Xer ......Wishful Wednesday.................

Morning Tracy! The smoke alarm in bedroom started blowing the Low Battery horn at 4AM so no late sleeping for me! Talk about JUMPING out of bed!:7

Todays Workout
4Ds Kick – YIPPEE + Slo Mo Back & Chest Mix

Miscellaneous Jibber-Jabber
After sleeping on Slo Mo Legs & Core… I still am just not sure.... No soreness today just the regular stiffness that Sandra & I have

:7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 P*E*R*S*O*N*A*L*S* :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7

Glad you had a little breathing room at work yesterday… awwwwwwww! ~ I am right there with ya on sex frequency… unless I go thru menopause I think DH & I are doomed to fight every week over it. Hes over sexed & I am ABSOLUTELY under sexed…not pretty- if that part of our marriage were right I do believe I’d have the perfect union. ~ Oh girl if we had those trackings of posts we’d all hang our heads in shame! Sometimes if I go back and read just a few days I am embarrassed! LOL Would be fun to print & read tho if we ever have an Xer re-union!!!

Jeanette :* X
Caught up yesterday but hope you get to play hooky again soon!

ROF- I got ya in trouble with Sandra! Too funny!!! ~ I took your lead and also napped yesterday…awwwwww it was really nice. ~ How cool you are starting to meet the family! BIG step for most guys! I guess you are much more to him than his lil' play thing! I think yo need to skillfully find out exactly how Boy Toy ended & behaved in his divorce...get his dtr drunk (not hard- she's in college!) and make her SPILL! LOL ~ OMG Just read your He's just horny! Can I say that here!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!! Best laugh of the week!

Nicole :* X
Lol on your lunch date… I think you & the Pastors Wife share secret tales that would make us all blush! So sorry about TIVO!!!!!! It was really good too…wish I had a way to get it to you. ~ Good for you on the Purees- Dont know what in HEAVENS name possessed me to buy that book - I now have a brand new copy that I will never open...I simply cannot shop whensomething is hyped! I dont even know of any cooks to give it too...LOL

LEA :* X
I must warn you that these Xer gals are thong & cellulite obsessed! Not only have I NEVER seen cellulite on Dreya I have NEVER noticed thongs poking thru panties! LOLOLOL – I happen to ADORE the love-fest on the credits but I think Sandra once said she expected them to break into group sex! ROF!! ~ Hope both boys are feeling better today ….. Whats UBP ????

Lol – I too have ZERO inclination to make Wendell think I’ve been busy all day- good heavens he could come to actually EXPECT it! THANK YOU for clearing up your w/o the other day… I DID think it was the whole enchilada X2! LOLOLOL That new calf work is indescribably torturous! I LOVE her leg work this series! ~ On stiffness…YEP me too! I have been trying to get the nerve to write an ASK CATHE note about this…”Cathe- I have worked out consistently for years… When can I expect to wake up and NOT feel pain, stiffness, DOMS – When will I FEEL as young as I think I am? “ ~~~ KUDOS on the pops & bulges!!! You work so hard that if any of us deserve poppers it YOU! ~ I think X will be as produced (except yoga) – at least that’s my story!! If BB REALLY gets the new stuff ready for sale in Dec then I expect arrival around February! That means I’ll have the new stuff to do for round 3 late 2008! LOVE LOVE LOVE the Xmas cookie idea!!!!! I may really do that along with a very small gift (read as: cheap!) You da man! ~ The Canadians removed the cents key YEARS ago! {{{{{{ I just adore you woman!}}}}}}} ~ Sneezing: I snneze 2x if its just a sneeze but if they come in 3’s I’m about 48 hours away from a cold…isn’t that silly? Speaking of silly- YES Hi Lo induced leakage! All we past cardio queens know that don’t we???? I cardio’d so much that I shook my bladder forever loose!

TeddyGirl :*
Welcome back! Be sure and read all you missed!! The Xers are very proud to be associated with you!

ROF on reading the manuals! Hey- whatever it takes right!? My BFF reads catalogs! She hasn’t read anything expect work stuff & catalogues since she graduated with her Masters degree! Shes says I’m so much smarter with just my HS Diploma… I tell her to read once in awhile! She actually calls me and has ME read the book she’s interested in & I tell her about it! Too funny. ~~~ Subliminal message~~~~~~ X round 3 awaits you Laurie- are you woman enough to do it? Do you really want lazy Traci getting her XX and being compared to you? Just think how accomplished you will feel knowing you are the ONLY XXX’er in the land!

