Xers ...~~Fabulous FRIDAY~~~~~


Happy Friday Gang!
Another bay weekend for us so it will be a short one this morning so I can get workout done and start packing up...

Today is KPC Premix 2: Kicking & Punching Drills + NYBP Lower.. Total workout time 61 minutes.

Body really tired from this weeks workouts..... I think its the afternoon ones kicking in. That recovery week is still 10 days away ... I better put my game face on!

back in a bit with late day personals from Thursday!
Morning Xers,

Today will be Push Pull and that is it. My KPC DVD was acting up on the Premix #5. Hope it is just dirty! I enjoyed that premix. I always dread the drill #3, and this one doesn't have that in there.:D

Traci, Have fun at the bay! We are acturally suppose to get up into the 40's for this weekend.

Tracy, Yes I bought the whole Barry's Bootcamp series. I have only tried the Legs & Butt weights/treadmill. The cardio in this seems pretty intense, and will be trying them in the next couple of weeks. The full body workout, I have heard, is similar to CoreSyn. I may preview that one this weekend, just to see.

Lea, Enjoy the painting. It is always nice to make changes in our houses. We started out with everthing beige. I am slowly trying to change the DH into some other colors. :D

Have a great day!

Good morning,

Today's workout was Slim Series Firm It Up, including the abs. I was going to do abs tonite, but had time this morning so got them in. Will also help DH on his workout. He caused his back to get sore doing Bowflex crunches. He didn't listen to me and insisted on upping the weights to do the crunches. What I saw was that he was arching his back to get the crunch, bad form, sore back. I prefer that he not use the Bowflex for his abwork but he doesn't always listen. Anyways, I think he finally learned his lesson. We'll just do some arm work tonite.

Traci, so you will be gone again this weekend. Hope you have a very relaxing time there and stay away from the powdered donuts! Are you taking your bike or using it as a prop? }( How long does it take to get to the bay? My DH will be working all weekend but he has Monday off while I'm at work. I like having a day off to myself and I believe he does too. Hve fun with KPC today and NYBP.

Laurie, keep us posted on Barry's Bootcamp. I hear the cardio is pretty intense. Our house also was all beige, but now the main rooms are pale sage and white. Still have some beige remaining to some day get rid of.

Hi to everyone,

Hi gals...just popping in before I take DD to school. Sounds like you are all busy already.

Traci...Have a great time at the bay!!! And have fun with KPC...I will be doing that one later this week.

Laurie...I don't think I've done push/pull...I have it..maybe I've done it once? Hope you have fun with it.

Jeanette...I don't have any of the Slim Series...what are they like? Why is it that DHs seem to think they know better about everything? I hope his back is not seriously hurt...just enough to let him know that he should listen to your voice of reason!

Okay..gotta run...DD finally finshed with breakfast. Will bbl to check with you guys. I am planning yoga today..but we'll see how the wrist is.


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
Morning girls. Happy Friday!!! Not a lot time this morning to do personals, but maybe I will take a little break later and do them.

This am I did Coremax #2, 1 round of biceps from GS Back, shoulders and biceps, Biceps from Back and biceps and then ARX. I don't know what got into me. Must have been the chicken I ate last night.

Traci X - Have a fabulous time at the bay. Sounds like your workout is tough today. Kick some booty!!!

Laurie X - I am actually enjoying the painting. And am looking forward to the many rooms that I have left. What colors are you trying to change your house into?

Debra X - Let us know what the doc says. Hopefully you are all right and are able to do yoga. Crossing my fingers for you.

Jeanette X - Woo hoo for getting those abs done. Now you and DH can watch a full movie tonight. Sorry to hear about your eye appointment. That is always disappointing. BTW, thanks for the compliment..Yeah, gotta watch out for the dried fruit. I love them, but the sugar content.

Sandra X - I hope that you had a fabulous day yesterday and that life was grand for you.

Tracy X - Thanks for all the info on the critters. Sounds fun. And thanks for the sunscreen warning. It's funny how indistructable(sp?) we think we are when we are young eh? I am definitely smarter now and will do the sunscreen.

Steph and Monica hi!!! Hope all is well.

Ok, so I had a little time to do some personals. TTyl,
Hi all,

I forgot to set my alarm last night, so I got up late. Luckily the traffic wasn’t too bad and I made it to work on time. I have the running intervals today and hope to cover 4-5 miles, probably more like 4. One of the girls in Oxegen magazine uses sprints as a way to shape her glutes, so I’m adding it in. I’ve been fighting the ttom sugar and salt cravings; that’s no fun.

Traci – I have had KPC for years and never done any of the premixes. I hear they are really good. All this talk about pilates and maybe I should pull out my old tape. I didn’t like it years ago. Are you working out twice a day? I can only do that a couple of times a week and then I just get sick of it. Enjoy the bay.

