I've alway's been an early riser, no alarm needed! Before I had kids I just to workout between 4:30 and 5am, and still after the first one and the 2nd one came I still manage to get up at 4:30-5, but once the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th it became more dificult to get a workout in, so when I use to nurse my babies and the babies would go back to sleep, I would just stay up and workout. If I'm lucky I will try to get to bed no later than 9pm, but with 6 children that aint possible. With me no matter how late I go to sleep even if it's pass 11:30 I still get up aotomacally, no alarm needed!! I love waking up early, but I also realize that I should really try and get some more sleep. If I'm busy I don't get tired, but once my day is over and I sit down to watch tv it's very likely that I will nod off here and there.