Amy X (XX on 11/22!):*
Where exactly are you hiding those almost XX Muscles????

Wendy :* X
ROF of Gift of everlasting life! If you only KNEW these children that are terrors! I don’t blame them- I know that’s how they got raised but it sure is hard to just sit quietly every year while they literally have body slamming temper tantrums on my kitchen floor… It isn’t pretty at all! OHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM ~ So let me ask- 20 years ago would you have ever described a “good day” the same way you do now? Lol – Times have changed I’m sure!

MIA Xers :*
Where are ya????

Hugs to ALL the gang....

:7 :7
Hi all,

I decided not to run yesterday, went to Costco, and did S&H legs, Slo-mo shoulders and some yoga. I am loosely following one of Cathe's leg rotations, I think 6/06 and then adding in alternating 4d upper and Slo-mo upper weekly for the month. The rotation doesn't have much upper body in it. If she is really working legs, the upper seems to be light.

I did the Slo-mo shoulder last night and it was a nice workout. It could have been slightly heavy on anterior delt work, but many are, at the expense of posterior work. I don't want that look and I surely don't want to be imbalanced and cause yet another injury. I'll modify if necessary.

Nicole - I hope you didn't do anything too serious to the neck and back. Cooking away huh? That's what I need to do and I just haven't had the time. I need to do some prep though. My eating isn't the best.

Traci - The Slo-mo leg work is different, but I did feel it the next day when I ran. My form on the first exercise was iffy and I think I need to look up proper form before I do that one again. I think that to get the most benefit, I'll go lighter next time.

Sandra - I'm with you on the workout variety. I just don't think you can do anything over and over. I still have trouble with the short cardio on the new workouts though. Just not my style and I think some of the premixes are a waste of time. It looks great on the menu to have so many.

Laurie - the Slo-mo is a nice change of pace. It is not perfect, but it is also not more of the same. The rep patterns are definitely challenging, and I needed a change. It is more strength focused. I didn't have DOMS from the chest and back, but when I went to do some yoga last night I definitely had fatigue in the back and chest, so that is a good indicator for me.

Jeanette - You can use a step for the dome. The dome is only the last 20+ minutes. The hi/lo is almost an hour, but it flew by. Just dancy and athletic enough to be fun, and not bladder pad pounding, as Sandra said.

Wendy - Are you still doing yoga? Are you following a rotation?

Hi to anyone I missed.

Traci - Do your dogs get upet when the fire alarm starts that low battery beep? Mine will not leave my side until I get it turned off. I think you have to give Slo-mo legs a chance. I'm not sure it would be something that I would do week after week without anything else, but as a complement to traditional leg work, I think it will work. I think that is true about the upper too. I'm glad to hear someone else has the same sex frequency issues as we do at my house Dh is under the impression that its only us and everyone else is having glorious sex multiple times a week. I've finally won out, but it took years and years.

Tracy: Thank you for the very important heads up about the lack of balance in Slo Mo Shoulders! My gosh you & I cant possibly be the only women who have personally experienced problems by imbalanced shoulder work... I will make note right away that I must add on posterier work. Xers BEWARE! ~ You are so right what you told Laurie about Slo Mo- challenging rep patterns for sure! I think Amy could really benefit her clients by doing a Form Pointers segment on most of her DVDs- She really is good at creativity but I do so fear either injury or simply just no results because of my confusion. Watching doesnt seem to help me either as I did rewind and just watch a few moves yesterday...Maybe I should post that suggestion on her site...
have a FABULOUS DAY!!!

ETA: Oh I know girl- men believe other men who LIE about sex 4-6x per week! Actually I think I'd KILL my DH if he got that much exercise in a week! Maybe I should give it a try and let him see he aint' 20 anymore! ROF - I will FOR SURE be using slo-mo legs regularly- anything different just has to do "some" good! Thanks!! ! Wendell was actually coming in from back of house because all three dogs were wimpering and pacing because of the alarm- that high pitch must really be toture for them.

