Xers.....Just another Manic Monday...


Hi all!! I know you must think I am out of my gourd for being up at this hour, but I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep as I had a report to complete for my class today. I was going to work on it after class and just have it in by 5 pm, but I'm up, so I thought, 'What the heck...I might as well do it now!' Of course, I will be paying for this later today....

I am actually feeling sleepy again...so I am going to try to get a little shut eye before I have to wake up the diva in a couple of hours....I just wanted to give our normal early morning posters a big surprise to see me so early!!!

I will be back at a decent hour to catch up on some personals. I hope everyone has a great morning....and for those of us heading back to school and work...all I can say is ugh.

As far as my workouts are concerned...I have no idea what I am supposed to be doing today...LOL! I will have to check my calendar later to see what is on tap. I did a session with Eoin and a long walk on the beach while with my BFF, so I am sure I have some catching up to do.

back to check on you all later!!


To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

I CANT FIGURE IT OUT!!!!!!!! Help ladies!!!!

Well lookie who scared me this morning! "BOO" to you Debra[IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/eek/2.gif[/IMAGE]

Up early with AF cramps[IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/crying/8.gif[/IMAGE]...Pain meds should start kicking in any time now.

Glorious day- made in heaven! WooHoo!So much better than [IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/cleaning/2.gif[/IMAGE]! I was glad to hear you had no wind too...Seems like so much of the country is dealing with pesky winds...We have warmweather again but high winds all week. Made it tough to fish for DH. ~ Had to LOL about the reels! DH just told me that one of his fishing buds just bought a 450.00 reel![IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/fishing/2.gif[/IMAGE]...The joy of being 24, living at home, working a fantastic job & having no bills! I told DH that those days were long gone for him - unless we sell the house of course ;-) ~ Hope you find just the right drug to kick this cold OUTTA THE PARK!:*

Oh dear! I must say I was a teeny bit sad that DH listened to me & no bunnies! I did manage to eat every carb in both the bay house & the houston home tho! Who KNEW you could eat so many graham crackers!}( The week is over....come back to us Kim...Step away from the goodies! :+ [IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/notlistening/2.gif[/IMAGE]

Hoping all Xers and/or all "________"ers have a happy go lucky day... With any luck at all I wont have any cancellations this week! I have 2 clients today scheduled, 1 Tuesday, 2 Wed, 2 Sat.... That will keep me busy enough especially since I have Wendell all day Tuesday to tend to.

Hi all,

Just when you think you know what to expect, you get the unexpected. Our dear Debra is up in the wee hours of the AM! I'm sure there will be a nap later today!

Today is cardio and legs and some yoga.

Yesterday we went to FIL's for Easter. Dh's sister, who has been chronically depressed for years, has gotten worse in the last year. It was quite a sad experience. Whatever they have her on has taken away all her filters and any and everything was coming out of her mouth. FIL seems depressed and I don't see how he couldn't be living around her. OK, enough of the dysfunction. I really feel bad for her though. They have never been able to get the meds right. On the bright side, he was happy that we were there and it overall was a nice afternoon.

Debra - I hope you get that done! Nothing worse than having something hanging over your head. I have my final this week. I'm taking it a week early, so I had to scramble this past week to really get my stuff in order. We haven't had a test all semester, which isn't good for the studying.

Traci - Carb heaven huh? I've been reading more and more about carbs and weight training and I guess the key is eating just enough to fuel the muscle, at the right time, of the right quality, and not let it go on as fat. I'm trying to limit more of my carbs to after I workout. That's when they are supposedly used for replacing muscle glycogen and don't go on as easily as fat. See there is a time when carbs are OK. I hope you feel rejuvinated and refreshed after the trip to the bay.

Hi to all who follow,

Good Lord!! After I posted, I tried to get some more sleep...but just felt itchy all over...Do you guys ever get like that?? Anyhoo, I maybe got another 45 minutes of interrupted shut eye due to the fact that I kept thinking I needed to get up and get to class. Ugh. The report is done and printed (after a few problems with the printer...more ughs to go around). Having my second diet coke of the morning...since my first was at 3am. I would just go drop off my paper and come home and go back to bed....but i have a meeting with my advisor today...which I forgot about until my mother reminded me yesterday....She remembers more than I do!!!

The Diva is upstairs moaning....literally...I can hear grunts and moans coming from her bathroom. Not a happy camper on the first day back to school.

It will be later in the day when I get back due to the nap I am certainly in need of. Now she is moaning in the kitchen....and complaining of a tummy ache. A lovely morning here in the Schendell household!!


