Xers ***Saturday ***


Good Morning Ladies,

Finished ARX at midnight. Woke up way too early!!! Apparently, no one (Phil) told me our bedroom's alarm clock was 2 hours early. I have a couple of hours to spend playing before we leave for the children's workshop. Will return for personals. Must heat up coffee.

Hi all,

I think I'm going to do all of the GS upper today, minus the push ups and subbing in various pull ups for the back work. I'm not sure if I'll get the whole thing done not, I may do part tomorrow. Then of course, something for lower and yoga. I can actually do the vinyasas easily with one breath per movement now. I had struggled with that a little before. I want to preview more of the new yoga dvd because I'd like to do that hip opening sequence this afternoon.

Wendy - You must be able to survive on minimal sleep! I guess that helps you to get a lot of stuff accomplished during the day. No way I could have done ARX at midnight.


::::::phase 2 / Week 1 / Day 6 Kenpo::::::

I think I may have to sub Cardio X for Kenpo as my shoulder is giving me grief this morning... I may just do tomorrows Intense Moves/Interval today and try Cardio X tomorrow... That sounds like a better plan... give the arm total rest today.

My booty, hammys and calf muscles are so SORE today from L&B! I did additional calf lifts 100 vs the required 75... I also wore 2# ankle weights instead of using any DB for work just to increase intensity... Man - by the end of the Sneaky Lunges - I did 25 vs 20 I could hardly lift my legs...

ARX @ midnight? I think thats against the law!

:::TRACY X:::
Thats some workout today! Do you do more than typical 2 hours on Saturdays?

Oh your Friday nap sounds wonderful! So do you rest today as you have such a long ride tomorrow? I bet your endurance is pretty awesome as well as strength!

We're ALL wimps on CS - It never became easier for me because I didnt do Yoga enough the first time around and you only do CS on recovery weeks... You'll get stronger much faster than I did cuz you're a Yoga junkie now! Good for you on keeping with X Nutrition! Gosh you are so disciplined these days... putting me to shame after my burger & fries last night!

:::DEBRA X:::
LOL on ordering squeeze! I ordered Slim Series Express yesterday! Must have been shopping in the air again!

^5 on doing all the Yoga X so far!!! Thats really the way to get best benefit I think... If I were just a tad more disciplined I'd be a poster child for Tony! Your back sypmtoms sound a bit scary... do you go numb at all? Better keep an eye on that !

:::SANDRA X::::
If you're reading SIGN OFF! You do not have time this weekend to be messing aground on computers! We can catch up Monday or Tuesday... ENJOY!

Happy Weekend to all- Be safe & have fun!
See what a lack of coffee can do! The alarm clock showed the time 2 hours LATER than it really was and still is. I could have used those extra hours of sleep!

I did Kenpo yesterday afternoon. Tried my hardest. Brought it on halfway into it. Phil and I did Chest, Shoulders & Triceps a little before 11:00 at night. I'm not a fan of the side to side slide push-ups. I feel like I could really hurt myself if I didn't pay attention. Phil didn't do ARX with me since we did it last night after L&B. I knew we'd do it again, so I didn't give it my all the first night. It is getting easier for me to do... although, I still don't push myself to do all the reps. I'm happy with 15 solid reps for some of the moves.

Oh yeah!
Phase 2/ Week 6/ Day ??/ Round 1
Tonight is Plyo? I have to double check my book. Still haven't memorized Phase 2's rotation. Will do it when Phil gets home from work.

Personals :) :) :) :)

Is it me or does anyone else hates how when you click on a smilie, the screen jumps up!!!

Jeanette-X: Is dh moving the wood stove today while you do the dishes? I hope they fix the bad supervisor situation for dh and the rest of his co-workers. Phil is dealing with a similar situation. It's terrible since it involves his brother (middle child). His oldest brother and Phil helped the middle child (MC), their other brother, get a job with this company. They soooo regret it now. Among other more serious offenses, the MC has treated his co-workers like crap. It's so bad that I doubt that dh will EVER speak to his brother. No one in the company will work with the MC anymore! However, the supervisor and the MC are now best drinking buddies. Phil's waiting for them to kiss. LOL You know how that goes. It's a shame, but I can't say that I blame dh either. I've avoided direct contact with the MC 7 years ago. * (I'm going to start putting in an * everytime I switch the conversation. It kills me to not start a new paragraph!)* Thanks for thinking I'm a good mother. If you say what a mess my house is right now, you would change your mind! My mom never took my sister and I to different activities growing up. I don't feel deprived either. It had more to do with the culture differences instead of lack of time or money. Although, she did work and we were POOR! I don't think I spend a lot of money on them. Most of the stuff we do are free, like today's workshop. It's the gas driving to places that make up most of the costs. It helps that I don't work outside the home. Whenever I get an itch to do so, Phil gently asks me to reconsider. * Oh, it's May! You know what that means! Birthday Boy gets marble cheesecake!!! :9 :D * Hope you have a good day! Are you going to take it easy for your bike ride tomorrow?

