X'ers 12/21 Thursday


Happy Day X'ers.... Are we all feeling the hustle bustle of holiday season yet?

CLASSIC/Phase 2 / Week 3 / 3 workouts to recovery!!!!!!!
Yoga on tap today- I'll be doing Bryan Kest Power Yoga + adding in a cardio (30min).

FYI: Looking at calendar and thinking I'll put Rest day onto Christmas Day and do the Core Syn on Xmas Eve. Chances are far greater I'll stick to w/o if I flip flop those 2 days.....

Off to check yesterdays personals.... Happy Day if I miss anyone!
Sandra: {{{{{{{{{{{{THANK YOU SO MUCH!}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Do you think DD feels all the holiday excitement in the air and is needing soothing?

JEANETTE: Great job w/ the Masons! No worries about chat time here... I think I may be the only one even available to write over the weekend! We have no kids so its no hustle bustle the final days of holidays. My family is in CA & we already celebrated w/ my in-laws.. We just go see MIL on Xmas day but thats because its her birthday and I always make her a cake and make a big to do about it. Being a Christmas baby is difficult even as an adult.

DEBRA: Glad you got advice on recovery week from Buffy... My first one was Thanksgiving week + we were out of town..... Took me 3 weeks to finally have scale drop below that little fiasco called recovery! LOL. I did 1 Kenpo and 1 day of a Cathe Marathon cardio so I never got the benefit of all the AB focus Tony gives us... This time around I am doing recovery week EXACTLY as outline... I'm afraid too much cardio will "burn the muscle" I am killing myself to achieve.

STEPHANIE: How was ARX? Hoping you were able to Bring It! Hope today is a great day for you !

DB: Thanks for sharing your story/journey! I love Tony as well!!! Anyone that can make me laugh a bit during a workout is good to me. I think thats why I like Cathe as well! I too have a Cedie shape so i was really focused on Wts after reading her latest bio.

DEBRA: How was Russian Study Hall last night??? That has got to be one of the toghest languages to learn. may I ask Why Russian as your choice?

BUFFY: Hope your workout today is awesome! BTW: I gave you some holiday hints at our other gathering site....lol they arent very good tho!

TRACY, LEA, MONICA, X, LAURIE, GAYLE- Have incredible workouts today and take a minute to flex!:7
Hi all,

Yesterday I finished with back and biceps and legs. I increased all my weights (not a lot) and was able to maintain the number of reps for most upper body exercises and all of the leg ones. My forearms were still so pumped. I felt good doing it, but an hour after hit a wall. I didn't have the whey protien powder and had to use the soy. That may have made a difference.

I am so looking forward to yogax. I will do a 5 mile walk possibly jog this afternoon first. My dogs were so used to 6-8 miles twice a week and now I'm down to 5 miles twice a week. I feel sorry for them, but I must admit that I've gained flexibility in my hamstrings and glutes and I know the running tightens them up.

Traci - I followed the recovery week exactly last time, and added very little extra cardio because I had signs of overtraining. I came back stronger than before. It really helped my core.

Jeanette and anyone else wondering about phase 2 - I think phase 2 is hard because the exercises are slightly different and plain old hard. If you think that the pushups in phase 1 are hard, just wait until phase 2. They require so much core strength. Plyopushups, fly pushups, side to side pushups, fast /slow ones, one arm pushups they are difficult and I work on my toes until failure. Usually after that I do a few more on my knees, but not with these. The pullups are equally as difficult and working pullups and biceps at the same time has fried my arms. Last night after some of the pullup/chinups expletives escaped from my mouth because I just worked until failure. I've bordered on overtraining this entire phase, and I've done less extra cardio, but kept up with extra lower body weights. I'm eating more and I've lost fat which is good. I finally got past the starvation mode and minimal eating to maintain. I can't wait to see what everyone else thinks about this phase. I guess part of it depends on how hard you work too. Sorry to ramble.....

I hope everyone is enjoying the Holidays.

Morning X'rs,

Classic/Phase 1/Week 4/Day 1

Today is the first day of recovery for me. Yoga X is on tap. The more I do Yoga X the more I like it. Or it might just be the fact that I'm acturally getting the poses better. Some day I will be doing a wheel and chamel pose. :7 :7 :7

My oldest DD said to me recently that my arms are starting to look really good. She said that the flappy is gone from my arms. :D This will be the only time that I'm happy she was honest with me. ;)

Have a great day!

