wuhoo!! I ordered the BTR!


Active Member
Thanks everyone for the great information on the BTR. I just got one off of ebay for the $39.95 price. I can't wait for it to come.

Roylene:7 :7 :7
I am sooooo tempted to get it (buy it now!) But payday is Feb 1 and I just don't have the available cash. I want it I want it

I am training myself to be thrifty by only buying when I have available cash. (Boo-hoo!) I hope they are still being offered at that price in Feb! Only a few days!

Meanwhile still just waiting for my new Intensity DVDs.....
If the downsizing police came to my door and demanded that I chuck all my exercise equipment except for my dvd's, tapes, free weights, and step, plus one piece , I would pick the B&TR to keep. I bless the day I decided to buy it! It's been 8 months now, and I'm STILL seeing improvements.

Just DO IT!:7

Hang in there. Only two more days to go til Feb. If you can afford it, you won't be sorry. (Not to mention if you get it for $40.00-$60.00!!!! :7) I am sure there will still be some on E-Bay at that time. Seems like they have had them there for quite awhile at that low price. Good Luck! Let us know!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
It collapses and squishes, so if space were an issue, you could even slide it under a bed, or prop it up against a wall.

Just Do It! :)
RE: what is a BTR!

Can someone describe the BTR? What body part does it work? What does it do? I was thinking about getting one but I don't know anything about it. Thanks

Oh God.

I'm putting it on the card right now.
See, Honeybunch, what a good influence you are? You even made me pray!
-Connie :D :D :D
RE: what is a BTR!

Joanne, there are a couple of recent threads here...just look on page 1 or 2 of "Open Discussion" and you'll see lots of posts re: the BNTR. Also, you can go to www.bodybyjake.com and see pics and info.

I bought mine off of Ebay 2 days ago. Can't WAIT to get it!!! Just in time for summer.;-)
RE: what is a BTR!

Well HB, Francine, Debbie, and Kathy,

I ordered it! Got it off Ebay for $40 plus 20 for s/h. Now tell me about extra resistance bands.

I got the phone no. from Jake's site to order some but prob. won't need 'em right away. Francine, I wish I had a video of your moves! I have such a hard time picturing the moves from just words!

It'll probably be easier once I have the BTR in front of me.

RE: what is a BTR!

Congratulations Connie on your BTR purchase!You will love it! I'll be working on some pics to demonstrate my new moves and also whatever ones you are unsure of let me now and I'll take pics of them too and post my link here! Take care!
RE: what is a BTR!

Thanks Francine! I have saved 1-2 of your BTR routines so I'll have them when it arrives! You bet I'll "call" you with q's!

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