~~Xers ~~ ......... Saturday 4/ 14


Doubles: Phase 1 / Week 2 / Day 6 / Rd 2 (XX wannabe)
Kenpo- (naked footed):D
ARX – Subbing TaeBo Standing Ab Bootcamp

Yesterdays Food:
M1: Protein Shake
M2: Tortilla-less Breakfast Burrito
M3: Yogurt w/ protein powder
2 oz Shrimp, 4 oz chicken breast, ¼ cubed sweet potato, ¾ chopped broccoflower – drizzled with low sodium soy sauce TUMMY IS HAPPY!
M5: Pita Pocket w/ 2 oz veggie cheese & 2oz Shrimp
M6: Tortilla-less Breakfast Burrito

******** NO CHOCOLATE FOR THE DAY!!! Miracle! :D *******

Received 2 :D new DVDs in yesterday mail…
*Brand New Butt- Janis Saffell …. Looks like a terrific Core Syn option. Its Functional Fitness that uses options of 2# ankle wts and 2-8# handhelds. Chaptered nicely as well if you want to avoid the floor work although that looked like it had some unique moves – didn’t notice donkey kicks in traditional way etc…

No laughing on this one guys… * Personal Training System – Denise Austin…. I LIKE Denise… I needed a non step varying degree of cardio and this will help with that. Its got mix n match and lots of options/chapters to create the intensity of the day. I will use this one along with Speedbody for recovery weeks or when I need a “double” but body isn’t up to Cathe

Still due to arrive…. Tony’s Power Half Hour, Tracey Staehle Cardio Sweatfest + Sculpt Sweatfest + Core Strength & Conditioning, 6 tank tops from Chadwick’s and my 3 cooking magazines… ALL of this was ordered in the 48 hours I was sick last week. Do I have a problem????

Lets take a poll! I was a Blue Bird just like Jeanette! I still have my tiny BlueBird lapel pin… That’s one thing I just cant part with but not sure why. For some reason I never went into Brownies- I think its because my older sister was a Brownie and she looked silly in her Pocahontas outfit! Lea- I’m SURE you looked much cuter in yours!:D


Cracked up about sun shining and spotting the dust! I actually see that most days! Hope your plan today also includes some stretching to go along with that cleaning. Take it easy. :D

Hope you have BIG weekend plans! Is your house clean? Seems to be an Xer issue!:D

Workout=YOWZA! So at what age did you acquire this taste for intensity in workouts? I had it in my 20’s but got rid of that as soon as I could! Busy gal yesterday! See – you tend to make us believe that your life is fairly routine but I think you are just a mystery woman with a double life..! :D

Gosh if it weren’t for our hubbies & their junk food you and I would be video ready for sure! It was so much easier staying clean when I was single. My favorite type of binge used to be getting up in middle of night with a chocolate craving- throwing Sandy in car – hitting grocery store for a pre-made bakery cake – sitting on couch and eating what I wanted then immediately taking remaining cake to dumpster. That’s how to manage weight! (remind you of Tracy-X?) I think on the Yoga X I may have to do the Eoin ones regularly for a month or 2 before trying Tony again… I think its just hard for me to shift gears with him as coach mid week. His voice & persona just make me want to push myself.. Its just my mental block I think. Your outing with the girls sounds like exactly what the Dr ordered after a very busy week! The visuals you paint are always so appealing- except for the gnats! You have gnats I have mosquitoes! The great outdoors!! Have a great cleaning and shopping day!!:D

Fingers & Toes still crossed! We just gotta have a great inspection! How cool will it be to be able to allow house to be “normal”! That’s the toughest part about selling I do believe. My house is “show ready” exactly 2x a year! (for about 2 hours!). I have to agree about other forums.. I just don’t visit any of them anymore. I like my safe little check-in board… That’s it for me most days.
I bet if you posted your daily food we’d all be on a plane coming for supper! Could you PLEASE go back at view all the X workouts and find that VD Doll again & let me know…. Today would be fine! LOL on Billy’s counting! I so agree!!!! He must not have a behind the camera counter!!!! I used to think they all had that but guess not. He is OFTEN lopsided. If I did Billy regularly I’d switch lead sides to stay even. Glad you found something you liked tho- VARIETY!:D

