Xers.......Moving forward Monday..........

Hi all...back to catch up a bit before I pick up the Diva from dance...Then we have to head to the $ store to get some things for goodie bags for her party...Who started that tradition anyway?? I have to give gifts to the kids who come to my DD's birthday party?? WTH? Anyway, then Monday is big homework night and CBL is coming over later to finish up fertilizing my yard. Busy, busy, busy!!

I did Imax2 today as planned...I think I have stayed on this rotation for a whole week now!!! I can't remember the last time I did Imax2...and it really is one of my faves...I think Cathe is very cute and perky in this one and shows a lot of her personality. I promise to do it more often....especially since I seem to be heading into fat season. Tomorrow is yoga....Don't know which I will do yet, though.

a few personals.....

Glad you were feeling a bit better yesterday. Come on over to DD's party...The more the merrier!! And then perhaps I won't have to talk to XDH as much....lol! I have an appointment with a gynecologist for May...so if the fatigue isn't better, I will get her opinion on it. Good you worked out today...that means you are definitely on the mend! I wouldn't mind DST as much if it didn't start so early...I know it gives you extra time after work for your many hobbies, though. I will stop complaining about it after today...lol.

You better watch out for that Mia person...you never know what will happen with stalkers....lol! So sorry about the $$$$$$$$$$$ for WB's mouth. Gracious!! Maybe it would be cheaper to just take out all the teeth now and just eat mashed potatoes for the rest of his life. I am definitely feeling that extra back work from yesterday, too....so I am glad I added it in. I am not one of those people who can do a lot of chest work...I am just now getting to some of Cathe weights with chest...I guess that is one part I just never worked before...But I am definitely stronger there now. My back is looking better too. Dang medications...I don't like carrying this extra weight...no matter what...it makes me feel very fat and chunky....probably from all those years of XDH telling me how fat I was....makes me crazy when the scale goes up a bit. Glad you are enjoying the 10 minute trainers...do you think I would like them?? Should I buy them while I still have the money?? I am with you on the calf work...I think the more you work them (the right way!) the more definition you get...without the bulk. I usually have a problem buying boots since my calves are large (and my feet are small)...but not this year!

Yes, XDH will be at the party...and then he is taking DD for a couple of days down to his step mother's house for some time with her. I am sure they will have a great time together...and it gives me a couple of days off...WooHoo!! Please, please, please rub my calves....if you are as good as those Asian boys at the pedi place, I will even pay you!!!! LOL! Still giving poor Phil a hard time about the yoga, I see. Is it perhaps you are jealous about his 'perfect' form??? LOL!

I must first say the Bushy #2 is not MY president. I voted for the other guy....twice!! Anyhoo, you are right that it is his fault...and I send some swear words his way every chance I get! Thank you for the Canadian trivia...I always need to know more about our northern neighbors! I did think that SH bis and tris were harder...definitely pre-fatigued from the previous workouts. You had better be careful talking bad about Cathe's weight lifting and calling her a wimp...Stacy may come around and haunt you...lol!! I know I need to tone more...especially in my tummy area...I also need to do a better job of eating healthier...I am so bad about that...I tend to just eat what I want...I try to make good choices, but that doesn't always happen. I have pretty much no will power at all. Hope you have a wonderful time at the playdate. I MUST do a thorough cleaning of this darn house this week!! Don't you want to come and help me???

Okay...gotta fold some clothes and get the diva....will bbl to catch up with everyone else!!



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Hi all,

APX legs and the first two combos of KBX are done, then some yoga on my own because all he%% broke loose. Dh found out the his brother is having his dad change the will and cut the brother out who basically saved FIL's life. It just never ends and I feel a little twinge down my left leg....

Sandra - I read before that some where else that cautioned taking Evening Primrose, but I've researched it and it is proven for some ailments. I probably should take less, but I need to find another EFA because I can see a huge difference in my mood when I don't take it.

Traci - I'm crying for you too dear. For us, coming up with 3700+ at the drop of a hat would be like trying to squeeze blood from a turnip.

Hi to everyone else....I'll have to catch up later.

Well, I am finally back...Again...another reason I don't like DST..I am WIDE awake after 11 o'clock! Well, at least I can catch up on the personals I missed before....I have to hurry...Christiane will be up soon!!

I am so sorry about DH's family feud...That is never nice..Hoping that twinge down your leg stays just a short twinge and not something else!!

Try to be a good girl today...lol!! It is good to see your shining face around!! I AM a little stressed..but at least I am getting regular lube jobs...LOL!

So good to see you up and about (and the bunny too!). I am very proud of you for not killing DH while he was at home drowning in his tissues.

Okay...you just made me cringe when you said 0 degrees...That sounds pretty darn cold...It was 61 here today!! Good you had a relaxing day with the kids out of school. And God bless your little heart for still doing YogaX...that was not one of my favorites.

How was GS today?? I will be doing those later this week. So, what color is that trim?

Read my earlier post to Traci about the whole calf thing. I don't my DST in the summer when it is light all the time anyway...I just dislike getting up in the morning in the dark...Actually that was one of those things I didn't like about Minnesota...dark too much!! Sweet Cami...just making sure you are up in time! I love the title of porn queen....You can join me in Dallas...lol.

Okay...I am going to try to go to sleep now. At least you will know why I am tired in the morning. Ugh.



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

So sorry I didn't get back today but I had to go get my windshield replaced and get my clean food. DH is loving the light out when he gets home because he/me can get more done:)

I was actually sitting here at the computer getting ready to write personals while listening to Justin Timberlake. I know call me crazy but that guy sure can make a girl feel sexy}( Anyway, DH came home and I was oblivious, woops:p Hey, it hasn't hurt him if you know what I mean}(}(

Needless to say I didn't get back. Tomorrow, I promise:D


Bring it!!!

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