Xers ~~~MONDAY~~~


Hope today is a great day for all so far!

Today I'm going to do some mix it up workout.. Whats new?;-)
Imax 3 Blasts Only
High Step Training Cardio & Upper
Imax 1 Blasts Only
About a 70 minute workout in all.
Next week is a recovery week so I'm going all out ! }(

Chuckled at your elaborate dinner notes then your...salad for me! You & I are angels if ya ask me! Not many women create 2 menus every single day! Would you like the Jab Kick Punch - The Method workout? I mentioned it yesterday but think it got lost in all my dribble! I was thinking you might like it as the setting/music seems similar to XFlowsion. Just let me know & I'll mail it this week. Only been previewed so its brand spanking new! On my "free meal" I usually feel awful if it involves sugar... High fat just upsets my tummy next day but I figure that good!:+ Gets rid of that junk FAST!

Debra X::
Hurry home! Cant wait to hear all about your trip on Tuesday!!!!

Sandra X::
CHA-CHING! Cant pass a sale!! You will be like a kid in a candy store soon! Gotta LOVE variety. LOL on my free meal & guilt! I decided years ago that guilt was a worthless emotion that just made me go into self loathing behavior. I changed my thinking to: If something makes me feel "badly" I ask myself what I can do differently to imptrove on the mess I made- most of the time theres an action I can take that helps me know I did the best I could to rectify and I let it go. I spent so many years feeling guilty for everyone & everything on the planet...food was no different. I eat so clean 41 meals a week that 1 meal is not an issue for me. Its just food I say! :7 How awesome the gains you are noticing each week by going back to the oldies but goodies! Thats a very cool part of taking time off of X... you get to actually compare your overall fitness! Hope dinner out was yummy!!! NO GUILT! ITS JUST FOOD!

So what are your plan today since you can officially file Tony away??? Are you sad? I am so proud to have you as a fellow Xer! Nice Job!!!

Caught everyone else yesterday - so happy morning to all the Xers!!!
Lorajc wrote this in HC Checkin yesterday......"If anyone hear is interested in Xflowsion, sign up at the website within the next week for a 35% discount when they come out in a week or 2."
Just FYI;-)
Good Monday morning,

Whew, the weekend went by way too fast. Had a fabulous day yesterday, first with the best bike ride, scenery and company, followed up with my sister's birthday BBQ and lots of family. There were 14 of us for the out of town ride and it was a FAST one for me. We did 50 miles at an average of 18.3 mph, with about 2,000' of climbing along the way. We have another ride next Sunday with about the same amount of mileage but more climbing. It can be a toughie as the wind sometimes will really blow thru that area.

Traci, hope you enjoyed the Pilates workout. Thanks so very much for the offer on the Jari Love. Mine already shipped per Amazon, but maybe someone else will want it. We didn't stop for coffee along the way, but I did have a Starbuck's nonfat chai latte before we left so got my fix anyways. I definitely didn't hold back at the BBQ dessert-wise. Enough to feed 10 people dessert I tell you. But that's in the past now. Easy for me to move on too. I've heard good things about the MTV Pilates and Yoga DVD's. Your workout today looks like a blast. Have a great time!

Tracy, I looked at the XFlowsion site and decided that's probably not for me right now. Maybe later, but it just wasn't my thing. Sorry, but I think I was put off by the guy with the tattoos and stuff. Sorry that it's still cold weather wise. DH and I are going to take the dogs out after work today so that'll be nice. Our weather has been perfect. Wish it would just HOLD right here. Cleaned the bathroom. That's a duty that doesn't get done enough in this household. I'm the world's worst. I swear.

Lea, what were you doing with the toilet? You are quite the handywoman. I'm terrible with power tools. Actually, I hate using them while in awkward positions. DH finally puts me out of my misery and just does the job himself. Perfect. Just what I wanted anyway. I do want to buy all of your new DIY shows when you get them produced. Do we get a preference for knowing you before you were discovered?

