Xers: Saturday


Where is the gang?

Morning gang- strange to see myself alone at this hour- (520am)
DH ready to get in car & head to bay so I have to run... I just wanted to again send support & love to Tracy & her family... a very sad weekend ahead I know.

I'll catch up with everyone Sunday nite or Monday...if weather stays nice we'll stay late Sunday.

Much X-Power to all this weekend.
Classic/ Week 10/ Day 6/ KenpoX (subbing)

Good morning,

Traci....I didn't realize you were headed to the bay house this weekend. Have a nice time! We'll see you in a day or two.

Debra....So glad you test was so easy. Next time you won't have to worry so much about it, and study quite so thoroughly. Your BG dvd skipped like crazy too, and you followed along? Oh you poor dear! How were your legs after that??

Jeanette....No Superbowl Sunday ride? Ah well, you'll get tons of rides in the dry months ahead, I'm sure. Don't beat yourself up about the cookies yesterday. Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep going. Believe it or not, sometimes it helps to log all those extra points, despite wanting to forget about it. Sometimes the damage is not as bad as you make it out to be in your mind, and you can "fix" the situation using your flex points, and eating at the low end of your points range for a day or two.

Tracy....I hope you and your family are doing okay.

This morning I'm going to try Kenpo Cardio+, skip the cool down and go into Amy B's Step Challenge II: Combo 4, 5, all-combos-together, power up, c/d & stretch. That should be about 60mins of cardio. Then I have Super Saturday to get through; all the kids' activities.

Have a great day!
Good Morning Xers!!

I had wanted to do cardio yesterday, but a flare up of REALLY old tendonitis (from my running days 12 years ago, ACK!) canceled that. I think my (new, cute, casual, non-workout) shoes are aggravating it, too :( It's better today, but not 100% yet. ARGH. I really want to get SOMETHING in today, so we'll see how it is later on after DD1's soccer game. Maybe I'll do yoga today and see about cardio tomorrow. Anyway, that's my vent for today, lol. I'm off to tackle Laundry Max and I'll be back after the game to catch up on personals. I hope you all have a relaxing day :)

Hi all,

I did ASCII last night and realized that I hadn't gotten the choreography as well as I'd thought and I haven't done that in about 3 weeks because I got stuck on the Hi/lo, so needless to say, I stumbled around a little on the steps. I had never gotten combo 5 completely, so I used that as a cool down. Next time I should do pretty good. I was sweating though, so it was good.

I'm finally over my recovery week. Today is CTX Circuits, followed by SCT and some yoga later on.

Thanks for all of the condolenses. I will always have dogs, so I've sort of resigned myself to the fact that is part of the responsibility of being a dog owner. It's never easy though.

I guess I'm lucky that my B&G doesn't have problems or are you all just kidding about it's endless nature?

I'll catch up later,

Hi all! DD just got off the webcam with XDH...UGH.....REALLY didn't want to see him this morning! Anyhoo, at least I got the toilets cleaned and some laundry done while they were chatting. I will be doing yoga later on today. I am going to probably do Eoin as I haven't spent any quality time with him in a while...but I will be adding on some of Shiva's core work. DD and I are going to meet my mom in a bit for some lunch. The diva is supposed to be cleaning her room right now. I wonder how that is going...LOL!


Have a fun weekend at the bay! Hope you have good weather.

Sorry the tendinitis is flaring up. I hate it when my cute shoes bother my feet (or any other old injury!) Probably best to take it easy with yoga today instead of aggravating it anymore. Good luck to DD in the soccer game!

Have fun with CTX today. Yes, my BG was on an endless loop, I think, until I skipped a couple of walking lunges...then it seemed to get back on track. Hope your family is doing okay this weekend....{{{{hugs}}}} to you all!

Sounds like you have a busy day with the kiddies today. Have fun with the new Kenpo...My stuff was supposedly shipped last week, but I haven't' seen them yet! No wonder I was tired the next day after doing the endless loop on BG...LOL! My legs were fried.

I am sure you are out right now with DH and DS having a lovely breakfast. Have fun with the Boys today! I already have a follow up appointment with my doc next month, so I may as well wait until then. I am hoping that my stress levels are down by then, and I will know if my fatigue is actual or just brought on by stress. Let me know if you have any questions once you start looking at the travel sites for fares.

I am already feeling ready for a nap...I think just seeing XDH makes me sleepy...LOL! I will bbl to check on you guys! Hope everyone has a good Saturday with their families!!



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Recovery Week 1/ Day 5/ Core Synergistic

This workout actually seemed harder the second time around probably because I figured out how to do some on the exercises. Busy day here today with swimming lessons, hockey practice, paper route and DH and I are going to the theatre tonight as we have season tickets. Last night the whole family went out to an English restaurant the Elephant & Castle where I had some treats so trying to eat healthier today.