To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Debra - So much for a restful mini-vacation! When I get itchy like that I usually take 1/2 or 1 Benedyrl (sp?). I'm never sure if it's food or nerves, but the Benedryl works. I hope your day picks up. I guess you're not feeling like the meez.

Hi everyone,
Today was the standing work from Legs & Glutes, then the floor ankle weight work and then abs from KPC. If I feel up to it after work may do a bike ride. Have to get tax stuff ready tonite as I have an appointment after work tomorrow.

Debra, hope you can catch a nap. Yep, ugh, ugh, ugh about heading back to work today. I could use another couple days off, mostly to do housework as I played a lot this weekend and didn't vacuum, dust or anything, except laundry. LOL about your DD moaning upstairs but I do hope she's not sick.

Traci, the initials are the first letters of our names. Hope the cramp pain is subsiding now. Wow, $450 for a reel! That's a lot, but people would think I'm crazy for what I paid for my bike. Don't feel alone, I didn't have one bit of Easter candy either. Believe me, if it had been here, I would have indulged.

Tracy, so sad about your sister. Must be awful to live like that. Glad you had a nice visit with your FIL. He's hanging in there. Grandma has a 94th birthday in June. My sister from down south is hoping to travel up here for it.


Morning Xers,

Rotation: Cathe Feb08/Week 2/Day 6
Workout: GS Legs / CoreMax Seg #2 (done) / 2m Run (done)

We made it to my Mom's house and back again with no mishaps. Only casualty was my eating. :D We left around 8am on Friday, just as the snow was starting. I had to drive through snow for about half of the drive, only one time did the slushy stuff seem as if it was going to pull me into the ditch. But I had my Dad on my shoulder, telling me what to do. :D Drive down started out with snow, and I drove through weird snow showers all the way down. By weird I mean it was sunny and then we would hit a patch of snow. And then we would be in a the sun again. When we got home our driveway was full of snow, and there was no way to get the car in our garage. A 2 foot snowdrift in front of our garage door was the first thing tackled. :D At least it was sunny, but my back and shoulders are feeling it this morning. :D Good thing I am doing a leg workout.

Debra, I was so suprised to see you as the early morning poster. :D Glad you where able to get that report done. My DD's are on there first day of spring break, so I think they where happy they could sleep late this morning.

Traci, Hope those meds kick in for you soon. My brother brought those mini PB eggs. Dang!!! I don't even want to know how many of those I ate. x(

Tracy, Glad to hear that your FIL enjoyed Easter with you. Too bad about your SIL. My weekend was evil SIL free. :7 :7 Out of the seven of us, only my oldest brother and myself where at the parents house. So only four grandchildren for my Mom to spoil. :7 :7 My oldest sister and her family showed up just as we where leaving. So it was a very relaxing weekend for us.

Jeanette, Must be leg workouts for everyone today. :7 Dang you had to remind me about the taxes. x( Guess we need to get that stuff together too.


Good morning ladies. We had a BLAST at Sea World. I even sat up front with the kids and got splashed on. How fun is that? Yesterday we all went to my mom's house and ate and ate and ate. So I guess I will do some cardio today.

I hope that everyone had a great Easter. I will try to check in while the in-laws are in town, but it is kind of difficult since we seem to be going and going and going.

Have a great day.

Good morning!

I just finished Cardio Fusion.

Debra - At that time of the night, how did you decide whether or not to post at the end of yesterday's thread, or start today's? You were in that limbo time between days. I hope you make it through the day okay.

Traci - I see Jeanette filled you in on the initials. Painful cramps this month? I feel for you. Take it easy, and make sure your clients feel your pain, too.

Tracy - Oh dear, that's awful about the SIL. The SIL and FIL together must be a terrible combination. That carb-absorption window is anywhere from 15 mins to 1 hour, depending on who you read. But it is agreed upon as being a critical period for replenishing the muscles, especially for professional athletes who likely train 2x a day or more.

Laurie - What a crazy weekend you had, with all that weird snow. Hopefully this is the last dying gasp of winter for you. Has your March come in like a lamb? It sure sounds like it's going out like a lion!

Jeanette - Taxes. Ugh. Have fun with that. What a nice ride you had yesterday! Shorts! T-shirts!! Wonderful!! That bike "smilie" you posted last night was neat. Thanks!

Lea - Did you get kissed by the whales? Don't they do that to some of the kids in the front row? Oooh, the in-laws are in town. You have to be a good girl for a while, I see. No flirting with P90X cast members in Trader Joes!

We brought our friend's daughter home for a sleepover last night, and I promised DD#1 and Friend that I would make them pancakes after my workout, so I have to go make good on that now.

Oh, I finished watching "Michael Clayton" last night. Great movie!! Traci, did you get around to seeing it?

Hi Xers!

Happy Spring! I'm still alive and kickin' ;-) We're all now healthy :D :D :D and back to busy, lol. This week I'll be hitting the heavy weights again with S&H (except for the leg bit, I'll be subbing Butts & Guts for that) and adding in extra cardio to help burn off all the crud from this weekend. We went to MIL's house and it was filled with lots of junk. In addition to Easter candy, we also had a bday party for DD1 and SIL, so it was a junk food weekend, lol. Today will be 4DS HIS cardio and S&H Chest and Back. I'll be back later to get caught up, off to torture the kiddies with schoolwork!

Good Morning Ladies,

My head is stuffy. I may go to power heated yoga tonight if my head feels better. I'm going to start another recovery week today instead of finishing the recovery week. I'm going to take the time and decide if I want to continue with Phase 2 of the X or do circuits/cardio/total body weights. I also want to focus more on my eating this week. Decisions, decisions.

Off to open another window for personals.

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!
Great to see so many people posting today. I just finished my workout: B&B (last time), ARX (second last time) and a 35 minute interval run on the treadmill. Kim
Debra: The time away sure seemed to do you good! Sandra must be correct... you've seemed to shake those cobwebs outta your head. Your Meez girl is giving me headaches just watching her thrash and shake!:7 LOL at your mother being your personal assistant. I guess once a mother, always a mother! I can only imagine the talk she had with the Diva about her meltdown!

Traci: I'm with you! I have no idea what Crazy Talk Sandra has initialized!:7 LOL at reminding Wendell of the facts of life. That 24 year old will probably stay single as long as he continues to live at home! Wendell surely knows that you're worth more than a $450 reel! Sending you a pain-free visit with Auntie!!! My visit with her was BRUTAL!

Tracy: Oh, I feel so bad for your SIL and FIL. Clinical depression is such a difficult illness for everyone involved. I wonder if that's my problem come once a month. I seem to not have any filters either. }( I wish I could be more like you and combine workouts. Like Sandra, it feels like more work changing dvds and pushing play.

Jeanette: OMW! You are sooo SMART!!! There's no way we could name our check-in with our initials! I already forget someone during personals as it is! Good for you for staying away from the candy!!! I did have ONE, teeny weeny, individually wrapped recess peanut butter cup from dd's basket. Other than that, I didn't feel the need to eat any more. Probably due to the slice of delicious carrot cake!!!:9 I didn't know that your grandmom is around the same age as my grandfather who is 90. We had to find his id card to find out his age. He would tell us different ages (95, 92, 99, etc...).

Laurie: I thought of you when it snowed up in State College this weekend. Glad to hear it was a safe trip. I hope the skys got this snow out of its system. We have a retreat to attend! Looking back over your three rounds of the X, which one did you garner the most results in terms of inches lost? Was it the doubles or classic? Did you ever do a straight out classic rotation?

Lea: You do know that Killer whales don't have a private bathroom pool.}( Just checking.:+ ;)

Sandra: Did you check the girls' hair before they went to bed last night.:7 ;) Pancakes sound good. I think I'll make the girls some blueberry protein pancakes for lunch. Knowing them, they'll want ham sandwiches.

Carol: So nice to see you take a break from torturing the children.;) I'm going to try to clean up my clean eating this week. I'm tired of working hard and not being able to see any results through the blubber too!

Okay, I'm off to make some protein pancakes. I'll be back later to catch up with weekend personals. Hi to all who follows.

Ballistic Hugs!!!

Hope everyone’s Easter was good, mines was very relaxing……………:D

Tracie: I ended up doing Powermax Saturday and I loved it, really. Pmax reminded me of the good ole stepping days.

It wasn’t hard too follow at all and it was good change of pace for me and most of all it was fun……… Thank you very much.
Hi all,

Today is going to be some legs and maybe some cardio and some yoga. I love choices!

Glad to see a few more people around today. It was very quiet over the weekend.

Thanks to everyone who commented about SIL. It was very unnerving to all of us, and I guess she really came unglued after we left. It really must be like living in He&&.

Debra - I hope you are calming down after your crazy morning.