Good Morning!!

This morning I did back and biceps. Tried to use mostly 15# on the biceps and do a few more reps then last week. I had a hard time getting my arms up to dry my hair this morning. I'll feel it later for sure. Still feeling my chest from day before yesterday.

Traci - thanks for the tips.

Have a great day.

Just catching up w/ all your am posts...

TRACY: THANK YOU FOR THIS ! <<<Traci - I followed the recovery week exactly last time, and added very little extra cardio because I had signs of overtraining. I came back stronger than before. It really helped my core.>>> I have to say that I was almost disgusted with myself yesterday.... I did lift a bit heavier on Back/Bi but my Heartrate average was 143 and hit a high of 181.... Thats just way too high for me on strength. I do think I am feeling the overtraining you talked about today. Yoga X may be it for me today and I'll blow off the extra cardio.... I am just spent already this AM.

LAURIE: We all know that little ones speak the truth so HOORAY on arm definition! ENJOY your recovery week... its still trying if you are really fatigued from past weeks but at least you dont have to pull out any dumbells or pull up bars!

BUFFY: Great wts w/ those 15's! Shoot I got all excited about getting to15 reps with my 12's. You are smokin hot!



This morning was most of YogaX less the last 10 minutes. I enjoyed all of it probably because I could listen to him instead of watching so it flowed better for me. My flexibility in my back was better too. Hamstrings are still tight but a teeny bit better. I plan on a short Cardio Coach workout on my bike tonite.

Buffy, way to go on Biceps & Back. Sounds like a real tough workout and you aren't the only one to say so. That one will come up in 2 weeks for me.

Laurie, so nice to get that compliment from your daughter, isn't it? I really hate flappy arms on myself. My mom has super flappy skin hanging and she isn't really that overweight, just has never worked her arms. I'm hoping to avoid that flap for as long as possible. Nice compliment!

Tracy, thanks for explaining your take on Phase 2. So nice for me to glean information from you folks that are more experienced with P90X. I like knowing what to expect. What do you mean about getting past the "starvation mode and minimal eating to maintain"? What were your signs of overtraining? I am sooo wanting to learn what works for my body to be able to eat more as I've been one of those who just can't eat much or I gain.

Traci, hoping to hear how Bryan Kest Yoga was for you plus your cardio. I'll check back later.

Hi to everyone that follows!

Hi Jeanette,

I think I was in a terrible pattern of minimal eating, working out consistently and hard (not this hard though) and forcing myself into starvation mode. Which as I generically understand as forcing the body to compensate for not enough fuel, by requiring less calories to maintain. I've increased my calorie intake, watch the junk though, and I've lost a layer of fat even though I haven't restricted my carbs as much as the diet requires. I think now that I can restrict carbs on some days, then add in just enough on cardio days to have energy, and hopefully still loose fat. I'll have to work on the timing of eating and working out. My ultimate goal is to replace the fat on my legs and thighs with muscle. Lofty goal huh?

Hi to all!!!
Classic/ph 1/ wk 4 (woohoo!)/day 1

I took a rest day yesterday...And Traci I did not do my Russian last night as planned...I just wasn't feeling up to it! So I have my tutor coming Friday morning instead. I am taking Russian since my husband is working in Moscow and probably will be for 3-5 years...My DD and I may spend next school year with him, but at the very least we will be there for at least 8 weeks this summer....and I'll need to be able to get around! It is a VERY difficult language to learn..especially at this point in my life! I am busy enough doing everything here by myself...so it's hard to fit in study time!

Today is supposed to be yogaX...but I'm thinking I may do a different yoga DVD and add in the yoga belly 7 (which I really like) from Tony...and maybe follow up with 20-30 minutes of cardio...That's a pretty big goal considering I feel like I'm coming down with something!

Tracy...I think it's great that you are so in tune with how your body is handling the nutrition and the work you are giving it. I really struggle with that self awareness. Have fun with yoga today..and have a good run with your pooches...

