Would a kick boxing class be too much legs with STS?



There is a killer kickboxing class just down the road from me. The last two people I spoke to about it, said that it was insane and they were both doubled over after the 1hr long class. I would totally go for it but I am concerned that it has too much leg work. They both were complaining that they could not sit down today from all the squats. I usually run for cardio, but just bought Cathe's Cardio fusion to add some cross training and something else to do when it is too snowy and windy here. I have not got to do the Fusion DVD yet but my plan it for today and to start STS on Monday. Any thoughts on adding the class. The other deterrent is that it costs 55 a month for 1 night a week. I could buy two more Cathe DVD's and workout in the privacy of my own home...or get out and get some much needed time out.

I can't wait to start STS!! These are my first Cathe DVD's and I am pumped!
Cathe lists her kick boxing DVDs for some of the cardio days, so you could probably do that class. Having done Cathe's many times, I would not recommend them the day before or after doing STS legs!

Good luck! and HAVE FUN!!
in cathe's week 1 of meso 1 rotation

disk 1
disk 2
disk 3-legs

so my guess its ok depending how u feel

$55 a month is cheap compared to what my nieghbor charges for i private lesson-$70! he is a level 4 blackbelt and also teaches wrestling-ouch!

Sounds like the CKO kickboxing I go to. These classes are awesome, totally kicks my butt, great calorie burner, I'll be using CKO as my main form of cardio, other than that class I'll do kickbox or bootcamp dvds. I highly recommend the class. Because of how my schedule worked, I did CKO on Thurs, Disc 3 on Friday, and Sat. is my rest day. Maybe like the other poster mentioned, start out with the class on a night that is not before or after leg day.

Personally, I don't think the class has enough leg work to interfere, it just feels like endless squats because they do a lot of low ends, but the majority of the class is on the bag, intersperced with squats, mountain climbers, squat thrusts, pushups, etc. So it's kind of like kickbox bootcamp.

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