Debra-X: So nice to have you back!!! You are going to be one busy lady this coming month! Too busy to find Dreya's cellulite? It's NOT a rumor!!! I'm NOT on drugs...yet! I thought it was more than 3 bumps. But, it's there! Maybe her dh wanted to get back at her for Tony's flirting and decided to leave it in the final cut. }( I need to get a life! I'm putting WAY too much thought into these people's lives! * Yes, the OD can get a little out of control and heated. Hence, my resistance to post over there very often. * Ooooo! I'm so jealous of you all! I want Squeeze too!!! I'm waiting till Phase 3 before I purchase any workout dvds. Heads up. I'll be soliciting everyone's advice for post-X workouts in another month.* Hope you have a nice relaxing day with dd!

Amy: What brand of soy milk do you drink? I bought it once and gagged!!! You might be thinking about a different Harvest Bar than me. I bought the PowerBar Harvest Whole Wheat Cinnamon Apple Crisp. Say that three times fast! Yeah, it's still loaded with calories (250). I had one for a snack yesterday. My calories totaled over 1500 again. It was probably closer to 1600 since I'm not good at estimating how many ounces or parts of servings I eat. I'm cool with that. Anyhow, I can't believe you weighed over 250 pounds. Man, you look good now!

TracyX: Have I written your name with an e in the past? If so, I apologize. * I don't blame you for not wanting to walk alone with the dogs. I always make someone walk with me, even in my own neighborhood brimming with active kids. If I'm sitting alone in the car waiting, I always keep the doors locked. Phil thinks I'm paranoid. Oh, I jokingly make Phil walk on the outside path of me to "protect" me from the Crazies in the suburbs! LOL Yes, I can go overboard with my imagination!!! * Thanks for the Fluid Yoga review. I'll put it on my post-X consideration list. I'm wanting to try some Eion first.* Maybe, I should get on the injury list. I'd love to lose weight in my lower body. However, it would probably be only muscle lost. The fat would remain to sag and dimple. I have no doubt you'll whip your lower body into shape while respecting what you can safely do!

Nicole: I've never heard my knee grinding during L&B. Sometimes, my left knee will feel weak. I just try to focus on proper form. I do hear clicks in my shoulders if I do that one Kenpo move where you swing your fist up and over your back and then down and across the body. It doesn't hurt though. I limit my range just in case it should case a problem. * It is motivating to have a workout partner. Just having someone push play is enough to get the other off the couch!* Was your chiro able to squash that creepy feeling? That does sound CREEPY!

Traci-X: I did giggle when I read you were doing Denise Austin! Can't help it!!! You did get a lot accomplished yesterday morning! How's the bay today? Warm and sunny? * LOL Phil would LOVE it if I put tassles on the "girls"!!! Who do you think encouraged me to buy those boots in the first place!!! * See, that's what I'm thinking. I asked her why her doctor didn't just try another sinus medication. It's not like there's a one size fits all drug. Is there? }( I told her to not get too worked up over it, he's what I call a 3rd world doctor: a rural family doctor. Not that it's a bad thing. Only that she should probably seek a second opinion is all. Glad you were able to figure out what was wrong without having to waste $800!!! My gf is waiting for her insurance to kick in before she decides to get the MRI.

Well, I think I used up all my free time. Hi to Sandra-X (have a great time with your vacation adventure birthday party), Swift Amy (ya going on another bike ride today with dd?), Laurie-X, Jess Jugs, Debfer, Katie, and all else who follows.


Forgive any grammar and spelling errors. Too lazy to check and tired to notice if I did. ;-)
Almost forgot...

HAPPY May 5th... cinco damiyo??? LOL I forgot what little Spanish I learned in highschool!!! LOLOLOLOL

Classic/Phase 1/ Week 4/ Day 3 - KenpoX

Good morning, gang!!! I am a bit too tired to read everyone's post, but suffice to say that I am glad that Traci snuck the laptop to the Bay!!!;)

Wow, Wendy, for being 2 hrs short on sleep, you are wide awake this morning!!!

I hope that everyone has a great day and I will check in with you all from work tonight (psst....Traci... I'm back on my 'normal' schedule!)
Good Morning Group,

Today is Kenpo which I always enjoy doing once I start it. I went to the chiro yesterday and that darn crawly feeling is still there:( I had high hopes he would fix it because he always fixes my back before it goes out. I guess a nerve issue may take a little longer.
Have any of you ever been to Yellowstone? My husband and I are taking the boys up there for vacation next month and I wanted some inside info. Let me know!