I know you’re a busy bee- Hope you get to pop in this weekend at some point! :D

Hope DH was able to get home at a decent hour! I bet he works A LOT to pay for all the DIY! Glad DS made it to his destination without any fanfare! Have him eat extra for me- I have to have a clean weekend since I used up all of Aprils free food days already! Gonna be a LONG month! I WILL NOT click on the link!! You are such an enabler… I have a problem this month… Excess free days + excess spending… Urrrrr LOL at your rotation line! You are so funny- actually the entire “How To” post yesterday was fictitious! But you all are doing so well getting in the groove I thought I’d let you proceed on! :D

Congrats on receiving your Tracey Staehle! I caught your post on open…whenever I see a name I know I go read! STALKER….I so cannot wait to do mine- I think they’ll be here Monday and will be immediately worked into my doubles rotation somehow! I’m going to do Brand New Butt on Sunday – I LOVE new toys!! DOMS in EVERY nook and cranny???? YIPPEE & ^5!
So how did you like the format of Plyo- What was fun factor for you compared to … Well its hard to compare isn’t it? :D

What are your exciting & fun weekends like? I try to do errand-y stuff during week as crowds & traffic are deplorable on weekends in my neck of the woods! I see your face print on that window waiting for Tony to arrive!!!! :D

I do believe I am all caught up! Great day to all – I’ll be around- not sure how much as DH hasn’t decided if he’s driving down to bay for the plumbing project…
Classic/Phase 1/Week 1/Day 3

TraciX- I love the idea of the tortilla-less burrito! I actually have some mashed black beans in my fridge I could do that with! I really don't have anything to compare PlyoX to...it's unlike any other workout I've ever done in my life! I haven't even done anything like it in my last workout life (when I was active duty in 1999 and working out everyday!)

Everyone else....I hope that you all have a good day. I'll check in from work tonight after Arm/Shoulders!

I spent a couple of hours last night at work playing with a table graph on the computer to make a little P90X food journal check off thing. I wanted to be able to track that I have eaten 7 portions of protein, etc. Anyway, I taped them into a notebook so that I can also keep track of exactly *what* I eat and my calories expended. I still need to measure and will do that either Sunday or Monday (definitely not day 1, but close to it!). My eating really hasn't changed from what I was doing, but it's just tweaked a bit and I am tracking different things differently! Oh, BTW, the butt DOMS are starting already!!!;-)
Hi to all,

Yesterday I did MIS and ME upper only, doing eat body part in succession. It was fun and I was glad when it was over. Then I walked two miles and did magically hips.

Today is some low impact step for about 30 minutes, stretch max two, then later this afternoon, 30 minutes on the stationary bike and Sweat plus the hip section of magically hips. Oh, and I have to clean. I haven’t cleaned in a couple of weeks and it is ugly. Good thing my house isn’t for sale. No one would even walk in the door.

Just a general question for those who post their food for the day. Do you really weight everything? I am so impressed by all of your dedication.

Traci – You may almost have as many dvds as lora on the maniacs thread! I wish I was so lucky. I do think that I will order those two Janice S ones and Shiva has a new one that is 14~ on Amazon, so I think that I’ll get that too. It has the yoga matrix and I really like to be able to pick and choose. I did get a 10% coupon from DDDVD, so I might get something from there too; no freight charge always helps. I think that prayer twists also stretch that glute muscle. Maybe be careful how deep you go in those. Denise Austin???? Yes, I’m laughing. Just as an FYI, I was a brownie.

Amy – It is nice to get new clothes. My mom took me shopping when I was in Florida. I actually came home and threw out some pants that I know were over 10 years old. I think a food chart would help to remind you about how much to eat. I probably should do that.

Jeanette – I find too that if I don’t eat well the day of a hard workout, the next day is a difficult eating day for me. Probably because my body is saying, more food! Glad the furniture is working out. I would have liked to get leather, but it was just too expensive. I think that I love my walks with the dogs as much as you do. I’ve been going again, but not quite as far. Everything is turning green here again, so it really is pretty.

Teddygirl – Is today the big day? Pushups here we come. I hope you like them. I think they are by far, one of the best upper body exercises, and Tony gives you so many options to enjoy. Just when you think there couldn’t be another way to do a pushup, phase two comes. OK, scrambled eggs, I’m a little slow…….

