?? When did you decide to take your ACE?? I think that is wonderful...I will also be studying anatomy pretty soon...maybe as early as this summer, I hope. Maybe we can quiz each other online...lol.

What a wonderful day you had with the family yesterday!!! Sounds great! I hope your weather permits your bike ride today. Sorry you throat is feeling a bit scratchy...I keep trying to catch a cold, but I haven't really gotten it. Good you have no lasting effects from the tumble you took...I always have bruises that I have no idea where they came from since I am always running into stuff....LOL. What kind of incident did you have in the desert?? I heard some strange critter in the woods last night when I took Polly out for her last pee of the night...I think it was just a male deer, but it sounded pretty weird at 11 o'clock last night!

A busy weekend for you as usual....Massage therapy is my fall back position if I can't get into the physical therapy program for some reason. I am sure that you could learn to study again. I am glad I am easing back into school with this communication class...I have to study, but the information isn't too difficult. We'll see once I get into the anatomy...I also have a physics class to take...which really doesn't sound like any fun! I am actually interested in the anatomy side of it, so I am hoping that won't be torture for me.

Congrats on the weight loss! That is great! Things will only get easier this spring once the yummy fruit and veggies are back in season. I always want to eat lots more salads in the summer.

Sounds like you are all having a wonderful time with your parents. How often are they able to come visit? Did you get your fill of pics from Thailand yet? It is birthday month here for us...2 parties this weekend another next weekend and then DD's the next weekend...plus my mom's bday is this month too! I am going to make an appt with a gyno this week and see what kind of opinion I get from her about the tiredness....I really didn't think about being on the medication for so long until I left the Dr's office. I am wondering if there is some sort of hormonal thing going on perhaps. Who the heck knows!

I cannot your answer your very well thought out question. I must be one. Hope the sneezing is better today!

Waving to you and the boys at the bay! Take it easy woman!

Well....I guess that catches me up for now...I guess I need to start hitting the books so that I don't leave that until the last minute! Hope everyone is having a fun Sunday with the family! I'll bbl to see how everyone is doing...

Kisses to all!


To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Hello Ladies,

Yes, Sandra, I actually posted my cardio periodization question! It's still not answered. The more I think about it, I think that my sample cardio is backwards. Here's my thoughts...

If one were to periodize their cardio with monthly phases, wouldn't it be safer for the joints to synchronize it with the type of weights lifted. Sorta like this:

Endurance weights and true shorter sessions of HIIT
Moderate weights: longer High intensity workouts
Heavy weights: steady state cardio

Thinking about monthly phases focusing on one type of cardio intensity, I have another question.

Would one want to focus on one type of cardio intensity for a month? Would there be less gains in terms of cardio goals or weight lifting goals if a particular cardio intensity is done once a week with other cardio intensities that week for a month vs. doing a particular cardio intensity exclusively three times a week for a month? I'm thinking the goals wouldn't be on cardio intensity goals as much as it is on strength and weighted endurance gains. Matching up the correct cardio intensity to the type of lifting done will help achieve optimum strength results???? I hope Cathe or SNM clarifies what they mean to say especially since they say periodizing cardio is important. Till then... What say you?

I've gotta get something to eat. BBS for personals.

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!
Ohhh! Phil is making waffles for lunch.:eek: Okay, I can live with it.:9 :7

Good morning Traci!
What cardio did you pick today? I felt like my cardio and endurance were crap after I finished the X! I need to email Swifty some pictures today! I told her we missed her!!! I think you will be a wonderful p/t pt!!! Hopefully, you won't get any over the top parents coming to you for pt!:eek: ACK!!!!! On second thought, you could use it as an opportunity for a DOMS filled revenge!!!!}(

I see you snuck in while I was musing over cardio. My eldest diva will be attending a birthday party today. She'll be the only girl there. It's not her fault that she's used to hanging around the boys considering she does have three older brothers. I need to move to the South and put that child in charm school.:+

LOL I totally forgot that there's a Phil in the X. I just remember the names of Dominique, Dreya and Pam the Blam. I don't remember the names of the rest of the cast, just their faces. LOL Your DF is the CA... I spit out my coffee!:7 :7 :7 I enjoy Stephen's fond affection towards Papa Bear. I must be naive, but I believe he does admire Bill; even if his audience doesn't see it.

