RE: Would You Consider THIS Appropriate?--Relationship ...
Ofcourse I am back with more thoughts on this topic. I am very passionate about my beliefs where this is ya couldn't tell!
I am willing to sacrafice many things for true love. For example, I have always said that I would rather live in a cardboard box (meaning me flat broke) but be head over heels in love with my partner then to be rich but in a so-so marriage. My friendships, though, are just not one of those things I am willing to give up. I am sorry. I just won't do it. My friends are a part of my life that is just as important to me as my marriage. I love my friends with all of my heart...sure, it's on a different level...but it's LOVE and you do not drop someone you love just to satisfy the insecurities of another. I don't care who the other person is. My friendships are long-standing and totally innocent. My DH knows this. There are no issues. If he didn't understand and couldn't deal, then like another person said...he would not be my DH b/c he would not have been "the right one" for me. It's that simple.
Sure, activities and time spent talking to and socializing with friends will naturally calm down once you are in a committed relationship, engaged or married simply because there needs to be time for you and your partner BUT this is not the same thing to me as "sacraficing" a friendship for your relationship. There is a BIG difference as far as I see it and it's not something I am willing to do.
When I was in highschool I was jealous and insecure. I would ditch my girlfriends constantly in order to always hang out with my boyfriend at the time. I never wanted him to hang out with his friends with out me-and these weren't even girls! These were GUYS!!! We got into countless arguments over it and I lost pretty much each and every one of them because he would go out with his friends anyway. Looking back, he was not trying to be mean and cruel to me. He was not purposely choosing his friends over me. It's that he wanted to and had the right to spend time with his friends w/o me whining, complaining or trying to tag along all of the time. Sure I got to hang out with them also but it couldn't be every time. Back then I didn't understand that. Now I do! In highschool we were both much more immature so things weren't at the same level as they are now ofcourse but it's still the very same idea. I am also very lucky that my best girlfriend at the time didn't ditch me right back for the way I would ditch her at times for my boyfriend. When I stopped acting like that and realized how stupid I was being I vowed never to do that again and I won't!
That very experience is also part of why I am the way I am today. I am not a jealous and protective person. Life is too short to worry about that cr@p as far as I am concerned. As long as I am getting the "attention" I deserve from my significant other and as long he is fullfilling his family obligations (if any exist depending upon the situation) then there is no reason he shouldn't be able to have nights with friends...guys, gals, whatever the case may be...and ofcourse...the same goes for me.
Gosh, ya just can't shut me up on this topic, can ya?