Below is the latest Newsletter from Steve Edwards of Beach Body - It talks ALOT about real sugar vs artificial for those interested:

Now let’s get to some questions:


I have been doing the P90X and I am in my 7th week. I do see changes
in my body, but not to the degree of everyone on the video. The
exercise is not a problem, it is the diet. I have a major sweet tooth. I
have to leave for work by 6am and always have coffee in hand. I have
been putting splenda in it instead of sugar. Your article talked about
not having splenda. Am I better off with sugar, or do you suggest no
coffee at all? (please tell me that is not so)
Thanks for the help, and I love your article. This was my first time
looking into beachbodies website. I will continue. My goal is to
finish the program with better eating now.

Amy Torgrude


Eating is very important but, keep in mind, that just because you’re
diet is perfect and you’re not getting the results you want doesn’t
mean that it’s not doing you any good. The more you exercise the
more capacity your body has for exercise and the healthier its
becoming—plus you won’t be “skinny fat” no matter what you look like.
Plus, the more you exercise the less negative effects sugar will have on

As for sugar vs fake sugar, I’ll vote for the sugar. I think fake
sugar is terrible for you, and splenda is one of the major offenders. A
teaspoon of sugar can be burnt off with by taking the stairs once a day
instead of an elevator. With artificial sweeteners, we really don’t
know the harm they are causing because there is big money lobbying to
keep us in the dark. Here are a couple of reference articles, one on
skinny fat and a couple on splenda.




I enjoyed the information in your article about fast food. In reading
it I notice that there is a lot said about calories and fat, but not a
lot about sugar. I didn't understand why in your article the Oreo
Pizza was considered not that unhealthy when it contains so much sugar. We
all know that sugar turns into unhealthy carbs and I think readers
should be made aware of that, too. At least with pizza you have the
option of healthy vegetables for fiber and fuel and cheese for fat (both
needed in your body in the right portions), yet Oreo's have little to none
on the scale of real food value. Although the carbs that come in most
pizzas are unhealthy so I don't know that pizza should ever be
encouraged even in small amounts unless made on proper dough. If you are
going to kind of promote sugar (which we also need in limited amounts) why
not promote fruit as an alternative or even a real fruit slush drink
from Sonic which contains 200 cals, 30g sodium, no fat, 50g of sugar
(probably some not natural but there is real fruit so who knows) and
8% vitamin C. Just a suggestion.

Interesting article though,

Wendy Biss


Joe’s point was that the pure nutritional breakdown wasn’t that
unhealthy compared to the other items on that list. He didn’t say it was
healthy; he said not “that” unhealthy. Thanks for your suggestion
but I’d avoid that “real fruit” slushy unless you were doing a
lot of exercise because fruit, sans fiber, is not healthy. It’s pretty
much just sugar. My guess is that this drink is only slightly better
than a soda—though it is, for sure, better.

I think your basic understanding of carbs is accurate but your science
is backwards. All carbs break down into sugars. Refined sugar—and
refined complex carbs—are what we want to avoid because they cause an
insulin reaction and are also extremely dense calorically. The only time
sugar and dense calories are helpful is during endurance sports when
you are burning more calories than you body can replace. At all other
times, eating low density foods, like WHOLE fruit, is much better. Here
are a couple of articles:





In Steve Edwards' article, "Just Eat This: 5 Rules For A Healthy Diet",
he says that artificial sweeteners, such as Nutra Sweet and Splenda,
have not been proven to kill. Wrong! There is abundant evidence linking
these products, especially aspartame, with a variety of diseases, brain
tumors and cancer being foremost among them. Within a mere 12 months
of aspartame's introduction to the market and our food supply, the
incidences of brain tumors increased an astounding 10% and type 2 diabetes
by 30%. There were no other contributing factors for these increases
during the same time period.

The dangers of these products have been hidden or minimized from the
public by the very corporations that produce them. These products have
NO PLACE in a person's diet, even in small dosages.



None of these things are “proven”. I’m not saying that I don’t
agree with you to a degree. I’m just saying that I can’t write it
without scientific evidence. I’m not saying that there isn’t
scientific evidence either, if you get my drift. What I’m saying is that
there is nothing out there I can use that would hold up in a legal battle
with a much more powerful lawyer. Not yet anyway. Thanks for your

So it seems we’ve found a de-facto theme for the issue.


My question revolves the upcoming holidays - Thanksgiving and Christmas
- and how to handle the barrage of home baked goodies and chocolates.
I love chocolate but wonder if, during a time of stict dietyary
planning, I should allow any treats at all?

Any advice you can give will be appreciated.