Sandra – We had rabbits for years. I trained my DH to clean the cages. It’s probably the only real thing that I’ve trained him to do! Great job on the unassisted pull ups! I swear, pull/chin ups are the best back workout. I just love them.

Katie – I always thought plyox was hard and even at the end, could not land softly on every single move. I was hungry too, but the increased protein helped to curb some of that. You have to eat to put on muscle. The scale may not be your friend though, because the increased muscle weight may balance the fat loss, that’s why I don’t do scales.

Wendy – What is a Lululemon store? OK I see now. I surely wouldn’t want to fashion police to come and see what I workout in! Glad to hear I’m not the only one who doesn’t want an epidural. The whole thought of it is just disgusting

Lea – Are you injury free? I miss legs and back. I may try to do something similar tomorrow with B& G. I’ll pm you with info in a few minutes.

Debra – Keeping my fingers crossed for the home inspection. I can’t stand it either when they don’t balance the sides on a workout. Isn’t that like Workout 101? Billy B just seems so commercial, but I do like male instructors. I’m like you about the eating. If I posted what I ate during the day, I think everyone would cringe. I may do it one day just to get a response. Maybe it would push me to try to eat a little better/more???? I eat clean, I’m just taking a minimalist approach right now.

Swifty – I hope all is well.

Sorry if I missed anyone.

Doubles/ Phase 3/ Week 2/ Day 6: KenpoX (will sub StrikeZone)

Good morning! Yak, yak, yak! How long will it take to catch up? Let's find out....

I'm going to start with today's posts.

Amy!!! I was thrilled to see you post yesterday!! Welcome to the Xers checkin! Nice idea on the table graph. When I was following the diet plan, I wrote the following at the bottom of every page in my food journal: PPPPP DD V F Carb Con Fat, then just checked them off as I ate that day. Your idea is prettier. Enjoy SA tonight! It's often the favourite upper body workout - the only one without any push ups and/or pull/chin ups!!

TraciX - Your breakfast burrito idea is genius. I will be trying that some time, for sure! I can't believe everything you ordered! LOL! You do not have time to do all these workouts! Good thing you're "retired." How's the certification process going? I was a Brownie, then a Girl Guide. I quit GG's the first year because they made us fund-raise (sell cookies) to earn money so that the older girls could go camping. I thought that was unfair, so quit. I really enjoyed Brownies, though. Pocahontas outfit LMAO! I never thought of it like that before, but you're right! You think my workouts are overly intense? Really? Yesterday's was on the longer side, but was just a Cathe sub for the P90X workouts. It didn't seem "intense"; just lots to do! I actually prefer not to do high impact stuff more than 1 or 2 times a week. My day yesterday was nothing mysterious. Had a friend phone mid morning and invite us for an afternoon playdate/dinner. Since they just moved into a new house, I had to rush to the store to buy them a housewarming present and dessert. Then rush to the school and pick up DD#1 before she got on the bus to go home (made it in the nick of time). Then head to their house. DH met us after work, and we ended up staying until 8pm, and brought their son home with us for a sleepover. The toothfairy made another visit last night, too. Not exciting stuff, but it keeps us busy. So glad you're staying home this weekend! I agree with the "no-toilet; no-stay" policy. I'm a camper from waaaay back (even backpacked for 7 days for my honeymoon!), and don't mind digging a hole behind a bush, but outhouses and the like gross me out.

TracyX - Wow, you're trucking along so well with your rehab workouts!!! MIS and ME upper body in one session? That's loooooooong, and thorough! I agree with you on the pull/chin ups. A back workout just doesn't seem complete anymore without them. Yes, I track my food via weight, but years ago I was given a digital baker's scale, which makes it super easy to weigh food. With everything having a nutritional label on it these days, it's quite simple to figure out how many calories are in my portions. If it's a fruit or vegetable, I just go to the USDA website (bookmarked!), plug in the food and the weight, and ta-da! I have my answer. Tres simple. I'm soooo with you on the epidural-avoidance! I had both my girls without medication, too. I'm a firm believer that woman birth babies, not doctors. Therefore, you need to be able to participate in that birth, not be forced to lie passively and be told what to do. My second DD was born in a lovely pool of warm water at a birthing centre, with a midwife. It was an amazing, positive experience that I'll cherish forever. And now I can cross off "climbing Mt. Everest without oxygen" as a life goal, because I know it will be anticlimatic compared to the birth of my children. I think you're doing the right thing by questioning the dr's recommendation and taking a rehab approach, versus a duct-tape approach.

