Wouldn't mind a hug right about now. :(


Hi everyone. Is it too terrible to ask for a hug? I've been dealing with health issues for quite awhile, hypothyroidism, stage 3 adrenal exhaustion, and a very low ferritin level which has to do with iron, just to name a few. Needless to say I'm exhausted most of the time. I am working with several people to help correct these conditions but it takes time. (too much in my opinion. x( ) The ONLY thing that has given me pleasure lately is exercising, which believe it or not I can do on most days, and coming to these boards. You all are so warm and caring and I'm having a particularly bad moment right now and just wanted to express myself to people who have shown so much support to others without even knowing who most of them are. I can't say this much for a lot of people who actually do know who you are. There is so much turmoil going on in my brain that my frustration level seems to have reached it's peak. I know this will pass as with the methods that I'm using for treatment, many times you feel worse before you get better so I'm trying to look at this as a good thing. It just plain sucks when you're going through it and when you think you've felt as worse as you possibly could....SLAM.....surprise, surprise! To be honest, I like surprises but not THAT kind! :-( I guess I just needed to vent now so I thank you all for listening and being here on these wonderful boards. You ALL are a blessing!

With much thanks,
I'm not as fancy pants as those other two, LOL, but (((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))) anyway!!! :)

Health stuff sux more than anything, I think. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts!!!
Hi Bam,
I've been hypo - and know the exhaustion you speak of..
Listen to your body, and try to take it easy.
Hope you feel better soon...


Amy, a hug is a hug no matter what form it comes in. Thanks for your thoughts.

Jean, I love prayers. That's what helps me through this. :)

Melody, there's strength in numbers. Thanks.

Yve, thankfully I'm in tune with my body and I do listen to it. Having the mind stuff along with it makes it more challenging but life is full of challenges. They either make us or break us and I'm not broken yet. I'll let Cathe do that! :7
*Edited to say that I hope you feel better too!

Laura, I'm feeling it as if you were here. It's amazing how energy can travel. Thank you!

Thanks Michelle for your thoughts, prayers and hugs!

I appreciate the hugs Jocelyn. I better keep my head up or else I won't be able to respond to all of you wonderful people!

Thank you, thank you, thank you, everyone! I'm surrounded by a pool of water right now.......and it ain't from a Cathe workout!
Many, many hugs to all of you as well!
:* :* :* :*

Hey, Just wanted to say that I hope you feel better soon and I am glad for you that at least you can find comfort in exercise most days. Big hugs and lots of well wishes.:)
Lots of {{{{{hugs}}}}}}} sent your way!! I am so glad and give you major credit for being able to exercise at all...it must be so very tough!

Bam -
If I were there, I'd give you a real hug!!! But here's a cyberhug instead {{{{{{{{{HUG}}}}}}}}}. Take care of yourself! I know you are.

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