Steph, CONGRATS on finishing the X!!! Knew you would do it. Yep, that's what I noticed most was upper body definition and good abs. Legs not so good. We did have lots of family for sis's birthday. Loved every minute of it. My Dutch Oven desserts were definitely a hit with everyone.

Sandra, sorry your yoga wasn't too good. I think I had that one on Netflix to see, but will scratch and get some sleep instead. Alec Baldwin is good in Hunt for Red October. I think he's a bit heavier now. Hope your friends's party with the ham and hashbrown casserole was yummy. Just drink lots of water today. You'll be fine. I'm sure you weren't as bad as I was yesterday. I don't even want to tell anyone, so I won't.

Debra, glad you are having a good time, we'll want to hear all about it when you return.

Off to go make my lunch for work and do my workout. Something from Slim Series this morning.

Morning Xers,

This week and next week I'm going to try a rotation of Barry's Bootcamp. Today will be Arms & Abs plus the cardio.

Had a very busy weekend. :D Sorry to not be so chatty. Part of the problem is I don't let the DD's play with their SIMS, so on the weekends they are puttering around making there homes. :D So I have no access to the computer. Besides cleaning the house we did get to the bead store, and found some beads to jazz up my DH's new outfit for the Renn Faire. And yesterday I was getting ready for my DD's Birthday party with the family. Both my DD's have their B'days in March. Youngest's is today and oldest is next week. So I was a really bad person and had cake to go with the ice cream earlier in the week. :9

I did manage to get in a workout yesterday though. I did Criss-Cross Cardio with Sherri Jacquelyn. I'm still on the fence with this one. It was a good workout, but I have to get used to the faster pace she does with her punches. She shows one set slow and then you do them fast. And I mean fast. At the end she does some Capoeira martial arts exercises. This is for the lower body and reminded me of the chair exercises in KM. Except you don't use a chair. My legs really feel it this morning, so I'm not giving up on the workout. The workout itself you would learn a punching sequence and then some cardio, punching sequence plus first seq., then cardio. You would keep doing this, and then at the end combine all punching sequences FAST!!!. }(

BBL after reading from this weekend!

Just had to chime in here... got an email from xflowsion with a picture that looked, well, a little wild! I'm starting to think I'm too staid for that workout. BTW, what is Xers???
Morning, everyone! No, I'm not completely finished with the X. Have two more workouts to go to be officially, StephX. Today I have CardioX, but I usually do Plyometrics because I don't really feel like I get any benefit from CardioX. Then, tomorrow, another Yoga and then I'm DONE! Today's the first day of Spring Break for me, and the weather looks kind of yucky and cloudy. I wanted to go to the lumber yard and get supplies to make a large swing that hangs from the tree for the kids. I have no idea what I'm doing, but my daycare lady has one and she acted like it was no big deal.

SandraX - I'm thinking about getting Progressive Power Yoga by Mark Blanchard. On the OD, I saw that someone recommended him. Do you have this one?

TraciX - Wow, your workout looks like a lot of fun, but I would think it would leave me crumpled on the floor in a whimpering heap. I don't have IMAX 3, but I can barely get through the IMAX 1 blasts with the recovery and step portion in between. That sounds intense! Have fun today!

JeanetteX - I know, don't those weekends fly by? And sometimes the week goes so slow. Sounds like you had a lovely day with your bike ride and spending that time with your family. I'm looking forward to next weekend when we're going to watch my niece in the state gymnastics tournament and I'll get to see my sister-in-law who I don't get to see too often.

LaurieX - Sounds like you DID have a busy weekend! Hey, let us know what you think about Barry's Bootcamp. I'm considering it. I asked you some questions about it on one of the other days of check in and I can't remember what they were. Just give us the low down on it. I was kind of turned off by it because on the covers, there's all these supermodel chicks and the guys look like perfect mannequins, not regular people like Tony and Cathe crews. I know, I know, don't judge a workout by it's cover!

Hi to everyone who follows and I hope you have a great day! I'll BBL to let you know the status of the swing and to see what the others are up to!

I'm back.