TraciX- Sorry to here your shoulder is buggin you again today. My husband goes through spurts where it hurts more than usual too. My back feels a little tingly sometimes but not totally numb. It feels like it's all knotted up between my shoulder blades, uggh! I can't believe you did more calf raises and sneaky lunges, I can barely get through the normal amount!

Amy- I love, love, love to bake so I have a happy family. I'll take a tiny bite here or there but ship most of it out in school lunches or quickly hide it in the freezer:) Glad to hear your back on schedule.

Debra- I'm jealous you were able to take a nap. I was glad just to sleep in until 7:00 this morning. I'm looking forward to a rest day tomorrow so my back can relax.

Jeanette- Hope you have a great day riding tomorrow, I'm jealous of all your fun outdoor adventures. My husband rides but he has a road bike not an mountain bike. He is actually out right now. He usually is gone for about 1-1/2 hrs. It makes him feel good to get way from the stresses of life for a bit.

Wendy- Midnight! Now that's dedication. Have an extra cup of coffee for me:) My back is no fun but I'm hoping my rest day will help. When I first did the side push-ups I didn't think I was going to be able to push myself up but then it was fun. I say that only because I enjoy exercises that I haven't done before. Have fun at the workshop today.


Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness.
-Earl of Derby-

Hi all,

I guess since I'm on the recovery list I'm going to be the injury police. Nicole please take it easy with the back. Mine started out with wierd feelings and I kept pushing it and pushing it; modifying moves that I probably shouldn't have been doing. Irritated and pinched nerves are a signal that something is not right, probably inflamed. Traci, you'd better be careful because once your shoulder is really injured it is so much harder to recover and you just can never tell what is going to be the final move that does you in. Traci think about this, how would you workout if you couldn't do upper body; back issues are even more restrictive. The X has no mercy on injuries.

OK, I'm off my soap box. The advice it only because I really don't want anyone to have to go through anything like what I have.

Everyone have a wonderful Saturday.

Good morning,

Today was the 51 minute Timesaver premix from High Step Challenge. Where it called for the band on the high step for leg presses, I did without the band and for the low end squats with weight, I did without. I want to give my legs a little bit of a workout, but not much before my big bike ride tomorrow. After the ab work in this, I put in Tracey Staehle's High Step Intensity and finished learning a couple more combos, omitting doing any of the blasts. I was successful in learning a couple more and really enjoyed it. She doesn't repeat a whole lot when you are learning so it makes it more fun later on to do (much less repeating). Really fun! After that, I did the first 4 ab exercises from her Core Conditioning DVD. Really concentrated on zipping my abs.

Not sure which route I am riding tomorrow. I'll be riding with my Ironman girlfriend's DH (she's way too fast for us) and he is thinking of doing the century (8,000' of climbing). I've never done it but have wanted to, however it will be warm down there in the valley and the tough climbing comes at the hottest point in the day. We'll see when I get down there in the morning. We're looking for a 7 a.m. start. The only down side is that I have a time trial on Tuesday and with fatigued legs from tomorrow, probably won't have the push in me. Oh well. The other thing I have going is a practice bike run next Saturday for the Auburn Triathlon that I think we are signed up for. I'll know Monday if we got registered (I'm not in charge of that part). The actual triathlon is 2 weeks away. Anyways, it's all good, a little stress is good for you, right?

Wendy, you stayed up till Midnight doing ARX? You crazy girl LOL! I finally installed a DVD player on my computer so I could do ARX whenever I wanted. I usually didn't do it right after my weight workout as I only like working out 60 minutes on a workday morning. You function okay on little sleep? I do pretty good myself. Up until the first of this year, I worked 4 10 hour days, with Fridays off. Loved it, but I would get up at 2:30 to work out at 3:00 a.m. I'd go to bed at 8:30 p.m. or so. Now I'm back on a regular work shift and get a bit more sleep and like it. However, I do miss those Fridays off! Have fun today at the workshop. You are really smart to be careful with the side to side pushups. Hold back a little, it won't hurt anything and may keep you from an injury. I always felt a bit vulnerable on that one. Went into the kitchen a few minutes ago for coffee and the dishes still haven't been done by anyone. DH is at work today for maybe only half a day. Bet the woodstove won't get removed either. I might have to get out my whip pretty soon, but guess I'd better get my stuff done first. Sorry about your DH's situation at work. Doesn't sound pleasant at all. What kind of work does he do? My DH is a millwright at a wood fired power plant (boiler & turbine to make electricity). He was a millwright for about 30 years in a sawmill here in town, but it closed up about 4 years ago. He's only got about 4 or 5 years until retirement (he'll be 59 then). You are spot on about the birthday boy's cheesecake! His birthday is the 26th. I told him about the cheesecake and he really got a smile on his face. We'll be going camping that weekend (Memorial Day), but we'll fit it in somehow.