Jeff Whytsell


Always a tough subject, this one. Mainly you’ve just got to want to.
Nothing beats good old motivation. Here are a couple of holiday
articles that might help:




Just read your article on the hidden sugars in food. I noticed
there wasn't any mention of sugar substitutes, splenda and the like. I
took my son to a nutritionist who said they were as bad
if not worse than sugar itself. Can any one verify this? I was also
told that natural sugars, found in fruits, etc. were actually easier for
your body to purge. For a week I changed our natural sugars
found in fruit to organic fruit and amazingly all three of us lost more

Donna Bruneau-Lester


This was the beginning of a long email. Sorry, I can’t use them no
matter how interesting they are. But I used this part because it fit
today’s theme. Doesn’t really even need an answer; just hammers home
the point I’m making today, avoid artificial sweeteners.

Until next time, don’t just train hard, train smart,



Mailbag Archives:

Thanks for the article Traci. I'll try to read it this afternoon!

KB/Legs done! No double arm drills!!! Be glad I pushed play! I feel the DOMS more ths time. I have no idea what's in store for me today. I need to look at the Nov. rotation AGAIN! LOL

Gotta open another window for personals.


:) :) :) Hello all lady xers!

I've missed you..... - the bad food caught up to me Sunday. Seems the more turkey the person ate the sicker the body. DH ate several helpings and effects lasted over several days. I felt pretty normal by Monday AM. I was able to continue with P90X as scheduled. DH cut back on his wo's with plenty of rest and is better. DD felt fine most of Sunday. Thank goodness. I wouldn't wish this type of ailment on anyone. The smell of roasted poultry is hard to take.

Hope to check-in from time to time today. It's dreary outside and my day off work.:p

Good Morning Ladies,

Tracy: One day I hope to be able to tell when a workout works a body part more or less like you. I'm doing the Nov. 4DS rotation. Depending on what's on today's agenda, I might do yoga instead. I haven't gone to a power yoga class in awhile. I might this Thursday.

Traci: Oh my! Tempers are one thing I can not tolerate in others; even though I frequently have them. LOL Have you tried asking them to show a little self control in your kitchen. You've got Sandy to protect!:7 Before falling asleep, I thought of a perfect gift you could buy each child between the ages of 5 to adult. Rush Hour. It was a hit at our house last Christmas. I'll see if I can find the link later. Ooooh, I just saw Sandra's idea. Never mind. Hers is much better!!!! How cheap are you looking to supplement with the cookies? I think Rush Hour is less than 10 bucks. I'll have to look. Christmas 2006 was so long ago! In other news.... An injury waiting to happen -- that was my first impression about Slo Mo when I watched the clips. What! Why do we have to relive all our past posts?!?!?! Are you trying to shame me into not going to the first Xer's get together at Debra's house?:p ;)

Nicole: Who stole grandpa's chair?!?!?! LOL I hope you were able to pull yourself away from those adorable children of yours and get some yoga done before bed.

Debra: Enjoy the boy toy, breakfast and yoga! Is this the first time meeting his college aged dd? Do you seriously think Eoin is attractive? I love his voice and all. But, (let me tell you what I really think) from the looks of the sufer yoga clips, he's grown a bit thicker in the middle since PY4H. I don't know. Lovely man, lovely voice, not enough to tempt me. LOLOLOL I went to Bible Club last night; very different from a Bible study. The Bible Club is a non-denominational 2 hour, weekly, after school club held at a local elementary school for the students. I don't do Bible studies with other people. I'm way too opinionated and easily offensive. I know! Who knew!}(

Amy-X: HUGS!!!!! Being sick is no fun! You know, that's why I never make the turkey. The last time I made turkey was at my father's house Thanksgiving 1997. The oven dial turned counter-clockwise instead of the normal clockwise like 99.99999% of ovens. Anyhow, instead of cooking the turkey at 350 degrees, I cooked it at 250 degrees!!!! When we cut into the turkey, blood gushed out!!!! Then when I realized what I had done, my father put it back in the oven at a higher temp. Later, he MADE me eat some of it. I wouldn't! Couldn't!!! I knew I would get sick. I had cooked bacteria not turkey! Anyhow, it took me a long time before I could eat turkey again. One day in the future, hopefully, you will be able to eat it again too.

Well Ladies, off I go to get some homeschool done!