So, now that you're a double XXer what are your plans? Baking cookies?:7 Awesome job on the weight loss!!!! That's the equivalent to a huge newborn baby!!!!!!:) :) :)

I woke up this morning sneezing like crazy. I don't think I'm getting sick. I just need to dust.:+ Talk to me about your new purse! I have such a hard time buying purses. I like a streamlined look. And, well... the designers have gone all GHETTO with purses lately!!!!!!x(

What a lovely day you had with the family! It sounds almost like the Walton Family except for the shooting part.:7

Oooo BRB. My waffle is finished! :9
Wendy....Your ideas today about the cardio periodization tweaked my memory cells. At the start of 2006, Cathe put out three rotations that, in my mind, seem to reflect this recommendation. January is super-intense, endurance cardio with minimal endurance weight work; February cuts it back a bit and adds more endurance weight work; March chops it in half and adds heavy weight work. Here's some links to the rotations. I'm not suggesting you do them, just offering them as possible examples of what they're talking about.

Jan '06 Lets Work! (90 minute workouts, heavy cardio)

February 06' Rotation: Keep It Going

March '06 Rotation: Strong like bull

I feel so mushy and fat today that following these three rotations sounds really appealing right now. I plan to start the Feb '08 rotation, but think maybe I need a cardio kick-in-the-pants. I'm obviously eating too many treats, with The Parents here. We're going out for dinner again tonight. Ooooh, but this afternoon Mom, DD, and I are going to see the stage performance of Beauty and the Beast. The Theatah! The Theatah!

Debra....PUB yesterday, PLB today. Sounds great! I imagine any movie about Jane Austin wouldn't be too uplifting. Although Virginia Wolfe would be even worse; didn't she walk into the ocean? I think Nicole Kidman won an oscar for portraying her, didn't she? I might be getting all mixed up. Wow, do you have a stock of kids' toys that you just go through and pick out? You could really stock up during the after-Christmas clearances. My Mom usually makes it out 2 or 3 times a year, my Dad usually comes with her 1-2 times. Before the kids were born, they came out once in 5 years. So, that tells you who they're interested in LOL! DH's father (mother is deceased) has been out to visit us once in 12 years. Good luck getting through your task list today. It seems pretty long.

Jeanette....What a WONDERFUL day you had with your family yesterday. That sounds really nice (except for the gun part, but then, I'm Canadian, eh?). Enjoy your long ride today!

Well, I'm going to get some thesis work done while I've got some time. Today's my rest day. Have a great day!
Hi all,

No workout yet; I'm still catching up on cleaning and studying etc.

Debra - The studying isn't that hard, it's just getting in the habit. The anatomy is a lot of memorization and learning to speak/read another language without having to translate in your head first. I'm working on it, but I know that part will take me the longest. There are so many muscles from the knee down. I had no idea. I hope you start to feel more energetic. We sure don't have nice outside weather here. I think it's still in the 30s at almost noon.

Wendy - I think periodization with cardio could be complex because it might depend on your goal which could be cardio power or cardio endurance. I've looked online a couple of times for cardio periodization and haven't found anything useful. It could take on so many forms. I do know that since I quit running for a few weeks, my upper body looks more pumped. Of course, that's not my goal, so I'm adding running in next week because I miss it:)I read a while back about spending a considerable amount of time building a cardio base, working at a lower intensity for longer periods, and then adding in more strenuous cardio. The only thing I know for sure is that you have to change up your cardio frequently or it becomes maintenance. As with weight training, you have to have a clear focus for each workout and give it your all. Now the exact specifics of HITT, interval, or SS, length of workouts etc, is up for speculation, but in the end, it will all depend on your goals; fat loss, actual functional cardio performance, muscle gain, etc.

I guess I'd better start thinking about it though, because spring is just around the corner. I won't start STS until the fall, so I will be interested to see what combinations of cardio are suggested.

Afternoon Xers,

I have no idea what I am suppose to do today. I think it is suppose to be some type of kickboxing. Just got back from church, so am going to have a little lunch, then let my stomach settle. I feel in the mood for some old Tae Bo workouts. DH is still doing auditions today, and I am headed to a theater for the premier of The Other Boyelyn Girl. Have to do a meet and great before the movie.