Today I'm going to do Janis Saffel's Strikezone. This one's new for me. I notice TraciX has only done it once, despite giving it a glowing review. What's up with that, TraciX?

I won't tell you what I ate yesterday, as I've not eaten very good for the past week. It always starts off well, then ends up poorly. I'm never going to get rid of my middle if I don't clean up my act again. *Sigh*.

I'll come back later and finish chatting with everyone from yesterday. Time to go feed children now.

Doubles: Phase 1 / Week 2 / Day 6 / Rd 2 (XX wannabe)
Kenpo- (naked footed)
ARX – Subbing TaeBo Standing Ab Bootcamp

Sent DH off to bay with the boys – none of them mind pooping in buckets! Sandy & I are staying home and playing domestic divas!
~~~~~Lets all go do Denise on Lifetime Channel today! Do it for The Gipper! ~~~~~


VERY nice workout you put together yesterday! How many minutes/Hours a day do you generally get in… just seems like you accomplish so much every day. On the weighing… I eyeball most things except when I’m really hungry… I lose all my senses once hunger is present so I have to be careful or 4 oz looks the same as 12 ozs. I never measure / weigh veggies / fruit. I am actually going to cease using fitday to log calories & ratios and move more towards just eating the Tosca & BFL way..I think that’s the only way I’ll ever be free of food journaling. Looks like you have some exciting purchases in your near future as well!:eek: Its just so hard for me to do same thing over & over no matter how much I like it (cardio wise)… I don’t even like previewing stuff because I like that “unknown” factor so much. Prayer twists – yes I will go much easier on those… My other cheek is actually pretty sore today as well … Maybe a part of it too is that my brain says if you’ve gone far enough then your body wont go any further (like lifting heavy wts) but I am just now understanding that actually my body can move much deeper than is good for it at this stage of flexibility. A BROWNIE!!:eek: !! I bet you were a very good Brownie! Lots of badges???? OH PLEASE post a typical days food menu… It might give me hope as I know you are a little thing – so if I know you eat “normal” then I can dream of being like you! Not nice to laugh at me & Denise! Just for that snicker you will get a little Denise-ism-:p Go Burn Some Butter!

LOL on the quantity of DVDs! I KNOW!!:eek: !! If I had my way I’d do the same DVD only once every 2-3 months. I don’t like it when I know all the moves, music etc….. Even premixes have a SAME feel to them to me. Like KPC/LG Mixes… I LOVE the Kick & Lower Combo but if I have to do KPC one more time I’ll scream! BTW: I did strikezone 4 Saturdays in a row at bay before starting X! I really do love it and have actually just this morning included it every other week as part of my doubles….. Throw on those gloves and kick some booty! Another BROWNIE??:eek: ?? OMG you guys should all be very domesticated! What is a Girl Guide? Is that a Canadian thing or did they create that after I “grew up” (cuz I know you’re much younger than i!) Gotcha on the selling cookies… I hated pandering too! LOL that’s how I always viewed it! Trust me – you are INTENSE:eek: with your workout choices…. What a fun & spontaneous day you had! WOW- I want a day like that- our problem is that DH & I married so late in life that he has his friends and I have mine… We have only 2 couple friends that we all like – and everyone else are single units & don’t like coming along with a couple…. Unfortunately not 1 possible love match to help the situation…. His friends are either computer nerds or big party animals – mine are career business women who spend enormous amounts of time with their families …. Congrats on all the Tooth Fairy Activity!!!! BTW- Your birthing experiences sound EXACTLY how I’ve always thought it should be… Never having faced the whole process tho- I cannot judge! I hate pain.

Hope you get lots of sleep today! Dream of all your new muscles courtesy of Tony.:eek: Would you share that nice little Food chart graph? You can charge me if you want- I’ll hide thecost under my fitness expenses…LOL on the Booty! Rub those puppies a bit today.

I guess everyone else is sleeping in today???? More than likely all you moms are NOT sleeping! Gotta go get this workout checked off the list so I can enjoy napping with Sandy.
Hi ladies...don't have much time for a chat this morning...DH called at 2am last night...WTH?!? Anyhoo, after talking to him...it took me forever to get back to sleep...and then DD was up early this morning!!! Can't anyone just let me sleep? I am VERY cranky when I don't get my allotted hours! So, I stayed in be for a while just dozing in and out..so I'm running behind.

