WOW I love endorphins!!!!!!!!!


I JUST COMPLETED IMAX 3 ON MY FIRST ATTEMPT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm so excited. I can't get through Imax 2!! I don't know why I was able to do this today, but I'm so excited!! I previewed it a few weeks ago, so maybe I forgot how much it scared me. ;)

I did have to rewind a couple sections, but I completed the WHOLE thing and it was SO FUN. I felt like a kid again, with all those jumps. I don't remember jumping a lot as a kid, but that's what it felt like!! Jump in this sidewalk square, etc. SO FUN.

LOL, now I have to go ice my knees so they'll get me out of bed tomorrow...
Congrats Amy! That is an awesome accomplishment! I love fact I love all of the IMaxes, although IM#2 is my all-time favorite.

Keep up the good work!

Excellent Amy and Congratulations! Imax 3 is my favorite! Isn't it great fun? :) :) I always have problems with interval 4 jumping around the step. I can jump on or over but doing that distance jump so to speak is really hard for me!

Congratulations! :)

Hee, hee, after the tuck jump (I think) when you do jumping jacks I advanced a "little bit" more than Cathe and crew, just so I could make it to the end of the step!! And my "over" jumps were a little crooked... :p

I'm not saying I did good form, just that I got all the way through and had fun while doing it!!! :)
Nice job Amy!!! IMAX3 is such a tough workout with tons of impact but holy moly do the endorphins flow (I like that part too!}( ) Great job!:)

Take Care
Wow, good for you! I still haven't done it all the way through yet. All that jumping, it really kicks my booty! That's awesome. So, do you like Imax 3 better than Imax 2?

Way to go!

I should have sent you a thank you directly, Dallas! Yes, so far I do like Imax 3 better than Imax 2. Imax 3 did kick my butt, but hey what am I doing Cathe workouts for if not to get my butt kicked. Imax 2 still seems confusing to me. I don't know why. I think the break in the middle gets me off track or something.

LOL, I should really say that I've only done Imax 3 once. Once! But I did it, and I'm proud. :)
Amy ~ Well, it's on the rotation for me this week. I'm doing week 4 of the August rotation backwards. Long story. Thanks for the incentive! I'll be thinking of you and I'll push myself to finish it! :) Woo hoo! You go!


My secret to success was having to rewind a few of the step segments to "see the footing", LOL. You can do it!! Have fun!

It made me remember those big pieces of chalk I had when I was a kid, that we drew on the sidewalk and then jumped around on. Not as organized as hopscotch, but same idea.

My knees don't really even hurt today, and I did High Step Challenge today. Thankfully, tomorrow is my rest day!!

Well, I was playing hop scotch just the other day with my kids. I wasn't sweating like I do when I do Imax 3! LOL! :7 I know what you mean though.

I can't do it the wole way through.
Eventually,5 segments.
I am not in as good of shape as you guts.
I did hardcore extreme yesterday, modified. It about killed me.
Low max, No problem.
I have a problem with all the jumping.
Do my legs have to build stamina.
I ordered the boot camp tapes. Should be coming today.
Platers wart coming out this afternoon. May be a few days before I do anything but abs and upper body.
Keep it up!!!
Amy, I did Imax 3 this AM...the whole thing!!!! Thanks for the motivation! I came up short a few plie squats. I had to rewind interval 9 step combo a couple of times. Interval #7 is my favorite right now! I can't wait to do this one again!!

I was finishing up the August rotation and it called for 200 walking lunges, but while doing Imax 3 I kept thinking no way am I doing those lunges. However, it must have been the endorphins...I did them, too!

Thought I'd share since you can relate to the feeling of accomplishment!

Congrats, Amy!! That's exactly how I felt a few weeks ago when I finished Imax 3 for the first time all the way through! I did the 1/2 hour premixes a couple times and then just WENT FOR IT! You're right - it's SUCH a fun workout!!! AWESOME JOB!!!


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