Traci...It looks like a lot of folks have yoga on the rotation today..Have fun with it! What do you typically do for cardio when you are adding on?

Laurie...I think it is amazing that your DD even noticed the changes in your physique!! They tend to be pretty self absorbed! You must really look great!!!!!

Buffy..Congrats on moving up in weights and reps! Just know that if your hair isn't as pretty as normal..and least your arms will look great!!

Jeanette...It's amazing how much more flexible we get with yoga, isn't it? I have always felt guilty taking those flex days within a rotation...But I guess we really do reap the benefits from it!

Hope everyone has a great day....Only 4 more days until Santa!!! And only 1 week until my DH is home from Russia!!!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
Classic/Phase 2/Week 3/Day 5

Hi everybody. Today I have yoga X. Unfortunately I wasn't able to do it this morning as I had to sleep in since my little one woke up in the middle of the night crying. Both of my boys are fighting something and I think that the night is when it gets them the most. That on top of trying to get the house clean for Christmas. We are having Christmas dinner over here on Monday and of course the house has to be clean.

Hopefully I can find 90 minutes today to do yoga. I am really looking forward to it. I have yoga X for my recovery week on Monday and am trying to figure out a plan to fit it in before the kids wake up for presents. Gonna probably be an early am for me.

Have a great day everyone!!!


Hi Everybody - I am still on my Yoga high right now. So, I overslept yesterday, but did Arms & Shoulders and ARX when I got home from work. I got SO MUCH MORE out of it this week than in week 1. Last week was just trying to figure out what weights to use, this week I was actually able to 'Bring It'. I have to say that last week I was wondering why everyong liked Arms & Shoulders so much, but this week I now understand.

This morning was Yoga X -- man, I love this yoga workout. It makes me feel so good. It is such a great balance of strength, flexibility and balance. My only complaint is the length of Shavasana (corpse pose). I typically will stay in Shavasan for 10 minutes at the end of yoga practice. No big deal though.

So I am beginning to wonder if I am the only person here who is not adding anything to the P90X rotation? I am not doing any extra cardio, legs, nothin. Sometimes I feel like I could, but I worry that it might compromise how I feel for my next workout. Do I need to step it up more? I feel good, challenged but not overly challenged. I'm not feeling the soreness this week that I felt in Week 1. So - any advice? Should I be adding some running or cardio? I am not trying to lose weight, just tone, but I also don't want to lose.

When I get to phase 2, I am going to attempt the Doubles rotation as laid out utilizing Cardio X. The only change I may make is to do my Cardio X in the PM instead of AM.

TRACY -- Thanks so much for sharing your experiences on Phase 2. I have been nervous about Phase 2 and it is so helpful to know what to expect. You mentioned that you did back and biceps and legs yesterday -- did you combine parts of different workouts? I don't think I have a DVD that covers all three. I hope that you enjoy your Yoga X today.

LAURIE -- That is so kool that your daughter complimented you on your arms!!! It makes you feel so good when someone notices your progress!

BUFFY -- Congrats on the 15# on biceps. You are strong! I can currently use a maximum of 12#. Are you doing 8-10 or 12-15 reps in this program. I am shooting for 8-10, and trying to keep it closer to 8 reps.

TRACI -- You guys have me excited about recovery week. It sounds like it will still be a challenge, but very rewarding for the core!

JEANETTE -- I agree, yoga does get much better when you are familiar with the poses and don't have to focus on the television anymore. Just think how flexible we will all be after this rotation! Do you use Stretch X? I did it on my off day and loved it.

LEA -- I hope you enjoy Yoga X today. I know I did!

Everyone have a wonderful day!!
Monica - with the 15# I try for 8-10 but I'll squeeze out a couple more if I can. I try to lift until I fail on the last one.

Debra - LOL. Yeah I noticed my hair doesn't look as good as normal. My biceps, however, are looking buff!!!

Hey Gang!

YogaX has been crossed of my list of things to do. I'm seeing great improvements in my form. I really enjoyed it today. I even managed to hold crane pose for short bits of time.

To help me keep on good-eating track while the guests are here for the week, I spent some time yesterday planning all of my meals for the week - and for the couple of days after they leave. I've got all the necessary groceries on hand. So really, it's now easier for me to stay on plan than to deviate. I may indulge in the chocolate-skor-truffle I'm making for Christmas dessert.