Traci...Thanks for the well wishes on the house...I am expecting things to go pretty well. Have fun with no shoes with Kenpo today. I did Billy with no shoes yesterday. I really just feel more natural and in control. Are you missing DH since he has gone to the bay to "camp"?

Tracy...Everyone would cringe because I eat way too much and not nearly clean enough...sigh, oh well. Have fun cleaning...oh, and of course, working those hips!

Sandra...I have Stikezone from flickety fit which I am planning on trying later this week...Let me know how you like it.

Amy...Good luck with those buttocks today...And have fun with Sh+Arms...it's my fave!

Okay...gotta run for now...will catch up with the rest of you guys later this afternoon...Happy weekend to all!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams

Hi everyone!! Thank goodness Kenpo is all ready done today. Yippee. And I really had fun for the first time with legs and back/Ab...RIPPER...X yesterday. I am beginning to think that I am stronger at night. Very interesting..... Anywho, can't spend too much time on this dang computer, just wanted to drop in and say hi!

BTW Traci, thanks for the suggestion of putting refried beans in egg whites. I looooved refried beans, unfortunately for the rest of the family. So that is what I am eating right now. YUMMY. So thanks.

Hi to all who around today,

I’m making sweet potato cinnamon rolls from last years Dec. Southern Living. They are yeast rolls with sweet potato, orange, nuts, cinnamon, filled and glazed. I just finished the dough a little while ago and it tasted heavenly. Not sure what possessed me to do this, as they are made with white flour, but WTH. The family will like them. Half of the dust is gone. What a miserable job.

I finished some light step and core work. That’s the best that I’ve felt so far, but I think that because my entire glute was so contracted for so long (extremely sore to the touch) that it is acting like a bad strain type injury. Anyways, it is getting better, but after I use it, it screams a little. Oh well.

Traci – I agree that eating has to become a way of life. After years of bad eating, I finally got myself into a better eating pattern about 10 years ago. It probably took 10 years to get there. It is for sure not perfect, but the best that I can do. I agree on the yoga, just because you can do it, doesn’t mean that you should. I get bored with workouts too. Any of Cathe’s all step type I have done so many times I really can’t bear to do them again and I love her step. Making mish moshes helps, but that is a pain because I only have a single disc CD player. I’m spending 2+ hours working out now. It’s not really intense, but doing yoga every day is time consuming. It really has helped and I almost have all of my flexibility back.

Sandra – Your birthing experience sounds wonderful. If only I’d been so in touch with things years ago. I was such a miserable pregnant woman I just wanted to get the whole thing over with. You were so busy yesterday. I remember those times and wonder how in the heck I ever managed. Kudos for managing the eating so strictly. I tend to fixate on stuff, so that wouldn’t work for me. I'm glad it does for you.

Debra – Sorry about the sleep. I’m sure DH calling in the middle of the night was about as disruptive as you could possibly imagine.I'm never nice when my sleep is interrupted.

Lea – Glad your workouts went well. I switched mine to afternoons/evenings last fall and felt much better. I think that as I get older, the extra time to move around during the day helps before I actually workout. I used to roll out of bed and on to a workout. I don't know how I used to do it, but I was much busier then with small kids.


Hi there ladies...We didn't have our inspection today...it got changed to Monday...so DD and I took a nap this afternoon! She has a nasty little cold and she slept like a rock for 3 hours! I did a mix of step from SPJ and SB...with SB I left out all the breakdowns and just did the finished combos and then added on part of the challenge at the end...worked out to about 45 minutes or so and I also did some core work from a body bar dvd I have..so I feel very well rounded this evening! I am planning my upper body split tomorrow with PUB and then an add on from some other Cathe weights...whatever strikes my fancy in the morning. It is very exciting to know that I don't have to get up at any certain time tomorrow and there is no chance I will have a showing!

TracyX...I am glad to hear you are slowly healing. I'm glad the yoga seems to be working...it's time consuming, though! Please, oh, please, send me some sweet rolls...They sound yummy!!! Hope the good fairies come and finish up dusting for you.

