Awww... Wendy thanks SO MUCH!!! I remember when you were just staring your running journey and look at you
Carole - thanks for letting me know about this post

You are such an amazing inspiration to me! Thanks for all your support over the years!
Shelley - Thanks so much... this should work if you aren't a member!
Was fun sharing this journey with you
Coni - Thanks so much - it's been great getting to know you! Looking forward to keep in touch in 08!
So many of you have inspired me and supported me during some pretty dark times... You ladies rock!
Also special thanks to Catherine (or is it Katherine -sorry don't remember) - who was always so knowledgeable and helpful!
What has been the greatest about this part of the journey was I learned how important flexibility and yoga really is! I also found my eating had kept my weight down but now I'm focusing on getting the right stuff not just avoiding stuff...
A big hurdle for this was coming "out" with my age! This was major... I now realize rather than being ashamed of it - I wear it proudly and realize it does inspire others.
Hugs to all of you

and Happy holidays!