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!
Good morning,
Today was Step Blast combos 1,3 and the Challenge. Then added on SJP abs/planks. A little grocery shopping after work today and then hopefully some housework. I was thinking that I could stack wood or rake leaves but there won't be any daylight left when I get back from shopping. BOOOOOHHOOOOO!!

Last night's golf class was a good one. We warmed up a little on the driving range, then he turned us loose on the course and we played 4 holes. My last one I hit a par 3. My drive off the tee landed on the green! That's a first for me, and then a 2-putt into the hole!! Can't be disappointed with that result for a beginner college class! LOL!

Traci, I think most men think that they are the only ones not getting enough sex. It's never been a big thang for me. Definitely not a focus of the relationship, but I suppose for DH it's important. Sigh. As if they could handle 4-6 times a week. In their dreams. Thanks for posting on Splenda. I need to go read it as I am a major user of it with my hot cereal in the morning.

True conversation between married man and single man at a party:

Single Man: I wish I could meet some hot woman. It's been so long, bet I haven't seen a naked woman in a year.

Married Man: Neither have I.

Tracy, which Amy Bento is it that you are describing as being fun, athletic and dancy? I'd like to check out a clip. Glad you won out with your DH on the sex thing. But hey, they are so easy to manipulate and use to our advantage }(. That's what I mean about them being the weaker sex.

Wendy, glad you got your workout in yesterday. Gosh, only a couple weeks until you leave. I'm so glad you will stay connected to us while you are gone. We will be waiting to hear of your wild adventures!!!

Swifty, I feared that you had gotten sick too. Glad you didn't eat much. I love Thanksgiving and the whole turkey thing. Hope it doesn't put a damper on TGiving for you. Will you be cooking ham instead? I've only eaten bad food that I know of a couple times before and it immediately went thru my system. Like Blitzkrieg!!! Not fun, chills and such too.

BBL, off to read Traci's article.

Ok back again because I am procrastinating yet again today...my feet are cold and when they get cold I get cranky}(

:7 you got your w/o done!!! I am proud as a peacock! You and I would either be FABULOUS w/o buddies or we'd just sit and drink coffee all day & TALK about w/o :7 ~ I must check out Rush Hour...I THOUGHT that was the movie about the white cop raping a black woman in front of her husband! OH MY my Southern Baptist relatives would lynch me for sure! ROF:eek: :eek: ~~ As far as our little re-union...after a few cocktails (debras in charge of those!) I think a little reading of our past would be totally FUN! Especially you & Sandra since at times I am lost as to what we are talking about!!! ~ Also- Ms Debra MUST invite boy toy over just for an hour or so ;-)

Oh you poor dear! I so understand staying away from the things that once made us ill... Why does warm chocolate moulten cake never make me ill? :eek: Take it easy (do you need me to 'splain that concept?) your body has been thru turmoil!

:+ Thanks for the belly laugh this morning! I was DELIGHTED to read about your On The Green VICTORY!:7 :7 :7 :7 :7 Thats a HUGE milestone!!!!! ~ On the sugar substitute... Who knows whats actually accurate but here's my personal experience... About 4-5 months ago I ceased all processed sugars (except mini binges now & again ;-) )- I obviously noticed good changes BUT when I quit splenda in my 10 cups of coffee a day (went to Stevia) I was noticeably less bloated all month (even ttom) and my cravings just about ceased completely!!! Even during ttom! Now thats a testimonial! ~ I guess what I think these days is that ANYthing not ala natural must send our bodies into overdrive..."What is this? How do I digest it? How do I turn this into nutrition for my cells?..... I have found at this age & hormonal state that truly anything man-invented just plays havoc with my body. Just more info to digest & see how it may/may not apply to you. ~ I THINK Tracy is talking about Amys newest series HiLo & Step... Her clips are up... I think its www.nrgfitness.net

OKIE DOKIE - All caught up and ready (?) to face the world!
Morning Xers,

Rotation: LGI8 Week7/Day7
Workout: Leaner Legs, CTX Triceps / CW Premix #2 Time Saver Step.

Well this morning I was getting myself ready to go to work. After brushing my teeth I usually give DH a kiss and get myself out the door. Well today I walk out of the bathroom and what do I see!! Cami is lying on my side of the bed and DH is sleeping away. That dog is very sneaky when she wants to be. I wake DH up to give him a kiss, and I tell him to look over his shoulder. Cam is giving him a big doggie smile, and my DH can’t help but laugh. Usually DH is telling the dog to get off the bed. I don’t want the dog on our bed either, but this incident was funny to me. She probably would have gotten away with being on the bed until DH’s alarm went off.