Debra- Oh yes, HSTA has all those dreaded leg presses. Oh the second last round where she does two sets is a killer. It's just a blood test to test for thyroid levels, I get it done once a year now to monitor it. Have fun bowling tonight.

Jeanette- Enjoy your book! I'm a huge reader, the people at the library know me well. Dis you have a good breakfast this morning, where did you go? I still use the different colour wax for different temps on my skiis, is there something newer now?

Traci-X Enjoy your weekend away!

Carol Oh I hope the tendonitis is gone fast, how frustrating!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend! Kim
Hi all,

Boy, it is really quiet around here today. I've been laying low myself. I don't feel quite up to par. The workout went fine and I had one of those days when you don't really feel like it will be that great, but it ended up being ok. I felt really strong on the push ups and I think it is my core that helped on that. I actually did 15 semi pathetic plyo pushups on my toes plus some respectable one armed pushups on my knees. I think if I had to choose one upper body exercise to use for the rest of my life it would be push ups, and of course, all of the variations.

Sandra - I'm curious to see what you think of Kenpo+. I haven't previewed that one. I haven't tried the power up segment either. It kind of looks like a space hog.

Carol - Sorry about the flare up. I have some old tendenitis in the tendon that runs behind my knee. I never do calf raises because no matter how I do them, it irritates the tendon. Too bad about the shoes. I have several pairs of heels that I don't know if I will ever be able to wear again.

Debra - XDH on the web cam? Ugghhh.... I bet that is the last thing you want to see. I've been doing laundry X most of the day. I probably should be doing some cleaning X, but I doubt that is going to happen. Did you have a nice lunch with your Mom?

Traci - Have fun at the bay!

Jeanette - Did you show the garage boys how to bring it or is that tomorrow? How is the WW going?

Nicole - Hi as maybe you fly by.

Lea - How are you feeling?

Hi to everyone else.

Well girls, DS and his team won all three of their games which means they will play tomorrow:p It has actually been really fun to watch them play and I am happy that DH will get to watch him play for the first place trophy. He was able to play quite a bit in the game today and even got his hands on the ball a couple of times:) I wasn't expecting much since this is his first year but he is really enjoying himself.

My eating has been spot on for two days now and I feel much better! It is a hard routine to follow as I'm avoiding most carbs and sugars. I have less cravings but am still hungry but for better quality food than sugar and bread. I hope to keep this up indefinitely because I know it's what will work. I have always been opposed to sugar free because aspartame doesn't sit well with me but I think until I curb the cravings I'll have to use sucrolose products.

Tracy, So sorry to hear about your dog. I too get sad to lose a dog but know that that is the way it goes. This is probably the reason why I have avoided getting one for myself. Maybe if we live in wide open spaces one day instead of a busy street.

Traci, Have fun at the bay!

Debra, I'm with Tracy in thinking your fatigue is stress or thyroid related. If it is a thyroid issue it is better to get that info from an endocrinologist as they are more particular about the TSH # than a general doctor. Normal is anything between 1 and 5 but I feel awful if mine is anything above a 3 and some people will feel awful if there's is too low. Most GP's are pretty cruddy about dealing with it because they think it's a fat person's excuse to be fat so they don't want to give them an easy out by giving them drugs for it. At least you are tiny so they would be more apt to give you an honest answer. I'm just giving you my two cents from my own personal frustration in dealing with thyroid disease. I hope for you the fatigue is just stress that will one day soon be relieved.

Carol, Oh, I hope your tendonitis will not give you problems reaching your goals. Take it easy and let yourself heal. Is everything going better with you?

Sandra, Hope you make it through activity day!:) Did you like the cardio mix you put together? Was Kenpo+ boring?

Jeanette, I hope you had a wonderful breakfast and a relaxing day! Did you get a ride in or are you getting the several inches of rain we are expecting this evening?

Kim, Glad you were able to get a night out. CS is a great workout and I'm glad you enjoyed it more today. It will end up being a dread/love workout:)

DH just returned home so I must go get dinner ready. See you all soon:D


Bring it!!!
Good evening,

Quiet day around here. I had a really good workout this morning. Kenpo Cardio + was a pretty decent workout. I can't say I fell in love with it. It didn't feel any harder than KenpoX, and because it's shorter, I didn't feel like it was enough on it's own. All the little things I noticed about Tony while staring at the computer screen were inconsequential once I actually played along. I have to train my brain to do a few of the new punching sequences. Otherwise, I'd say I'll certainly do this one again, but would probably enjoy it best combined with a lower body workout, or as the first half of a double-cardio.

I popped in Amy B's SCII and pressed play starting at the 4th combo. I managed to pretty much nail the 4th and 5th combos, and was surprised at how well I did when she put all 5 combos together at the end. That was really fun.

