Wrist Curl question


Hi Cathe -- I have problems at times with Carpal Tunnel (mostly when I'm on the computer a lot, like now ;) ).

I've been wondering if the wrist curls are good for strengthening the wrist to combat Carpal Tunnel or if they would add stress and make it worse. I haven't found it to make it any worse, but I was just wondering what you've found with your clients.

Also, I've heard that wearing weight lifting gloves help stabilize the wrists -- do you find that to be true? You mention in 4DS that wearing gloves makes for a more comfortable workout, but I wasn't sure what specifically you meant by that.

Thanks for any input you can give. -- Renee
Not Cathe, but I have similar issues with my wrists. However instead of carpal tunnel, i have tendonitis up one wrist and thumb. My physical therapist has me do wrist curls with a light weight (started at three, now at 5) three times a week to avoid more repetitive stress symptoms. I do 4 sets of 10 in three directions. Palm up, Thumb up, and palm down (this one kills!). Always make sure you keep your entire forearm supported so you really get the wrist and don't compensate through the elbow. Hope this helps, I know I've had a big reduction in my wrist pain from this.

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