
I have just been introduced to the wonderful world of Cathe and all I can say is are completely amazing!! Your workouts simply put everything else to shame. I am also equally impressed by the wonderful input and expert guidance that you provide for your "followers" on this website. Cathe, I have been an avid home video exerciser for YEARS and nothing has ever come close to what I have experienced in the last few weeks with my new tapes...MIS, MIC, the PS series and Interval Max.'s a whole new world and I'm thrilled to have found you.

Now for the question that everyone asks. Could you PLEASE offer a rotation for MAXIMUM MAXIMUM MAXIMUM results in a short period of time. I am getting married on September 23rd and will be wearing a sleeveless gown. My mission is to develop extremely sleek and tone arms/shoulders. I consider myself to be a pretty advanced exerciser and have already committed myself to a clean diet. I do have some upper body definition already...but I am ready to kick it up a few thousand notches. I am willing to put in whatever it takes for EXTRA SUPER DUPER results, so I would love to hear your thoughts. Don't go easy on me (yeah, like you ever would!!!)

Thanks for such amazing videos. I am so excited to have you as my new exercise guru.
You might try...

About a month ago someone asked a similar question. Cathe gave a very thorough rotation. You might try looking at past posts and do a search with various topics, such as PS series, arm definition. She suggested doing the PS series once a week and then working the shoulders, biceps, and I think triceps one more time a week.
Congratulations on your marriage! My brother is getting married the week after you.
Found it!

I decided to go ahead and do the search. Here is the info I was talking about. Sounds like a great plan to me.

While heavy weight training is generally the most effective way to
develop cut and sizeable arms, just how cut they get and how
sizeable they become really does depend on your genetics. Aside
from that here are a few tips. 1) Avoid OVER DOING your cardio
because it will exhaust your muscles and they won't have enough
fuel left for your strength workouts. 2) Eat a little extra protein to
help repair your hard working muscles. 4) Get a little extra sleep to
assist in muscle restoration. 5) Eat about 200 to 300 extra calories
per day on the days you are lifting HEAVY weights.

Here is a lifting tip. Continue to do the PS series once a week,
however, in place of the MIS that you mentioned, pick an extra
day of only biceps, then only triceps, then only shoulders.

Let me explain. We'll use a seven day week for an example. Say
you did the PS series on Mon/Wed/Fri(you did PS back/bicep on
Monday, PS legs on Wed, and PS chest, shoulders,triceps on
Friday). Now on top of that you are also going to work your biceps
one additional day, your triceps one additional day, and your
shoulders one additional day. I would say to work your triceps on
Tuesday, and your biceps on Thursday, and your shoulders on
Sunday. I spaced this based on what days you did which aPS
tape. You never want to work one muscle group two days in a

How to do these additional workouts? For each of the body parts
you are going to pick 4 exercises and do the first exercise for 4
sets of 8 reps with the absolute heaviest weight you can handle in
a safe and slow manner. Then the other three exercises will be
with heavy(but not all out heavy)weight for 3 sets of 12 reps. I
will give you my recommendation for the first(very heavy)exercise
for each body part and let you pick the other three exercises for
each body part. For biceps I would do a barbell curls. For triceps I
would do the french press with a barbell(where you are on your
back, elbows pointed toward the ceiling, and the bar lowers down
toward your forehead). For shoulders I would do the cut and dry
version of a dumbell military press(meaning avoid rotating your
wrist as you push up the dumbells). O.K. now you pick the rest.

The addition of these single body part exercises/workouts should
encourage further strength gains. Remember to do these separate
workouts in a very slow manner. Do each repetition very slowly.
Keep me posted on your progress!


Thanks sooo much for the was extremely kind of you to look it up for me. You are sounds like a great plan! I'm not only impressed by Cathe's input, I am also impressed that a fellow "follower" is willing to put so much effort into helping me out. I really appreciate it!

Thanks for the good wishes on my marriage. Same to your brother!

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