Well...I survived GS legs...barely, though, since my knee is still really tweaky. I actually left off the last set of slow and low lunges since it was bothering me. I am headed into week three of Cathe's Feb rotation...just a little behind schedule. C'est la vie! I hope the retreaters don't mind if I look like a great big cow...because that is how I am feeling right now!!
You would not believe it, but it is actually snowing here right now. We are having some freaky weather! It is supposed to be 77 degrees here by Friday! Of course, it isn't sticking, but crazy none the less.
Sounds like you are going to have your hands full this week. Lots of clients and a poor sickly husband. Good luck with those teeth tomorrow. I am sure he is going to need lots of babying! I bet I did scare you this morning....someone up earlier than you! Graham crackers, hunh?? We have lots of those at our house! You'll be able to load up while you are here...lol. Hope ttom is treating you kindly this month, my love.
Sorry to hear that you SIL is having some issues...and that FIL is subjected to all of that too. I am sure that must be hard on everyone. Glad the afternoon went okay, though. I will try the benadryl next time....I think it is just a little anxiety, but if I can calm the itching down a bit it would certainly help. I was prepared for class today, which is more than I can say for most of the other students. I just signed up for 2 classes this summer today, too. Physics + a physics lab and a general psychology class. I am hoping psych class is easy since I am trying to bring up my original grade from my earlier college years. Hope your final goes well this week! Have fun with legs cardio and yoga...sounds like all of your favorites.
Legs for everyone today, I guess. Good luck on getting that bike ride in this evening. I got all my tax stuff to our accountant a couple of weeks ago. Ours are especially difficult since XDH is working internationally and we lived in 2 states last year. Ugh. It costs us a fortune every year just to find out how much we owe the government. DD wasn't sick...just suffering from not wanting to go back to school. I am sure the housework will still be there when you don't have so many fun things to do!
I bet you will be glad when you guys get done with the snow for the year!! I can't believe you had such a big snow drift waiting for you. I am sure your DDs were excited to sleep late this morning...I know I always am! I got to sleep a little later at my BFF's house since she gets up relatively early (well, compared to me!) and my DD spent time with her each morning and helped her walk her dog...which is a little dachshund.
Glad Sea World was fun...Have a great time with the in-laws!!
Glad you like the meez...yes, glasses, not bottles of wine...bottles of beer perhaps..lol!! I enjoyed 'Micheal Clayton', too....although, I don't usually have a problem watching George for an extended length of time. I thought that Tilda Swenton was fabulous, too. I just wanted to give the Traci/y's a shock by posting before them this morning! I am assuming that your DD is on Spring break this week, or was she just off for Easter Monday? do I remember reading over the past week that you had a bit of a cold?? Hope you are feeling better.
Nice to see you out and about in the spring!! Do you guys homeschool all year or do you take a summer break like public schools? I will be doing SH this week, too....I am alternating weeks with SH and GS for a while.
WooHoo!! The finish line is in sight!!!!
Hope your stuffiness is gone and you were able to head to yoga tonight. Yes, my mom still keeps up with all of my stuff...bless her little heart..sometimes she keeps up too much, if you know what I mean....LOL! Oh, yeah...my mom gave DD a good talking to....she has been a real snot since XDH left. His bad attitude seems to rub off on her while he is in the country. He is a carrier of bad Karma.
Glad to see you around in between coats of paint. At least no driving the boys this week...that must cut a couple hours off your day! We will definitely miss you at the retreat.
Gracious...I seem to be caught up...at least for now!I will see you guys in the morning. I don't have too much going on tomorrow...Hopefully I will get some sleep tonight!! I must go to the grocery store so that I can get some detergent so that I can wash the 20 loads of laundry I have to do!
To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn