Just finished dinner and mopping the floor. Then onto a game of Shapes Up with DD and DH. DD won! Thank goodness, we usually play another round to see if she can get in a win.;-)
Back to catch-up+++++
Debra^^^^^^^^ :7 Shiva has that effect on me - I start and I can't seem to stop, before I know it an hour or more is gone. Someday I will try Eion and see what the heck I'm missing.
Traci<<<<<<<< Looking forward to hear your Shiva review .

Good question to Cathe and enjoyed her interesting reply.
Amy>>>>>>>>>>> Glad you had a refreshing sleep. Kitties in the house would be fun. Unfortunately I'm allergic.x(
Sandra******jump and pump class sounds super! Wowzer on getting step routines down.:7 Been a while since I shopped ON. But recall having difficult getting their pants over my hips on some styles.

Imax 3 toe tappers!:+
Wendy++++++++++Absolutely loved the tree pic. Thanks for sharing.

I haven't been to MCD's in over ????? I don't know, I never go there. Don't know what I would order. On our bi-annual trips to Wendy's, I get to the counter and stare at the menu for minutes. The clerks think I'm nuts, while I consider the healthiest? choice. I love frosties and opt for a chicken sandwich of sorts.}( Dreaded day 3 will be over soon. Hang in there! x(
Lea@@@@@@@@@@@@ Yahoo, to have a healthy family once again. Isn't it great. You will probably be feeling up to a good workout tomorrow.:7
Long ago was your avatar showing you standing in your kitchen with one of your boys in your arms? I had a flash of that in my mind today. Would have been March or April, when I first entered Xer land. If not - must have been someone else.
Nicole>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for stopping in to say hi!:7 2 more days till DH comes home:7 Yippee.
Laurie(((((((((The pot pie was excellent BTW. I used meat from a stewed chicken and topped it with a mixture of ww flour and mashed potato flakes and parmesan . I concocted my own fresh veggies . Delish! Cooking is my way of creating and relaxing.

Eating is the exciting and fun part. Enjoy your Vets day off. I'll be working.
Netta)))))))))))) Sharing your love for oat bran cereal.:7 I like walnuts and applesauce mixed in. Hope you get out for a ride this weekend.

Best to you on the job and pay increase. Keep pushing for it!}(
All for now. DD's coughing has quieted and I'm off to relax a bit before bedtime.:7