WOW! What a deal!


So I've been trying to forever to find myself some Ryka Rhythm II's, because my old shoes were so worn out, they were causing pain. Only one store around me carried them, and they never had my size.

So today, I went to Sportchek to pick up some 2.5 lb weight plates and lo and behold, they are now carrying Ryka!!! AND..... this is the best part....

They had a deal on for some of their shoes, two pairs for $99.99. AND THE RYKAS WERE INCLUDED IN THAT DEAL!! Even though they were $129.99 a pair regular price. So I bought two pairs. Made sense, right? Two pairs for $99.99 or one pair for $129.99 (these are Canadian dollars, by the way).

So I wore them this afternoon to do Imax 3. WOW! What great shoes. No foot pain, no calf pain.

I'm a happy girl:D
YAY!!! That's awesome! I know how long you've been waiting for Rykas! This is turning out to be one hum-dinger of a vacation, huh?!? :)

That IS a great deal!! Lucky girl!!:D are the only person outside of my family I have EVER heard use the phrase "hum-dinger"! I cracked up!

Nicole :)
Shelley !

Good for you! You needed a break after the bumpy start to your week. I'm happy for you. I hope I can find a deal like that! I bet you feel like you can fly through your step routines! ENJOY!!!!

~ Kim

"Welcome the challenge...Embrace it...Don't fear it." -Cathe Friedrich
Good for you, Shelley!!!!! I love to spend money on stuff I don't need, then I feel guilty, but when it comes to workout shoes for Cathe's workouts, I have learned to spare NO cost!!! So, once again, good for you, don't feel guilty. If you do, then just cut back on those danged cookies until you recoup your losses.


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