Traci, We haven’t had a smoke alarm go off yet so I don’t know how she will react. If it is anything like when she hears sirens, then she will be howling. XXX the only one! Hmmmmm something appealing about that! I wanted to do a 4DS rotation though. Oh man decisions decisions. What is a girl to do!!! I still have time to think about it right! Thanks for the article. I love sugar!

Tracy, Ok so I’m back to wishy-washy with Amy again. She is just not an instructor that is making me salivate! So I’m going to wait for a bit more.

Swifty, So sorry to hear that the food crud found it’s way to you too. Hope you enjoy your day off. Soon to be XX!

Sandra, I have Christi Taylor’s Fab Four and have yet to try any of the workouts. I foolishly thought that I could conquer my fear of Hi/Lo. All I have to do is try it out right! Kickball is baseball without the bat and small ball. They use a ball that I have seen used in the Squeeze w/o. Correct me if I am mistaken anyone! All of you talking about Eoin now I need to get on Amazon and get that DVD. Sounds like he is going on the list of in love instructors (Tony, Sean, Bryan) why are these all men!

Debra, Oh mmmm nachos. I didn’t have a chance to let Cami out to investigate the snow, so we will see how it goes when the first fall actually stays on the ground. We are supposed to get some snow tonight, so she just might have a chance. When you mentioned Hannah Montana I was going to tell you that they are selling tickets for her concert in Chicago. Apparently the tickets are going for $249. Which is the same price as a Bon Jovi concert ticket is going for. I couldn’t believe that price. I would never pay that.

Nicole, Hope the movie with the boys was fun. What did you all have a chance to watch? Bet it wasn’t what I usually have to watch. Seems I have seen Breakfast at Tiffany’s or My Fair Lady about 15 times each. Love the movies, so I don’t complain.

TG, Did you survive? Do you have the day off after the horrors of voting day?

Wendy, I live in the lovely state of Wisconsin. I have heard the same thing about the Black Walnut trees. I would hate to see this tree destroyed though. I am happy that we have some younger ones growing also. Just makes for more walnuts though.

Jeanette, Love the joke, that was a good one. Love that you describe the man as the weaker sex. So true! How long do you have left for the college golf course? Will it be getting to cold at some point?

Amy, Hope all is well with you!

Have a great day!

Hi Gang,

For me it's Wave-by Wednesday. Got to get DD loaded into the car and off to the grocery store. Neighbour can't bbsit her today because her own toddler spiked a fever last night ;( I was hoping to sneak into Old Navy for a half hour and get those 4 pairs of pants & hoodie sets I was threatening to buy. Debra enabled me to get them, I believe.

This morning I did LIC Cardio Blast Timesaver premix (45 mins w/o stretch), then 4DS shoulders, calves & stretch. I'm saving the core for after Boot Camp tomorrow.

I'll be back later to chat some more. Oh yeah, ttom arrived 4 days early today, so I've obviously been in my manic phase the past week. Sorry about that. If you need new prescriptions for your reading glasses, I'll be happy to reimburse.

Make it sweet,
TraciX******Your post on sugar made me LOL. Made first batch of No Pudge Mint Brownies last night. There may be no fat in those buggers, but Plenty-o sugarx( Now you have me scratching my head. Last 3 days I've been packing DD lemonade with Splenda in the thermos and she finished the entire contents each day. Yikes! Keep up the awesome workouts!:7 Interesting post on the BM 90min wo comments. I hate it when Cathe starts it out with "Everybody ready for a 90 min wo?" It make me cringex( and I thought I was only one wanting to run from the TV. ^5 on shopping for the kiddies yesterday! You make a great Auntie!

WendyX******* Hi! Thanks for the picture trail e-mail. Your turkey story made me think of the T-giving of '05 from He#% . Drove to Philly to have T-Day with BIL and wife. I took the turkey, 3 covered casseroles and dessert to boot. BIL (inconsiderate and ego-maniac). brined the turkey and cooked it in a too low temp. x( Long story short- turkey was underdone -I was fit to be tied. I survived- swearing never to return again. Thanksfully noone got sick.
Following lousy meal DH & I went to see movies Alexander at the Plymouth Crossing theatre and had my wallet lifted in the lobby. Didn't know it till I got home and had calls from card companies out the wazoo! :-( It all worked out in the end. Note: I am a BIG Val Kilmer fan. :+
Funny-we were invited back this T-day. Not! I told DH he could go and I would stay home. He declined. My mom is a rockin' good cook;-)

Tracy*****WTG on the long bike ride! You rock! It looks like it's time to bundle up if I want to do anymore riding here.