Today was Mix It Up. These workouts are all real similar so I forget which one I did last. Need to go look at my notes. I also did my abs this morning with the workout as DH and I want to take the dogs out after work and spend time relaxing out in the desert (whoops, I typed dessert, had enough of that last night). I'd like to spin my legs out sometime, maybe tomorrow. Quite a bike ride yesterday.

Laurie, what is SIMS? Keep posting on Barry's Bootcamp workouts, they sound interesting. Cake with ice cream, well of course. You've got to celebrate your families wonderful days! I'm totally in agreement with that one, no depriving for me on those fun events. Is the Criss Cross workout fast like Taebo? I always found it kind of frantic, especially compared to KenpoX.

Steph, you are almost there! You'll be able to pack all that lumber from the lumber yard and really impress the guys I'm sure. I'd forgotten about that yoga. Lorajc says it's a pretty good one, if I remember right. I'll have to see if I can get it on Netflix. Have fun at the gymnastics tournament this weekend.

Delfin, Xers is what we call ourselves. We've all been thru a rotation using P90X. I too looked at the website for XFlowsion and thought they might not be a good fit for me. Turbo Jam is about as wild as I get right now, but who knows?

Steph, Barry's reminds me just a little of P90X in the fact that the weights are done like the X, going from one body part to another. The cardio is plyo, but with fewer breaks. It also includes a treadmill workout on 4 of the 5 DVD's. The fifth DVD is the full body workout. I previewed that one this weekend, and it looks tough. Nothing like Core Syn. It reminded me more of PlyoX with push-ups and ab work inserted into it. }( I will let you all know more about it as I proceed into the rotation. :) Edited to add: I forgot to mention that overall the people in the workouts are just your average people. Maybe one or two are nice to look at though. Some of the people even do their push-ups with bad form.

Jeanette, The SIMS is a computer program that you can build a house and have a family live in it. It is like a virtual reality program, but you are the one to make sure they clean-up after themselves, eat, sleep. And they have attachment programs with it, so they can have pets. My oldest DD accidently demolished her home, but wasn't too upset because she likes creating new ones. :D Criss-Cross cardio is a lot like TaeBo as far as the fast part is concerned. But at least she does punching combos, where Billy doesn't.

Thanks for the input on Barry's Bootcamp, Laurie. One more question, though: Is there a guide that shows you what workouts to do when, or are you on your own to just sort of decide what you want to do?


Blech. I feel like blech. Dinner was deeelicious, and I'm paying for it today. I couldn't sleep last night, so was unable to get up at 5am to workout, so I'll be doing it when DD naps. I'm all mixed up today.

TracyX - I checked out the XFlowsion website. The workouts look like a mosh pit LOL! I'm actually quite intrigued by it all. It has the glamour/cool factor in large amounts, but there needs to be a lot more details the actual workouts. I'm exactly like you about the house stuff AND about the home-deco Mother! I think that's why I feel so guilty about not caring a whit for it. I feel like I'm a bad daughter/inadequate mother kind of thing. Oh well, we are who we are. I'll learn from you and throw out any unopened boxes in only 2 years, instead of 10 :)

TraciX - No guilt, it's just food ?!? What language are you speaking? But seriously, I'm happy to hear that you are at "that place." Maybe you can reserve me a seat? Your workout today was amazing. Has your heart rate gone back to normal yet?

JeanetteX - I want to live your weekends. They sound so wonderful.

LaurieX - the Criss Cross cardio sounds quite different from any of the Cathe or Tony kickboxing. Would you say it's more intense, less intense?

Steph - enjoy PlyoX today! I really don't miss that one. Thanks for the reminder about that yoga dvd. I'd read about it, too, and made a mental note. I'm most interested in the Brian (Bryan?) Kest stuff, but have to figure out where I can buy it.

LeaX - where are you today? Having a good day, I hope, and not nursing an injury.

Monica and Debra - Hola! I hope you're both having a good day.

Time to go start getting ready for Cardio Fusion. Have a great day,
Hello again,

Steph, Here is a thread that was started in open discussion recently that had some rotations that people where either attempting or going to attemp.