Jeanette - Sorry your meal wasn't so good on Friday. We have a running joke about some of my meals. DH said one time it was "Not my best," so now the kids joke about that all the time.

Sandra - There's lots of research out there that says carb intake is also important after the first hour. Are you feeling better?

Lea - Glad you had a nice time at Sea World.

Wendy - PMS takes away your filter? When I eat some citric acid or chemicals mine seems to disappear too. That's why I really avoid that stuff.

Off to workout. It was so hard to get back into the swing of work today.

Hi again,

Laurie - You came back to snow again? I think I would be depressed. Glad you had a nice weekend with the family. It is always interesting when we do something with DH's side of the family.

Kim - The last time for B&B! Doesn't it feel great?

TG- You did Power Max? I used to love that one, but now it has too much repetition. Do you like MIC? Glad you are stopping by.

Off again.

I just realized I posted this on the Sunday thread. Just goes to show you where my head is:p


Ok, where is everyone getting the emotion icons? They are too cute I love the painting one the most as it is so me right now:p

I will be painting once again today, much to my dismayx( We are having the house appraised for a refinance. We have never done one so it's about time.

Yes, the boys are on Spring Break this week No driving:D

I hope to pop in later when I get a break between coats.

Retreat is getting close girls and I'm getting more and more jealous. Granted I am glad to be going to see my sister I just wish somehow I could have done both.

See you all in a bit,


Feel the burn!!!

Feel the burn!!!
Well...I survived GS legs...barely, though, since my knee is still really tweaky. I actually left off the last set of slow and low lunges since it was bothering me. I am headed into week three of Cathe's Feb rotation...just a little behind schedule. C'est la vie! I hope the retreaters don't mind if I look like a great big cow...because that is how I am feeling right now!!

You would not believe it, but it is actually snowing here right now. We are having some freaky weather! It is supposed to be 77 degrees here by Friday! Of course, it isn't sticking, but crazy none the less.


Sounds like you are going to have your hands full this week. Lots of clients and a poor sickly husband. Good luck with those teeth tomorrow. I am sure he is going to need lots of babying! I bet I did scare you this morning....someone up earlier than you! Graham crackers, hunh?? We have lots of those at our house! You'll be able to load up while you are here...lol. Hope ttom is treating you kindly this month, my love.

Sorry to hear that you SIL is having some issues...and that FIL is subjected to all of that too. I am sure that must be hard on everyone. Glad the afternoon went okay, though. I will try the benadryl next time....I think it is just a little anxiety, but if I can calm the itching down a bit it would certainly help. I was prepared for class today, which is more than I can say for most of the other students. I just signed up for 2 classes this summer today, too. Physics + a physics lab and a general psychology class. I am hoping psych class is easy since I am trying to bring up my original grade from my earlier college years. Hope your final goes well this week! Have fun with legs cardio and yoga...sounds like all of your favorites.

Legs for everyone today, I guess. Good luck on getting that bike ride in this evening. I got all my tax stuff to our accountant a couple of weeks ago. Ours are especially difficult since XDH is working internationally and we lived in 2 states last year. Ugh. It costs us a fortune every year just to find out how much we owe the government. DD wasn't sick...just suffering from not wanting to go back to school. I am sure the housework will still be there when you don't have so many fun things to do!

I bet you will be glad when you guys get done with the snow for the year!! I can't believe you had such a big snow drift waiting for you. I am sure your DDs were excited to sleep late this morning...I know I always am! I got to sleep a little later at my BFF's house since she gets up relatively early (well, compared to me!) and my DD spent time with her each morning and helped her walk her dog...which is a little dachshund.

Glad Sea World was fun...Have a great time with the in-laws!!

Glad you like the meez...yes, glasses, not bottles of wine...bottles of beer perhaps..lol!! I enjoyed 'Micheal Clayton', too....although, I don't usually have a problem watching George for an extended length of time. I thought that Tilda Swenton was fabulous, too. I just wanted to give the Traci/y's a shock by posting before them this morning! I am assuming that your DD is on Spring break this week, or was she just off for Easter Monday? do I remember reading over the past week that you had a bit of a cold?? Hope you are feeling better.

Nice to see you out and about in the spring!! Do you guys homeschool all year or do you take a summer break like public schools? I will be doing SH this week, too....I am alternating weeks with SH and GS for a while.

WooHoo!! The finish line is in sight!!!!