LeaX...I always feel stronger at night, too...partially because I am a night owl anyway, and partially because I have usually had plenty to eat by then, so plenty of fuel for those muscles! My DH loves bean burritos...and of course he has a little (or big) gas problem after...so my DD calls him "Mr. Bean" and yells it to him whenever he eats bean burritos. Whenever he has a gassy issue...she runs from the room screaming, "Mr. Bean, Mr. Bean!!" Farts are funny in our house!

TraciX...Hope you are enjoying some "girl time" without those pesky males around! How was Kenpo barefoot...I will convert everyone who does not have either foot or joint problems to my way! I am planning on doing Strikezone later this week...I think I need to get some weighted gloves before I do it...but I previewed it today and it looked fun...I love flickety fit...so nice to have the previews instead of buying them first!

Hope all of the rest of you are having wonderful weekends with your families!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams

Hi Ladies!

I've been out all day! Went to NJ to look at granite, took a nap, went to Lowes to buy doors and vent hood. And, if that wasn't enough shopping for one day, I had my ds shop for me in NYC. He's having a lot of fun! You can see pictures of him and his friend here:


My son is wearing the hat. Long story short: Thought it would be cool to get a mohawk when visiting his grandmother at Easter. Came home and everyone, including friends, hated it. Went to NYC and shaved it all off. Now, has a short military buzz.

No, I haven't done Shoulders and Arms. There's always tomorrow morning.

Will do personals tomorrow!

Hey, where did my post go? I know I posted this morning and it's gone!

This morning was my kickbox day so I did Billy Blanks Taebo Get Ripped #1. Really enjoyed the workout and it made me sweat. This was one of the first DVD's I bought before Cathe and I wasn't able to make it thru before. Doesn't bother me if he counts unevenly. My body is so uneven anyway so what the heck. It could be to my advantage that he does more on one side. My folks came over this morning to see my new furniture and and then they took me out to lunch. That was nice. After that, mom and I went shopping for pillows and a throw. Ended up at Walmart and found some pillows for the new couch & loveseat. Still looking for throws. Love being with my mom and think she liked shopping with me too.

Traci, if you can do Denise Austin, I can do Billy's workout. Traci, you got a pin for Blue Birds? I never got anything that I can remember, except feeling traumatized from having to push candy selling onto other people. Your DVD's look good that you are waiting for. I'm sure you will report to us how they are. I previewed a Baron Long & Lean DVD and he was okay, kept his hands on the 2 slim girls doing the yoga, I was very aware of that. Definitely assists more than say Bryan Kest does. It was being out with DH and the girls last night. I was driving our Jeep and DH wanted me to go down a really steep dirt road. I refused, though he said it was safe. I just don't like that kind of thing. I popped a 4-wheeler over one time onto myself and my nephew and I've never felt comfortable with steep terrain going up or down hills, or sidehills for that matter. I have a very honed sense of survival.

Amy, hope the graph works. Every time I count my calories, I'm surprised how much they really add up to. Enjoy S&A tonite.

Tracy, this leather furniture wasn't as pricey as I thought, $900 and some for each piece, and they have footrests that come up. Very comfy. Mom and Dad sat back in them for the longest time relaxing. I don't weigh my food, nor do I even measure it. I do count egg whites, does that count? Glad you are getting around better, you will beat this thing I know and come out wiser from it too. Tracy, the sweet potato rolls sound yummy! Something very satisfying in baking using yeast and watching that dough rise. Have a roll for me, okay?

Sandra, your birthing experience sounds much better than mine. I would have given my arm for an epidural. I ended up having an emergency C-section. Bones in hips just too narrow (who'd have thunk on me) for child to drop down, though fully dilated. Talk about painful and no hope of it going anywhere. Of course, you feel like no one cares and everyone is in slow gear in getting some relief for you. Not a good experience and I never wanted another pregnancy after that. Of course, I already had 2 stepchildren that lived with us so 3 was enough. Anyway, I'm shuddering at remembering that experience. Your day yesterday sounds so busy to me. You make me tired just reading about it. Did you like the Strikezone workout? Does she have red pants in it? Without me going to check, think that's the one that I have too.