The rotation that Barry suggest doing is

Rest or other cardio
Full Body

Sandra, Criss-Cross does not have the cardio like Cathe (Cathe makes the heart rate go much higher), but the punching drills are fun like what she does. But of course this is way different than Kenpo, because of the amount of cardio in this workout. I must say that my thighs, butt, abs and upper back are sore today. That is why I'm willing to give this one another chance. }(

Holy crap. Somebody check my pulse. Am I still alive? Well, I suppose I type, therefore I am. I had a tough time with CF today. I stubbornly refused to stop, but it was a tough workout from start to finish. I'm glad I'm done! That's a fun workout, btw. There's nothing predictable about it. You've got every level of cardio intensity and style, all thrown together for varying lengths of time. Maybe that's what makes it feel so hard. You're brain doesn't have a chance to adapt before you're on to something totally different. I wanted a high intensity cardio today, and I certainly got it!

TraciX! I'm worried that we haven't heard back from you yet! Do we need to call 911?

Hi all,

Sounds like everyone is doing well. I deviated from my planned rotation and did PUB with some modifications and extra push ups and pull ups. I felt pretty good and was tired by the end. I'm definitely quite a bit stronger than I was 4 months ago, and I didn't go as heavy as I could have because of my back. It almost makes me want to start another round of the x.

Traci - Wow, what a workout! I would like the dvd if you don't want it. I need a change of pace. I'm tired of everything that I have. I'm with you on the regret thing. I never go there. I am who I am, and at the time that I make a decision, it's the best I can do. I try to learn from my mistakes and take that positive away from seemingly difficult situations. Works for me, sounds like it works for you too. Life's just too short to get caught up in that kind of stuff.

Sandra - CF was tough today? I think that I've only done it once all of the way through. For years I never invited my parents over because my Mom always would make comments about the house. I'm over that now and just don't care.

Steph - Just a little bit left. Congratulations in advance.

Laurie - I can't wait to hear about your results with the Barry's.

Jeanette - Sounds like a wonderful day yesterday. Yeah, the Xflowsion stuff is a little on the edge, but I think that I read somewhere in a previous post that they are doing it at Brian Kest's studio. I'll try to check on that further.

Debra - I hope that you are having fun. I'm headed to Fl this weekend. I could use some warm weather.


Hi gang-
I am going to second Sandras Holy Crap today.... Little did I realize that HSTA cardio is a friggin' I max in & of itself! So here's what I ended up doing...
Imax 1 warm up + Blasts 7 HSTA Cardio & Upper Circuit Mix- TOASTED. I am having a PMS day to the max so my energy is virtually non-existent. That 55 minutes of Cathe has made me feel like I ran a marathon! May have to adjust tomorrows workout based on how I'm feeling.
happy to report that my eyebrows are finally shaped nicely and actually even now... I no longer have to talk to people w/ that head tilt! HOORAY!!!

Let me get to as many personals as I can before DH walks thru the door.....

Jeanette X: Sounds like you woke up raring to go today! I give you TONS of credit for sticking with that Slim Series day after day. Tonights walk sound so nice & what a whirl wind weekend of fun you had! I want yor social life!!!:7 Take care of those legs tonite!

Laurie X: Thanks for posting the barry rotation.... The more I hear your reports the better I feel about spending the $$. Of course they will have to wait til July since I restart X soon but I bet I'll sneak one or two in with my rotation at some point. No worries about not being around on weekends! I am pretty much out of town every weekend til after summer (except 4/21 when Jimmy Buffett is in Houston;-) ) We are actually talking about a 4 day-er at bay then end of month. At least without computer access I cant shop!}( Your workouts sound very challenging & a fabulous way to mix things up post X!

Sandra X: :+ on the CF! I wont even attempt that one as I still have a learning curve with the new DVD step segments. I bow to you for finishing the monster! Bet your endorphins were all over the place, just the way you like it;-) Sorry the sunday dinner left you feeling BLECHx( .. Didnt CF just sweat all that junk right out of you? My average HR for todays mish mosh was 178! I hit 196 as a max so I'd say I was sucking wind most of the day!:+

STEPH X ( in my book you are!!!! ;-) Happy Springbreak! What exciting plans do you have for yourself all week? making a swing is easy??? I watched DH make one a few years back & it took him a week of cussing and measuring! You go for it! I actually have found that Blasts only are easier on me than the entire workout... I take a 2 minute recovery and I get my HR lower than when I do thestep segment..usually I can go longer that way I think today was just ttom.