Tracy, you are working out so smart. Hate to see the self-destructiveness in some of the workouts I read about. Not talking about anyone here, but really makes me scratch my head sometimes. I appreciate you being the police about injuries. You are so right on. Thanks for helping to remind us to nip it in the bud at the first sign.

Traci, oooh, sore legs again from those Sneaky Lunges? Pure magic on getting that good soreness! Something about Legs & Back and KenpoX and all that stuff, made me sore every single week! Have a great time at the Bay! And all that calf work today too! I actually fast forwarded thru the calf work today on HSC as I don't need sore or weaker calves for tomorrow's ride. Today is not a rest day, I've found out that I do better by just going a bit easier with the leg work and moving around. I have housework and some yard work today too. The yard work will just be using the spreader in the yards so no heavy back work or anything like that.

Amy, hope to hear from you tonite at work! Probably a good think I can't get on this site from work (it's blocked) or I'd be checking all the time.

Nicole, sorry about the chiro not taking care of the creepy feelings. Maybe you should just take it easy for a few days and see if that makes a difference? Yellowstone, I was there in 1977 as a bicycling 19 year old. Would love to go back and take DH as he's never been. He would love it I'm sure. That was before the big fire. Been so long ago that I was there that I don't think I can help with any info.
The ride tomorrow is a road bike ride. I have a mountain bike also but hardly ever ride it. The cycling is a stress reliever for sure. How long has your DH been riding? What kind of bike does he have? I'm with you on enjoying exercises that I've never done before. CS was good for that.

Better go shower. Got lots to do today, but a pleasant "lots".

Hi all,

Jeanette- You bike ride sounds wonderful. I can't wait until I can get back on mine. Yes, I'm finding that I can train a little smarter and still feel good. I probably won't pick up heavy weights for a long time, if ever again.

Nicole- You are probably going to Yellowstone at a good time. We went in August and it was so crowded it was like Disney World. I would assume that all of their snow is gone by now. Did you check? My son had a bike race scheduled in July last year at Mammoth, CA and it was cancelled because of snow.

Traci - I don't usually workout for more than 2 hours. I have to stay late, 4, at least three days next week. It's that darn yoga that takes so long. That's probably why people skip it. I just view it as part of the rehab. I could tell when I took off Thursday. The muscles in the left leg still want to tighten up, but the more flexibility I get, the less tight they get when they spasm, which is still happening.

All of GS upper except back and pushups, now off to do some yoga. I took the dogs for an hour walk. It's dreary here and looks like rain. I should clean, but I have no desire to.

Just popping on for a few minutes. Still haven't worked out today...but did take DD and pooch to the dog park...where I lost my keys and spent 20 minutes extra walking around looking for them....GRRRRR!!! I found them...but my brain has just been mush lately! I am still planning on doing some sort of kickboxing...and maybe weight work...although it's getting close to cocktail hour...so, I may skip the weights today and just do more tomorrow. I am going to the big flea market here tomorrow...there are lots of antique dealers as well as crafters and it's huge. I will miss this market when we get moved...I will have to find another one in NC.

Okay...I'm off for now..I really have to get off my buttocks and push play.

later gators...


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams

Hey, gang!!!

Well, Kenpo was really good tonight. I woke up with a wee bit of achiness in my upper body from CS yesterday, but nothing too DOMmy. Anyway, I really concentrated on my form and 'bringing it' tonight and it felt great. Of course it was done 'naked' and it still feels right to do it. I also noticed that my side kicks are getting higher!

Oh, also another thing I notice....I think that my thighs are slimming down a bit. Of course seeing myself everyday I don't notice it too much, but tonight when I put my compression stockings on tonight for work, I was able to pull them up all the way where they are supposed to be and they stay.....and they don't roll down at the upper edge because of my leg fat!!! Yea!!!

Just a few quick personals before going to be nurse-y...

Debra- I like 8th Continent Vanilla Light soy milk. DH drinks the regular vanilla, but I like the light vanilla. Thanks on the compliments. It's hard to believe myself that I was that large at one time!! Keep up the good work and stay out of Phil's way during Kenpo!;)

Nicole- I am sorry that the chiropractor wasn't able to squash the spider. Please take care of yourself! I have been to Yellowstone but it's been so long that I couldn't give you any detail. I think I was 7 or 8 yrs old when we went there during summer vacation.

Okay, job is calling...

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