WOW! and Saddlebags


First of all, I must say that I was very surprised when I logged on to this website. I thought it would be just a bunch of advertisements but was very excited to find out that Cathe is actively involved in the website and that there are other people here talking, giving information, advice, etc. I'm looking forward to being a part of this!

Second of all, I've been having a VERY hard time getting motivated to work out again, but suddenly things are looking up. Before I got married 2 years ago, I lost 30 pounds, worked out religiously and was in pretty good shape. I've been slacking, though, and have put 10 pounds back on. My biggest problem, though, even when I was in the best shape of my life was my SADDLEBAGS. No matter how much I worked out or how much weight I lost, they were (are) still there. Now that I am going to start working out seriously again, I want to try and do the "right" workout from teh beginning to get rid of those damn saddlebags. Any suggestions? I just purchased the Pure Strength 3-tape series and will do serious cardio on the other days, but I want to know if there is anything else I can try. Any help would be greatly appreciated! THANKS!!!
I'm with you, Missy....

Just told the hubby tonight while watching a tape, "See? Their inner thighs don't touch when they stand with their legs together. Shees that'd be nice!" I'm the same way... It's never mattered how thin I am (and I've been *too* thin at times,) those darn saddle bags hang on. I'll be watching for replies! :eek:)

And by the way, I've been pleasantly surprised by this site, and in particular these forums, too. (I found it all just about a week ago.) You'll continue to be impressed...this is a really a welcoming, supportive, positive bunch of ladies.

you are beautiful

Keep in mind that everyone has a different body shape, that's what makes us all so unique. Just because those skinny little girls that they plaster all over the TV and magazines is what people try to tell us is beautiful, does not mean that it is for everyone. Working out is something that we do to keep us healthy and make us feel good about ourselves. It's a great way for us to be physically as well as psycologically healthy. There is definatly something to be said for a curvy figure and there is nothing wrong with that as long as you are fit.
Just had to get that off my chest.
Just remember, You Are Beautiful!
Hi everyone!!

I clicked onto this sight and could not believe that Cathe Friedrich actually takes the time to respond to so many questions!! I am an instructor and a total fan of Cathe's, always heeding her advice, and just learning a whole realm of information that is so vital to our health. Like Missy, I too have those damn saddlebags, (better known as the dreaded cellulite) and other than lipo, (which is totally out of the question!) there is no way to completely get rid of cellulite, but proper diet, exercise, and faithfully drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water per day which can help to reduce its lumpy appearance. God has given us all different body types and we have to make the best of what we have, and loving ourselves completely no matter what!!! (sometimes that may be difficult), but none the less, everyone is beautiful!!!!! I look forward to learning more on this site!

Hi Venus!

I also teach aerobics and toning and sometimes I get discouraged at how hard I work out & STILL battle the cellulite! I have been making a real effort in lowfat eating and also drinking my water!! I am not and have never been one to drink water, but have made a New Year's resolution and have done real well. I hope to see some results SOON!!! I teach 4 classes a week plus I have added the Cathe Tapes to my routine and I'm sooo hooked. She is great. (and so are people like you all!! Venus, you are right--God made us all beautiful and individual. We can all work harder at taking care of these bodies He gave us!! Talk to you all later,DEB
Hello Debbie!

It sounds like you have a wonderful exercise schedule! I usually teach one or two classes a day 4 days a week and slip Cathe's videos in when I am off. I too am hooked! I have tried other videos and they can't hold a candle to her. She is definitely the Queen of Videos! I would love to visit her gym sometime and take one of her classes. Better yet, be a part of one of her videos. What a dream! See you all later and remember to DRINK, DRINK, DRINK (water that is!)

I just finished filling a pitcher with 64 oz. of water, stuck it in the frig and told myself, I am not going to bed tomorrow til the pitcher is EMPTY!! It is so hard to know how much water you drink each day, especially when you have ice in your glass. Sounds to me like you are the exercise queen!! 1-2 classes a day/4 days a week! I used to do 5 classes a week, but quit teaching my evening class so I could be home at night. I also would love to attend one of Cathe's classes. I don't know about being in one of her videos though. I still need to work on this body some more. Good talking to you. I have to go get a glass of water!!! Have a great Wednesday--DEB
How does drinking water help?

I revived this topic with the hope that someone could explain how drinking water could lessen the appearance of cellulite.....
I too teach group exercise and still have a heck of a time loosing these saddlebags!

First of all cellulite is nothing more than layers of fatty tissue. Within those layers are toxins that build. Researchers say that cellulite has alot to do with the number of menstrual cycles, number of children, stress factors and of course fat intake. Cellulite is "trapped toxins". By drinking mega amounts of water, (I usually drink until I am water logged)!!! the water helps to remove some of those toxins that create that lumpy appearance. I also do something that my family thinks is hysterical. I lay on the floor, legs up at a 90 degree angle, and are you ready for this?!?! I roll my legs with my rolling pin for baking!!! You know what, that little piece of wood actually works!!!! For anyone who is out there spending boo coo dollars on cellulite treatments the only true remedy is of course proper diet, exercise, plenty of water and if you want to be ridiculous like me, get out the ole' rolling pin!!!!! Cheers to good health!!!

~<3~ VENUS

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