Jeanette – Sorry about having to go back to the eye dr. I have bad astigmatism and wear gas permeable contacts. I’ll be interested to see if mine has improved next time I go in for a visit. I hate having my eyes dialated, but I understand with astigmatism that you are more likely to get a detached retina which is no fun. I loved your comment about the things that improved that no one will notice. My DH won’t listen to anything I say about fitness. He is still living with moves and activities they did 20 years ago.

Lea – You love to paint? I don’t mind painting, but hate the clean up. The new avatar is so cute. Maybe if I can get a picture, I’ll add one on soon. I hate to ask you, but can you add the link to the shirts again? I haven’t had a chance to go back and find it and I’m sure that I am the one holding the order up. Your biceps must be fried from all of that bicep work, you go girl. Maybe I need to eat some chicken. I’m going to do CM #3 today or tomorrow. I’ve found that if I increase the number of reps I get better results, that’s today anyways.

Debra - I would love to have the CTX dvd. Would you like for me to pay you for it? I’ve been going back and forth about ordering the old stuff that I have on tape. It’s just so expensive. I think that I will try to get a few though, whenever we get some money. I hope you can do some yoga today. You could skip the vinyasas. I don’t have Slim Series either, but my legs are slim enough. I’d prefer to bulk them up a little bit.

Laurie – Have fun with push/pull. There are some days when you just need a shorter workout. I used to have an all beige house too, and have to really be actively aware to not pick boring colors again. Beige does have its place, but I think you have to be design savvy to make it work, and that I am not. We now have bold colors except in our bathroom. It needs to be painted.

Good morning,

How are you all today?

TraciX off to the Bay again, huh? What are your workout plans while you're there? You're working so very hard these days. I hope you feel good about it, and aren't overtraining? We're all still waiting to hear about the results of the Great Diet Experiment! Where do you go from here? Are your hormonal fluctuations under better control? Do you feel like your "normal" self more often than your possessed self?

LeaX, what a painting machine you are! And your new avatar is wonderful. Your face and your butt look nothing alike, except they're both cute! However, if you don't put sunscreen on your face, the butt will end up looking better ;)

TracyX, I'm impressed that you're still "building up" your running for the season. That plyo-run you did the other day is very advanced! And it's always wonderful to get compliments like the one you got! Wow! You mean, it took them this long to notice that you work out?? You're wearing too many clothes to work ;) TBS = Total Body Stretching. Cathe put it out with the beginner/intermediate Low Impact Step/Total Body Sculpting dvd.

JeanetteX, that's very frustrating to have to spend more time at the eye doctor's. But great news on the stigmatism disappearing. Your comments were so funny. A couple of years ago I gained an inch in height. I attribute it to better posture from getting in shape. And now the BMI charts allow me to be 5 lbs heavier :)

DebraX, how are you feeling today? You've gone quite a long time without a rest day, so it was well-deserved! I'm looking forward to hearing what the doctor has to say today.

LaurieX - I love Push/Pull. If you ever want to uber-it-up one day, do SJP, as produced, then do Push/Pull. There is almost no overlap in the weight work, and you hit each body part a few times, so it feels like you actually make a difference. It's a long workout, but fun, and the time flies by.

Lest you all think I'm ready for the nut house, I have to clarify that I do not look forward to, nor particularly even like, MIC! What I love is the feeling of accomplishment I get afterwards. I agree with Jeanette that the music gets rather frantic during the hi/lo. It's at that point that I make an extra effort to stay relaxed in the upper body, regulate my breathing, and calmly control my limbs. Otherwise, I start edging towards hyperventilation! The blast at the end of the step portion is actually one of my favourite Cathe segments. I just really enjoy it for some reason. I'm trying to keep my cardios down to 3 a week, but intense.

Today is my rest/yoga day. I'm going to use Shiva's matrix and do a 60 minute-ish workout that gets the blood moving and the muscles stretched out. I forgot to set my alarm last night, and was also up in the middle of the night catching the hamster who'd escaped the night before, so I didn't get out of bed in time to workout this morning.

Have a great day!
Just hopping back on for a minute...

Can't go to my Dr's appt since I lost my insurance card and DH was supposed to scan his and email it to me...and guess what? He forgot. It is a holiday in Russia and none of the internet cafes were open...so I had to put off the appt until he is back in the country on March 21...Maybe my wrist will be healed by then!

Lea...I'm pretty sure I told you...but 1 med shirt for me and 1 small for DD...I may be losing my mind...that tends to happen!

Tracy...Just PM me your address and I will get CTX out to you...and no, don't pay me...I didn't pay for it myself since it was sent to me in error. I actually couldn't believe how great Cathe's customer service was...I offered to send it back to them..but they said to keep it!

Sandra...Just read to the bottom of your post...And I am sitting here imagining you chasing a hamster around the house...thanks for the chuckle!

