Would you do it?

I've had 3 people in the last week or so suggest to me that I need to lead an exercise class. Getting my certification is something I've secretly wanted to do for years but I've always declined because: a)I don't have the perfect body b) Am I too old? (I'm 37) c) There is another instructor in the area already who has a perfect body and is younger d)Good old-fashioned 'Will-I-be-able-to-do-it?'

"C" was my main reason but I guess the other instructor is extremely busy with the rest of her life, she works full-time, has kids and also works p/t at a gym over an hour away. She only teaches here once a week, and only from Oct.-March and this year many of those classes were cancelled due to busyness.

The rec board of our community gives teachers free use of the hall. I am a teacher by nature and I did lead a 'Seniors' exercise class for a couple years but that's the end of my experience. Would you do it? Should I do it? Am I too old? How gruelling is certification?Can anyone add the voice of experience so I know what I'm getting in to?

OMG Trish, I DREAM of teaching. It's one of my secret desires, but I'm scared I would suck at it. But I've had people tell me I should do it, that I would be good at it. Maybe we should go through the process together? We can be each other's cyber support.:+
Wow, I'd be tickled pink to get an offer like that! Good job! I'd go for it if I were you!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

EDD: 05/19/05
Wow, I'd be tickled pink to get an offer like that! Good job! I'd go for it if I were you!

ETA: sorry for the double post...darned trigger finger!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

EDD: 05/19/05

You should definitely do it! I think that would be so awesome.... I would bet people would find a normal body much less intimidating than someone who is "perfect"... I like instructors that are enthusiastic, challenging, and strong, personally... they don't have to look like Cathe. (But oh, don't we all want to! :)

Good luck!!!

From someone who is 46, doesn't have a perfect body (is there one?) and is taking the Personal Trainer exam in 2 weeks, what are you waiting for? I ended up studying to become a Personal Trainer because I had designed a safe and effective exercise program for a friend (I had been designing my own for years), and she told her friends, and so on and so on. Well, I got the message and decided it was time to do what I loved and get paid for it! }(

I'm going to be whatever age I am no matter what. Since I'm lucky to be able to do it, why not???


"Don't forget to breathe!"
You should totally go for it! Don't worry about whether you have a "perfect" body or not. Perfect is in the eye of the beholder. I would love to teach fitness - I keep saying I'm going to get my PT certification, and I have all the study materials and textbook, but I just never get around to doing it. Certification is not very difficult if you go through an organization like ACE or ISSA. ACE of course is very well-recognized, but it's not really a huge challenge to get certified - just do some studying and take a test (and get your CPR certification!). I've heard people say they went to an ACE seminar and hardly anyone there had a great body. So I wouldn't worry about the perfect body thing at all. One of these days I'm going to get certified... probably after I retire from my engineering job in 35 years. LOL! ;)

You should go for it!
Trish! You should totally go for it! You will be able to do it; you aren't old at all; and I bet you have a great body! About the other instructor- give the people some variety! People like choices, and judging by your posts I'd have to say that people would enjoy your personality. Good luck!
You should definately do it! I was asked a few years ago to start doing kickboxing and spin, I was so nervous! But I am so happy that I did it for so many reasons!
1) I get to tell people what to do. Love the power!
2) I get to be creative and challenge my mind and body
3) People don't care what you look like, they care that they sweat
4) You get to do all the things that you feel the other instructors are lacking in. I really watch and see what others are doing wrong or not doing enough of and I learn from it to enhance my classes

I had to take a weekend class to get certified. It was a few hundred dollars, but worth it. While I was there, I realized that I already knew most of what they were teaching us. You probably already have the basic knowledge, but need to learn more specifics, and the class is good for that.

Do not let C be the factor that keeps you away. Some of the worst instructors I have seen are young. Because you are older, you will have more experience and insight, just think of it that way!!! And just because someone has a perfect body doesn't mean they deliver the perfect w/o!

Good luck!
Heck yes you should do it!

I've been teaching for (gasp) 12 years and I am 37 years old, and my body does not look like Cathe's, damned genetics (oh right and I like food).

Here are the benefits: You get to decide how hard you want to work, you get to pick music that you really love, you could even share some of Cathe's moves with people who don't buy the videos, gym memberships are usually a bonus feature, getting to meet and inspire a lot of people, speaking and working out adds an extra challenge to your workout, and you never get bored.

Getting certified is not hard, which is good and bad. Good, because if you glance over the material before the test, and usually for the good certifications like AFAA and ACE (I'm sure there are others, but these are the two biggies) they give you material to study, you will probably have no problem passing the exam. The bad part is that once you get certified the teaching can be tricky. For example, it isn't as easy as it looks to be able to cue well and hear the beat, and if you teach step there is 32 count phrasing that has to be mastered. Blah, blah, blah...Don't listen to this stuff though because you can learn to do it, and the fun part is improving and trying new things.

So my advice is, in the words of Nike, "Just do it!" No regrets! Good luck to you!

I personally wouldn't do it, it's not my personality type. I hate being the center of attention. But I could see where it would be a fun job. I'm sure you'll be able to do it. You'd be surprised at the things you can do once you get rid of your fears.

There's a quote that's one of my favorites, "If you think you can't do it, you're right."
I am in the same situation-I have been asked to teach a kickboxing class and powercut class.It has been 7 years since I taught and really don't want to give up my spare time or my workouts to do this.It is nice to be asked but I think I'm going to decline.I hope what ever you decide workouts out for you.Good luck.:)
Trish ~

Live with passion. Go for it!

A star fell into the sea to swim, a fish jumped out of the water to fly....you never know unless you try!

~ Kim

"Welcome the challenge...Embrace it...Don't fear it." -Cathe Friedrich
Trish -

GO for it - especially if it has been a secret dream. You aren't too old for it.. you don't want to be 85 and saying "if only.... I had " right?

Sure you will do great.

let us know what you decide :)
Thanks everyone! This means so much! My husband has been telling me this for years and I guess it's time.

Shelley - are you serious? Cause I'm thinking we're on! Where do we from here? I've done a preliminary search and have come up with nothing. How do I find out where the courses are being held? I used to have it bookmarked but I can't find it.

Lois can probably answer that. I would like to know as well. I use to be a certified aerobic instructor and I enjoyed that. So maybe we could all 3 do it together. So to speak :)

I would go for it! I would love to do it if I had the money to buy the ACE homestudy program right now. You are only 37.....you have a lot of years left to be working, so I would spend those years doing what you enjoy! Good luck, and keep up updated!

I did it at age 45! And my bod is not perfecr either! I have pics that make it look perfect, but trust me, in person I don't measure up to others. That's OK! People need exercise instructors! When your focus is on them, you end up working out more while realizing it less!

Go for it!!

I am 37 yo also, and I am studying to take the ACE group instructor exam in November. I also do not have the perfect body (except my husband seems to think so-bless him). But, I love to take step, kickbox, and weight classes and most of the time these classes are too easy and boring. So I say, let more Catheites get out there and teach some tough, memorable classes for a change!!! Go for it!

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