Tracy X: Hope your back is better today & that you are having a good one - whatever you are doing!:7

Lea X: :eek: WHERE ARE YOU:eek:

Debra X: Safe travels home...we missed ya! :7

Ok gang- I'm going feed this tired body a spinach & egg white omelet.
:7 Theres Tracy!!!!

Hey girl- shoot me your mailing address [email protected] and I'll get it sent out this week. We may as well recycle this stuff eh? I just get sick when I think of all the stuff that I just gave away to donation boxes because I never had friends interested in working out! I saw you mentioned you're going to Florida this weekend? How awesome! I hope you soak in the rays!!! Congrats on a great PUB today and feeling so strong...very smart holding back a bit until you feel like this back thing is under control.
have a great evening!:7
Hello.....Anyone there...{peeks around the corner}:eek:.

Sorry so late. I have this annoying head cold and I have been trying to get things done all day. Plus because of my cold, I could not sleep a wink last night. And I had to get DS to school an hour early today because they went on a field trip. So, to sum it up, head cold, no workout, son to school early, and trying to get laundry done along with the other housework. What a blast I am having today!!!! Woo hoo. Bet you gals wish you were me right now, don't ya? Come on, admit it:p .

Sounds like everyone is doing well, except for the few that are having a hard time with their workouts.

But just wanted to drop in and say hola. Gotta go since my sons are at it again. Until tomorrow....

Hi all,

Just got done hanging a shade in the family room. Looks better now. Have a tiny bit of touch up painting to do, but not now, I've got more important things to do. DH and I were going to take the dogs out tonite, but it was windy when I got off work and to tell you the truth, I just wanted to sit down. Very busy at work today and my bike rides on the weekends take more out of me than they used to.

Sandra, sorry you didn't feel well today. I really, really splurged, binged, you name it yesterday with the desserts, really, really, really badly, but oh well. No ill effects today and I slept well last night. Usually Sunday nights are tough for me. Hope you drank lots of water today to flush out the salties. I love hash brown casserole too. I've always felt like I was the bad daughter too (out of 4 girls and 1 boy in our family). I was always into the horses or outdoor activities and much preferred them to making curtains or sewing kids clothes or organizing my closets. I know my folks prefer to go over to my sister's house way more often and it makes me feel bad. In fact, had a bad episode on Saturday of the poor me's. Sunday was better and the party was good and all's pretty much okay. Baggage, I do carry some and try not to let it get me down. You gave me the idea, I'm doing Cardio Fusion tomorrow. A real thumper for you? Bet it will be for me too.

Tracy, way to go for still trying to push hard on your workouts. I feel like I'm the wimp here, doing Slim Series, but just looking to ease up for a while. I do admire your tenacity and drive. Hope the back is feeling fully recovered now. My mom doesn't make comments about my house too much, but I still feel I don't measure up to my other sister's domesticity. And you know what? I never will, nor do I aspire to. I think I just live differently than they would prefer. That's life and most of the time it doesn't bother me. But sometimes...

Traci, did I miss something about your eyebrows and head tilting? I was raring to go this morning, but wanting a nap this afternoon. Work was busy, busy, busy. Tomorrow is going to be even busier due to a once a month program for the inmates that I get involved in with my new job.

Lea, dang it, now a head cold? Girl, you just cannot get a break. But you are always so cheerful. How do you do it? I swear the older I get, the crankier. Hope you got all that laundry done today. I cam home from work and my DH had done the dishes for me, and there were a ton from the desserts I made. I was really pleased as he cleaned up the dutch ovens for me too. Hope you feel better soon. Have you ordered the T-shirts yet? Do you need me to send some money?

Got to get ready for bed soon,


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