Tracy, That would mean I would need to have a good memory. They had an advertisement for a school in the area that deal specifically with massage therapy. Maybe I should check it out.

Debra, Oh I was wondering about that movie. I know that Jane Austin was suppose to have suffered from depression or some such. We have some great weather here today too. It is 50 deg out, and it suppose to rain later today. At least it isn't snow.

Jeanette, Glad you had fun shooting. I used to wear my purses out, but for some reason I have gotten on the purse and shoes band wagon. Must be my DD's encouragement.

Wendy, I hope that you get your question answered too. It really is a good one. I had help picking out my purse. It is just a plain light brown one. But some of the bags where just horrible. They looked like a big puff ball.

Sandra, I have seen clips of the Hip Hop Abs, I'm just not a good dancer so I think I would feel foolish just moving to those things. :D

Well I need to get some lunch and some coffee. Only one small cup at church. :9

Have a great day!

Hi Gang! Home early as GLORIOUS weather turned yuck-o this morning....Wendell & boys still fishing *rollie-eyed* smiley;-)

Keeping it short as I need a nap before the testosterone arrives...I promise to go back to Sat & catch up tomorrow.... early client !OY! Just saw that reminder! :+

SANDRAXX: You've hooked me in to start March 06 tomorrow...I need some direction... Feeling sorry for myself...WHY? you ask...Because I cant afford my own personal trainer! I kid you not...I was working Saturday & thinking - Whats wrong w/ this picture! LOL:+ I just gotta start calling Cathe My Personal Trainer & telling everyone I have one so I can re-program my brain.

NETTA VAN PETTAX: SCARY SCARY SCARY! More on that later but !YES! you should be taking constant measures to stay safe! I believe the universe gives us little "thumps" to remind us & if we dont take appropriate measures the "thumps" get larger.... TAKE MEASURES! Lots of Pepperspray...always a cell in your bra;-) & if necessary a weapon! My gosh you scared me w/ that story.!

CAROLX: Happy X Status!

NICOLEX: Happy XX Status

DEBRAX:: Happy party weekend to DD! What a little chip off the old block! :*

LAURIEXXX:: So glad you're home this weekend! Nice to see you always!!! Your life is so much more interesting than mine!

WendyX:: When did you say you were working out?:+ What color is Phil today?

TracyXx ;-) No worries/stress....Its coming into the time of year where we all tend to be away a bit more from computers...do what you need to do.

Luv to all!!!
Traci: I can't hide anything from you!:p I did the bar method today. Tonight I will do LIC cardio blast timesaver instead of Kenpo.:p I hate doing Kenpo with Phil!!!!!! Glad you had a glorious weekend at the bay. I can't wait for the weather to warm up in PA!!! Almost makes me miss Thailand. Strangely, we don't know why he was rock lobster red Thursday. He used the same conditioner yesterday without any color changes. Who knows what set it off.

Ladies: I want to drop out of the X!!!! I've gained almost 5 pounds since I've returned home! WTF! The X does not help to curb my appetite. I'm going to have to make a decision this week. Do I help motivate dh by doing the X? Or do I have the will power to not eat everything in the house? vent over.

Laurie: Glad you were able to find a suitable bag. I tell you, I don't like my bags screaming, "South Philly Girl!!!!" I read that coffee before cardio is a good thing. It helps to release a certain chemical stored in fat cells. How's that for a non technical explanation?:) Well, no matter. If they would have a research report stating otherwise, I don't plan on quitting my drug of choice over cardio.:+

Sandra: Thank you for sharing Cathe's past rotations. It makes sense considering the X is low on cardio. I want to lose some weight before I start lifting heavy again. I don't know. I just want to go back down to where I was. And, lifting heavy probably won't help me get there.

Tracy: So, what cardio and type of lifting would you recommend for someone who wants to lose 5 pounds? At this point, I don't care if it is muscle or fat lost.... just 5 pounds. Please share your cardio plans before you start STS. I hope Cathe includes intensity suggestions for different goals to use with STS.

Carol-X: Yippee!!!! You're finished with the X!!!! I can't wait to see you at Power Yoga. You have no choice but to sweat with me now!:p

Okay ladies, I'm off to cook dinner. I'm making fish, acorn squash, and rice.

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!!!
Hi all,

ASCII done and what a great workout. It builds so nicely in intensity and you really feel worked when it's done. Then I did KPC and LIC abs and little yoga. My core was tired from the pull/chin ups yesterday.

Traci - Glad you had a nice time at the bay. You surely can pretend that you are creating a program for someone else then follow it yourself, right?

Laurie- What did you end up doing. Yes, you can retrain your brain to memorize; it just takes a little work.

Sandra - Wasn't it just a couple of weeks ago that you were feeling lean and mean? You can be pudgy and fluffy already:)

Wendy - What are you doing now; the X? and what have you been doing? I'm sure you really haven't gained 5lbs either. After my recovery week I very quickly picked up some bulk in my muscles, but I'm sure it's just a response to training.

Jeanette - Did you get a ride in today? Have you ever looked at the June o6 rotation? It gets the legs good too. The only thing is, you have to work on your own. Otherwise, I would do the same rotation again, leaving the first two weeks the same (unless you have 4ds and then I'd sub that for PLB) then I'd do B&G for LL and L&G for GS. Just a thought....

And why did no one mention to me how tiring PLB is??? If I have ever done that whole thing, I don't remember it...LOL! Wow, were my legs fatigued by the end of that one! Thanks a lot for telling me ladies...lol.

okay...here is my rotation for the next month.....a variation of Cathe's Feb 08 rotation....

week 1 Imax 3
Kick Max with leg drills

week 2 Imax 2
GS legs

week 3 Low Max
SH Shoulders X legs

week 4 Imax 1
Kenpo+ plus KM leg drills
GS legs

I will take my days off when it is convenient a opposed to setting a particular day of the week. I have to get my yoga in, so I am sacrificing the circuit day for that. If I could find another day, I would add one more day of yoga in...so some of these weeks may stretch a little longer so that I get that extra day of yoga....

okay...outta here for now...DD had a great time at her party and it is time to get her to bed...CBL is coming over in a minute to watch a movie...
See you all in the morning!!



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Fish turned out quite nice baked in foil with a little lemon. I made a salsa to go with it: chopped tomato, chopped red onion, crushed garlic, crushed ginger, chopped scallions, crushed hot peppers, a handful of mint and cilantro with a dash of lime. It went really well with baked tilapia. Then I had to screw up a healthy meal. I just finished baking banana chocolate chip muffins and a large pan of brownies frosted with a mixture of white chocolate, cream cheese and whip cream. help

Tracy: I like your cardio mix. I don't trust myself with mixing up various cardios in one session. It's hard enough for me to push play once!:+ Well, I talked to dh about my body in regards to weight. Before I left for Thailand in November, I was toned. When I was in Thailand, I lost weight (got down to less than 110 at one point), but I didn't do a darn thing except walking and sweating from the heat. Then I got home, ate, ate and ate!!!! Remember my tape worm? It's been almost month since I've been home. I've been putting on the pounds. I haven't done much since I've been back. I struggled with doing some yoga and circuits before starting the X with dh. Tomorrow will be Day 1 of Week 3. Anyhow, dh thinks that my body looked better after I finished the X than it currently does now. And, I weigh the same amount now as I did when I finished the X (except for my painting week where I did nothing but paint, eat and lose weight ;-)). I'm so confused. I want to lose weight, but do I want to do it at the expense of muscle. I'm wondering if I lose the weight and start lifting heavy that I'll just have the same problem... a higher fat ratio and an outrageous appetite. Does any of this make sense?

Debra: Don't blame me. I don't own any of the pyramids. Depending on Tracy's advice, I'm thinking of buying CTX and the pyramids instead of STS. Your rotation looks really good!!!!

Sandra: How was the theatre???

Okay, finished digesting. Must push play.

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!
Life just never seems to slow down lately. Friday I ended up babysitting my nephews (1 &4) while my sister went and spent time with her friend ( I know her quite well too) who's son died. He was 11 and had a seizure while in the bathtub, he had quite severe autism. I also did some baking to send over there. Saturday I worked out, took kids to swim lessons, hockey playoffs (where ds was MVP although they lost 2-1), then dd to a birthday party.