I hope you're all doing well. I'm already missing "our" time together :)


Just wanted to say that I'm doing the program strictly as-is. Not adding anything. Like you, I want to come to every workout with as much energy and focus as I can muster. And I also want to test out this "rest" stuff that I hear good things about :) I've also heard time and again that cardio and counteract muscle gains, so I'm also testing that theory out, too (never fully believed it, unless the cardio is of the marathon-training sort). At the end of 3 weeks, my mother commented today that I'm looking pretty thin. She's hoping I'm not trying to lose any more weight. I said, not weight, no, just fat! I'm trying to swap the jiggly stuff for the firm stuff. I think P90X as-written might be what it takes to do the job, for me. I hope you get what you want out of it, too.

Monica and Lea,

I'm adding in a little extra cardio and lower body weight work. I've consistently added three additional leg workouts during phase 1 & 2 because I had already started something and I'm seeing good results. During phase 1 I added 2-3 hours of cardio per week, but for phase two its down to 2 30 minute and 1 hour extra session of cardio. I really don't think that you need the extra cardio, it depends on what your goals are. I had done a variety of lunges 3x per week all spring and summer, so the p90x legs was no shock to my legs; been there and done that and plateaued :)That's why I switched up my legs because of dimishing results. It's all in what works for you.

Hey Sandra,

Thanks for the response. I guess that is why the P90X book states that the CardioX routine is not extremely cardio intensive -- so it doesn't counteract the muscle growth. I will continue to follow the program as is, and may make modifications my second time through P90X. I am also trying to swap the jiggly stuff for the firm stuff. Maybe my eyes are fooling me, as it is very early in the program for me, but I already feel firmer. Especially in my core.

Everyone on this check-in works very hard and is so dedicated to this program. It helps soooo much to read everyones experiences and to share my own. I don't know about you but there is noone in my life that wants to hear about my progress with P90X. I don't even try to talk to my husband, he doesn't get it at all. Sometimes he will try to humor me and listen, but his eyes kind of glaze over.

Thanks for listening!
>it depends on what your goals are. >

Thanks for the reminder. I guess there is always a temptation to feel like you need to keep up with what everyone else is doing. Know what I mean? Prior to this I had been doing Cathe's GS: Legs doing only 8 reps of each move with heavy weights, so the P90x Leg work is definitely a change for me.

>Hey Gang!
>YogaX has been crossed of my list of things to do. I'm seeing
>great improvements in my form. I really enjoyed it today. I
>even managed to hold crane pose for short bits of time.
>To help me keep on good-eating track while the guests are here
>for the week, I spent some time yesterday planning all of my
>meals for the week - and for the couple of days after they
>leave. I've got all the necessary groceries on hand. So
>really, it's now easier for me to stay on plan than to
>deviate. I may indulge in the chocolate-skor-truffle I'm
>making for Christmas dessert.
>I hope you're all doing well. I'm already missing "our" time
>together :)

Good for you Sandra. I'm very impressed with your planning. I've planned through tomorrow and that's about as far as I got. It's my firm's X-mas lunch and out to dinner with friends. I'm going to try to stay on track but I will probably have wine. I really look forward to Fri. nites for that. Hey, can you send some of the truffle stuff my way? Sounds fab.

Take care.


That's a great idea on the food planning; especially making sure the food is in the house so there are no excuses. I'm going to do some grocery shopping tomorrow, and I'll keep that in mind. I personally think that progress sort of pushes more success.

Happy Holidays,

Hi to all...just peeping in this evening after a kind of crazy day!! I had to take my DD to the Dr...She has pink eye!! Just in time for Christmas!!

Sandra..Amazing job with the meal planning...I think that takes a lot of discipline!!!! Glad you are feeling improvements on your form with Yoga...And Crane..even for a second is GREAT!!

Monica...I know what you mean..My husband likes to see my progress, but he doesn't really want to hear about it!! It's nice to have another outlet to talk about what's important to you. I think it's great that you're already feeling the work make a difference for you!!

Tracy...I think it's great that you are able to read your body to know what works for you in each phase.

Happy night to all!!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams

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