Hope your stuffiness is gone and you were able to head to yoga tonight. Yes, my mom still keeps up with all of my stuff...bless her little heart..sometimes she keeps up too much, if you know what I mean....LOL! Oh, yeah...my mom gave DD a good talking to....she has been a real snot since XDH left. His bad attitude seems to rub off on her while he is in the country. He is a carrier of bad Karma.

Glad to see you around in between coats of paint. At least no driving the boys this week...that must cut a couple hours off your day! We will definitely miss you at the retreat.

Gracious...I seem to be caught up...at least for now!I will see you guys in the morning. I don't have too much going on tomorrow...Hopefully I will get some sleep tonight!! I must go to the grocery store so that I can get some detergent so that I can wash the 20 loads of laundry I have to do!



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Hi ladies,
Got a nice walk in today, though it was windy while walking. I had plenty to do, just thought to myself how good I feel once I get out and stretch my legs. Was glad I took the time. Came home from work, ate dinner, then decided that I could deal with some wind while on the bike. You know the saying, "the wind is your friend". Well had a headwind for 1/2 of the ride but once I turned the corner, hello tailwind. Was going almost 30 mph on the flat. Glad I got the ride in and it really worked my legs. Didn't do the climbing as descending with gusty winds is not fun. Will try that later on this week, if the weather cooperates.

Laurie, what a drive for you! I hate slush as it pulls you all over the road. Hope you have no more snow!!! GS Legs is a good one too. Think my favorite one is Butts and Guts. How's DH's sewing going? That rhymes. When does volleyball start? Do you play sand volleyball, and in your bikini like I see on TV? I got that tax info put together tonite. Wasn't too bad. Appointment right after work tomorrow.

Lea, glad you had a great time at Sea World. I've never been there before. Heck, I hardly get out of our little county.

Sandra, so you did Cardio Fusion. I pulled mine out and did part of it on Saturday. Good workout and I like that it's not repetitive. She jumps right in with the moves. I'm looking forward to increasing my cardio capacity again. I did pretty well on the bike yesterday and kept up with 2 of the fellas on the hill climb. Mucous was less today. How were the pancakes? I have fond memories of pancakes for dinner on Friday nights, especially during Lent (was raised Catholic). Usually a pancake dinner included beans and eggs. All that mixed together with syrup on top. You can tell I'm not one of those picky eaters.

Carol, glad to see you back. You are busy as usual.

Wendy, sorry you are still stuffed up. I tell you, this cold seems to take forever to shake. I'm going to continue on with the 2X a week leg workouts as I think they are helping my cycling, I really do! LOL about Grandpa telling you different ages. Does he repeat himself? Grandma does. The other night she told us 3 times how she remembered when gasoline was 10 cents a gallon. Oh well, she does darned good for 93. I asked her to knit me a gray scarf to go with my red coat. She's knit me 3 of them already. They have lots of dropped stitches and are uneven, but they were made by her so I cherish them. Believe me, if there had been PB eggs around, I would have been into them.

Kim, B&B for the last time? Woohoo!!! Have any runs planned this week? Hope the weekend weather is good and allows you to get in a long run with friends. Something about suffering together I like.

Latrese, glad you had a nice Easter. I don't have Powermax. I have the Classics and hardly ever do them at all.

Tracy, I know it's tough getting back into the swing of work again. Looking forward to some time off next week for the retreat! Have to work extra hard to prepare for the time I'll be away. Seemed like everyone was working legs today. Mine were a little toasty tonite from the bike ride yesterday and Legs & Glutes this morning. Hit them good.

Nicole, sure wish you could have come on the retreat, but understand your decision. Bet your house is looking sparkly now. I've done a couple refinances. Went from 10 3/4% back in 1987 down to 8 3/4% and then to 5.62 about 8 years ago. Finally got the house paid off this last year. Nice not to have that payment. Nice you won't have to drive this week.

Debra, take care of that knee. Every once in a while I get a slight pain that comes from deep inside, but doesn't last at all, thank goodness. Those taxes don't sound like fun either. We have to pay BIG time as we drew out some life insurance whole life and paid off our house last year. I've kept that in the savings account but will be parting with it soon, but not much before April 15th. Don't want to give it to them too soon. Bet you enjoy the Psych class. Wow, sounds like a tougher semester coming up for you. Glad DD wasn't sick today. Must be hard for her to get back in the swing of things too. I can sure relate.

Traci, sending good vibes out for Wendell's surgery tomorrow. Hope he comes thru just fine. Know you will take good care of him.

Where is Christiane? Was she going somewhere again?

Night, night.


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