Today I went for a 5 mile (slow) run with my coworkers, went to pick up dd from the sleepover who promptly went to bed as she was so tired. Then went to other friend's dad's funeral. Got home sister phoned me all upset as her dog had run away. Spent some time looking for him. Came home did Shoulders/Arms and ARX, made supper, woke up dd who was still sleeping who then started to throw up. I guess she wasn't just tired from the party she actually has the flu. After supper dh and ds went dog hunting again, so far no luck and it's getting really cold time. What a weekend.;( Emotionally and physically draining.

Hope you all better weekends than me, I'm going to read the weekend's posts. Kim
My sister just called she found her dog. Thank goodness because he is about a 12lb Bichon Frise who is 13 yrs old and a house dog with a very cold blustery night (-31) coming I don't know if he would have survived.

Teddi-Girl- WTG on staying away from the cookies! Dud you get to leave early on Friday due to the snow?

Wendy- That's neat that ds is going to Germany. How long will he be there for? DH skipped his recovery week because he doesn't like the workouts and he didn't feel it was necessary. Did you gain weight when you started the X the first time around? I've been really hungry lately too. The brownies sound yummy!

Nicole I'm a big Survivor fan too. I'm having trouble getting too interested in this latest one though. Did the kids enjoy Crocodile Dundee? I've thought of renting that one for a family movie night but DH thought it would be too old for them. WTG on the weight loss!!

Debra- Good luck on your test tomorrow! I'm glad that you had a nice supper out we ended just ordering pizza on Friday night instead of going out for the kid's treat as I needed to babysit for my sister.

Jeanette- I had a giggle at you doing your hair by flashlight, what an adventure you had that morning. Hope you're feeling better soon and the snow melts off the golf course quickly. I'm sure you're snow will be long gone before ours. That incidence sounds scary, I had a few scares while out running.

Tracy I hope you a quieter week at work. That's exciting that you're going to get ACE certification. I'm sure you'll do fine on the anatomy. I took an anatomy course way back in my medical rehabilitation degree. We did lab work on cadavers and had pratical tests with them. Anatomy is all memorization, I still often have to look up nerve innervations and tendon attachments etc when I get an unusual diagnosis.

Sandra That's cute that your parents were working out along with your kids. You got the 10 minute trainers already, that seems fast? Have you tried them yet? I'm glad that your household is all healthy now.

Traci- Hope you had a good weekend away!

Carol Congrats on finishing the X Hopefully the kids are healthy real soon!

Laurie I sure enjoyed getting outside for a run today. It was beautiful this morning. Running outside sure makes you tired though so an early bedtime for me I think. Did you have a successful shopping trip?

So why is it you say you want to lose weight?? I am sure you do NOT need to be below 110 pounds...what is more important than the scale is your actual fitness level...What is going to keep you healthier in later life is strong bones (which comes from weight bearing activities like lifting weights and plyo cardio), strong heart (cardio and eating healthy) and enough muscles to carry yourself....and they start to deteriorate at 40...unless you keep up that muscle tone by lifting weights. So after all of that...I guess what I am saying is that you need to keep up your cardio health by doing cardio however many times a week you need to for your personal fitness level....And for me...heavy lifting definitely keeps my weight down. Of course, when I take a recovery week, my actual weight goes down...but I am sure that is just the water retention in the muscles. I know that for me...and this is MY experience, not any 'book-learning' (lol)...I lose fat when lifting heavy. I tend to store more fat when I do lots of cardio. Your appetite may be larger when you lift heavy...but as long as you try to eat lots of protein, whole grains and veggies to fill that void you shouldn't gain fat only muscle.

Well..That turned out to be a lot more long winded than I had anticipated. I am headed to bed now...And I will catchup with the rest of you lovely ladies in the morning...Wish me luck on my test!!