Hope to get back later. I'm off to the kitchen to whip some goodies up. Have a chicken pot pie and piece o'beef to throw in the crockpot for sandwiches later. :p Also going to go check to see what Eion looks like.
Not sure what too think or do, still in blah…blah…land:9

No workout this morning, need I explain? Yesterday was a super duper long day, and we wasn’t busy had 230 voters for the entire day. We had another cookout. It was ridiculously STUPID as I knew better I ate like it was my last day on earth. Last night I was so f%$## bad, heck I think everyone there was bad x( x( New day Different boat, I’ll ride.

I was in SUGAR heaven, we had chocolate cakes, chocolate pudding cake, lemon cake someone brought in 2 big bags of Oatmeal cookies, cupcakes, chips, dip apples, turkey hamburgers and hot dogs, beef burgers, salad on and on and on. I did, I tried my bests to be good, but its was hard with so much staring me in my face. I tell ya I sat and feast all night long when I got home I was sick in me tummy and this morning DARE not step on the scale. After eating 5 slices of cake that's was during the entire day and had 1 cup cake when I bringe I really bringe..

As I was getting ready Monday night to go to the Polls, previewed SloMo I was like huh, duh! I realize I’m going to NEED my weight belt for her exercises could be very hard on my back :D

Anyone where is FitnessFreak? I miss her.
Back In Shape

Good Morning Girls!

I did BIS today because my back is acting up again. I figured I would rather go easy than miss exercising for a length of time again. My hips are really tight which I know is the big culprit. I did get yoga in last night before bed so that might have helped a bit but my hips are still wound up tight.

The boys are off of school for the next three days, yeah! That means I don't have to leave my house:) I am going to take them to the zoo though because other schools are in session and the zoo will be less crowded.

I had a lovely breakfast of egg whites w/ spinach,onions and peppers plus some DD banana bread:9

Tracy, I am glad you were able to get out and run. It must have felt nice. I have to get to Costco on Friday or Saturday. Very dangerous place to go. Yes, my back is being a bear again. It is probably from doing unmodified sun salutations on Monday. That'll teach me. You girls and the sex frequency talk. My DH complains if it's less than 4X a week:p He was watching Dr. Oz with me and heard the 275 times a year and thought that was a fantastic idea:p Thanks Dr. Oz!

Debra, I hope you are out having a great time with Larry and getting the XDH troubles off your mind. You have so much here that you should not worry a minute about what XDH is doing on the other side of the world. I understand it's hurtful but what would you expect from a guy who deserted his family for a job? You have a doting man, a beautiful DD and family and friends that love you so much! {{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}

Traci-X, What a way to wake up! I can't even handle listening to commercials with alarms in them let alone having one at home. Sorry you didn't get the cool weather you were expecting yesterday:( I was hoping for the same here and it feels a bit warmer today than yesterday. Are you still sore today? How's the arm holding up? Whatever you do don't make the mistake I did and push it too hard. I thought I was being good but I guess not:( Don't let Wendell and my DH talk because they would have all of these ideas about sex every day and I tell you what, It ain't happenin':)

Wendy, I'm glad Waves aced the spelling test. I am spoiled in that because my oldest DS is a fantastic speller. The middle one could care less though:p Glad you too have a DH that compliments you. Is he quiet like mine? I chat on incessantly and he is quiet as a mouse. Maybe I should let him talk every once and a while;)

Jeanette, I don't have the Gauntlet DVD. I am glad though because I can't even fathom doing it right now. I am glad you enjoyed it. SB & SJ&P are good ones too. Sounds like golf went well. Way to get one on the green! Will you be able to do it much longer? How is the elbow doing? Love the joke:D

Laurie, Oh boy, you are just making me want to move to Wisconsin. My BIL's family is up there and my sister likes going up in the summer. I think I'll pass on the cold winters though;) The boys and I watched an old John Wayne movie. They love westerns and James Bond. I am in a man's world, aren't I? Love that Cami gave you all a laugh this morning:)

Lea, How is your DS feeling today? Have you looked at The Eat Clean Diet Cookbook? It may be good to try some of her recipes. She has a lot of vegetarian substitutions. I really like it. Glad you are enjoying your yoga. I love it too. I am doing it three times this week plus at night after cardio workouts.