Tracy...The Power Up section at the end didn't take up more room than I have. I didn't turn my step the way she does; I just did the segment at a 90 degree angle to her. I had enough room. The segment is so short, and it's not nearly as tough as any of Cathe's IMAX intervals. I previewed and practiced Hi/Lo Xtreme this afternoon. I was surprised to find the choreo less complex than Hi/Lo Dome. I'll be doing this one as produced on Thursday. I think I'm going to like it. It's busy, you don't stop moving, but it's not a bladder-buster. Some of those intervals look pretty fatiguing on the legs. Christie Taylor's hi/lo is more complicated, IMO. I'm relieved Amy isn't as twirly. Awesome job on the plyo push ups and one-armed ones! I have a hard time not cheating on the plyo's, when I attempt them on my toes. My butt always goes way up there. Nope, I wasn't kidding about the BG premix skipping. It's the Leg Blast premix; supposed to be 47mins long, but surely muuuuuch longer if your dvd skips like mine does. I've not noticed problems with any of the other premixes, or with the workout as-produced.

Carol....I hope the foot (is the tendonitis in your foot?) feels better soon.

Debra....A webcam call with XDH - ugh!! It must be hard to talk to him after all the crap he's trying to pull. Somehow it seems fitting that you were cleaning toilets while he was talking to DD.

Kim....Elephant & Castle! Yum!!

'Night night!
Hi Nicole! We posted at the same time. I'm sorry to hear your kids won their games today. I hope you don't reward that kind of behaviour :D No workout today then? Or did you just forget to mention it? It's good to hear you're feeling better about your eating.

Enjoy your benchwarming tomorrow!
Had a nice breakfast with DS#1 and DH at the Indian Casino. Then after a bit and time for the oatmeal to settle, off to the Garage Boys. There were 7 of us altogether there. We did one of the Spinervals that I brought - Lean & Mean. It has Brenda Frambe in it. Think the fellas liked it as they'd never done that one before and it got everyone sweating pretty good. I pedaled for the whole time of the DVD, then left to check out the shelter for a dog for Mom & Dad and Grandma. There was a female Australian Shepherd there, young dog, and kind of shy but sweet. Guess they don't get many small dogs in to the shelter, according to the gal that worked there, mostly big dogs. This female is a medium sized dog. My sister liked her picture so may show her pic to Mom and Dad soon. If she doesn't get adopted out, think she will go into the Pups on Parole program sometime soon.

Also got the chance to strap on my X-country skis today and ski around the property for a little while. No problems at all with my knees, which happened 3-4 years ago. Glad to see that. Think we have a snow storm coming tomorrow so will probably do some kind of workout in the house. Not sure yet.

Traci, sorry I missed you before you left for Bay this morning. Hope you have a nice relaxing weekend.

Sandra, thanks for the support with WW. I did well today and had enough points left over today to eat a small portion of the yummy spaghetti that DH made. I'm thinking that the Superbowl 60 miler will be too tough, unless I ride it really slowly. I was going to ride it with my Ironman lady friend, but sure she doesn't want to ride it that slowly. I just don't have a lot of endurance in my legs yet. I was pretty fried by riding 36 miles the other day, though we did ride fast at the start for about 16 miles. We'll see. Good job on getting those combos in SCII. I'm excited about getting my new SC.

Carol, so sorry about the nagging tendonitis. Hope it eased up for you to get in that workout today. I fell once on my X-country skis today and had to get out of my skis to get up. I just didn't want to torque my knee by trying to stand with the ski still attached. I injured the knee way back in 1977.

Tracy, hope you are feeling okay today. Such a numbing feeling after a loved pet dies. I was in shock after I lost my beloved mare to colic. I'm looking forward to getting Amy's Step Challenge. If I like that one, will get SCII. I did bring it good on today's spin session. Heart rate recovered quickly too so think I'm improving. WW is going well, we'll see on Monday's weigh in, but it's also TTOM so that may negate any loss. Sigh. I need to check for fluid trainers on the web tonite. I've been borrowing someone else's. The one I own is a wind trainer that was given to me. So noisy, it was banned from the GB's. They couldn't hear Coach Troy over the noise.

Debra, sorry you had to put up with seeing XDH on the webcam. Hope it made you scrub that toilet harder. Was the lunch good with your Mom? I find I do better with the Garage Boys session in the morning, rather than at night. I just have more energy then I guess. Funny, I look around at the fellas and they don't sweat as much as I do. I'm wringing wet, my face, neck, arms and legs. Sweat dripping all over the floor under the bike. I do retain lots of water with anything salty, so guess that's just the water leaving. Of course when I drink, I'm just putting it back in there.

Nicole, congrats on your DS's wins today. Hope they win the trophy tomorrow. Good going on eating well. I've been enjoying the 1 point fudge bars as I really have a sweet tooth lately and that satisfies it. We haven't had the moisture that you have had down in the south, but more storms are heading this way. 100% chance of snow tomorrow here so probably no bike ride for me.

Must go now, the big shootout is on now. DH is watching Open Range.


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