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Good evening,
Today was a 27 mile bike ride with 3 others. We had a slight headwind that made it a little bit chilly but really wasn't a factor. However, a big black dog ran out and alongside me. He was RIGHT THERE on my left side. I was yelling at him and expecting him to bite me any second. Don't I carry pepper spray? My hands were frozen on the handlebars and I was pedaling like crazy. Why, oh why didn't I spray him? Anyway, he finally gave up and then went after the other 2 riders behind me. I was soo mad. Our little group stopped at a mini-mart for a potty stop, drink, and turned around. Knew we'd have to go back past the house so this time we decided to stop in front of the house and talk to the owner of the dog. The parents weren't home, but a couple of older teenagers were out. One of the guys in our group used to be a park ranger so he told the fella that it was against the law for dogs to run free, that if it happened again he was calling the sheriff. And, if a cyclist got hurt, they better have good insurance. The kid put the dog away. We then proceeded on. We came across another young dog while we were climbing a little hill. It seemed to be a puppy maybe 4-5 months old and followed us for a ways. However, we were heading for a busy highway so I took the dog back to the house where it ran out from. No one was home. What to do? I was afraid he would get hit on the highway if I didn't confine him. Found a little penned area in the back yard so we put him in there. When we got back home, I called the owners and left a message. Also called my sister and BIL as they know the people and live nearby. My BIL said the dog had been hanging around for a while but didn't belong to the people who's house I saw the dog come out from. Anyway, it was a good ride with good company. I'm hoping to ride a couple times after work this week. I need to start doing some climbing rides on my bike. May 18th will be here before I know it.

Just got a call from DS and his girlfriend. They called to tell us they picked out wedding rings. They haven't set a date yet, but it will probably be this year. They've been together for about 6 or so years and bought a house together a couple years ago. DH and I are very happy. We love spending time with them and hope they have many, many happy years together :7 :7 :7 :7 :7

Tracy, wow, what a workout day. Almost 3 hours of exercise? Did you listen to music on the eliptical or use a workout program? I'm going to repeat the leg rotation, using your suggestions for subs. I don't have over an hour to work and it looks like the other rotation would take longer than an hour. Maybe another time.

Debra, I was surprised, but DH did some tree trimming today while I was out babysitting. He trimmed, but didn't pick up the limbs so maybe I'll do that tomorrow, dragging them to the burn pile. I wrote to Sandra on yesterday's thread about my little incident on the bike a couple weeks ago. It was unnerving to me, but it's not like I'm riding in a seedy part of town in the dead of night. I refuse to go hide in my house. I am woman, hear me roar! Yeah, a woman who forgot to use the pepper spray today. Are you feeling less fatigued? How long before the doctor thinks you will notice a difference with the medication change? PLB is a goodie, isn't it? I think GS Legs standing work is tougher, especially those gosh darned slo-mo lunges. I think next time I do PLB with the high step, I'll do some modifications as I don't feel that steady with a heavy barbell on my back. Nice rotation you posted. Is this one you've done before with good results? Less cardio works great for you, huh? I always have the bike thing going so it complicates my rotations as I don't like getting slower than I already am due to less cardio. I'm that way I guess. What movie did you and CBL watch?

Wendy, hope you get an answer to your cardio question. How were the waffles? I love those, but it's been ages since I've had one. Now pancakes, I had those last week while out of town. Yep, we're the Waltons alright, the Waltons gone bad. Same as they are, only DH has to be nagged to do anything around here and I don't hardly cook or clean. Lots of similarities, huh? LOL! I always have coffee before any cardio, before anything for that matter. I'd hate to stop that. Not sure it helps anything, but I'm probably not changing a thing. Your dinner sounds wonderful. I love fish! I can't bake without eating what I make, and eating too much of it. You probably have much more willpower than myself. That's one of the reasons I'm not a lightweight like you. When do we ever just get to sit back and enjoy food? Sigh.

Sandra, now you guys are much closer to the Waltons than we are. Glad you are all enjoying the time with the Grandparents. I'm probably going to have to up my cardio a bit too, specifically more time on the bike. I want to do more than just complete the bike portion of the 1/2 Ironman, I want to do WELL. I'm glad it's coming early in the year, then I can ease up some on the bike workouts after that. Of course, this plan can change at any time. Did you get some thesis work done? Nice to have your parents there to watch the kids while you get some studying done.

Laurie, busy weekend for you too. I have a Tae-Bo DVD, Ripped Advanced or something. Bet it would kick my butt if I did it.

Traci, so glad you are back home. Thanks for the thoughts for my safety. Maybe I should worry more about dogs than thugs. I hate being afraid of something, though I am a big chicken about lots of stuff.

Kim, what a weekend for you. I'm tired just reading about everything. I'm soooo glad the dog was found, what a worry for your sister. So glad you could help by watching your nephews so your sister could visit her friend. That poor mother. How awful for her. Maybe next week will be a better one for a lot of us.

Better sign off now, still have the phlegm and a slight scratchy throat.

See you all in the morning,


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