Sandra, Everyone was giving me crud about the chair so I ditched it:) I wanted a come hither look but I found a better one. I did keep the warm and cozy look though because I liked it. I have been putting off cleaning while my DH is gone because it's the only time I can get away with it. I am enjoying it but the mess is getting to me. LOL, I thought you were awfully chatty this week! It was fun to read though:) Have fun at the grocery store. I wish you could go by yourself and get your outfits at Old Navy. maybe another day.

Teddygirl, I know how those sugar days feel. Just forget about it. Today is a new day and you'll do better. I have felt so much better lately eating clean. It's hard to do but it feels better than the crappy food tastes. Glad you were busy last night but I hope you get back into the flow today.

Swifty, Glad you got a chance to visit today. I always seem to miss you because I'm taking the boys to school, oh and I'm three hours behind you:) Your PT pics look great! ^5

My, my, I'm feeling a bit like Sandra today;) I figure I only have 4 days left to chat at legth before DH gets home. I guarantee I'll be busy with "other things" come Sat and Sun}(

Be back later,


Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.

Good Afternoon Ladies,

It's a GOOD day!:) The girls finished history, spelling, and math. All that is left is english and independent reading. Yes, Traci... I have more reasons for it being a good day that would have made it a good day 20 years ago! The UPS man delivered my backpack for my laptop!!!!! :) :) :) :) :)

I got it from Buy.com with free shipping (only 2 business days) and $10.00 off for going through google checkout. :) :) Here's a link to the beauty! I love it!!!! Well, not really love, we're not to love things, but it's very close to it.;-) I love the safety cell pad which protects the laptop. I love the SLIM design! I hope to still love it 2 months from now.


And, for all y'all looking for Christmas presents:
Rush Hour
This link is from the makers showing you what it is and how to play:

Amazon sells it for $15.99 but I purchased it on sale for $9.99 last year from a homeschool supply company. If you search around, you may be able to find it cheaper than Amazon. Also, it has 127 reviews with a 5 star rating.

This is how we play it at our home. We have two games. Each person selects the same traffic jam card. Whoever gets their car out of the traffic jam first wins. Of course, I always win!:p BUT, DEBRA and AMY-X: This game was made for one player. We just challenge each other since we have two game boards.

Well, we're having a late lunch. BBL with personals after english and and some extra spelling pages eldest dd needs to do before we leave.

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!
Just popping on quickly to say hello. I had my yoga class this morning...after breakfast with my boy and a friend of his...I guess I get to meet everyone today! Anyway, then after yoga I headed to the Social Security Office to get my name changed so that I can get an NC driver's license. Everything went relatively smooth, although I felt like I need a shower in Lysol after I left since everyone in there sounded like they were getting ready to hack up a lung. So when I get to the window, I ask the very nice guy who was helping me if he felt like he needed to hose himself down after work...and he said, "No, but I always need a really stiff drink." I about fell out laughing at him! He said, "I go home every day and have a strong drink, I go to bed, and then I get up and come back here." He was cracking me up! I offered up some liquor that I have left over in my car from the football game the other day. I told him he could add a little splash to his coke at lunch....He comes back with, "I would probably be too honest to all of these crazies if I had a drink, and they would probably ask me to take a couple of weeks off." He was just as serious as he could be! At least I had fun at the Social Security office!

Anyway, if I am feeling perky after I get DD from school, I may attempt a short workout at home...or maybe not...we'll see. I have dinner with the boy and his daughter and my daughter tonight. We are going to PF Chang's which should be good.

If I don't get back today, I will see you all in the morning. I do have to say that Laurie's story about Cami also gave me a big laugh today! I can just see that doggie smile now!

Later gators!


To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Well girls, it looks like Cathe is going to have her own version of P90X!

YEAH!!!!!!!!!!}( }( :) :) :D :D

Check out the blog!


Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.

OMG this is awesome!!!!! 2008 is gonna be an awesome year! i better strat saving now.... I bet close to 150.00 what ya all think?

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