Okay...will bbl for more personals...Gotta push play on that DVD..I am going to try Bryan Kest and modify the vinyasas. Already had a nice walk with the dog...The temperature here is in the low 50's today. WooHoo! It makes me want to run out and put on a bathing suit!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
Hi gang- Getting ready to head out for weekend… its almost 85 today! WooHoo!!!!
Told DH no matter what I promised to do to him DO NOT GET ME JUNK FOOD at the bay!
Got KPC Kick/Punch Drills Done + NYBP Lower…
Taking my bands to bay and doing Tear It Up Circuit (Slim Series) Sat & Amy Bento Kick/Punch Combos on Sun + Pilates

So sorry about Dr delay… Is your wrist any better at all? Hope Bryan was yummy… I mean a good workout! Hold off on that bathing suit girl.. LOL 50 is NOT WARM!

Lea X
I do believe you are the bionic woman! You already have arms of steel.. What are you going for here… Do you plan on finding Tony and showing off a bit when you get that tank?

Sandra X
Happy to see you chattier today! I was wondering if yesterday ttom had gotten the best of you. Thanks for overtraining inquiry. Honestly my workouts mostly under an hour and without the heavy weights I feel really strong every day. The slim series circuits are tough when I ‘m doing them but you only use 3-8#’ers so there’s little “lasting” fatigue.
No results on great diet experiment… Ya just do it to clean out then see what foods you are sensitive to… I already knew - & now have confirmed that all grain products create congestion and lethargy for a few hours. Sugar= headache!!! (& ugliness!) Hormones are really amazingly level most days – I go back to Doc next Tuesday for eval. How are those edits coming along? How much more is there to do before I call you MasterSandraX ? Hope Yoga was great for you!!!! ROFL reading about hamster… ours always hid up in the dishwasher and many times we had to call out a guy for professional de-installation! LOL

Laurie X
Enjoy PP! I’ve had it for ages and never done it! Isn’t that terrible? Enjoy your “warm” weather this weekend!

Jeanette X
How are you enjoying the Slim Series? Enough variety for you?? Ouch on DH back.. some of us just gotta learn the hard way. LOL on bike – DH actually has a bike at bay if I want to ride but honestly the mosquitoes are horrendous this time of year so I doubt I’ll be going out much. I just so dislike putting that OFF on – its so toxic and I feel like I’m putting poison in my pores. We are 1hr45min from Houston front door to bay front door! I sleep in the car most of time. Have a FABULOUS well deserved weekend!

Tracy X
I just love hearing about your workouts! I always SAY I’m gonna do that magazine stuff but never quite do it that way….What old Pilates do you have? I used to only have Windsor and found it terribly dull but my newer stuff is really good. I think its just an instructor thing + pace. I’m doing 2x a day a few days a week – I’ll be doing doubles when I start the X in April so I wasn’t to get my body acclimated to it as much as possible. I’m hoping I won’t be so dang fatigued the next round – this time I’m eating better, my hormones are level and I’m finally sleeping thru most nights so I’m betting that helps my stamina. Hope you have a fabulous weekend!

Hello to Stephanie! Have a great weekend.

Spring those clocks forward ladies – be safe- have fun – I’ll see ya all Sunday night or Monday morning!
Hi all,

The interval run was nice. Since I don't have CC or the like, I have to do my own intervals. Sometimes I count steps, other times I gauge by the frequency of my breathing. I didn't ever jog today, so I was either running at a pretty good pace, or walking. No more jogging for me for a while; that just makes for mushy muscles. Then I did A Daily Dose of Bliss and that felt good.

Traci - I hope the bay is nice. Sorry that the diet didn't yield more conclusive results. I just did an elimination diet to figure out my food triggers. I hope the hormones stay level. At least you are sleeping, that's good.

Sandra - That hamster would have been out all night if it had been up to me to catch him. I bet that was a pretty funny sight. You must be busy lately. I hope that you find a little time for yourself.

Steph - Check in when you can. I know you must be busy with school, kids, work, etc.

Hi to everyone else. I think I caught most of you earlier today.

Lea - Are you doing the 3:30 am thing tomorrow to start us off?

Hi ladies...I had a wonderful workout with Bryan today. Except I could really tell that I hadn't done yoga for a couple of weeks. I have subbed for a couple of weeks because of my wrist...and boy my legs were SCREAMING today....but in a good way of course! I did a few of the vinyasas at the start but the my wrist yelled at me to stop...so then instead of a full plank, I did them on my knees and instead of up dogs, I did cobra...I was usually able to still do down dog until the end..and just did child's pose then when my wirst was completely worn out. I noticed how much less limber I was, too. Now that I have some sub moves, I promise I will continue to do yoga once a week. It really does make a difference. Tomorrow I am planning on working back, chest, legs and abs. I will use the combo of CTX and MM plus some kind of abs...Maybe Kari Anderson's Curl since I haven't done that in a while. It really depends on my time since DD has a birthday party to go to tomorrow and I still have a little prep work for her party on Sunday...

Okay...off to watch my Netflix movie of the night...I think I got everyone earlier today with personals...Thanks ladies, as usual, for the chuckles and the motivation!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams

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