Morning Xers,
Round 3/Phase 3/Week 10/Day 1
Workout: Chest Shoulders & Triceps (done) / Ab workout later today and Kimberly Spreen's Box 'n Flow
The snow has stopped for now!

We had about a foot of snow, and because of the blowing DH had to blow out the driveway twice. x( Church cancelled service last night, so I didn't have to venture out. We decided to watch a movie (Pirates At Worlds End), and had some munchies (popcorn). It was a nice relaxing evening, and my headache went away as soon as I went out to help DH with the driveway. So I did get a little cardio and back work in yesterday.
I have never done a Firm workout, but has anyone seen the new one that they are putting out. It looks like it might be a sub for Core Syn. of course I always hate the fact that they have to have gadgets for their workouts. x( I don't know why this one makes me interested. I have never liked what I have seen from the Firm before.
Wendy, I had to LOL at your blog, you have a way with words.

I will like any coffee we get also. It is a have to have for me in the morning, just to get going.

It sure was funny watching our dog try to manuver the snow banks. Since the banks where higher than her head.

Yes I do believe that running up and down stairs counts as cardio.
Debra, Nope paying bills does not sound like fun. x( Have a great time with CBL at breakfast this morning. Hope your DD has a great time at the circus. Guess where I am going on Friday night! If you guessed High School Musical on Ice then you get a gold star for the day! x( I have heard this show on our TV so often, that it just kills me that I know some of these songs.
Sandra (Cathe Cat), What a wonderful thing to do for your neighbors. I should be so thoughtful. :7 :7 I just never think of things like that. ;-) I did make DH feel guilty about not putting the dog out. So last night after the snow had ended, he had to go out and help a friend get his van out of his driveway. DH did let the dog out. :7 :7
Traci, Dang, does George have a brother. :7 :7 :7 You just can't go missing for no reason. What you wanted to sleep well this morning! :7 It was a slower ride into work this morning than yesterday! :7 :7 All the bad drivers where back on the road. :7 :7 Our company did say that we could work remote from home, and LOTS of office people took advantage of that. Of course I don't have that feature, so I came in to work. I'm glad I left work at the time I did, because we had blizzard conditions when I did finally get home.
TG, Glad you and Ted could work things out. You are really working your chest & back today! So you are back to adding on MIC to your workout. I remember it being a fav of yours.
Jeanette, Those Leg Conditioning Drills are good for that area.

DD's vacuumed the family room, and emptied the dishwasher. So what I had on the list did get done. We probably won't start seeing spring until some time in March. But we do get snowstorms in March and April too.
Tracy, You got that lawyer good, sounds like he was just trying to be contrary!

Glad your DS is seeing results from the P90X rotation. These workouts really fit men the best, at least I think that. But I do like the way they work my upper body too.
Lea, I like the word yoganess. I'm guessing that your soreness is because your chiro did a good job on that back?
Just received a phone call from one of my suppliers. He is an inside sales guy that I talk to often. He had a stroke at Christmas, and I'm guessing he was a little bored at home. But said if I wasn't getting my problems solved because of him being away to just send him an e-mail. The guy doesn't have use of his right hand, or leg but still wants to keep busy.
Have a great day!