Debra, sorry your sleep was interrupted. I got up with DH this morning at 4 a.m., but at 5 a.m. I went back to sleep on the couch. Woke up at 8 a.m., dinked around and did my workout with Billy B. Sorry your DD has a cold. Poor thing. I love SJP, it's a good one for sure.

Lea, I sent a money order to you today for the shirt. Thanks again for doing all the work on this. When we get them, we need to all take pictures and post them to our Picture Trail.

Got to go now, have a long climbing bike ride tomorrow with a girlfriend and whoever from the bike club wants to ride along. Will be a toughie for sure. Weather is supposed to be clear.

Hi Wendy! Sounds like you were busy today. Still shopping for stuff for the kitchen, huh? Your son is a cutie pie. Have a question, what is he doing with his hands, the gestures in the pictures, what do they mean? I bought a springform pan at Walmart today, for $9.97. Has 3 pans included. Now I have no excuse not to make that yummy cheesecake for DS's birthday.


That's strange, my post didn't post either.

Oh, that's sign doesn't mean anything! Certainly, not anything remotely related to Thailand or Thais in general. They're only trying to look cool. I called them and yelled at them for posting that cuss word phrase!!! Really, they're good kids trying to be funny while looking tough and bad. Yeah, they're socialized -- they're public schooled! I'm only joking people!!!! :+ Did you read his friend's myspace page? He wrote that he was Thai, not Taiwanese. If you don't know the difference, google it. I about died laughing when I read that. LOL

Did you have fun shopping? What about your pillows? Three springform pans! What are you planning on serving each person their own cheesecake? LOL Now, you have no excuse to bake a rich, decadent, luscious, velvety smooth, aromatic, calorie ladden, dense, hidden chocolate surprise, heavenly good chocolate marble cheesecake! Oh, it almost makes me want to bake another one for my family....almost. I don't want my after picture to look worse than my before pics. I'll vicariously through you. You still have a couple of weeks before your son's birthday in May. Maybe, you'll want to try it out before then to make sure it turns out right. LOL I'm sooo bad!

Sweet cheesecake dreams,
Looks like they were having a fabulous time! Oh to be young and carefree again! Bet your son is a real character! Yep, I'm looking forward to making the cheesecake. I don't know why, but the springforms came as a set of 3, all different sizes, but better quality than the one that I had. Dumb question, but where do you find parchment paper? Is it with the wax paper and such? I've never bought it before. I bought something like 8 pillows and they will all work out. Now I need to find a throw, so was looking on the internet for some ideas. What did we do before the net? Probably spent less money for sure.

Good evening ladies...Just signing off before night night.

Jeanette...Have fun on your ride tomorrow...Hope the weather is good for you! Glad you got to spend some time with your mom today...can't wait 'til I get to North Carolina so that I can see my mom more. We talk everyday on the phone....but she is getting older and I will be glad to see her more. It will be good for my DD to spend more time with her too...They are already close, but I am glad they will get to be closer. My mom is really the only grandparent that she talks to regularly...Both of her grandpas have passed away, and we are not close to DH's mother. ave fun with your continued decorating.

Wendy....You DS is a cutie! I can tell he thinks he is cool...so funny! I am glad he is having such a great time in NY...What a great experience for him! Good luck with getting in Sh+A tomorrow. I am sure you will find the time! When does DS come home?

Okay...off for the night...I am starting to get V...E...R...Y sleepy.

Good night and happy exercising in the morning!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams

Hey everyone!

Shoulders/Arms felt GREAT today! I had to laugh because I have lurked here for a while, but tonight was the first time "meeting" Dreya! Granted, she looks great, but it's interesting that I noticed that lift heavier than her!

I would be happy to share the graph. I will need to "re-work" it a bit, only because I did it at work and didn't save it. TraciX- I will e-mail it to you, so there's no cost involved.

I got floated out to another floor tonight, so I have 5 patients to chase after and can't 'play' too much.

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